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listen up.

my internet was out ALL day yesterday.
i kind of didn't know what to do with myself.
how silly is that?

i mean….i found things to do….but there is so much you CAN'T do without internet!

it's back.
and i am happy about that.

remember all the stoves we gave in haiti in january??
that was AWESOME.

today i am SO thrilled  to tell you about the Adventure Project's newest campaign that i am joining!


World Water Day is March 22…next thursday.

The Adventure Project has a donor, Prem Rawat Foundation, that has agreed to match every dollar raised on World Water Day…. up to $25,000!!!
that is amazing!
We have the potential to raise $50,000 in ONE day to bring clean water to those in need.

and EVERYONE needs clean water.

everyone deserves clean water.

it's a HUGE goal but it is P O S S I B L E.

So….what i need YOU to do NOW is go to and read about what we are doing.

If you blog, CLICK HERE and sign up  to join us by committing your blog to talk about the well mechanics and clean water on World Water Day….the Adventure Project with provide all the info you need when you sign up!
And everyone else be ready to GIVE on March 22.


I WANT you to blog about it now and next week.
ask YOUR readers to get on board.
tell YOUR people about World Water Day and the Adventure Project.

facebook it…..tweet it…..TALK about it all week….



then on Thursday, March 22, i will have a BIG giveaway.
and i want you to donate on World Water Day through my fundraising page.

or start your own fundraising page 

or donate on ANYone's fundraising page through the Adventure project.

just give….every person COUNTS.  every single one.  every single dollar.

next thursday.


if you KNOW you are committed to blogging the cause of clean water in the world….you just sign up now.

but we GIVE on MARCH 22.

not today.

go read...go blog it ….go facebook it…. go forth and TELL THE WORLD about this big opportunity to bring water to those that NEED it.


you are awesome.
i know you will do it.  


Jacci - Megan – I love your heart for this. I’m right there with you. The thing is, there are so many needs, everywhere. One blog wants me to help with India, one needs me to help with Haiti… God has given you a heart for Africa. I do NOT want to do *nothing*, but if I spread out too thinly, I’m not really helping anywhere, you know? It seems like, right now, we’re still going to focus on Haiti, helping with local friends’ international and domestic adoptions, and our church’s mercy ministries. But, I will PRAY this with you 🙂 And encourage you to keep listening to the Spirit leading you as you blog about real stuff.

Holly - Meg…if that really is Justin Bieber, your girls will go crazy!!! My niece, Jasmine V opened for Justin in a leg of his tour last year!!! Good times!!! I hear he’s a great guy!!! 🙂

Justin Bieber - Nice one, there is actually some great points on this post some of my associates will find this worthwhile, will send them a link, thanks

Amanda - Love this … Bloggers can make a difference! 🙂

April R - will have to check that out – thanks!

beth - Meg–did you see Tim Challies’ visual representation of Phil. 4:8?
Saw it and thought of you!
Have a great day, glad your internet is back, it’s a nice thing to have 🙂

Holly - You think you had it hard with no internet all day??? How do you think it felt for me to keep looking and looking for a post from you and not see one??? LOL!!! And then today…it’s about stoves and water…UGH! I know those things are important…but dang it, I WANNA SEE YOUR NEW HOUSE!!! ALL OF IT!!! I wanna see the chickens and the barn and how you decorated things… UGH! Now I gotta wait for another day…and just hope, hope, hope!!! 🙂 Have a great day, Meg!!!

sue - If it was helping people in this country I would do it but not other countries. Sorry.

Dani - I think I must have checked here no less than 10 times yesterday! I was really needing my “Whatever fix”. I feel a great void when I don’t read about your day haha.
I don’t blog, but I will definitely be facebooking all about this!

Terrie G - no internet all day?? Welcome to the rural life! Do you have ‘farm tv’ too? We couldn’t get cable…so I called it farm tv. You know…3,8,10,12,24 channels only! LOL!! We used to chuckle about that alot!

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