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a few months ago my running buddies and i decided we'd sign up for a 10K to keep us motivated.

it was hard to keep running some mornings but most of the time we made the effort.

this weekend….we did it!



i am sure you know how hard it is to have time with girlfriends.
so instead of just never seeing them….we meet up to run.

and to distract us from the running we talk about what is going on in our lives.


we each ran the whole 6.2 miles….no walking.



these are positive, encouraging, Godly women that i love.  
we support each other.
we lift each other up.
we are happy for each other when good things come.
we pray for each other.
we want to see the best for each other!
they are so special to me. 

i am so proud of all us for sticking with it and working hard.



when we were done…we weren't even exhausted.
we all agreed we could've kept going.


our post race tradition is starbucks and the spa.


this time we could only do starbucks because we had to get back home for our kids' swim meet.
but next time…

we are going to the spa.

and there IS a next time.

10 miles.

in the fall….it's ON!

and there is talk about a half marathon but that scares the heck outta me right now.


some of you have asked me about specifics on my personal running gear….

let me tell you that this sports bra has been A W E S O M E!!!



i used to have to wear two sports bras to run…until i found this.  
it's my fave.  
it's available on amazon even….i got mine at Dicks Sporting Goods.

it's not cheap…but it's about the same as having to wear two before….and it's totally worth it.

i love the C9 running stuff at target.
love these capris…. 


and i actually just got this running skirt!!!     first shorts and now a skirt?!  who am i ??



i love my bright happy shoes.  i have had NO problems with the Nike+ Free Runners.
love them. 

of course you don't NEED any of these things to be a runner….except maybe the bra.  
but happy shoes or a cute skirt makes it a teensy more enjoyable.


so….my main advice for running….what has been the best for me?


running with other women keeps me accountable and movitivated and keeps running fun.

find some friends and start walking or jogging. 


i liked this.

and kinda hate it too.

but mostly it made me smile.

all this talking about running is making me want to get out there and GO!

i guess i will.




josy - Anyone who can run and talk at the same time is a superstar in my book!

Julie - I’ve been doing the double-sports-bra thing for years, and hated it. Based on your recommendation, I swallowed the money guilt and went right out to get that bra. I don’t usually do that, but I figured you wouldn’t steer me wrong. After my “long” run this morning, I can safely say that it is everything you said it would be. I really really appreciate it. Thanks for being a running inspiration to me.

Jennifer - Hey Meg…love this post. Congrats–that is so awesome! I turned 40 this May and have been feeling this sense of urgency that I need to get back into some sort of work out routine. I have for the past few years since my son was born just put it on the back burner. Your enthusiasm has motivated me to get more serious about getting my booty in gear. πŸ™‚

JoLynn - So inspirational! I am overdue right now for baby #4, but running looks fabulous! πŸ™‚ I would love to get into it once I recover. Do you have an iPhone that you listen to music? I am really behind the times when it comes to technology, but would love to buy something good to listen to tunes on for motivation. Thanks and keep up the hard work! πŸ™‚

Christina - That is sooo great! You have been very inspiring to me with all of your running. Congratulations on doing this race!

nicole i - bravo!

Katherine @ Grass Stains - Meg, I’m sure someone’s already sent this to you, but just in case they haven’t … I’m in love with some of these floors! I thought they’d look terrific at the Craft House. πŸ™‚

Tracy Fisher - you inspire me! and i love your stories about your friends. good friends are such a great thing! tracy

karen - I didn’t even know running skirts existed!! yay! I have pink adidas trainers and I’m certain they give me wings!
On a side note, I just saw the orange You is…throw pillow you make on Pinterest!!! I am inlove!! I am in the middle of making my homeschool room and just painted it SR robins egg blue and that pillow would be the happy in the room!! WOuld you consider making one for our room?? You are so gifted!! And where did you even find cursive writing fabric??? I think I have a crush!

Tiffany - So awesome!!! Congrats on 6.2 miles, I always say running is not for me. Maybe I need the cute skirt? Nah, bur some inspirational friends would certainly do it.

Amy @ Little for a Little While - Was it a coincidence that you ran 6.2 miles on 6/2? What a great feat, good for you girl!

Nicole Wight - This is SO, SO inspirational & informative! Woohoo! Keep it up, Meg!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Yay Meg…You go girl!

Tanya - Congrats Meg!
I just ran my first 5k race weekend 2 weeks ago. I loved the energy. Pretty great…and addictive. My sister treated me to a LuLu Lemon outfit for race day! WOW πŸ™‚
Yay for running!!!!

shiela - that was quite ssstrange that my previous comment got erased for some reason…? don’t feel like re-typing everything again & if this message gets “erased” as well…then, oh well!

Emily B - That is awesome! You look amazing! Races freak me out. But you’ve been (your 100 mile month), and are continuing to inspire me to keep running! Thanks for that.

Megan - Absolutely amazing! I am just starting on 5k’s and am so thankful for the inspiration you are!

elz - Congratulations. Be careful, I started with 5 and 10ks and now I’m a half marathon runner! You know, you can easily run twice as far as you’ve run before. Meaning, you gals are ready for a 1/2 marathon! Don’t be afraid to walk when you run (walk 1 minute every 10 minutes or so), it’s actually better for your muscles in the long run (ha ha, pun!). It keeps you fresher longer.

Ashley - Congrats! I think you’ll be surprised at how easy it is to add mileage, once you get past that 10K distance. It is daunting, of course, but seriously once I did seven miles it seemed like oh heck, what’s another mile? Good luck with the 10 miler, and I say go for it. Find half to sign up for! You can do it!

Kimberly Dial - So awesome! Congrats to you & your friends!

steph - way to go meg!!!!
so proud of you girls.
i always find a race gives me a kick in the pants and running is easier when i schedule it in.
so if i’m training, i’m more inclined to get out there.
sometimes i just ‘train’ pretend so that i get lots of mileage in.
i’m so sneaky! ha ha!
i love it though too… and i love running with my BFF.
we call it “coffee time” without the calories. πŸ˜‰
right now i’m training for my third half marathon.
it’s on father’s day.
i’m sorta freaking out but excited too… in a barfy kinda way.
make sense?
ha ha ha!
i’m encouraging YOU to do a half too!
you will love it!
lots of hard work but such a great feeling afterward.
if you want some training tips ever, feel free to email me.
i have always followed a very easy training plan.
only involves running 4 times a week.
3 shorter runs during the week and 1 long run on the weekend.
doable, for sure!
there’s nothing like the feeling of finishing the half too…
like having a baby without drugs.
super crazy hard… think you can’t do it… then it’s over… and you feel like a million BUCKS!

roganne - you are so inspirational! i totally hate running. if i have to run, it is usually only because i am being chased! great job!

Kristin S - So proud of all of you! I’ve never run with a group because I love the alone time but I like this concept for encouragement.
I got achilles tendonitis in both feet (waaaa) four weeks and two days ago and haven’t run a step since. It is HARD. I miss it. I feel like a crazy, psycho woman missing running. I mean, I miss ice cream, but running?!?!
Thanks for the tips. I’m always on the hunt for a good sports bra. The cross back ones always seem so complicated but yours has a zipper! Brilliant. I get mine from Title Nine.
Run for me!

amy jupin - soooo proud of both you and jana!
this takes time and dedication–to running and to each other!
way to go girls!
p.s. va-va-voom! hotness.

Katie Jones - How did you get started like did you do a program or something?
Also still wondering about your devotional you were reading last week??? Which one is it????

Heidi Jo the Artist - So proud of you! πŸ™‚ I have a ways to go, but I keep chugging along each week. Really hoping to try out that sports bra. I wear two when I run right now, and sometimes I think I need three, so I definitely know what you mean!! What headphones do you like? I remember you said you listen to music most of the times you run by yourself. I’ve got cheapies right now, but want to invest in a nicer pair that will stay in my ears well. I wish I had a lot or even ONE girlfriend that liked to run in my area. My brother runs a lot and between him, you, and another person online I know, you guys really inspire me. πŸ™‚ I’d run with my brother, but man I got the short end of the stick and have super short legs compared to him and even if I was in pristine shape he would leave me in his dust… Trying to get my hubby and my oldest son to run more. My oldest son really wants to get a medal; my brother has gotten several and that is great encouragement for him. I really need to push it up a notch though, did lots of walking over the weekend so that made me feel better than doing nothing. I started doing stretching and some yoga over the past month. Every morning I had bad back pain the day after I would run or walk lots. I can’t believe how much of a difference it makes. Last night I was in a lot of pain from walking so much over the weekend and I just did the stretching even though it was painful, and wow felt pretty good this morning. So that is my advice if anyone ever asks you about backpain. πŸ˜‰ Have a great week!

Suzanne - Great job, Meg! I am starting the Couch 2 5K program – I really LOATHE running. But I really need to get in shape, and I set a goal of running a 5K, so….

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - I am so happy for you! That is fantastic!

april - You look sooooo great!!! Congrats on the race! xoxo

April R - Yeah you guys! πŸ™‚ That’s so awesome!
and I can see how those shoes would make running happier πŸ™‚ super cool!

happygirl - You are a ROCK STAR! You look great. Good for you. πŸ™‚

Jenna@CallHerHappy - I need to get back into running. I was in a running accident a couple of years ago, and I’ve had a hard time starting up again. Prayers for me? I’ll say some prayers for you that keep getting more awesome!

Christy K - This is awesome Meg… way to go!

Londen - congratulations! I will do any kind of workout but hate running, always have. you are looking quite fit btw!!

Seriously Sassy Mama - I so love to run. I just started, and hope to run a 5k in a year. I actually like running by myself. It gives me time to listen to music, think, and talk to God.

Jennifer - Congratulations! That is quite the accomplishment. I’m not a fan of running, but I go to a bootcamp 3 days a week and we do lots of running. What keeps me going…..friends. You are so on the money with that. They motivate and empathize about the pain and being tired. Thanks for the tips on the running gear. I agree the Under Armour bra is the best and have wanted to know which shoes you had…so cute!

Laura Wilder - Wow Meg – Awesome AWESOME job! Just yesterday I was checking back in your posts about running music. I just started back up again after a long hiatus. πŸ™‚ It makes me feel free.

Sandy - Way to go! That is awesome! I want to be a runner but I am no good at it. I’ll keep CrossFitting and working on my running. …

the whyte house - congrats!!
my friend shelly was at the gorun booth there. she also posted’s photos from the race. her hubby is the one blowing the bubble w his gum! haha.

Terrie G - Oh.My.Gosh. I’m almost embarrassed to show my age…I was one of your dear sweet running friends’ youth group leader! LOVE that girl!! She has such a sweet spirit about her! I’m so happy that she has sweet, wonderful, faithful, Godly women like you in her life! Puts a smile on my face!
Congrats on your accomplishment!!

Holly - congrats Meg! That is awesome! We are doing a color run here in Nashville in October. You need to see if there is one close to you because you would LOVE it!

Ashley - I am so proud of you…and in awe of you. That is a LONG run, a REALLY REALLY REALLY LONG run in my book. Great job friend!

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