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today was cold and dark.

i drove out to my friends farm and we did bloggy stuff.

i like bloggy stuff.

and coffee.
and cupcakes.

and talking with my friend.

i stepped out to say hello to the ladies….

this one even mooed at me.
it was a nice quiet moooooo.
i think she was saying politely "please leave now…and take that camera with you"


i came home with some FRESH milk…YUM.

between talking about blogs we talked about everything else, her phone rang several times, a truck of cows came and left, two people came in to buy milk, she baked and frosted dozens of cupcakes and picked up a sick kid from school. 
i know how that life feels.
it's my normal too….just hers has cows.
there is not a break.

but it's all good.


Kerry makes FABULOUS cupcakes!
she catered for craft weekend and she has baked for parties for me too.
they are unreal.
my favorite is the coconut….. oh my.  YES!!!  so good!
local kansas girls: you need to call her.
you need these cupcakes.

birthday party?  family reunion?  christmas party?   

or even just for dessert!

(or breakfast)

you will love them.  

L O V E them.

i drove to back to town to pick up my kids in the gray kansas country watching little snowflakes blowing
all around my car.
i felt grateful…
for kansas.
for school buses.
for cupcakes.
for dreamers.
for laughter.
for tears.
for friendship.
for God…the REAL true God who loves me more than i can imagine. He is abundant in blessings.
He is the Hope i have.  He has me in His hands.  He knows all the questions and thoughts i have.
He knows my dreams and desires.  He knows what's best.  i am so grateful for that.  





Stables and Arenas - I also like that mug with the little flowers. I am so excited for eat cupcakes. Everything is awesome in this post as well as this recipe is really very testy for eat.

Steel Building - It is interesting post. Every pictures looking great and impressive. This Texas girl will be just fine without them. I impressed by that.

code reduction - I’m not sure if my husband will let me drive 3.5 hours for Donuts and visiting a cow! But it all looks so delicious….

mov editor - I am grateful we didn’t have any snow frequencies. These girls will be just fine without Texas. To convert colors began leaving, and it’s beautiful.

imovie for pc - yummy… Those cupcakes sure look good. I also love that mug with the little flowers. I am so excited for eat cupcakes.

kris - thank you for this. i haven’t been here for a while- we live in africa now- as a medical missionary-and the internet is spotty. today i needed to just hear this- to be reminded from a little voice in kansas that our God is Big Everywhere- because even missionaries need to be reminded!

avchd dvd player - Every pictures looking great and impressive.I am so impressed by that. Thanks for sharing such a great moment of your life.

Amber - I love reading your blog! After all it’s full of creative and fun tidbits from life. But I also love it because I grew up in that community, and your blog is my taste of home. Thanks for posting Kansas pictures! I miss home! We used to go buy milk from that barn, although it’s changed a lot since I was there! And I was just recently home shooting a wedding reception in the barn. Kerry is amazing! Thanks for sharing your life with the reading world!

jacqui anderson - that post, meg, was great! so calming, so real, so relatable! i love reading your blog every day and look forward to 2 mins by myself to jump online and read 🙂

Melissa - Love the packaging on those cupcakes!!

Amy - Those cupcakes sure look good. I also love that mug with the little flowers! So adorable.

Ann Williams - Thank you for your sunny, optimistically real posts. I always look forward to them and dare I say…I can just relate to your life so well…mine is much the same. I’m really thankful for that, and for being inspired to create more, and for moms of FAITH, especially! God is sooooo good. I tell my mama friends about your blog, and I feel like I’m giving them a gift! 🙂

karen - those look so yummy!! your a great friend meg!

Tanya - I’m so grateful for who He is too… - Love your grateful list…so important always and especially this time of year. I wish I had a friend with cows. That sounds fun and her cupcakes look amazing. I love cupcakes 🙂

Lisa - Wasn’t that weather crazy yesterday? Dark and dreary, then the snow starts, and starts really blowing, and then the sun comes out as strong as can be . . . . while it’s still snowing! And then the sun stayed out and it was beautiful the rest of the day. Ahhhh, Kansas.
On my lunch break today, I started reading Debbie Macomber’s book “One Simple Gift” (I think that’s right) and my brain is tumbling with the words of the first chapter about having an attitude of gratitude, and living a generous life. Seeing everyone’s list of blessings is reinforcing her words. We are so blessed in this life, aren’t we?! Thanks for your list and your down to earth words.

Kari - awesome post! i am thankful for so many things but lately i am thankful for the beautiful skies i’m seeing this fall – breathtaking!

Melissa - Thank you for your post! I was so sad driving in to work today after having dropped off my chubby littl’ baby at my friend’s house… I appreciate your list of things you’re thankful for!
I’m thankful for
-my baby
-great girlfriends to watch him while I work
-and a husband who will listen to my tears after I drop him off

Katie - Thank you Meg for all the energy you put into this blog! It amazes me that you have such a busy life and minister here as well. You are a blessing!

Cindy - Like always, I love your blog posts about simple, day-to-day things. You remind me of the beauty of my everyday. Blessings to you. p.s. The cupcakes look SOOOO good!

Amy - Thank you for those last 3 lines you wrote, I needed to hear that today for sure!! I am thankful for Kansas too!
From a fellow Kansas Girl, Amy (Topeka)

April M - I’m with Wendy – a hectic day in Kansas? 🙂
seeing it through your eyes was truly sweet!
thank u!
thank u!
thank u!

Jenna@CallHerHappy - I love your list! I am grateful for:
baby smiles
staying home
learning to sew
baby smiles
apple cider
pretty fabric
baby smiles

Vanessa - Love time with friends! I heart that mug!!!!

Elizabeth Macleod - Wish I lived close to those cupcakes!!!yum!! Wish you were my friend, you seem like so much fun.

Seriously Sassy Mama - I am grateful we did not have any snow flurries. This Texas girl will be just fine without them. The leaves are starting to turn colors, and it is so pretty.

tiffany gardner - very sweet!

colleen from alabama - It was 74 degrees in Birmingham on Wednesday… had our air conditioning on. It was 41 last night (supposed to be 32 tonight) 🙂 Maybe a couple of days of fallish weather? Thankful none the less. God is SO good to us, miserable, rotten, no good sinners who are desperately in need of a savior. He knows, and He is that and more! Thanks for refocusing me this morning!

Lindsey@ Piecefully Home - the cupcakes and the fresh milk look delicious…that’s quite a pair. 🙂
i loved your grateful list. it’s nice to know that the one true God is holding me in his hands.

Wendy - Why does a hectic day not sound so hectic in Kansas?

happygirl - Oh My Goodness. Two of my favoritest things. Bloggy stuff and dairies. I WISH I had a friend to visit to do bloggy stuff with. I need so much help with my blog. And dairy fresh milk. THE BEST. fyi, do they sell raw milk on the side? I wish I could find THAT.

Jen Brandt - I am grateful for your posts – ray of sunshine in my day! Thank you.

Becky J - Meg, Thank you for those closing words..amen, the Living God loves so richly and freely through Jesus Christ, His Son and the gentleness of His Holy Spirit..may His strong arms keep you warm! And Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!

Kimberlee Jost - Yay for Keri and her AMAZING cupcakes.
I don’t think I’ve ever eaten cupcakes as good as hers.
That’s why she is making Bruce’s birthday ones…for him. Ahem.

Kerry Wiebe - Megs, thank you so much for all your nice things you said. I’m not one to cry easy but I had a little tear as I read your blog this morning!! Thanks SO much for coming out yesterday you made my whole week. I so enjoy your company!! You are such a blessing in my life!! Thanks for the reminder to be grateful in everything because there are days when I just feel like, I’m just getting by with all my 30 thousand jobs!! Thanks again and don’t forget when Jenny Craig isn’t looking I will slip you a coconut cream cupcake!! Love Ya Girl!

TinaM. - I consider cupcakes part of the breakfast family. Is that wrong ?!

Laura Phelps - wish i were loving the bloggy stuff still…
and wish i had you to promote MY cupcakes 🙂
and so with you on God
His amazing love is so present in each moment of my life..especially the not so fun ones
that is the only way I can explain getting through the enormous amount of cow poop I have been swimming in lately!
there is a horse at the end of my road
no cows
but a cute horse

Jennifer - Sounds like a perfect day.

Jack - I love the title of your friends blog! Would you PLEASE write a post about your blog and how you’ve built it up over the years?

casey - So I didn’t read your posting until this morning (thursday AM) and wow. what an ecouragement for me this morning and GREAT reminder. Just what I needed this morning! And I really do need to remember that HE knows best! (c: Thanks for being so real and for your post!

Shayne - Hooray for time with friends. That is one of the biggest gifts that God gives us. (And a friend who bakes scrumptious cupcakes? Can’t get much better!)

Kris Timson-Bates - I really need to get more organized so I can start up a blog. After reading your posts, I really feel like it would be a great idea. If for nothing else, it would be a great way to find myself again. I think it would also motivate me to get to work on the other projects I have put on a back burner- just so I could post and blog about them. You are an inspiration. Thank you!
My list of thankfuls:
My loud and obnoxious, beautiful children
My soon-to-be husband
My chaotic household
The chance to have a second go at finishing up school
A vehicle that is still running
The few friends I can count on and talk to
A set of eyes that can wear some creative make-up concepts
The ability to unload my creativity into many different mediums
A stocked food pantry
and the opportunity to have a small peek into your life, learning that even with a full plate- there is always time for crafts, baked yummyness, home cooked meals, and a little girl time.
… I don’t think I have actually sat down and made a list of what I am thankful for since grade school. It felt good. 🙂

Michelle - Loved this post Meg. It makes me want to curl up with a coffee and a cupcake and talk bloggy business.

jackie grandy - I love cozy days like that. Looks like you have the MacBook air. I just got one and I love it. It’s so nice not to be chained to the desk to blog or do emails etc.
That cupcake looks divine!

Terrie - love your grateful list!
here’s a peek at mine…
new grandbaby
fall weather
bloggers with awesome ideas
just to name a few…
and those cupcakes look awesome! Will keep her in mind if I need cupcakes!!!

Nicole - Love Kansas too! And those cupcakes, oh my gosh, look divine! I will have to check out her site. Does she ship to little ole SW Kansas?

Samantha - I’m not sure if my husband would let me drive 3.5 hours for cupcakes and visiting cows! But it all looks so yummy!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Amen. About the cupcakes. About Kansas. About thankfulness for our God. Amen.

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