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have i told this story before?

a few summers ago….i walked to our downtown shops with my three youngest.

annie was 4ish.
still little…..but out of diapers.

they always like to go to the store that gives out free samples of fudge.
it's very yummy.
i like to go too.
so on this HOT hot summer day we walk in and i gave the mom talk "look with your eyes not with your hands"
we wander through the store and then make it to the counter for the yummy fudge.

the counter was too high for annie so i pick her up and set her on my hip.
she had on a sweet little pink halter sundress (it had been talby's and i loved it so much)

the woman working at the store comes to the counter and immediately i feel a judgmental vibe.

you know that feeling don't ya, moms?!
it's a look that is recognizable.
we get them.
we give them.
and it was obvious.

i remember thinking "geez lady if you don't want to give us free samples then don't put a big sign that says free samples in front of your store!"

so my kids each say what flavor they want….
the sales woman passes them out.

we say thank you.
i feel like i have done something wrong but more so i think to myself "boy that lady has got a real problem!"

we go to leave the store and i move my hand to shift the weight of annie on my hip….
and i that is when i feel it.

and by it…. i mean i feel nothing but skin.

a bare bottom.

she was not wearing any undies!

so i had just mooned that poor woman at the free fudge counter with my sweaty little kid.
probably touched that bare bottom ON the sneeze guard glass…. OH MY GOODNESS!

"ohhhhhh…..THAT'S WHY SHE LOOKED LIKE THAT!!!"  i thought.

we quickly left the store and walked back home cracking up the whole time.

ha ha haaaaaa.



my dad loves that story.


i feel a little worn down with the weight of parenting today so this story was a funny memory to make you smile in case you feel that way too.

they grow out of the no-undies-at-the-fudge-counter stage all too quickly.
and maybe someday i will laugh about the junk they are doing now….maybe.


(if i have told that story before….sorry….it's worth repeating.)

Jennifer - I feel your pain!! Last Easter after Sunday school, my 3 yr old daughter’s teacher came to me laughing to say that my daughter laid down on the carpet and threw her legs up in the air. Her yellow gingham/daisy covered Easter dress flipped back to reveal…EVERYTHING. She apparently went to the bathroom before we made it out to the van that morning and left her underwear in the floor. I felt like a GREAT mom!

Joy Foster - do not know me..but i “know” you and think of you daily.
You are so REAL and encouraging. I am so thankful for you! For your honesty. For your LOVE for our mighty GOD.for your heart for that amazing family of yours..and your love for all things rainbow and crafty.. I am sure people tell you that all the time..i see stuff and i think..”Meg would like this” like “my friend Meg”…well..this notie is starting to sound a little stalky..but i thought you should know the love you are freely willing to share with others has creeped into this little corner of my home in South Carolina.. and I thought you should know how Loved you are!
Joyfully His!

Annika - Ha-ha! My head would have probably exploded from the level of blood that would have come rushing to my face! Thanks for sharing that memory. Something to tell at Annie’s wedding! Or maybe not… :o) Hope your week got better from here!

Heidi Jo the Artist - Ha ha! You know my daughter dresses herself so I have found out that she will not put undies on sometimes, but I’m lucky in the fact that I taught her to wear shorts, leggings, jeans (a four year old looks cute no matter what they put on) under skirts/dresses. My sister wasn’t so lucky and had a similar experience at the doctor’s office with her little girl…
Hope your week has gotten better. My Monday was your Tuesday and I was definitely worn down. 🙁

Christina - Thanks for the laugh! I’m having a tough week and not enjoying staying at home with my kids as much as I could be.

Ali - Thanks for the GREAT BIG LAUGH!
I totally needed a good laugh! How did you know!?!
Thanks for sharing that super funny story! Motherhood is exhausting and hilarious all at the same time!
Love ya,
~ Ali

Andrea - 🙂 I went to the pet store with three in no undies yesterday b/c we were on a mission to save newly discovered baby fish. Love this! Mothering is exhausting!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - What a great story…those are the stories to remember when we go through the other parenting “junk”. Hope it goes better soon. Hugs and I’ll send a prayer too.

beki - Thanks for the giggle! I’ve been having some rough mama days adjusting to the normal routine now that we’re a family of 6. It’s all worth it!!

Lauren - My middle son is 18. Three years ago he was invited on a cruise with the family of a friend. A cruise. For free. I”ve never been on a cruise. On the last night, my son and his friend were taken into ship custody for throwing plates off of the side of the ship like frisbees. I was horrified. He came home and was immediately grounded for 3 weeks. His crowning glory was his hair. The morning after he came home we got it all cut off. I share all of this to tell you that, last week, I smiled as I told someone the story. At the time, you never could have convinced me I’d laugh about it…ever. He’s done other ridiculous stuff that I’m not laughing about yet….but I have hope.
God bless you Meg!

Lisa - YES! That is awesome. I can’t count the times I’ve been sitting and watching one of my girls in a swimming lesson and realized there were soggy underwear sticking out from under the swimsuit. It’s confusing knowing just when to put those suckers on! LOL.

AnnMarie - Meg i loved that story! Thanks for sharing! This week has been a pretty hard week for me as a mom too and I needed a story like that to pick me up and remind me that this too shall pass!

Jenn D - Too funny! We once flew all way across the country with my oldest (who was probably 4 as well at the time) in a dress with no panties on! It was due to a family emergency and we just raced to the airport and jumped on the first plane. Super stressful just me and my 4 year old and 3 month old. I remember at every little airport we stopped trying to find SOMETHING for her to wear under that dress. Still makes me cringe…..

Cindy - hahahhahahahhahahhah!

Missy - What a cute story! Thanks for the smile this morning – and the reminder how fast time goes by. One of my favorite parts of the story was the “walked back home cracking up the whole time”. A perfect way to end the story.

kat - Hahahahahahahaha! No butts on the sneeze guard! My friend’s little girl went commando during an Easter Egg hunt and a trip to Target. Yep. She mooned lots of people too. Hilarious!

amy - Oh Meg.. I just spit coffee all over the computer screen! I love it!! Hang in there!

sara @ it's good to be queen - i haven’t heard that story before….so funny.
i am worn down with parenting as well…sigh. last night my husband and i were discussing two of our children and the not-at-all fun stages that they are in right now. it is wearing and tiring and overwhelming. and i don’t feel like reading a parenting book about it right now…i just want them to act right. because i am tired!!
anyhow, thanks for the camaraderie.
happy wednesday….sara

Sandy - That’s awesome! Thanks for sharing. 😀

Shar - Too Funny! But, wait til they are really adults and they sit there and say, ” hey sis, remember that time we almost burned down the house?” Yeah, some things are better off not known!! Hope your hard parenting days are few and far between!

4FabFranklins - Oh Meg…that’s a great story. thanks for sharing. My husband and I are having a bad parenting week….er ugh month. My daughter is 14. Need I say more? I’m going to dig up some of our good time memories just as you did.
This too shall pass.
Enjoy your day! =)

Lindsey - So funny! Years ago, my dad once forgot to put undies/diaper on my little sister when we went to church. Nobody noticed until we stood to sing the first hymn and she was bare! I just remember the horrified expression on my mom’s face when she looked over and saw the bare hienie! Lotsa love to you, Meg!

tiffany gardner - Today…more than you know…I needed to laugh. Thank you

Lee Ann - Thanks for the good laugh Meg! That is a great story to remember when things aren’t so funny.
I also just want to tell you how much I appreciate your blog, you, and the way you write on your blog. I have two blogs I read every day. Yours and “clover Lane”. I feel like you’re both real mom’s. In real marriages in real relationships with your kids. But honestly, what I love most, is that you don’t share it all. That you leave so much UNTOLD. I respect that so much. Every mom resonates with you not having much fun parenting right now, but we certainly don’t need to know the details.
Thanks again for making my morning 🙂

Andrea @ Big Creek Cottage - LOL…so funny. thank you so much for sharing….I needed that too!

Mollie - Meg- I just have to chuckle at that. Having a 5 year old myself, I can definitely relate! lol Last summer I found her swimming in the small dog pool with nothing on but her rain boots!

colleen from Alabama - Thanks for the reminder that there is something to laugh about at any stage. I definitely feel the “tired and worn out mama thing”. I am dealing with stuff that is just too big for me! If I’m not talking to someone, I’m praying. I am so wretched and God is so good. If not for His precious grace I would miss those laughable moments! I’m now looking for them with my 11 yr old girl and 9 yr old boy today! Thanks for being real Meg. You have encouraged me today!

Jill - Oh, I needed that! So cute!
May I say parenting sucks sometimes!???? (excuse my un-couth word)

Dianne - No shoes, no undies, no free fudge?! Thanks for “keepin it real” Meg. You made my morning!

Tiffany - YIIIIIIIKES! Kids love to hear these stories every now and then. Hope you have a better day today, music always helps (well that and booze).

Kim - Too funny! I’m glad you can remember the funny stories in the midst of troubles. We’ve had some hard parenting days here too. I was never a baby person, but it makes me long for the preschool years at times. Today the sun is shining and I am soaking it up.

Elizabeth - LOL love the story.

tara pollard pakosta - too funny! she should have just said, “no bare bums on the counter” lol!

elisa - Oh man- what an awesome story. I know exactly what you mean by the judgmental stare and when people are rude I usually say something. I can’t imagine if I did that and then noticed the booty hanging out. Soooo funny. That’s seriously classic. Can you imagine what she was thinking? lots of kid, free fudge, bare ass…..hahaha.

Heather R. - Ha! That is good…

happygirl - Hilarious story. It made me remember the day my son peed by the parking meeter before entering the Air and Space museum. See what happens when you grow up in the country. Embarrassing.

Sample Letters - Thanks for this so funny one. It is fantastic just.

Courtney - Thank you. I’m entrenched in the no-undies-at-the-fudge-counter stage right now and after dealing with sick kid and sick husband all week, I needed a laugh and a bit of hope that it does at least change.

Lisa - There is a verse in Isaiah that is talking about God as the shepherd. Part of the verse says, “He gently leads those wtih young.” I don’t know why I love this verse so much but it felt like it was written personally to me as a mom. It makes me think that God is so gentle with us parents cause he knows how hard it can be! Plus he is the Father of all of us humans who mess up and disobey him constantly! He really understands! Hang in there and keep making the tough parenting choices. You will be glad you did! And so will they… later in life, but they will recognize how much you loved and protected them! 🙂

lacey poag - so so so glad you shared this considering my little 2 yr old girl wore no undies to church last week –her sweet nursery pastor let me know–
today after a loud hit, i gave in to her wearing her brothers toy story undies all. day. long.
thanks for the reminder that these days will just be memories soon… 🙂 & 🙁

Jenny Joy - Thank you for that story. I needed it in the worst way today.

beth davis - I love your comment: “i feel a little worn down with the weight of parenting today so this story was a funny memory to make you smile in case you feel that way too.
they grow out of the no-undies-at-the-fudge-counter stage all too quickly.
and maybe someday i will laugh about the junk they are doing now….maybe.”
Thank you for saying that. I, too, have had a day that made me feel the same and it gave me GREAT comfort to read sentences above.
BTW – my husband just went on a Starbucks run at 10:25pm – yep, it was that kind of a day!

Jenny B. - hilarious! 🙂

elma - Love the story!! Parenting is so hard:( I have three teenagers and it is hard. I am just praying thr last four will be easier than the first four.

Katherine @ Grass Stains - I’ve been reading your blog for years, and I don’t remember that one. Thanks for sharing! It’s been a long day, and I needed the laugh. And laugh I did. 🙂

flowerpowermomma - funny story. it’s my first time to hear it.
fyi, you’re doing a great job parenting. I know many times it seems to be a thankless job, and I’m sorry for those days.
Hope you get a chance for a break this evening to recharge yourself.

Amy G - You just made me laugh OUT LOUD! Hilarious!
You’re such a good momma! Thanks you for the encouragement!

Kristin - just what i needed this evening. thanks for sharing! 🙂

Amy @ - Love it! I have those days ALL the time…being a stay at home mama you’re bound to feel down sometimes. It makes me smile though that you choose to find something happy to focus on instead. Just today my three year old told me “Mom, if I blink my eyes too hard, my brain stops growing!” Don’t you hate when that happens? 😉

Laura Phelps - IN the car
not SIN the car
there was no sin
just shame 🙂

Laura Phelps - ever tell you about the time all the guys at the grocery store were smiling at me?
one man even came over to help put my groceries sin the car
yeah, well…my blouse was unbuttoned
I shopped for 40 minutes in my bra

lisa - Ok, I am not joking, that exact same thing happened to me when I dropped my 4 year old off at preschool a few weeks ago! Naturally, my 2 year old insists on wearing dresses everywhere. Well I had my her on my hip, was holding my infant car seat in the other arm, and was getting these weird looks in the hallway. I had no idea until I put the carrier down and wrapped my other arm around her. OMG. I swear that little bit of “I still have everything together” went out the window when baby #3 was born.

Leah - Love the story! And I understand how you feel. Some days it’s just dang hard! Hang in there, Meg!

AshleyAnn - Totally worth repeating…though I don’t remember it. I have to say, when you said no diapers and fudge counter…my mind thought you were going somewhere else with the story. Glad it was a bare booty on your hip and not something that looked like fudge!

Kelly - Ha ha ha that’s great!
She is going to loooooove that you shared that with all of the internet when she’s 14!

Miranda - Bahahhahaa! Yes funny!

Maggie - Too funny, totally a mom moment, hope you are feeling better, we all have days like that:)
Hey, I made a print that reminds me of you, check it out

Tanya - That was a good, happy, funny story for a Monday 😀
My aunt and uncle lived in a very small town in Kansas when I was little and we always loved going to visit them and going downtown. Memories….I think we always wore our underwear though 😉

Kimberly Dial - LOL … Oh Meg, thank you for sharing that story … too precious for words 🙂

christy - 🙂 I think I started following your blog when Annie was about 3 & I don’t ever remember reading it. That is hilarious. Too funny & yes I think we have all had those moments!

Eva - I’m having a bad parenting day too 🙁 I am also in the midst of a hard core studying frenzy that the litle time I did spend with my girl today I felt I was so stressed, she felt it too i’ sure. Than daddy put her to bed while I was out studying, I feel guilty, about everything.
Needed a good read like this.. helps put life in perception again 🙂 My girls in the bare bum no undies stage hahaha love me her bare bum 🙂

Jacci - Oh, somehow I *knew* you were going to say that. Poor you!

jayne Barbour - Love it. That is just good stuff. Little kids buns are so cute!
I have a story that makes me snort out loud on occasion when I think about it. Last summer, in the midst of potty training, I took my children through the drive-through for a Frosty. My 2 year old had on a dress with only pajama shorts underneath since we had rushed out the door (and probably used every single pair of underwear in the house!) Not thinking straight, due to mommy brain, I took my three daughters (6, 4, and 2) into the Goodwill to burn some time before dinner. While in the back of the store looking at books I noticed my youngest was in a crouched position, looking at a book. When she stood up, you guessed it!-there was a nice *large* surprise on the floor-that had rolled out of her shorts!!! I panicked! I looked around and saw other shoppers in every direction. I wasn’t sure what to do and couldn’t bear the thought of someone seeing it-or worse-stepping in it! So I did what any exhaust ed mother would do. I grabbed it like a javelin and ran to the bathroom while commanding my children to follow me! Of course they were full of loud questions about what I was doing. I washed my hands for a good 10 minutes and we ran out of the store. Not my proudest mothering moment-and I’ve thought of lots of other solutions to it since then-but I thought it might give a laugh to another exhausted/potty training mom tonight:)
Thanks for sharing your story. It made my night!

Anna Baer - Love it! Reminded my of when my sister was about 2 (and she was already potty trained). We were in church and I kept telling her to sit down, and she wouldn’t. the finally she just yells out at me “I’m not wearing any underwear!” It was pretty embarrassing, but oh so funny!

Casey - Hey, Meg. It could have your bottom, right? I think you’re doing just fine! Love this old story.
– ps – Don’t think I’ve shared my new business with you. I’m (simply put), a mom’s assistant……teacher gifts, subway art, blog headers, bake sale goods, etc. Everything that busy moms want to provide, but can’t find the time or interest to do….I will do!
Thought you might enjoy!
xo, Casey (used to live in KC… San Diego)

Michelle - Perfect timing: we’re dealing with our 18-month-old’s first stomach bug. YIKES! Thanks Meg. xo

DebZorn - I sent your post to my daughter. She has a son who will be fourteen on Friday. He’s a great kid but he challenges her patience,every once in a while.:) Any one who is a parent knows these challenges with kids, especially teenagers. (My daughter says she was perfect at 14. I beg to differ.) Thanks for sharing.

Seriously Sassy Mama - That was funny. I remember when my oldest who is 8 now went to school one day without panties on in Kindergarten. The one day I do not help her. She told me it was because she saw me not wear any panties. This is what I get for going commando most of my adult life.

Jenna@CallHerHappy - Hahah! Perfect story for a bad day! I love it 🙂 I am actually looking forward to having stories like that. And, just to cheer you up, my 7mo old learned how to get out of her bouncer today and flipped it while I was in the shower. I jumped out to see if she was ok (she was fine!) and picked her up all the while covering my bathroom floor, her bouncer, and her with soapy shampoo water. We just stood in the bathroom and laughed. What are ya gonna do?

Rebecca W - bahaha! thanks…
rough day here too…teething…AND a cold…snot everywhere, sad little person 🙁
hope tomorrow is better for ya!

Cheryl E. - Nope. Haven’t heard that one before but sooooooo glad you shared it with us! I’m having one of those days (actually, weeks) too. We’ve all been there and we’ll be back there again and again. BUT, one of these days, these kiddos of ours won’t be around and we’ll miss them – – – bad days and all!

Debbie Hargadon - Oh Meg. It must be a bad day as you posted the same thing twice w/in 1 minute of each other. Not sure that is what you meant by have i told this before 🙂
So glad to hear you get worn down by the kiddos too. It is a hard job. Know you are not alone.

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