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oh these goofball dogs.
they loooove to wrestle.

L O V E. 


they wrestled for at least 30 minutes straight without stopping.
rolling and running and tackling each other… maniacs.
in the dirt and my weeds.
all for fun…not hurting each other….just full on PLAY time.


waffle is the happiest he's ever been.

and then this happened….

they sat.
just totally chill.

first time ever.


they were TIRED.

it's about time!!!


i think waffle was having the best day ever.


until i declared "BATHTIME!"


ha ha ha.
wet dogs are so funny.
they always look so crazy and scrawny.

shake it.  shake it.
shake it like a polaroid picture.
he actually doesn't mind any part of a bath but his favorite part is when when we towel dry him.
he enjoys the massage.
he's a smart dog!
he hangs out for towel drying….he doesn't want us to stop!

since the girls had their suits on and were already wet they said "let's have a carwash!"
even though i thought it was totally cold outside, they were fine in their suits and cold hose water.  brrrrr.

brilliant plan.
my truck was filthy.
and so was craig's car.
country living in white cars….dirty dirty dirty.

annie's suit is new this year from the walmarts.





clean dog.
clean cars.
clean kids….they took a bubble bath inside after this.

we have had such a good weekend!
my kids are still off school today….who knows what we will do.
maybe some art.
it's been awhile that we have gotten crafty.


Katie - I love that your girls are NOT wearing skimpy ‘lil suits they make for young girls! They look very sweet!
Also, what kind of car do you have??? with baby 5 on the way, we are trying to figure out what is best!

jean anne chez - I just experienced carma from your post. relived my life for a few moments through your beautiful pics. ;0)
I too wanted to marry a farmer, live on a ranch..on a lake instead and loving every moment. We have a standard poodle who romped around with his dog cousin (just like Waffle) until they were completely content…ahh such bliss. thank you.

Jamie - Great photos.. We have a black lab that needs a buddy like Waffle to play with. He would FREAK OUT to be able to play with a four-legged friend to the point of exhaustion. And we love Wal*mart bathing suits around here too.

Christy Brenneman - Oh my goodness…..Waffle is smiling so huge. And they actually reached a “chill” moment together. It took a lot of wrestling to get to that point I’m sure. I’m so happy for them and for you. Ky began to really grow on me and I was quite attached to that girl when we left. Perhaps I will bring Josie out to help her get some energy out when it warms a bit. Thanks for sharing your special memories! They make me smile as big as Waffle was in that photo! Christy B.

Sara - I love your blog, your dog, your spontaneity. Waffle posts and photos are the best! You’re a fun and easygoing mama. I hope I can remember to laugh about messes and embrace the moment! Thanks for the bursts of happy your blog provides. 🙂

Lynne - The dogs are just priceless. That really made my day! Waffle looks like one happy pup!

Becky Smith - Ahhh. A dog and picture post. Nothin’ better!

jackie - Cars got a bath last week, then it rained. Dogs will get a bath before traveling this weekend. How long do you think Waffle will stay clean?

The Lovely One - Happy dogs! They look so stinkin’ cute!

Donna R - Love your doggie pics and that super happy pic of Waffle. Super cute swimsuit find at Wally World…of all places!

Aby - TLOL (Totally lauging out loud) (I just made that up) lol. “the Walmarts” I thought my 80 year old mother in law was the only one that said that! Too funny! Except she’s not making a joke.

Sarah Wolfe - I love Annie’s suit. Do they have one in my size? Also love the car wash pics, and how the sun is setting in them. Looks like the country suits you 🙂

susan - LOVE the backlight in your photos, especially the one of Talby and the hose! Gorgeous!
It’s nice to see that everybody is enjoying the country life.

Mary - so cute!
but oh my, it makes me shiver! 🙂
have a wonderful week!

Lisa - Ohhh! I’m so happy for Waffle! Dogs need friends, too 😉

Shannon - love it! waffle cracks me up! loved this whole post. especially the great photos of the sun behind the water droplets!!!

Stephanie - Enjoy your blog,but i just don’t get why you call Walmart “Walmarts”? 🙂

shauna - that looks so fun.
what perfect light!
who knew dog and car washing could be so fun…

elisa - Waffle looked so sad during his bath- haha!

Adrienne s - I was going to ask about the black dog also. New?

Kelly - Never pass up the car wash request! I am cold from the picture of the hose on the head!! Swimsuits and flip flops… wow!! I was in a sweater today. Glad you had a wonderful weekend!

Vonda - Awwww, I think Waffle is a country dog at heart. He looks SO happy. And the picture of him right before your daughter with the hose, I SWEAR that dog is smiling in that picture, eyes closed tight smiling. Cracked me up.

Lori H - The difference between the laughing Waffle and the next picture (bath time- bummer) was hilarious. I love to see dogs play!

LadiesHoliday - There are few things better that puppy-dog and little kid smiles!

Marianne - Aw. so happy that Waffle has found a best friend! They look so cute together.

Leah - Waffle and the other dog look so cute! You can really tell how much dogs are pack animals when they find a doggy-friend playmate! I love the pic of them sitting together, just chillin’.

Jennifer - Ahhh…a prelude to Summer!! It all looks like it was such fun. Sometimes I think our black lab mix goes out into the rain just so he can get his towel drying. He loves it! Especially around the face. So glad you all are enjoying the country!

jessicakiehn - Show us pictures of the inside of your house, please?! Can’t wait to see what you do with your space. So fun and exciting to get to make such a big change as a family.

Sara Torbett - Loved the simplicity and fun in this post! The shot of Talby with the hose is awesome! 🙂

Melanie - Waffle DOES look happy – he actually smiles! I got a good laugh out of how dirty he was; even his tongue had dirt all over it! Looks like you’re having so much fun living out in the country. I love how you chronicle every day life with gorgeous photos and great writing. Ya know, it’s kinda fun to live vicariously through you with young kids still at home and a dirty dog. 😉

Shar - I would so love to have a goldendoodle! My daughter has a golden (regular) and I have 2 std poodles (regular. Great combo!!

Seriously Sassy Mama - I need your kiddos to come on over and wash my van.

happygirl - Doggie BFFs, so cute. We dog wash and car wash together, too. You know what they say about the Great Minds. 🙂

Lia - I think I forgot to comment this. At the end of February we brought home a 8 week old goldendoodle puppy!! Waffle was the first goldendoodle I had seen so I wanted to thank you for posting about him. We couldn’t imagine a better breed of dog for us and love our Pippa girl! Have a great monday!!

Pink and Green Mama MaryLea - I was wondering the same thing — new dog or neighbor’s dog?
Looks like everyone had a blast, water play in all forms is always a big hit around here.
Girls are playing playdough and eating jelly beans from their easter baskets this morning, I’m cleaning out the pantry. Might make a batch of homemade watercolor paints later too! : )
A crafty day sounds like the perfect way to wrap up the last day of spring break. That’s what we’re planning to do!

Lyn-de-lou - Is the black dog an addition to the Duerksen household or new neighbour??

Dee - How fun! My kids love washing the dog, cars, or anything else that involves getting to use the hose.

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