Masthead header

i was right.

so i had some rather lame stuff happen today….

i gave the dog a bath in a cami and bike shorts (hello 1992 called and wants their shorts back???)
and i was completely soaking wet.
i followed waffle downstairs to take his picture of him SPAZZING out…..

IMAG0511-1 IMAG0512-2

just as i took that picture waffle looks behind me and barks like crazy.
i stand up 
and the FedEx man was standing at my front door RIGHT BEHIND ME.
my front door is made of glass….and he saw me…and i didn't have on a bra and my clothes were dripping wet.

i composed myself…showered and drove all the way to wichita (30 minutes) to the nearest target.
i filled my cart with things for CW and some groceries….and a cute cardi…of course.
i loaded everything out of my cart at the check out.
then i opened my purse and did not have my wallet with me.
and they said there was NOTHING they could do for me, even with my check book.  
so i drove all the way back home with nothing done (another 30 minutes).  
UGH…i was so mad at myself i felt sick to my stomach. 

i came home and found that my dog had eaten all 5 of my protein bars i left on the counter.
and their wrappers.
not cool dog. 

but….you know what….we made the watercolor hearts after school and it was completely relaxing.
just like i thought it would be. 


isn't that GORGEOUS!?!!!
that picture makes me a crazy amount of happy.

i had blown a fuse earlier in the day while vacuuming so we had no music on either.
it was just quiet.
my two little girls and i painted and talked.

i said "it's just so pretty!" 
annie "mom….you should do this craft at craft weekend….the ladies coming would love it!" 

that girl is too. stinkin. adorable.



talby was not sure if she was going to give her painting away or if we should frame it.
the jury is still out…her decision completely. 
of course my vote is to frame it.


ahhhhhhh….it was so nice.

i highly recommend sitting down and opening up a brand new set of watercolors
$3.44 (which thankfully i had purchased the day before!)
and painting a full page of hearts in  every color.
you will feel much better than when you started.

even if you had a pretty stupid morning.

which i did.




Rachael - Silly question, but where did you get the watercolors? They are so pretty?

Cheryl - What a great kids project! I’m so glad that my project inspired you! =)

melanie - well, i must say you recovered quite nicely. that’s a good takeaway for me b/c when i have a lousy day, it is hard to end well. i’m not a strong finisher. so thanks. πŸ™‚

elisa - love it when dogs freak out. always makes me laugh πŸ™‚

denise@victory rd. - without a bra!?!!!
no money at target?!!!
but you didn’t let that own your entire day. you allowed His mercies to be new in the afternoon.
colorful heart-shaped mercies. *love*

maggie - gotta love waffle, but gotta ask…is he constipated? lol!
Hearts are beautiful!

kb - you are such a good mommy!!!! wish I had more patience to do that stuff or was able to let go enought to deal with the mess. Maybe one day before they are grown and gone.

Mini Piccolini - Love this watercolor project! Had to share:

Jeanene Snell - You are a good person. From what I read, I like your heart.

Amber L Peters - i love it! i will definitely be making that watercolor painting with my girl!
sorry about your crappy day!

Beth - I don’t think my comment came through yesterday, if it did, sorry for commenting twice! I love the Etc. shop too, haven’t made it yet since they reopened, can’t wait! Also, the watercolors you’re doing remind me of some I used for an art class inspiration, and I think you’d enjoy them: (click on all the links across the top – bands of color, wrist flick, painterly strokes, etc. to see the cool ideas). Also, a blog that has great art inspiration is daisy yellow, and here’s a neat watercolor study:
Sorry about your trip to Wichita!

julie - I too was wondering where you got the pretty watercolors, but also the nice white paper? Thankful for you, thankful for your family and thank you for sharing all with us.

Salwar Kameez - love these pictures! The colors are so bright and cheery. The failed trip to Target is sucky, but the FedEx story is hilarious!

Lisa - Hi Meg! Sorry about the rough start to your day. My guess as to why they couldn’t take your check is that at Target they require a drivers license when writing a check (since everyone seems to be wondering about that!)
I only started reading your blog a few weeks ago, but love it so much that I went through the WHOLE BLOG and read ALL the archived posts. ALL of them. I feel like I know you and your family now, and that makes me happy, because I can tell what wonderful people you are.
You even inspired me to start my own blog and actually stick with it this time. (Granted, only 3 posts so far, but it’s progress). If you have time, check it out!

Jennifer - Just precious! I say frame it!

Mindy Harris - YOU ARE SUCH A HOOT.

Lindsey - Oh goodness, Meg. I too had a frustrating day but it was made better by the thought that I get to come to CW! WHOOP WHOOP! Painting rainbow hearts does sound relaxing. I cannot wait to come to CW and leave behind my petty woes! See you soon!

Anne - Love, love, love, love these pictures! The colors are so bright and cheery. I’m going to do this with my kids soon. The failed trip to Target is sucky, but the FedEx story is hilarious! πŸ™‚

AshleyAnn - Cami & wet shorts. NICE. Have you seen Legally Blonde? You could have done that snap thing for the FedEx guy when getting up from taking Waffle’s picture…that would be awesome.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Mmmm…. I think I need a shiny new watercolor set. πŸ™‚ Annie, I agree… they would LOVE it!

Alicia - I am sure the FedEx man thought it was funny! Can you imagine the things those guys see? Oh my! The hearts are so amazing. I am definitely trying this one tmr! We are headed to Target and new watercolors are in our cart! What is the paper you used? Is it heavy duty or anything special? Hope tmr your Target run will be completed successfully!

merlin - I did the heart painting. I am not crafty or artistic, but I could do this and it has brought me joy and peace. Thank you for sharing this activity.
Thanks also for sharing why not to have a glass door….maybe you made his day though.

Jolene (Homespun Heritage) - I am so sorry to say that I laughed very hard at your expense….you just can’t make this stuff up!
This a.m. the repair guy was here to fix my oven and while he’s tinkering away my toast oven goes berserk! Seriously, I think my appliances are possessed but we’re rebuking the mean ole devil out of our electronics…Sheesh…craziness abounds!

Amy @ - Those sweet little hearts would be sure to brighten anyone’s day. Super cute. Arriving at a store without my wallet is my biggest fear, as I too live 30 minutes from any noteworthy store. I am always switching from a diaper bag to my purse, and even with my baby who loves to dig my wallet out of both, I have always been prepared, thankfully! (knock on wood). The good thing is that you can smile about it, and it’s just another reason to head back to Target. Darn πŸ˜‰

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Im sure delivery men(& women) have THE craziest stories to tell…and yours wouldnt be the worst:)
I was sure you were gonna tell us that Waffle ate the hamster! I was all prepared to mourn & everything.
As for dogs and their appetites, thats what led to our fire(we had left a big Panera bag full of bread and bagels on the back of our gas stove; the beagle jumped up to get at the food and turned the gas burners on full blast. Lovely.

Kelly - I once walked to the grocery store with my baby in his stroller, got to the check out, realized I didn’t have my wallet, walked home to our apt. building, remembered I had left my “clicker” that opened both the gate and our garage door (my only way back into the apt.) with the management for repair and it had started to rain on my way home . . . it was just lovely. πŸ™‚
I thought you blew an emotional fuse! Funny that it was an actual real one! I blew one at our new house using the microwave and hair dryer simulanesously. I called my dad for help and he was so puzzled as to why I’d be using both at the same time. πŸ™‚ I can’t even remember now but I do know it made perfect sense at the time.
Happy Wednesday! Kelly

JustMommer - My own FedEx story this week. The tales they could tell.

Krissy - Firstly, im sure the FedEx guy has seen much MUCH more bizzare things/people. Secondly, i love the paintings. They are bright and happy. I just might do one for myself. Thirdly, I’m sorry your day got off to a rough start. πŸ™ If i still lived there, I totally woulda loaned you the money. Wasting time drives me bonkers. πŸ™ SO glad your day ended better. And thanks for making me smile, and reminding me of home, as usual! πŸ˜€

megan - hahahahaha
naughty waffle!
we’ve come to realize that winnie is a naughty one, too….counter-food snatcher just like waffle.
that’s why God made ’em so cute!

Juli - You can rock a rainbow photograph better than any other blogger I know!

natalie - i hate when the target thing happens! ahhh so frustrating.
those hearts are totally awesome and i think i need to do that. circles would be cool too.

alecia kleiner - I loved this post! Sorry for your wet t-shirt exposure, but it made for some serious laughs here in Seattle! Gorgeous hearts and we are so doing that today. It’s rainy and I need the inspiration.

Gail - Meg, next time, call me. I live in Wichita and would love to meet you at Target and float you a loan. And then maybe we could hit Sonic for a slush.

jen - i am doing this this weekend! minus the wet dog, impromptu wet t-shirt contest, fedex man and forgetting my wallet of course!! haha.

Karen Gerstenberger - What is it about rainbow colors that makes us all feel so good?
It is what first attracted me to your blog…that, and the fact that my best friend had moved away from here to Kansas, and reading your blog helped me to get a little “KS feeling and perspective.” Thank you for sharing your REALITY, both the up, rainbow times and the no-wallet-at-Target-times.

Sarah b - I have had so many humiliating target moments. Most recent was thinking I’d left my phone in the front of my cart, driving back to target, asking if one had been turned in (no), and then the manager walked the whole parking lot with me. We searched and searched all the carts, she asked “why don’t you just check in your car?” and lo and behold, there is my phone in the driver’s seat, not even covered up by anything. Grrrrr.
I’ve also left my wallet at home, but they kept my bags at customer service and let me cone back and pay later (only 8 mins away). And I use checks there all the time! Bizarre!
Thank you for sharing your lame day with us. πŸ™‚ CW will make up for it tenfold I’m sure!!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

Alice H - Why wouldn’t Target let you write a check? I thought they did checks electronically like Walmart does. That is nuts!! Love the hearts. I wonder if my 2 year old son would enjoy that!

Tara - Annie is totally right, CW ladies would love to rock some watercolor hearts. I would know πŸ™‚ Miss your guts! Can’t wait to see pics from this weekend…

Jackie Kepner Barnum - Oh boy! I had the same kind of day you did yesterday. It is crazy how multiple things will break on the SAME day. The dog will take off with a bottle of cleaner and the lid pops off somehow and it goes all over the floor. Luckily I caught him before he drank any. But it all passes and hopefully we can laugh at it in the future. Hope you are having a great day today!

Alicia @ La Famille - i hate stupid days!! sorry πŸ™ but your watercolor paintings ARE beautiful! frame. def frame!

4 Fab Franklins - That picture of Waffle’s teeth is just so cute! He made me smile. Meg, I’m sorry, but I totally lol’d at the FedEx incident…sounds like something that would happen to me. Those painted heart projects are 2 – 2 Cute!
My opinion, I heart shopping at Target, but they have weird policies. I would really Really like it if they would stop asking me if I’d like to sign up for a card.
Enjoy your day!

Marianne - ugh. What a horrible start to a day! THe heart paintings are gorgeous though!!!

Kristin Hayne - 1. waffle cheers me up, yet again…. thank you!!
2. I have done that…minus wallet thing a few times…. so frustrating i could cry. I hate wasting time
3. Gorgeous watercolor hearts…. adorable girls
4. Just think, you MADE that FedEx man’s week!!
5. Thank you for praying for me the other day. If actually felt my day brighten after that
6. You rock…. I am going to have to do a Craft weekend with you guys now. πŸ™‚ So keep having them, OK?

shannon - it does look relaxing and very pretty! Our Target is also about 20 minutes away so I would be pretty mad at myself for forgetting my wallet but also a bit mad they wouldn’t take my check as well!
Glad the day turned out good in the end πŸ™‚

Kim from Miracle-Round - Although your day started off rough, I’m glad it ended on a happy colourful note!
The wallet thing – ug! I’ve left the house with my wallet in my purse (and I was so proud of myself that I remembered to check) just to discover that my debit card wasn’t in my wallet because I’d left it beside the computer when I was paying bills. Not good.

Shar - i love this craft. leading up to valentine’s, i spent my time cutting out random hearts out of various shades of red and pink paper. it became a challenge to get the heart either perfect or not! was so relaxing and i didn’t feel like i was being unproductive while watching tv.
hope the rest of your week goes super!

tiffany gardner - OH…my fav blog girl…I’m so sorry. What a yucky morning! You are such an encouragement…after all that yuck…you still chose JOY in the end. Wow…thanks…I needed that!

sandee prince - ps- where did you find that cool watercolor kit? we always buy the cheapo crayola ones and they never last πŸ™

sandee prince - I freakin love you. and i don’t even know you! you always seem to find the positive in every day. no matter how crappy it starts. (and not having your wallet at target is pretty crappy) πŸ™‚
Happy Thurs Meg…. keep up the great blog!

Katherine @ Grass Stains - What a terrible way to start the day! I feel for you; that’s a long way to go, only to be so frustrated. But I’m so glad those watercolor hearts turned your day around. Beautiful!

Kim - Boo! What a lame start! But yay what a great turn around! Annie is right – that simple craft would be perfect for a quick change of cw pace! I love this craft – totally would have done it! πŸ™‚ hope it’s a blast! Wish I was there!

Wendy - Oh Meg! I’m sorry about the rough start to your day. I had something similar happen to me at the grocery store too. Not fun! My husband is an airline pilot and we use the same credit card. Well, unknown to me, he used his the same exact time I tried to check out with $300 worth of groceries. The credit card didn’t go through of course. The credit company’s excuse was that they thought my card had been stolen since someone in Albuquerque, New Mexico had bought a Starbuck’s Latte and a burrito in the airport! I just had to laugh and wonder what credit card thief would just buy a coffee and a snack? I can laugh now, but at that moment I could have spit nails! Love the water colors, by the way! πŸ™‚

Seriously Sassy Mama - I always fear laving my wallet. I check my person every time I leave the house. Cami and biker shorts made me giggle.

Susan - Love the hearts! We homeschool and I am always looking for something to do in the afternoon. We could do this together!

beki - your link to that print inspired a little sewing project for me. i haven’t started it yet, but i can’t wait. i think it’s just what i need to get out of my creative funk. thanks πŸ˜‰

Lori Austin - I’m guessing the Fed Ex Man has seen a lot in his years of delivery. :-/
No wallet at Target totally stinks. I’ve done that at Walmart before with two kids in tow and a cart full of groceries. Just sat in the van and cried afterward with my poor kids wondering what the heck was wrong with me and why we left our groceries behind. Stinks!
Rainbow hearts and quiet time with your girls sounds like the silver lining to the day.

Jody - I want to do this w my boys…but whenever we do watercolors, the colors do not turn out very bright?! I must buy the cheapest I can find…we will try this!! So cute. A run to Target or Hobby Lobby is in order today..
(Laughed at your post today. I once was walking into Target and suddenly thought, “Oh my..did I change out of my PJ pants???”..and I didn’t even want to look down…but I did, and I had changed – whew!!!)
And the other day, the UPS guy came to our door & I looked just lovely – hair a mess, stickers all over me (from my boys) and frosting on my shirt from making cupcakes. Lovely, yes.

amy jupin - anna is completely freaking out over the hearts…
def gonna have to make that one asap.
and as for the fedex man…well…let’s just say our pest control guy has seen me at…not my best.
tank top with no bra and holey pj pants.
and with ben and buck trying hard to escape out the front door at the same time.
we all have those special people in our lives! πŸ™‚
hope y’all have the BEST time this weekend!

kristiina - YES!! I’m not the only one who doesn’t have her wallet in the check out line…not that I’m proud of it. Just nice to know I’m not the only one LOL (so embarrassing) Thanks for sharing ALL of your life with us!

Amanda - Your blog has definitely turned into one of my favorites! I love seeing all your crafts, hearing your hilarious stories, and seeing pictures of Kansas (this Kansas born/Georgia transplant sure misses her home state!) Thanks for sharing your life with us!

Kimberly Dial - So sorry you had a bad morning (forgetting the wallet … been there … done that!) but I bet the delivery guy was happy! LOL Love the hearts … you give me the best ideas to do with my grandgirlies! Thanks! πŸ™‚

Kristi Rediske - This may be crazy but why didn’t target take your check? I think ours still takes checks-maybe not though. Sorry you had a crazy day-but it sure ended nice-thats what counts (easy for me to say) Have a better day today!

Whitney - πŸ™ I didn’t have a great day yesterday either and today it’s rainy and cold.
I just wanted to sleep in this morning. ALH decided that she wanted a bottle at 2 a.m. and wanted to play with me after that. We were up until 4, my husband has leave by 5 … Rough Morning to say the least!
Just reading this post made me smile. Thanks so much! I need to get me some water color paints πŸ™‚

PrairieJenn - Ahhh…nothing like art therapy after a rough morning!
We’ll be doing those hearts for sure:)
Yay! Thanks for sharing.

Heather Crawford - Oh my…THAT was hilarious..I would have died!

Victoria - Oh me, oh my, what a morning! I’ve definitely had those kinds of days.
Your watercolor picture makes me happy to look at too! I will definitely have to do this with my 6 year old. She LOVES to paint and I do find it therapeutic to sit and paint with her. πŸ™‚

Megan - Why wouldn’t Target let you use your checkbook?! Strange.
So sorry about your rough morning but the beautiful hearts definitely made me smile! Love!

Catherine - so sorry about your wonky day… we definitely have all been there. πŸ˜‰
will you share where you got the tray of watercolors with the 3 rows? we’ve only used the crayola and rose art ones and i think we’re ready for an upgrade! especially if we decide to do the heart project! it’s fabulous! thanks, megan!

Colleen - Love the watercolor hearts. I think we’ll try it today. We’ve all had the Target moment. I once sent my husband to the grocery store with a gift card that turned out was all used up. He didn’t have his wallet and was mortified. Not his happiest day.
I’m wondering how much money I would save if I was 30 minutes away from Target?

Kimberlee Jost - That watercolor pic needs to be blown up to a canvas HUGE.
It’s beautiful.
As are you…even with a “stupid morning”.

Cheryl E. - Had a similar kind of day except that our 14 year old dog (8 lb Yorkie named Chase) ate 16 Hershey Miniatures and 1 Tootsie Roll – – – wrappers and all. Had to take him to the vet. Let’s just say he is confined due to all his “digestive issues” Gotta laugh at these moments!! πŸ™‚

THE FED EX MAN - thanks for the cami and shorts yesterday. You made my day.

Laura Phelps - I have written in my prayer book, scribbled actually, at the top of a page…”STUPID MORNING”
yesterday morning here was BEYOND ridiculous…and I fell into the pew at mass and wrote “stupid morning”, thinking it would be my blog post title that night!
I never wrote it because the morning was THAT bad (think Nick out of town for 2 WEEKS, car that wont get up an icy driveway at 6:30am, kids I can’t get to school, kind of BAD)
lovin’ the paints
I copied your butterfly on canvas and it was a success
me thinks I might do this too
Im a follower, not a leader…
love that you blew a fuse too
and the only thing more ridiculous then you in a wet cami and shorts, would be if you were also wearing roller skates…OR
if WAFFLE was wearing the cami and shorts…
on roller skates
AND…DOGS! I am new to this ownership of a dog thing…and my dog is chewing EVERYTHING!
not cool
thank God she is so darn cute.
and now I am done
this is long
sorry about the caps there
not intended
all for now
off to the bus stop
have a great day and don’t forget your wallet πŸ˜‰
love you

happygirl - You made the FedEx guy’s day, you know. Just sayin’

Michelle From Australia - 1. Don’t TARGET know you are F.A.M.O.U.S????
2. I love Talby’s hearts. Just gorgeous. That is both Talby and the hearts πŸ™‚
3. If Talby wants to auction her heart art with proceeds to WHATEVER (pun intended) charity she choses, I’m happy to open the bidding.
Good night!

Sally - Oh Meg, I had the exact same thing happen to me on a trip to Target. Only I was 9 months pregnant at the time, and on my way out to the car empty handed, a stranger yelled at me from across the parking lot, “UH OH!!! LOOKS LIKE SOMEBODY NEEDS SOME ICE CREAM!!” Really lame. Love your beautiful heart paintings!

Terrie G - the ONE thing I don’t like about our house…glass doors! front & back!!
And those hearts… I <3!!!

Leah - Target wouldn’t let you write a check?! That’s lame! I’m sorry, but I too, was laughing about the FedEx guy and Waffle the crazy dog. Sorry the day started out crazy. But sounded like it ended on a very relaxing note. And I’d totally frame Talby’s picture.

Heather D. - Very bad day, but the hearts and colors are sooooo bold and beautiful!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Oh my, that definitely qualifies as a bad day. I was giggling out loud about the Fed Ex man πŸ˜‰

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - I bet the FedEx man figured he had a pretty good day : )

Amber - I’ve so been there standing like an idiot without a wallet. I Hate that! My ladies would absolutely love to paint hearts! So pretty. Glad your day had some redeeming qualities!

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