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i want to make this cake….my kids would LOVE it.

a commenter yesterday told me about this site.…a Childs Own.
i was in awe.
the poor girl is so swamped with work though.  i wish i could help her out! 
she is an amazing artist!
my kids loved it too.
they kept thinking of which of their drawings would be the best to send in.
i think they think it's a contest….
annie quickly drew this picture for that blog.  


a rainbow bus!!! love that….and those cookies too.

i am sitting here in the crafting/dining room….surrounded and nearly buried in the things to prepare for the Whatever Craft Weekend #3.
i had a successful day today getting supplies and using my time well.
(that can be translated as….i had time for starbucks without having to speed on my way to the bus stop)

do you see i found cupcake fabric that is glittered?!  hello?!!  
(brother sister design studio fabric from hobby lobby)      (and my planner is from erin condren)

this is my little crafty cave.



so this has been on my mind to share with you lovely ladies…..

i was driving in my car and listening to a christian music station.
the DJ came on and said who the song was by and then said something like:

"there are so many people that think they need to change before God will love them"

they say that in church, in books, on the radio.
i have heard that probably over a hundred times in my life.
but all of a sudden


and i felt so sad in my heart.

do people REALLY think that?
Are there people that think that God won't love them if they are flawed? 
That they have to be fixed and pretty and better before God would want them?

if that is you….if that is what you were taught or what you have told yourself….


You cannot do anything in your life to make God love you more.

You cannot do anything in your life to make God love you less.

He loves you….right now.
in your mess.
in your heartache.
in your despair.

in your mistakes.
in your anger.
in your grief.

in your fear.
in your depression.
in your loneliness.
in every teeny tiny corner of your very being…..

no matter what you did ten years ago, last month or today.
He is ready to welcome you into His open arms.
all you have to do is ASK. 

i hope you know that deep and unfailing and unENDING and never changing LOVE from God and Jesus.

"Jesus said, β€œIt is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick." Matthew 9: 12

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."  
Matthew 11:28




Helen Wall - Wow Meg. Thanks for the God’s love reminder for all your blog readers. What a great way to share the Gospel of Jesus!! Bless you!

kids shorts - I think there’s a truth that with every little things that you made for your little kids they appreciate it without you knowing.

Amber - Love this. Pinned it!

Victoria - Well said! I was one of those people in the past….thankful that I know the truth now! πŸ™‚

Sonya - Lil' Soak + Friends - thanks for the encouragement. BTW, I love your crafty cave. I wish we had a big enough space to have one… loving it!

beth - What a lovely, heart-wrenching, beautiful reminder.

zina zraikat - HI Meg, great post. Love the link to the Childs Own Studio, but did you read how asked if we could NOT share her site right now? she writes ” Let’s keep Child’s Own Studio a secret for a while? Don’t share this website with your friends, pin me on Pinterest, post about me on facebook or blog about me. Yes, shhhhhhh….until I catch up.”
Please dont take me the wrong way, i mean no rudeness or disrespect by this comment. Just wasn’t sure if you’d seen it.

Jenna - I needed this: the happiness of the softies (wow!) and the message. Thank you!

Nicolle W. - I am reading a new book and just read this line last night, and it hit me like a ton of bricks. I loved this. It might have changed me forever…….
Jesus loves us not because we’re perfect, but because He is perfect.
so simple, but so profound! πŸ™‚

Kristin S - 1. Thank you Meg for this sweet reminder.
2. Read the cover of your planner and realized you and Craig have rhyming names. No wonder people can’t learn English! In what world are “aig” and “eg” the same sound.
3. That cupcake glitter fabric is ridiculous. Has Annie seen it?

Tonya Blais - Thanks for allowing God to speak through your heart… to mine!

Lisa Currie-Gurney - <3

Molly - Thanks so so so much for sharing! Aint that the truth!! It doesn’t matter…HE loves you!!
Oh and btw where is the yellow chevron from…love it!!!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - What a beautiful post Meg!

Jill - AMEN Meg! AMEN! <3

Blakeley - I saw these on Pinterest and thought of your family. Rainbow pancakes!! Don’t they look awesome?? I can’t wait to try them.

bread and jam - There’s a verse in Romans…too lazy..can only move my fingers to type right now…it says something like…if God loved us when we were sinners (and His enemy) how much more must He love us now….that’s right…when we’re messed up and lost and broken down wrecks, He REALLY loved us, so, wow, He must REALLY REALLY love us when we accept Christ into our hearts.

Kristyn - Thanks for linking to my Oreo Cake. I really think your kids would LOVE it… so easy and good. πŸ™‚
Also saw that you will be speaking at Snap! So fun – I will be there. We have to meet. πŸ™‚

meaghan - boom! that’s right! now how do i follow you on pinterest?!?!?! can’t find ya!

Marla Rae - wow that’s all just wow! πŸ™‚

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - I have a question: Ive been looking for one of thos (pink/purple) suction handles for my sewing rulers for ages. Where did you find them?
Also, did Singer sponsor your CW now? Or did you have to buy all the machines for the ladies to use(Im just bein nosy on that one):)

Gale - AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! πŸ™‚ I’m so glad you said all that – and I’m even happier to know that our Father would be happy, too – and He loves that we love kids and cupcakes and Craft Weekend and glitter and Him. So glad we all share the same family πŸ™‚
I keep crossing my fingers to be chosen for CW.. LOL!! I can drive there – woohoo!!!! πŸ™‚ Hope you have a wonderful, wonderful time!!

Tina Jacobsen - I love this post!! I love how you use your blog!! I love cupcake fabric!! I love that rainbow bus!! I love cookies and cake!! But most of all I love Jesus!! Thank you Meg!!

Whitney - Thank you! & AMEN! This was such a good and sweet post!
I love that fabric and that notebook!
I agree with the other lady’s comment asking you to walk around with your camera so that we can all feel like we’re there! πŸ™‚
Have a wonderful weekend Miss Meg!

Mae - Thank you for speaking TRUTH.

Cindy - WOW! I went to Child’s Own! She is amazing, right?! I saw today she has said she is SWAMPED, but I’m still going to share w/everyone about her. She is amazing. So are you…thanks for reminding everyone about God’s grace and God’s love.

Lori Austin - God is using you in great ways Meg!
p.s. l-o-v-e that cupcake fabric.
Have a super weekend.

julie f. - thanks for sharing that, megan!

Wendy - meg- Nailed it. you always do. Thanks for the blog. love this thought. The blog world is rocking my world today. Now to live it! Thanks again. your craft weekends look amazing!
Still am so in love with my family pics that you took! Thanks again for that. Can’t wait to sign up again next year.
πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

angela - you are AHHH.MAZING!
i love your blog – i feel like i know your fam and you. but seeing your message today about HIS love was exactly what i needed
i used to BELIEVE that. a year ago, i endured one of lifes biggest heartbreaks and my friends kept inviting me to church. i went.
and it CHANGED my life.
but even after going for a few weeks, i still felt NOT WORTH God’s love. a meeting and several classes later with my AWESOME pastor and i got it. I GOT IT.
you and all your GLORY reminded me of it!
thank you from the BOTTOM of my heart!

andrea - Thank you. I needed to hear that. I have been trying very hard to get back to being close to God again but the devil keeps butting in. Haven’t felt this lost since college. I know in my brain He loves me but needed to hear it in my heart again too. Thanks again, this was what I needed to hear today.

Lee Ann - Thanks for posting that and using your blog to speak TRUTH.

Toni :O) - Continue to love your blog and adore you…your posts are always so relevant and fun!!! Have a blessed weekend cause you are just a rockstar!!! :O)

Kirsten J - Well said, Megan – I have a little story – my mom went to Catholic school until high school and was always pretty strict with us kids about church. Lots of Catholic rules. And we went to confession quite regularly. Finally, somewhere in my teens, I told Mom I had always struggled to find something to “confess”. And Mom said “oh Kirsten, God knows you are good, God is kind and loving. You don’t need to go to confession if you have nothing to say, or to receive God’s love”. I tell you what, I have had such a different perception of God ever since. Absolutely freeing and so much love. I’m happy for you that you got some time to play with crafty stuff (and oh so jealous of those who get to go to CW3)….and aStarbucks run πŸ™‚

Seriously Sassy Mama - I have always loved that verse! Thank you!

Midwest Magnolia - Melissa Lewis - Thanks for sharing this!
My heart has been so heavy the past few weeks with people who have been believing the lies that they need to change for God to love them, or that they aren’t worthy, are that they are all alone. I have 2 dear friends who are suffering from depression, one just checked herself into a facility, afraid of where she was headed, and another (a fellow pastor’s wife) is now in ICU because she wanted to die and almost allowed herself to do so. In the last two weeks, we had two 14 year olds commit suicide. And today, found out a local, unnamed girl, is planning on an abortion for tomorrow at 10:30 am. We are reaching out to her through FB to let her know how in love God is with her and only has good planned for her, that she isn’t alone in this, and that the enemy wants her to believe these lies.
I feel like I want to do something to shed light on this. To let the world know how much God loves them to be aware of the lion that is seeking to destroy. Don’t believe these lies! God is madly in love with you, YOU are his prized position!
Sorry for the long comment Meg, but just interesting to see your words here with the timing of everything going on!

Liana - Amen! One of your best posts, ever.
And I second the flip tour request! πŸ™‚

Charlene @ Adventures In Mommy Land - Oooh love that cupcake fabric….my eyes were drawn straight to it LOL! I only wish we had a Hobby Lobby close by.

Jill - I am so encouraged when you follow God’s leading with your blog! I’ll be praying that everyone hears this the way you did…

Kimberlee Jost - Such truth.
So good…and needed.

Jaime @ Queen of the Creek - Beautiful…. for all of the above. β™₯

Heather R. - Amen.

sara @ it's good to be queen - you preach it sister! yes, yes and yes. this is a good word today. God is doing good things with this here blog of yours. blessings blessings, sara

Christy - <3 this post.

jennyonthespot - Cupcake. Glitter. Fabric. BOOM.
P.S. Just thinkin’ of ya, friend… *blows kiss*

Amy G - I love the way you let God speak through your blog.
You are such an inspiration to me in so many ways.
Blessings to you!

Sarah - Yes. Just yes.

Jody - Wow. You’re like a friend I just called & who told me what I needed to hear…I am in the midst of reading “Crazy Love” and feeling like I am coming up very short on the person I am for God. These were kind words to hear – and for some reason – you wrote them just when I needed to hear them.

Alicia - Thank You for your post on Gods love. You have made a difference in my life.

Stephanie - God is love! So true! We actually don’t have to do ANYTHING… not even ASK. He already LOVES US SOOOOOOOO MUCH that He sent Jesus, to die on the cross for us. He loves us…whether or not we are loving Him. And He is and always has been there for us. Some are just rejecting Him. Its like if someone told you they just put $1000 in the bank for you, and all you had to do was go and get it… you would never reap the benefits of that if you just said “nah… you didn’t really, that’s funny though!”
Believe. God DOES LOVE EVERYONE. And its not because of anything we have or haven’t done. We don’t have to do a thing to be loved by God. It is already true and always has been, since before we were born. God loves babies… they haven’t asked for it. God so loved the WORLD… πŸ™‚
Thanks, Meg! πŸ™‚

tara pollard pakosta - I love this post so very much….
love IT> it’s so true, but I forget that all the time,
I think, I can’t go to church because God only wants perfect people there….ugh. need to stop feeling that way.

Laura Phelps - I read this last night
11 minutes after you posted it
It made me cry
a lot
like..the UGLY cry kind of cry
glad everyone was in bed and didn’t witness it
maybe the wine and exhaustion had something to do with the ugly cry
quite possible
but either way
what you said…
it struck a chord in me
it opened up something inside of me
I know God loves me beyond comprehension
I know how forgiving He is
my trouble is… forgiving myself
a weekly, daily, sometimes minute by minute struggle…
a cross I carry…sometimes beautifully, but most times, with great difficulty
I’d like to toss that cross of mine in the woods out back and set it on fire
but well, that would not teach me anything, now would it?
its mine to carry
its mine to love
its mine to be thankful for
its mine BECAUSE God loves me
it is morning now
no more tears
but the message is still with me
thank you, my little crafting bundle of awesomeness
love you

Trish - do you ever wonder how many people you will meet when you get to heaven that found their way to Jesus through your blog! won’t that be a fun day?!

Jenn - Its been said before, but its so true….AMEN, Sister! God IS Love! We can’t hear that enough. Thank you and love to you for having such a positive and loving blog.

Katie - nice encouragement!

Laura - Beautiful, Meg! Very well put. Sadly, yes, there are many people who think that. Hopefully fewer because of your post.

Anna - Girl this post rocks! Love it – the glitter cupcake fabric, but more importantly your message!
It irritates me to hear people (esp. Christians) say “We must change, this must be corrected”. While it may be true that changes need to be made, and it does matter to God, the truth is that his love is not conditional! As a believer this should be super simple, but to non-believers it’s hard to get this message across when they may be apporached with criticisms that they need to change just to be loved by God. – So not true.
Thanks for the Message!

Danett - I really needed that today — I really heard it. Great scripture!! Thanks!

tina - So glad I stopped to read your post today!!!!

Kristen - Awh Meg, you’re heart is just pure sweetness with sprinkles all over. I love your spirit.

Kate R - I’ve been lurking for a while (don’t even remember how I found your blog…) but had to stop and comment on this post. Thanks so much for sharing this thought today. I love reading blogs where God is a real part of people’s lives and yours is one πŸ™‚ Thanks!

Catriona - Amen, sister! The world is all about sorting yourself out, but God is all about Jesus having done it all for you. Simple and radical all at the same time.

SaraG - Amen and Amen.

Tracy Fisher - Thanks for your words today. They were appreciated more than you know. Tracy

Ashley - I am so thankful that you posted about this.
I needed to hear it, even if in my head I know it to be true…tonight you spoke to my heart.
Thank you!

Jacci - loving this. thank you πŸ™‚
i have a thought… i wondered if maybe you would consider doing a little flip tour of your house all set up for the next craft weekend (?). Like, before the ladies arrive, you just walk around with the ol’ flip and show us how wonderful it all is πŸ™‚ so we can pretend we’re there, too! and ooh and ahh and want to come to the next one even MORE.
not trying to add to your plate or be demanding… just throwing out a post idea.

Theresa - You are a awesome women of GOD. It is so great of you to post this. I feel inadequate because I am not knowledgeable of scripture so that I can speak of him to others with wisdom. What you have said has helped me…that he loves me anyways. In time I will learn because he has put this on my heart. You posted this right when I needed to hear these words! Thank you!

Lisa - You worded that so beautifully! Praying people “hear” it!

Nikki - What beautiful encouragement! I needed to hear it today.
(also I think I will hunt for that fabric this weekend. Glitter cupcakes.Too fun!)

Heidi Jo the Artist - So true. I think the hardest part is to forgive ourselves, well, at least for me. I too hope people don’t think that God won’t love them until they change.
Oh, that drawing of Annie’s is so awesome! You are pretty awesome at sewing, I bet you could make one of the rainbow bus in 3-D! I want to make so many things with felt right now that I might have to give it a shot! And if you are stretched for time, I bet you could use that rainbow stripe fabric I’ve seen around…since Child’s Own Studio seems kind of backed up. Plus, I’m sure it would be so much meaningful since you made it for her.
And of all people, I thought you would appreciate this!

Amy @ - Thanks for the reminder:)

Stephanie campbell - <3 love this post.

Tara Provence - just got off the phone with a friend talking about the exact same thing! He IS love. no matter how freakin’ flawed up we are. ♥

Robyn Farmer - Amen! Thank you for sharing that.

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - Oh, FREAK! I gasped when I saw that cupcake fabric. Thank goodness I already scheduled a trip to Hob Lob tomorrow. πŸ™‚ MUST.HAVE.

Jill - You’re the sweetest.

Barbara - Oh, your words are sooooo true, Meg. That He loves any of us is the biggest mystery. Thanks for sharing them!
And I bought the cupcake fabric from HobLob, too. I love it!! I’m making napkins as a gift for my GF’s bday.

Tina I - Thank God (literally) that He loves me, flaws and all!

Alicia - Such a cute idea- kids’ drawings turned into soft toys!
(And also, we have the same Erin Condren planner! Except mine has my ‘teacher name’ on it)

Jill Tracy - So VERY true and what a great reminder for us all. I read your blog religiously and those words may just have been the best I’ve read. Cause really, in the end, that’s what matters most…our relationship with God. Hope your message reaches many πŸ™‚

DanaD@BoysMyJoys - I sure needed to hear that reminder tonight, Megan!

Terrie G - Oh.My.Goodness!!! That is ONE TaLenTeD lady!! What a cute idea! I’d love to help her too…but I don’t think I’m that talented!
That is a lot of craft loveliness!!
You are so right about God not loving us more than where we are right now! Thanks for sharing!

Janelle - Thanks Meg…I don’t really think that but I do wish I had a deeper faith…and I often feel badly that I don’t. Thanks for the little pick me up before I go to bed πŸ™‚

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