Masthead header



it's getting there….
coming along….
still not done cleaning the craft room but i have also done LOTS of other things…
like wash some windows (i said "how long have we had that tree out that window?" once it was cleaned…ha ha)
or move furniture in the girls room and go through all their clothes.
or tons of laundry….that machine breaking really screwed up my WHOLE laundry system
and we can't seem to catch up.


this is my favorite room to clean.
it is so happy even when it's out of control.

i organized my fabric by color this time.


so pretty in the morning when the sun is SHINING in.

soon everything will find it's place.
it's almost there.

i have watched/listened to two disks of parenthood season 2, you've got mail, love actually and the family stone since i began this cleaning frenzy.
isn't that a great list of movies?
yes it is.


this cabinet was a built-in from the old cruddy basement of our illinois house.
i made sure we rescued it when we remodeled that basement. 
since annie was born it has held her clothes but her clothes were getting too wide for the shelves.
so i slid it across the hall and made it into the craft weekend cabinet.
and now i had a place for all that stuff that was in the other picture on new year's eve.

my gigantor 2 page list of all the things i want to get done in each room before CW.
i have added more since i took that picture.
i love when there is a deadline and things get DONE.
it feels good!

so…my thursday is going to be another day of check! check! check!
when you are on a roll you gotta run with it.




Kerry - I love the Erin Condren Planner! I have it nd love it!! Might I recomend packers tape to reinforce the tabs. 🙂

Diane Pierce - Not sure if you actually reply or answer your comments but I would love to know where you found your planner that is pictured. It looks great and I’d love to find one like that! Pl

patsy - Started a to do notebook too! A wonderfully blessed new year to you and your family! Patsy from

Kimberly Dial - You go girl! (BTW, your fabric stacks & movie list are pure fabulosity! 🙂

Lisa - Don’t you just LUV “Love Actually”!?! Every time I watch it I cry with/for Sarah, my heart breaks for Mark, I crack up at Billy Mack (thought I have to do the “quick-mute” a few times), and my heart aches for Karen . . . “knowing that life will always be just a little bit worse”. And can I please have Kathleen Kelly’s NYC apt for a girl’s get-a-way spot . . . for real!? Love your movie list!!! Oh, and your craft room 🙂

tara pollard pakosta - yay! it’s coming along!
my goal is to do 2 rooms per month so by the end of the year each room will be de-cluttered! and then some!
to start : my laundry room and then my basement! ick!

Kasey - looks like we both have new headers;-) Love yours….xo

Marla Rae - Meg – take 3 or 5 0r 6 loads of laundry to a laundermat and get yourself caught up! It is the best way to accomplish a ton of laundry in a short amount of time…it feels so good to get back on track! Love your craft room and all of your awesomeness!

Robin Canter - If I lived near you, I would come over and do your laundry because I ADORE laundry. Really. It’s my most favorite household thing. there’s just something about the fresh clean smell and bleaching something until it’s sparkling white.
l-o-v-e- it!

Wendy - Please send some energy … & a cup of coffee to Pennsylvania! 🙂

jen - i took on the challenge myself and was happy to see you were too! i’m painting this weekend – i hope! – and then piecing together the rest to make it a more inviting. love the fabric – what do you use it for?? also how did you make your new top banner? love it! happy cleaning!

Dawn G - That fabric is gorgeous … The thought of sewing makes me break out in hives! :0). Love the crayon banner !

Barbara Nelson - So happy,have fun checking!

brooke - i LOVE your new banner…LOVE!!!

Lisa - Love your blog…I found your link on Pam’s blog. I think I say “whatever” too much and find your blog name hilarious…and I have a craft room just like yours:) Seeing your fabric almost makes me feel sane, but I know my husband would beg to differ on that account.

Cheryl E. - All that fabric in your craft room makes me smile! Love all the color.
And You’ve Got Mail is a fantastic movie!! You have such good taste!! 🙂

Amy @ - The colors in your craft room make me happy. Love your style.

Andrea - Nice! Keep going! My craft room is an utter disaster ALL THE TIME. Then I clean it…then I make a mess! But it’s fun! And worth it!

shelley - i would also love to know where the planner/organizer is from 😎 what a happy crafting space!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - I love that you organized fabric by color. I do that too and it makes it much easier to find something when you need it.
On the downside, we came home from church last night to our big old house full of firemen and police. Long story and Im still really shaken up but we’re safe. Now we deal with the smoke damage. Its awful. Girls and I went to school today reeking of it(trying to keep things normal for them).
So your pictures made me smile on a day when its hard to do that:)

casey - awesome!! Wish I had a craft room to clean! I love cleaning! (I know… sick, right?!)

Michelle - I love that as I was reading this, the song “Count Your Blessings Instead of Sheep” came up on my iTunes. And “Count Your Blessings” is atop your notebook page. Have a great day Meg <3

Melissa - Where’s the wonderful fabric from? I LOVE all the bright colors and patterns!!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - I must be like you and things really only get done when I have a deadline. My hubby teases me that it’s a good thing we have friends that like to come over or the house may never get a good cleaning…HA, it’s probably true 🙂

Lisa Biedebach - I’m on the waiting list and can’t wait to be picked! I figure the more you clean the closer I get. Ha ha so go with it!

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - You have a huge fabric collection…I’m totally jealous!!
I’m really looking forward to seeing all the pictures from CW at your home..take lots!
Gemma x

Aimee B. in Oregon - okay, talk about a BEAUTIFUL mess. I want to come over and take in all the wonderful color! yummy!
* I am curious to know more about your notebook you pictured with your list written on it. That looks like something I cannot live without. 😉
Aimee in OR,

Melissa - Curious. What are the stack of plates in that cute white cabinet? Making something?
I love your craft room! I wish I had a room with all of that light!

tiffany gardner - yes…i love love family stone. your craft room makes me happy too.

Katie - Is it weird that I love seeing other people’s messy craft rooms?! The colours are so beautiful. Good luck on the rest of your organizing – have fun!

Ashlyn@Pinecone - I have what amounts to a craft cabinet at the moment – and even it is a mess.
Love all of your fabrics!!! xo

Kimberlee Jost - I am coming over to sun myself every Thursday in the Craft Room.
Not kidding.
I fully expect my Vitamin D levels to go up this winter, thanks to you.
And speaking of Blog Headers—weren’t we?
Shazam. Bam. Boo. That looks fabulous!

Cerissa - Hi there! So I’ve been following your blog for quite some time now (stalker status im sure!) I love to sit down with my cup of coffee in the morning & check in. You inspire me to be a better mom a better christian and a better person. Thank you for always being so real & sharing your heart-and pictures of your gorgeous home!!! Have a beautiful day!!!!

Seriously Sassy Mama - My roll comes in spurts. I absolutely love your list of movies. I am probably the only person int he world that owns only three dvds. That should be a goal for 2012. Buy a DVD a month of my favorite movies. I love fabric! Sometimes I buy scraps just to have the color around the house.

ellen keeton - Hi Meg…my name is Ellen and I love your blog… I may even be your biggest fan! I did’nt realize hoew often I visit your blog until over Christmas break Lily Kate(my 7 yr. old) jumped up beside me and said”hey Mom… what’s Meg up to today?”. Yes she is always that hysterical!! She is a huge crafter just like us!! Would love to know where your planner came from. Thanks for taking the time to blog… you are an inspiration!!

Lori Austin - You go girl! I so need to get busy cleaning/organizing. I can feel I’m getting close to being in the mood (sounds silly, but sometimes it just kind of builds inside and then bam! I’m a crazy cleaning mommma – yeah, corny!)
Love the list of movies for sure. You’ve Got Mail is kind of my life (hubby and I met online – eek!). Family Stone – sigh….always makes me cry but so, so good.
Have a great day!!

Emily Kinsaul - I love all your posts! You inspire me daily. Btw, where did you find your awesome planner/notebook? I’d love to get one myself.

Lorie S. - I soooo wish I had a room like that to work in. Maybe when the kids are grown and gone it will happen. For now the kitchen table will have to work.

Tiffany - I’m liking the fabric sort…and you piced some good movies (love actually and you’ve got mail) two of my all time FAVS!!

Anne - thanks… I needed that. my new year is off to a slow start and I have been searching for motivation. I think I have found it.

Kacy - So true. My “craft room” is part of my laundry, not nearly as beautiful as yours, but that’s ok because I’m not nearly as crafty as you are :). Good luck with your list!

Julie - I would like to live inside your craft room!

happygirl - I’m a list making, checking things off, love it when it’s all done kinda girl, myself. I just wish I didn’t have this crummy 8 to 5 job. It gets in the way of getting things DONE. 🙂

regina - i would love to have a craft room. right now mine is ALL over the dinning room table. i LOVE lOVE how real u are. LOVE it!!!

Jen - last night i had a dream and you brought me and all my friends rainbow colored cookies. maybe i shouldn’t blog before bed. oh yikes!
the craft room looks awesome! mine looks like a disaster zone. keep truckin’

Alicia @ La Famille - you are on a roll for sure, girl!!! GO, meg, GO!!!

tina - what a beautiful collection of fabric… oh how i wish i was a better sewer 🙂

Heather R. - Love Actually. I love that movie. I’m on a roll, too. Keep on rollin’! Have a great day.

Leah - Don’t you just love the planner? I’m so happy with mine. I feel more organized just looking at it! I currently have a craft shelf in the garage that needs organizing. Maybe I can graduate to a craft closet next.

Mae - I don’t know how to sew, but looking at that room makes me wish that I did… Seriously. Unbelievable.

Charity - I just love your fabric choices! I want to buy them all! <3

stephany @ home is what you make it - BTW, what planner do you use? I like it!

Magda - Hi there! I’m Magda from Greece,17. I’ve been following you since last week i think,and i’m in love with your blog already! Actually i so very much adore the tons of energy you have and the way your whole family comes together in order to create and have fun. That’s exactly the type of family I wanna make too,and for that you are officialy one of my role models(does that sound too formal? okay, in other words, I admire you:)) I love crafting and creating sooo much as well. So far i can not take up lots of crafting (although i’d love to) because i’m in my senior year at school and my leisure time is limited. However,i’ve tried the melting crayons one and it was so much fun and turned out pretty beautiful! thanks for that:) oh,and i’m so jealous of your craft room and your fabrics! I’m gonna have a whole craft room on my own when i have my own house! Aww^_^
that was all pretty much. Normaly i’d have sent it in an email,but your email address doesn’t appear.
anyway,have a nice time cleaning up! Oh,and as for the movies, if you run out of idea, try “Burlesque” with Cher and C.Aguilera. Soooo good!
Ciao ciaoo!
(woohoo,that was BIG! Sorry for that)

Cerella M. Di Mondo - Absolutely gorgeous. Wish my craft room looked like this!

stephany @ home is what you make it - I can’t wait to be picked for a craft weekend. I fondly remember visiting my grandma and grandpa in Wichita (from Denver).
I am so green with envy of your craft room (even i it is a mess)…someday I will have one.
Until them I have a small closet under the stairs for storage and my dining room for my drafting/sewing/crafting!
I absolutely look forward to your blog posts everyday. You are an inspiration.
Thank you from Oregon!!
Happy, happy!
stephany @ home is…what you make it

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - So true! Roll with it baby!

Terrie G - My craft room is only partially done too…
I also organized my fabrics in RoYGBiv order!!
So Pretty!! Makes me want to do another craft quick!
Problem is I have about 4 I want to do next…
ah, now which one to pick! 🙂

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