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too fast.

i was looking for the perfect old photo to print on a canvas.
i went to the desktop computer, not mine, that has every digital picture i have taken since i got my laptop.

and immediately i was sucked in and fighting back tears.

george washington carver….obviously.   🙂








annie is holding WAFFLE as a newborn puppy!

p r e c i o u s !!!!




























time is a mean mean thing sometimes.

this makes me want to slip back in time and squeeze the snot out of those little babies.

talby and share a shoe size now.
annie can read!
sean is nose to nose with me. 
scott wears a men's 12.
lauren is almost ready for college.
we sleep all night.
there are no more sippy cups, diapers, blankies or pacifiers at our house.

but still great.
what a wonderful life! 

it just goes so darn fast… every grandma in the grocery store will tell you.

sometimes you just don't notice it till you go back and look.

so this weekend….at least….

i am determined to be present in the faces of my children.
hugging and laughing.
soaking them in.

i know i should do that all the time but you know that life gets in the way.
so at least this weekend….





Doris - so precious…
My baby is 2 years old now.
You have amazing family 🙂 wonderful photos, as always!

Jenna - I am fighting back tears … the pictures reminded me so much of my own blessed and happy childhood! Perfection even in the imperfect 🙂

Heidi Jo the Artist - Nice reminder for us all. I am here with mine, pretty much 24/7 (homeschooler)and I do a “reality check” every once and awhile. It is easy for us to put other things before our children/husband/family, when our society believes that family is not the top priority. Awesome photos btw. 🙂

Jessica Johnson - STOP. IT. seriously. KILLING ME. i vote you order 38 canvases.

Farmgirl Susan - What a fantastic collection of memories. So many smiles! The lollipop was my favorite – until I got to Baby Darth and the Bunny. Priceless. I’m still laughing out loud. 🙂

Melissa - This post made me cry. I have four kids who are in the young stages of the pictures you just posted… the boys are all into their Star Wars phase and the baby is a perfect chubber chubbers. Getting older seems fun too, but I really wish I could freeze time right now.

Lisa K - Thank you so much for this. I have been in survival mode and need to relax and enjoy the good life with my sweet kiddos 🙂

Natalie - Beautiful. My 3 are still little- oldest starts kindergarten this fall and I have no idea how that happened. You have a beautiful family and it’s obvious from so many of your posts that you love all of them with every ounce of your being. This is a good reminder for moms like me to s l o w down. Thank you!

caren wise - wow! this post brought tears to my eyes.

chrissi - Loved looking at all of those happy faces. Happy family. Lucky.Enjoy them. Every single moment.

Kerry - Wow, time flies. Can not believe you have one going to college. But then again, so do I!

Southern Gal - So, so cute and bittersweet. (My boy is trying to identify all the Star Wars figures in that picture.) I’m one of those grandmother’s in the grocery store, only my unique perspective has me with a 10-year-old and an 19-month-old granddaughter and another grand on the way! I enjoy every single minute of it.

Whitney - How cute! It’s amazing to see them growing up so quickly! It made me feel sad to see the chidren I don’t even have yet grow up! Thank you for a reminder that we should all cherish the time we have- it races by!

Juliana Salinas - This is so beautiful.. I wish I can be a good mom for my daughter as you are for your kids. I am not married, work all day and my daughter stays on school all day too. I feel regret for this, but at this time I have no other choice. On the weekends I try to give her as much attention as I give to my boyfriend, but I still think its not enough… However I thank God for the angel He sent to me…because thats what she is.
Thank you for sharing with us your intimacy so deeply.
Kisses for you and you kids!
ML, Juliana – from Sao Paulo – Brazil

memejo - As a grandmother I can’t stress enough…”Leave the housework BE and enjoy your little ones before you are singing that country song-Your Gonna Miss This.The housework will still be there L-O-N-G after your little ones leave the nest.”

Kari - you pictures are beautiful . . . i get so overwhelmed sometimes with the kids/house/work/etc… but need to stop and remind myself how blessed i am and how i need to stop and soak in the moments. on friend said “you only have 18 summers with your children before they are gone . . . “

tiffany gardner - beautiful. life.

Marianne - Darth Vader + bunny = best picture ever!

Lauren - Oh my gosh, this is just how I was feeling this evening! Didn’t know if it was the remnants of the light-headed ness from the stomach flu making me so weepy….but boy do I miss those baby years!! Why can’t I just stop the clock for awhile?

tara - just got back from a date night with my boys…so much fun!!!
these years are flying by!!!

Jeanene Snell - I have been lurking (I know, a bit of a creepy description) for a while now and I LOVE your blog. I have 5 children as well. I was drawn to your blog for the everyday-ordinary-but-wonderful-ness of it (oh, and your fabulous kitchen). No drama, just real. And, I love all the chocolatey brown eyes! Beautiful. It looks like you have done a fantastic job as a mom.

Tami C. - Sweet memories, great reminder. Thanks for sharing!

Georgia - So cute! Love all these photos 🙂

Courtney Walsh - my favorite is the one with the Darth Vadar helmet and the bunny. I just love this. I purposely don’t go back and look at our old photos because they make me SO sad!! but you’re sooo right. Engaged. I need it as much as they do!

Kerry - Oh Wow Meg… such lovely memories.. I’m taking time to snuggle my ‘not-so-littlies’ too this weekend 🙂 happy weekend Duerksens xxx

Jenny B. - Love all the photos. My 7-year-old son and I got a kick out of the one where Annie’s trying to pet the rabbit while wearing the Darth Vader helmet. 🙂 Time does go by so fast. That’s why I decided to quit teaching and stay home full-time next fall! I’m excited. I am going to try to “be present and engaged” more. But, I also have to be careful not to let the guilt set in when I’m not. I read a great article about that the other day titled, “Don’t Carpe Diem.” Here’s the URL: I thought it was really encouraging. 🙂

Aby - Oh my Meg!! That made me cry. I remember your kids that little. I remember when you got Waffle. And you’re right. It goes entirely too fast. I breaks my heart. So THANK YOU for this today!!! I’m getting off of your blog….off of the laptop…and I’m going to go PLAY with my 10 year old girls that were just 4 yesterday. xoxo

Tracy - So so true! My husband and I were just talking about how it amazes us how much love we have for our kids (ages 16, 14, 12 & 12). It seems like the love just grows and grows. Every day I love them more than the day before. It’s mind-blowing and sometimes almost feels scary, but at the same time so wonderful. I’m so blessed that God has let me have them during their time on earth…

Andrea - I don’t know you or your kids and I was choked up just looking at those pictures–SOOO cute! Love the ice cream cone frowning one! They really do grow up too fast!!! I wouldn’t even remember some of the special things my kids did unless I had pictures to look back on. How? Why? When do they grow up? Ugh!

amanda - what a great word to take into this Saturday … engaged (these pics made me teary … and that one of Annie with the Darth Vader helmet and the bunny, priceless!) Thanks for this sweet reminder this morning.

Carrie - See this is why my husband needs to understand that we need three kids, not just two. Sigh, my youngest is 14 months and I do not know if I am ready to acknowledge that there will be no more babies!

Jill - The pic of Annie with the Darth Vader mask is KILLING me! It also makes me realize how long I’ve been reading your blog… wow.

Wendy - Annie with lollipop … on trampoline = canvas! 🙂

Monica - Time sure does fly! These pictures tugged at my heartstrings and I’m just a blog reader! I often look at older pictures and feel a sense of melancholy, but also a sense of urgency…I need to spend time with my kids NOW, I need to cherish them right NOW for too soon, they will be off living lives of their own. I already have these feelings and my kids are still babies…haha!
Thanks for sharing the old photos and the sweet sentiment. Enjoy your weekend!

Sandy - Wow, I remember so many of those pictures. You’re right time goes way too fast. The picture of Annie outside with the tear on her cheek is priceless. …and asleep on the couch with the bowl of marshmallows. …and… all of your children are adorable and blessed to have you and Craig as parents.

Gabli - Thank you for this wonderful reminder to slow down in the middle of finding shoes, grocery shopping, laundry, work and hectic schedules and take a look at our little gifts.
I love the pic of your girl with the dath vader hat an bunny!

Gina f. - Amen!! Such an amazing thing to see the growth ad development of a child. I am going to do the same and soak up my kiddos this weekend;time goes too fast and I want to enjoy it. Thanks for helping me to remember that. - If you’re like me you were playing some sappy music in the background while walking down memory lane 😉 Loved seeing your pictures of your “little” ones. They are all precious. Loved the one with the girls and the puppies. Happy “engaged” weekend with the family.

Allison - There are so many cute photos there, but that one of tiny little Annie in the Darth Vader helmet playing with the bunny… I think I might die of cuteness!

Julie B - My husband told me jokingly last night when we were watching Hoarders together that I was a stroller hoarder. Alas I am hanging onto 4 strollers. One single, a sit and stand, a double and a double jogging. Really we’ve outgrown them, except for maybe the jogging if I do it! They really do grow up so fast! Although I’m not sure I’ll miss getting up in the night, it still happens occasionally with the fourth kid and since he’s the last, I’m okay with it!

Linda - You really do have the most fabulous blog! I just love seeing the glimpses into your wonderful life. It is so inspiring! You have a beautiful family, a beautiful heart and you are right…. it goes way too fast!

Debbie Hargadon - Best post ever. I LOVE looking at photos of my kids when they were little — and now. Nice.

Heather - Those pictures were SO darn precious, I almost cried!
We only get one life to live.
Have you read, “one thousand gifts”?
You HAVE to! It’s awesome.

karen - wow…i even remember some of those. hmgh.

Kristy - Oh how I enjoyed everyone of those younger years. Weren’t they just the best. What a beautiful family you have 🙂

nicole @ deliajude - what a great reminder! i decided to blog a post today of my kids when they were younger…a quick reminder. thanks.

donna from de - Looks like a happy life for all, thank you for sharing, it made my Friday night!!!!!

Jen Brandt - Are you trying to make ALL of us cry??!!! What a sweet post. Thank you. Bunny + Darth Vadar = OMG love it! I will hug my two babies (7 & 4) especially close this weekend. Thank you!

Maggie - Meg, i love the way you capture the everyday moments and make them special. All the pictures are wonderful…no more babies here either, my baby turned nine a week ago, I can’t beleive it…and puppy precious, i have to meet him one day{ and you too:)}

ranee - oh. my. what beautiful pictures…great post!!

Kimberlee Jost - Why am I crying now?
I loved every single picture.

Tara - I love getting lost in the memories of photos. I LOVE the bunny and darth vader…hilarious!

kaylee@life chasers - You are a very blessed woman!

Toni :O) - OMG, sooooo many amazing and adorable photos….you had me at Waffle!!! I cannot imagine how you are going to choose. I would do them all and have a magnificient collage of them all on one wall! Just beautiful and the Darth Vader Mask and bunny made me LOL! You have just a beautiful and precious family…such a gift from God, truly!

Tracey - how many votes do we get to decide which ones you should put on canvas? cuz you know you cant make this decision on your own!

sara @ it's good to be queen - this is so good and depressing at the same time. i always wish i could go back for just an hour here and an hour there…you know sit and play trains with my oldest when he was two and really look in his eyes and soak him up. but you’re right, we have right now and we can be present and focused right now. hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Debby - I still remember when you got Waffle. All those pictures remind me how fast time does slip away. We were looking at Hannah and Sophia and saying when the baby comes they will look HUGE!!! Did Laurel fall into that creek? I can’t see how she could not! I agree with many that my favorite is Annie in that Darth Vader hat. I laughed out loud!! Thanks for sharing the time lapse!

Valerie Rodriguez - WOW…..I am wearing a huge smile for you!!! in my heart

Leah - Wonderful photos! It is true how we look back and almost cry, but are happy in the moment now. I LOVE little Waffle. And that picture of Annie with the Darth Vader mask and the bunny is priceless!

Tracy Fisher - This brought a tear to my eye. Love the photos. I am going to go dig out some of our old photos this weekend and have a little happy cry myself.

May - OMG Meg, your kids are adorable, and I’m teary-eyed with you!!! My kids are 5 years old and 20 months old and I already cannot handle seeing pictures of them younger :-/ I’m glad you have all these pictures tho, to remind you. I’m trying to do the same with my kids, so at least I’ll have pictures 😀 Oh time…

Amy @ - oh for cuteness! I’ve been thinking the same thing lately as my baby boy is turning one next week! It’s only been a year, but it truly does go SO FAST! Have a great weekend!

Beth - Oh Meg! I have been so feeling this lately. I took Emma on a college visit last week to Ohio (OHIO!!!!!!) and it was so far away, and I was looking at their baby pictures and thinking of those sweet days. Intense, they were very intense at the time, but so, so sweet. It tears my heart out. I want them to grow up, I do, and go out into the world as strong, capable women. But it’s so hard to let them (like I have any control over letting them or not!). This really struck a chord with me today!!!

Rebekah from Simply Rebekah - 1) The picture of your little girl with the bunny… That is just too much! I love it! So funny.
2) Tonight we are taking away our 2 year old’s pacifier. Last night when I tucked her into bed for the last time with her nuk, I took pictures of her, and then SOBBED in my bedroom. It doesn’t help that my pregnancy hormones are taking over my body.
I’ve been dreading tonight all day and really much longer than that. Thank you for the reminder this time in my life is really just a blink of an eye. Tonight as my daughter is crying over her missing nuk, I will try my best to remember soak it all in anyway.
Thank you!

northern cottage - just on a lark – we were just looking through some of the kiddos baby scrapbooks & we had a riot! I’m was almost tearing up looking at yours – isn’t it AWESOME to look back?!
The DARTH VADER head is a classic – made me laugh out loud – I think you should seriously FRAME THAT ONE! xo

Lisa - Such a beautiful reminder! It slips by so quickly…even when we do try to soak it up. The Darth Vader/bunny picture is AWESOME! I laughed hard.

Kim from Miracle-Round - My kidlywinks are 10 and 8. It IS going so fast! I love our days as a family. I want to see them grow and do great things, but at the same time I long for the chubby little hands that are no more. So for now I will embrace today, get my baby fix from my 5 month old nephew and love our puppy.

Kacey - Oh my, I can see how you were in tears. So precious. The time really does fly, doesn’t it? Have a wonderful weekend with your kiddos…big and small.

Gina - and this is the reminder to every mom with little ones at home to take way more pictures than you think you need to, because one day you will want to look at their little selfs from every angel…simply because you miss those baby days. my kids aren’t as old as yours…yet…but I know what you mean. I’m loving this season right now, but at the same time I’m nostalgic about the past.

Cindy - I nearly cried looking through YOUR kids’ pictures…I can only imagine what it makes YOU feel like. My absolute favorite= Darth Vadar and the bunny! LOL!

Tami - Your post couldn’t have come at a better time. Thank you so much. A dear, dear friend of ours lost her 7 year old daughter yesterday. She was hit by a car while crossing the road on her scooter in her neighborhood. This is a just another reminder to hug your children tightly and spend all the time you can with them.

Mae - What a beautiful post!!

alyssa - what a fun post. I think these are always my favorite! Grandma is always right!!!

Gale - Love them – and totally agree – my YOUNGEST is 18 – how did that happen????! I so love them but they are HUGE now! 🙁
Enjoy your weekend 🙂

Leah - Those were the days when we new Annie as naughty baby. We still call her that in our house…it just stuck.

Mary - I always love, love, LOVE your photos. Such a fun, happy family. The Darth Vadar CRACKS ME UP!

elma - Oh it just goes way to fast:( I can’t take it either:( The sad thing is as we grow older the faster time is going:( Love all the pictures!!!

Kimberly Dial - Thank you for sharing your precious babes … yes, it goes all too fast. Mine are now 32 & 29 … it seems as though I blinked & they were grown men with families of there own … the good news is that one of these days those precious children will provide you with grandchildren, who will remind you of them, bringing back awesome memories and they’ll make you laugh & love even greater than before … love multiplied … I can’t explain it but it sure is a wonderful thing!

Shayne - Love this! I think my favorite might be Darth Vadar trying to pet the bunny…

Darcie L. - Favorite: her piggybacking you. LOVE those moments. I tell myself the same thing each day. “Mom, will you read me a story?” (“No, I have to wash, clean, etc etc… I mean, YES!”)

dawn - Oh, how I needed this post….I sometimes think I must be the only mom that feels this way and wonders where the time went! Thank goodness for pictures 🙂
I love your blog – you are so creative and colorful. Hate it when you skip a day. ha!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Soak it in sweet Meg! Soak it in!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - I do this on a regular basis…go back through the pictures and just sob like a slobbery baby. Time is an enemy, in a way. And then I think of how I’ll get to spend eternity with these precious people around me and it helps. But yes, I miss the little-ness too.
Great pics!

tara - time is a mean, mean thing.
the other day i told my dad how i just wanted to freeze time because my kids are 3 and 2 and just so stinkin’ cute right now. he said “no, you don’t. one of the most amazing things is to sit back and watch as your kids take on the world.”
so. i’m with you … soaking them in like crazy (at least for this weekend) but looking forward to watching them take on the world.

Barbara - The pictures look like a very happy & fun family.

Kristin - with a 3 year old and a 2 month old i find myself looking forward to the future – knowing some of our struggles are only “temporary”. thanks for reminding me to live and love in the present too. happy weekend!

Laura Phelps - PAINFULLY beautiful
I remember telling my therapist in college (yes. I was crazy.well…crazIER) that time went too fast
her response?
“Wait til you get older”
I am not good with babies being big and grown
even waffle’s puppy pics teared me up
and Lauren…
I am off to adopt a baby now
or maybe I will swaddle the dog
I love you and your growing up family and the snap shots that capture smiles and tears
love it all
OH!!!…and every pic of you with LONG hair…I thought it was ME! HA

casey - Beautiful absoultely, beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tiffany - And I on the other hand will have my camera in hand to capture it ALLLLLLL. Thanks for the reminder Momma Dorksen (ha! i bet thats not the first time you heard that one)

Jacci - I’m feeling exactly the same way, today. I spent last night crafting… recharging… and I finally got to listen to Rachel’s “Death is not Dying” talk. Because you linked to it… way back. All I can say is, you’re right. It will be something I hear in my head for quite a while. It will stick with me. I’m saying “yes” more today. Asking the Lord to work in my heart, remind me that I’m not my own. That this day, these children, this house are GIFTS. BLESSINGS I DO NOT DESERVE.
have a great weekend. i’ll pray for you.

Mindy Harris - that is just GUT WRENCHING, megan!! awwwww…..squishy baby faces no more. 🙁

Dawn - Thanks for the reminder! Time goes by soo fast!

happygirl - Awwwwwe. This got to me, too. And I’ve never met your kids. They grow so fast. 🙂

Sarah - Oh, teary-eyed me! I’ve got a little squirt of just 10 months (the first one of hopefully five someday!)and already it feels like it’s gone by too quickly. Where she once fit easily in my arms, limbs now hang and dangle and my back sure does hurt! But after seeing how little all your ones used to be, I’m definitely going to try to hold my little octopus a little more today. x

Courtney M - I am reading this in the midst of a particularly trying week filled with several time-outs given, little ones crawling in our bed in the middle of the night, cleaning crayon off the wall & hoping and wishing I could get rid of diapers and have them just be potty trained already.
Now I will pause & enjoy all of this little madness around me. Thank you for this & hope you enjoying your weekend with those precious kids.

Seriously Sassy Mama - Fingers in nose = AWESOME!!!!! I have an Annie, her name is Abby.

Brenda - Just precious! Thanks for sharing! Love the Darth Vadar!

Constance - Time is flying! So true.
Thank you so much for sharing your family and your memories with us.
And I just LOVE the photo of Annie with the Darth Vader head, wearing pink and petting a bunny. TOO FUNNY! I’d pick this to print on a canvas.
Have a great weekend!

Siobhan - Not even my littles and I’m bawling they’re so big now, tears. I will go home
And soak up mine as well

Ryanne - Thanks. I am crying. Computer going off for the rest of the day. Enjoy your weekend.

Ani G W - Thank you for sharing. The photos made me smile and laugh. Loved the Darth Vader trying to pet the bunny photo! Your words, however, brought me to tears. Time is a very mean, mean thing. I have an 8, 4, and 1 year old and it goes by so fast. 🙁 Thank you for sharing and inspiring me to be engaged this weekend (and more regularly often). The house cleaning and stuff can wait, but these babies grow up too fast to not be “present”…

chris - I’m trying not to cry here. How does this happen , I remember thinking Lauren was so grown up my kids are a few years younger , now my daughter Mason is 13 and taller than me and not a little girl at all anymore, I’m trying to get my 10 year old to stay a little girl. Oh why didn’t I have more kids??? I should have , there is an ease about having big kids but I wish I could go back and visit with my wonderful little cute babies too .

Beth - Tear. Because it’s so true. This funny thing called life…

Ashley - I am at the beginning of motherhood (my boys are 1, 3 and 5) but I totally agree with you. Time seems to fly by when you’re a mom. Thanks for the reminder to be more present…time is fleeting and I want to be engaged, just like you! 🙂
Have a great weekend!

michelle@decorandthedog - This posts made me realize how long I’ve been reading your blog! Weird.

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - Ah! It never ends any way but me in tears, when I go through our old pictures! And my girls are only 3 and 4! lol.
Boo, time. 🙁

Alicia @ La Famille - oh i so get this…my oldest is turning TEN in a few weeks…TOO FAST!! i hate that. but it does get easier as far as lugging stuff around. we’re trying to decide if we should go for #4 or not. i’m wondering if i just need a baby fix 🙂

Curious Details - The Darth Vader/bunny image is SPECTACULAR!

Jodi - such an awesome reminder. my one and only will be moving 6hrs away this fall to go to college. reality has really been smacking me upside the head here lately.

Meg's mom - Those got me too! It is amazing to think those were just a few years ago!

Tanya H - Your photos made me teary and I don’t even know you! 🙂 I’ve been in that kind of mood with my kids lately too…my son wants his hair long and my girl wants her hair cut off and I want them to be my sweet babies who let me do what I want with their hair, lol. and everything else. It DOES go too fast. sniffle.
and while I was scrolling thru your photos, One Republic’s Good Life came on. 🙂 Thought it was nicely fitting.

Erin - I’m the throes of “babydom” right now, but your blog made me cry. How true! My oldest is 5 and i seems like just yesterday she was a baby. Makes me want to keep having them so I always have a tiny one to snuggle…. almost 🙂

Kristin - What a great reminder – time goes by way too fast… You spend so much time wishing and wanting the next thing – I can’t wait until they can crawl, walk, talk, sleep through the night, go to school, get out of elementary school, etc. – and then one day you blink and it’s over… Time with your kids goes way too fast – I needed to be reminded to cherish every moment and every memory.

Terrie - I can see why you were reduced to tears!!
I am one of those Grandmas who will tell you that!
Those feelings of being reduced to tears only get stronger when you are holding your grandchild…
and you wonder ‘where did the time go’? My baby HAS a Baby!!
Darth vs. Bunny Rabbit…cracked me up!!
This whole post made me Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy!!
Thanks for sharing!! 🙂

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