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my tuesday.

it started out a little rough.
i thought "it's so cold, i'll make the kids some breakfast…they will like that"
(you know…like those good moms)
i made them scrambled eggs.
NO ONE wanted them.

i drove my kids to school and went to get gas on the way home.
i was so happy because i had $1.00 off my gas per gallon from our fuel points! 
(we bought gift cards to buy the gifts we are already going to buy anyway and that way you get 4X fuel points until the 11th… it is so RAD!)
after i finished filling up…. 
my car wouldn't start.
i was in my pajamas!!  
and my cell phone was at home on my bedside table.
i waited and hoped it would fix itself.
it didn't.
so i had to go and ask for help in the store…. in my pajamas.

two different guys tried and they finally got it going.
thankful for that.
i went straight home & cuddled on my couch with a cup of hot coffee & tried not to move for the rest of the day.  

here are my feet…. parked in front of a space heater…. all day. 



i wore my hat all day… and that blanket.


i kept my hands warm too.

i sat here until i had to pick up the kids.
and i FINISHED all my photo editing!!
when my computer broke awhile back all of that work had to go on hold so i was still not done.
but now i AM!

i made my christmas card online.
i finished up my online shopping.

oh internets….how do i love thee.

i have one more thing and I AM DONE with all my shopping!
that makes me happy happy happy.

but we have no decorations out other than the tree.
so that will be started on today.

AND my washing machine is still broken.
i know right?!

it was the week before thanksgiving!!!
can you say S L O W ? ? ?
not too happy with our service center…. not at all.
they obviously don't have five children & don't understand the enormity of three weeks with no washing machine.
it's safe to say my kids' hygiene could be a bit gross at this point.

i did hop up to put dinner in the crock pot and make some cookies.
it seemed like a cookie kind of day.


i LOVE when my kids come home and they are overjoyed by homemade cookies on the counter.
that's a good feeling.
much better feeling than having your scrambled eggs rejected.

some happy mail arrived from heather bailey….lovely fabric but what i love even more is this cup!
MOM's ONLY.   no one else may use my cup.     ever.    MOM's.     don't even try it.

i found some cute stuff while surfing….


border line ugly/really awesome mirror that would probably rock in my house at pier one.
it's BIG

love this zebra chair….
it was at Kirlands.
cute set of pencils… at paper source.


you can believe me when i say…. i got on the NOTIFY ME email when i saw this watch.

i fed my kids a quick dinner at 5 and then they all loaded into the car with Craig
and left for the WHOLE night to go to a KU basketball game!
he had a few tickets and wrestled all day with who to pick to go with him.
and then finally decided to find two more and take them all.
i love that.
i love that he didn't want any one of them to be sad so he found a way to take them all.
this was the picture he sent me.
he said annie fell asleep after half time.  HA!

as soon as they left i sat right back in my spot and kept working on pictures!

i got up again at 11:15 and put on real pants instead of pj pants and my coat and went to walmart
for this…



annie's teacher is starting a KNITTING CLUB during indoor recess.
i teared up when i read the note.
that is the cutest, sweetest, most adorable idea ever.
how awesome is she?!!
would you volunteer to teach first graders to knit?
me either.
she is amazing.
and annie was SO excited about it.

so it was worth the cold trip at 11:15 to an empty walmart to get knitting supplies for today.


ok…. it's TIME TO DECORATE THIS HOUSE for christmas.

crank up the Vince Guaraldi Trio.  (hee hee hee)

oh yeah…. i know how to rock.

happy wednesday.
i hope you get some chrstimas cheer going on at your house too. 


Renee - Baking a batch of chocolate chip cookies using your recipe right at this very moment! It was an after supper surprise for my daughter who is 7 and LOVES to bake with me. This is something I don’t do often enough and during this busy time of year I begin to realize it is not the amount of gifts under the tree but time with me that she truly cherishes!
Thumbs up for the recipe from our house!! Thank you for sharing!

crystalbeutler - Pajamas + broken car + no phone = one of my worst nightmares. So glad someone was able to get your car started so you didn’t have to wait for a tow truck.
Knitting club — love it. My old roommate (before I got married) was a school teacher and she did that for her class. She wrote to all the knitting companies to get free yarn and needles. It was so cool. Love teachers who love teaching. Annie will always remember that. Always. Can’t wait to see what she makes. My first project was a midi skirt and top for my Barbie. I still have it. It’s hilarious looking.
Is it awful that it’s December 9th and I still don’t have my house decorated??

Heather@Creative Family Moments - I can SO relate. My washer broke the day before thanksgiving. Thankfully a neighbor let me use her washer, until – desperate and not wanting to bother her anymore – I did two loads in my bathtub using a swiffer handle as an agitator. Yeah. We have a new washer. SO thankful!

Lindsay F. - I saw that mirror at Pier 1 this week! It looks much different in person, almost like stained glass… Loved it. I’m sure it would look great in your house!

Randi - I love that Annie’s going to learn to knit. I do knitting camps for little kids all the time and it’s so rewarding to see kiddos catch on to something that’s almost a lost art.

Kate S. - And this is exactly why I will NEVER, EVER leave my house in pajamas. I live in fear that something like this will happen . . . it’s like that joke about never wearing your “holey” underwear because that’s the day you’ll end up in a hospital, having your clothes cut off of you and every nurse in the building will hear about the hideous undergarments you wear.

karen gerstenberger - You probably made the guys’ day at the service station in your pjs! My mom once drove my brother to school without changing out of her bright green bathrobe…and her car was totalled on the way home. Mom was fine, but no more 1966 Mustang – and many embarrassing moments spent on Main Street in a bathrobe, as buses full of kids (and countless cars) passed by.
We need to decorate, too – I’ve been editing my book all week and haven’t had time yet. Today is a Christmas cookie-baking party, and tree farm day is Saturday! YAY!

Mrs Montoya - You are just the cutest ever. I’ve always feared I would get stuck in a situation like that when I leave in my PJs. I am sure you rocked it. And I do think the knitting club is the sweeest idea. That’s one brave lady.

Jenna@CallHerHappy - what a fun little post full of fun things to do! cookies, knitting, surfing, editing, pjs 🙂

Tiffany - Cute hat Mamasita. And why oh why does food rejection hurt so bad. Happy Thursday!

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - I love these posts Meg! You were brave to venture out to Walmart in the cold!!!
Gemma x

Lisa - As bad as this may sound, I cannot wait for all my kids to be in school! 🙂 The thought of working on whatever I need to get done or doing what I want while they are gone sounds great! Glad your day didn’t end up as crazy as it started.

Aby - you totally and completely crack me up. I want to be your bff. lol

sue - You need to come live with me in the desert. Nice and warm most of the time.

Wendy - So jealous that your shopping is DONE! 😛

Tonya - i’d much rather be caught in public in my pj’s than w/out some support for the girls…no one needs to see that i promise you!
i’m so envious of your day at home! i used to have days like that until i decided to go back to college. somedays i really, really miss being home!
my hubby took our daughter to the ku game last night too! so eli and i had a nachos, popcorn and transformers dark of the moon night…it was perfect! i even got told numerous times that i am the best mom in the history of moms!!! he’s only 7, so he still thinks i’m pretty cool! 😉

Amy - What a sweet, sweet teacher! I love it! And what a lucky little Annie, I bet she’ll remember it and that teacher forever, you never forget the good ones!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - I’ve been caught in my pajamas before…not pretty and I still go out in my pajamas (such the risk taker that I am) but I did learn to never be in public without my bra….HA!

becky@oursweetpeas - OK we are long lost sisters. My washer is broken and we are on week 4. Our lovely service department keeps saying “well, this is the LAST POSSIBLE THING it could be” and then they tell me they have to order another part that will be here in a week. I have 3 kids, one who still poops her pants and one of my twins has potty issues at night. Yeah, it’s good times over here. 🙂 Thankfully my sis lives close and she gets to have me crash her house 2x/wk. to do laundry. I am a total freeloader, what can I say??
OH and I rock out to Vince too AND declared today a cookie day (sugar cookie though)! Enjoy your days bundled up and I must agree with the others you know how to rock a hat and gloves. 🙂

erin - I felt that way today. No makeup, sweats, Uggs, big ugly mens t-shirt, not so pretty ponytail. To cold to care!

Amanda Fuentes - These are my favorite kinds of posts! Keep them up! Can’t wait to see the house decorated pics. Happy Wednesday.

Jennifer - Meg…you are just too cute in your hat and PJs…I love it! It’s finally getting a little chilly down here in South Texas–I am enjoying it. Lots of hot chocolate and homemade cookies have been on our short list these past few days with the weather change. Have fun with all your Christmas decorating. 🙂

Ivie - I rarely comment – but I always check in. And today your post cheered me on a very cold and windy day in the Netherlands. Thanks Meg! x

Kimberly Dial - OMG … don’t ‘they’ realize that if ‘they’ don’t get your washing machine fixed soon it’ll break down again catching up all the laundry! LOL God bless your heart 🙂 Struggling with Christmas cheer today in WV … it’s raining & cold (with ‘talk’ of snow on the evening news!) … my bones hurt & I’m …. stopping right there … (sorry, I was sounding like a bit of a brat … I apologize) … Merry Christmas!

April M - Not sure what it is but I don’t feel like whining ’bout anything after reading that 🙂 what an awesome thing! Thanks Meg!

Teresa Thomas - Gee thanks, now I need to make cookie dough. 😉

Cecilia - Awesome hand warmers! I’ve had a similarly cozy day with ups and downs today. I’ll take it 🙂

Kim from Miracle-Round - Glad to hear your car started again. I often forget my phone at home. Gotta work on that!
It looks like your day got better as it went along. It must feel great to have all your pictures edited.
Cute coffee mugs are a must. That way your kids (or in my case, husband) won’t steal it!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Funny…that same CD is played in my (third grade) classroom on a regular basis now. The kids LOVE listening to Christmas music during free time/indoor recess. And the best part? I scored a ton of brand new, still in plastic Christmas CDs at the local thrift store for only $1.99 each!
Love your slippers:)

Kacey - These are my favorite posts! I’m sorry your Tuesday wasn’t wonderful, Meg – hope your Weds. is much better!
p.s. I occasionally wear my pj’s to drop off my kindergartener and I always think, What if I have to get out for some reason? But it’s just so much warmer and cozier in comfy pj’s!

AshleyAnn - I really want to sit and drink coffee and eat chocolate chip cookies and get work done on my laptop…in pj pants…next to you.

holly kurtzer - love that mirror!

jen@thecottagenest - Poor Meg! And that is why I rarely wear my pj’s to take Emma to school. I had a friend that was in a minor car accident a few years ago after she dropped her daughter at school and she was wearing her pj’s. She was so embarrassed and I have always kept that in my head. But then I read your story and I thought. So what? You survived it. It wasn’t fun but the world didn’t end and now I think tomorrow I will wear jammies to take her in celebration of you! Thanks for liberating me.

Ashlyn@Pinecone - I always think about that happening when I am in the pj’s – isn’t it great to know our worst fears CAN be realized 😉

Kerstie - Just listened to the song with my 3-1/2 year old son. His response…… “what are you joke-en me with that song”!!!!! What do kids know…… 😉

52scrap - I absolutely LOVED this post! Probably because I can so relate!! 🙂

Vonda - That has always been one of my biggest fears when I bring the kiddos to school!!! The elementary school is very close, but now that they are in middle school I do at least put on my sweats-I still wouldn’t want anyone to see me tho!:) I think the knitting club is the most wonderful idea! I wish I knew how to knit. Your cookies look soooo good! Have a wonderful day!

carissa... brown eyed fox - bless your heart… in your jammies!
darn cars… why do they have to break at the worst possible times!
and i say… even though i loooove eggs… cookies win over eggs anywho! :O)
gOOd moms make scratch cookies!

Erika - I am so sorry to hear about your car and washing machine. The washing machine would kill me!!! May I ask where you got your darling hat? I LOVE that there are other great teachers out there.

Seriously Sassy Mama - I love to knit. i am doing it right now, next to my space heater.

jeana - Ha! I’ve been sitting with cozy boots and my gloves on all day. It is TOO cold for me. Love that they are starting to knit at school…if only I had one girl…just ONE! Ha! Merry Christmas!

Missy - Klutz books publishes a great learn to knit. Really simple, easy instructions with a few little projects too. Even I used it to help me refresh my memory!

Tracy - Rock Chalk Jayhawk, Go KU!!!
Wish my kids could have gone to the KU game, but alas, I married a Mizzou alum!

happygirl - Awwwwe. You’ve got troubles my dear. But you look MAAAAHVALOUS.

Amy G - I really, REALLY want that cookie recipe – they look amazing and I don’t have a great chocolate chip cookie recipe. Just can’t find one that I totally love. Please share it!

alaina - That is soooo cool that Annie’s teacher is going to teach them to knit! LOVE!!!!!!!!!!! However, i must say i was a little shocked that she is allowed to take knitting needles to school. We had a little boy in kindergarten get suspended for a plastic knife in his lunch pail to spread his peanut butter on his apple slices. Appalling, isn’t it?! When I inquired as to why, that this was OBVIOUSLY not a weapon in a 5-year-old’s hand, the principal told me, “The rule is no knives on campus, so it must be enforced”. Granted this was in OK right after the bombing in OKC, but still! Crazy. So glad to see that common sense is playing out in Annie’s school! 🙂

D - I read your blog all the time and am also consumed with RAINBOW colors. I saw this on Pinterest today and totally thought of you. Oh and I WANT that recipe for those cookies, love crispy cookies and they look like just my kind!!! Mine have been turning out chewy and I do not like that!!

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - Loved this post Megan. The car incident? As I’m driving my suburban to drop off the kids, I will often say a little prayer that I make it back home without anyone having to see me. I get especially nervous when I don’t have my phone. So I can rest easy now, since it happened to you, you’ve cleared the universe of bad mojo for the rest of us : ) haha. Although I’m guessing your PJS are colourful and cute, and it wasn’t quite as bad as it would be for most of us.

Lisa - My first grader is begging to learn to knit too! I got her the round knitting looms (cheater knitting) for Christmas because some lady in Michaels on Black Friday told me how great they. I LOVE that Annie’s teacher is starting a club. How awesome. Yea for teachers who go the extra mile!

Tricia - Meg: First, I’m glad that you were able to get your car running again! Second, I can totally relate to the pajama problem. I’ve been letting my take-the-kid-to-school clothing routine slide for awhile now. MY excuse is that I’m sick and combing my hair just takes energy I don’t currently have, but honestly I’m just lazy. However, yesterday was really icy here and, though I couldn’t work up the energy for a shower, I did get completely dressed because I could just PICTURE MYSELF sliding off the road, wearing my incredibly old and ugly pjs and bad hair! I even managed to wear a bra and I was incredibly proud of myself! 🙂 Clearly, I have a problem…

Angela - Ohmygosh, you’ve got to tell me where you got your slippers. (But of course, they probably don’t come in size 11 and/or don’t work well for women w large calves, so never mind…)
I don’t even go to the bathroom without my cell phone, much less actually LEAVE THE HOUSE w/out it. But I do leave in my pajamas sometimes. 🙂
BTW, have you been watching Parenthood lately? Thoughts? And do you watch Revenge? Soooo good.
Hope your Wednesday is better than your Tuesday was. (My kids would reject scrambled eggs, too. Well, two of them would. The third would probably eat them, but, alas, he’s allergic. Naturally.)

Holly - happy wednesday Meg!

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