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god is awesome.


i hunt for sunflowers.
every summer.
i am a sunflower addict.


i mean really….just try to tell me what is happier than that?!!
it is the best site to see.

every detail amazes me.
LOOK at that!
it's about 8 inches across and hasn't even opened yet….it is  B E A U T I F U L !!!

sean held annie up to see a bug inside that one.
they had a blast running around this old farm.



this brings me joy.


{{{{ sigh }}}}

three of my favorite people in one of my favorite places….it's enough to make me cry.




i didn't see that in my lens….or when it uploaded….i noticed it when put it on the blog.
i absolutely LOVE that picture! 


only about half of the flowers were open when we came by.
which made me giddy just thinking about coming back.


my kids asked if we could build a house right here so we could see the flowers and climb that tree.


talby took this picture of the lady bug!




i am not prejudiced….i love dead sunflowers too!

one of the things i love about sunflowers is that they are solid and study.
they have big leaves….they have layers and layers of seeds and petals.
God creates each one so intricitly.
His creation is so detailed.

she found her twinsie in size.

thank you Lord for reminding me of how detailed You are in the world.
every seed.
every petal.
Thank you God for caring about every hair on my head….every tear…every hurt….every joy in my life.

and for showing me that in a field of sunflowers.

God is awesome.


Mary - LOVE all of these pictures(the grasshopper one totally blows me away), and i love even more the fact that God IS so awesome! how humbling to know that He’s all about the details, in each of our lives.
super awesome, great, wonderful post. 🙂

katey - Your grasshopper picture is totally my favorite. I think you could have that published!!!! Love it!!!

elizabeth highsmith - He sure is! Thank you for passing on a beautiful reminder!

Chrissy - Gorgeous pictures (and children!)!
Thankfully, someone pinned something from your blog and I have found you. 🙂

Natalie - the grasshopper… AWESOME!!! Since you love sunflowers, I knew I had to share… The tornado that drove thru the state of Alabama, “April’s Fury 2011” missed my home by about a mile. It was devastating. At least TEN families in my church lost everything. It was life changing, physically and spiritually for our state. Months after as families still tried to make sense of the disaster and families searched, rebuilt… The coolest thing EVER happened~ all over, in the most random spots, popped up the most beautiful SUNFLOWERS! Apparently seed from different bird feeders were scattered EVERYWHERE! To me, it was this great sign of HOPE, growth! IT was BEAUTIFUL! You would have loved it!! GOD IS AWESOME! 😉
Enjoy your stories!!! Blessing to you and your family!

Sarah H. - God is awesome! You don’t know me from Adam, but we planted sunflowers in our garden this year and every time I look at them I think of you and your love for sunflowers! My sweet 5 year old daughter and I love our’s too. I love, love that grasshopper. That is print worthy for sure!

Lisa - I’m blessed to drive by a sunflower field every morning as I take my son to day care. A big field of big happy sunflowers, basking in the rising sun, every one of them facing the east like lines of sunflower soldiers. So beautiful. Must remember to take my camera one day soon.

ira lee - i love sunflowers too. i meant to plant some with my kids this spring but i forgot. ive heard they are easy to grow!!!

elisa - These are great! Love 🙂

Melissa - Sean seems like such a great big brother!

Robin - Thank you for this post! Your photography is unbelievable – truly magical – especially the grasshopper – the best photo I have seen! I am always so inspired when I read your blog – it is one of three that I MUST visit EVERY day! That grasshopper picture belongs in National Geographic, or the National Gallery of Art!!!! It is truly spectacular!
What kind of lens do you use? Your pictures are always so clear and vibrant.
Thank you for the joy you bring us every day. Yes, God is amazing.

cath w - Good grief.

Jenn B - I Love this post! Sunflowers bring me joy too. We have one growing in our yard that is taller (by almost a foot) that my husband and he is 6’2″! They are huge and truly God’s amazing work. My favorite picture is the grasshopper one. I love that you didn’t even know you got it. Awesome!

the.mrs - indeeeeed! i feel the same giddy feeling looking at bananas. I know, weird, right?! But next time you open a banana look closely, they’re glittery. 🙂 I mean seriously, God loves glitter as much as I do. And they break into 3 right down the middle. Unless you’re lucky and get one that breaks into 2. God’s creation rocks.

Jessica at Me Sew Crazy - wow. Just wow. Amazing photos, amazing praise, and amazing grasshopper. I am pretty sure you found Jimini Cricket.

Becki - Beautiful!

jeannett - sigh…
love it.
all of it.
missing you.
owen said he needs you to cuddle him.

Lisa - Love everything you said

Heather - “Thank you God for caring about every hair on my head….every tear…every hurt….every joy in my life.
and for showing me that in a field of sunflowers.
God is awesome.”
Thank you for a beautiful post and an important reminder. I needed that today. So Much!

Rachel Spin - Love your pictures. Do you have a flickr account? My fave is the grasshopper photo as well as many above. I also love that the sunlight is composed right at the face of the flower. Awesome light and cute little bug.
God’s creation always inspires me and to grab my camera. His glory surrounds us every day.

rachel - lovely captures! 🙂

karen gerstenberger - God is awesome; I agree. Your grasshopper photo reminds me of the books by Eric Carle, especially “The Very Hungry Caterpillar.” Did your kids have that one? It’s adorable, like you and your family.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - That grasshopper pic is the What-What! I fell in love and didn’t notice the grasshopper until I scrolled down. Tricky dude.

Mindy Harris - such a sweet post, megan

nat - what an awesome post. i actually just bought a huge bunch of sunflowers at costco today. they are so happy to me.

roganne - great pictures! God is great and you can see his love shining through your camera 🙂 thank you for today’s post!

kerry - Oh how AWESOME! xx

Lori H - Thanks for sharing these photos. I love sunflowers too, but usually have to find mine in Trader Joe’s 🙂 I love love the photo of the grasshopper…he looks like he is at home in his apartment, looking out!

Angie - Absolutely beautiful photos!
A gentleman down the road used to have a field of sunflowers and I always smiled as I drove by. They are a very cheerful flower!

Suz - great photos! God is a creative GENIUS! And weird to think that we live in a fallen world that is not even perfected yet…really something to look forward to…I can’t even imagine!! xoxo

shannon - Pretty sunflower pics. They are perfect Summer and Fall flowers. Great pic with the three of your cuties standing infront of them.

Kirsten W - I feel the same way as you do about sunflowers! They are really awesome!! And your photos are just fantastic – love, love the one of the grasshopper!

colleen from alabama - I needed that today. I have sunflowers on my table and i need to be reminded that God is in the details… especially the painful ones right now. Thanks for helping me to see things a little differently!

Amanda - I love sunflowers! Your pictures are so beautiful, and you are correct, God is awesome! 🙂

sandee prince - great post meg!

Kristin - just joy!

Carla TV - Amen! Thank you for sharing the beauty. 🙂

sara @ it's good to be queen - i love how you notice and appreciate God’s creation as His expression of love for us. what a gift.

Beth K. - Just the reminder I needed today – God is awesome!! I just lost my job today of 15 years with no forewarning – devastating! Trying to stay positive and find something new to help support our family of six. Thanks for providing this wonderful post for me today! Just what I needed! God Bless You Meg!

Jen Brandt - Beautiful flowers. Beautiful children. Beautiful God.

Jodi - The Grashopper picture is SERIOUSLY AWESOME! Love it!

Cathy - So beautiful! God really is so awesome…always!

Laura - Love the hiding Grasshopper!!! Fabulous pic!

Trish @TheOldPostRoad - Nature makes me feel sorry for all of those who think everything just ‘evolved’ without God. Honestly! This beauty around us just could not ‘appear’ out of no where without our amazing God! Thanks for the reminder!

melodee - I love them, too! your pix are amazing and just ooze summer:) and so true…God IS so awesome!

Robin Canter - Makes me want to bust out singing “I’m walking on sunshine, whoa… and it makes me feel GOOD!”

Dani - Love this post!
This past weekend we were driving home from a conference and I saw a field of sunflowers. Immediately I thought of you! Your pictures are amazing. I felt like I could reach out and touch the flower!

Alisa - With the gift of the little grasshopper peeping out… was kind of like God was saying, “Thank you for enjoying what I have made.” Love.

stephany - Sunflowers are my favorite!
When we got married the florist asked me what I wanted for flowers and I said, “There HAVE to be sunflowers. I don’t care about the rest.”
My husband calls me “Sunny”.

Sarah Syhakhoun - Gorgeous post! Every summer I look forward to your miraculous sunflower photos. They pull at my heart – each and every one of them!
I have to admit that I’m a little creeped out when up close to a sunflower, but they sure are beautiful!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Amen!
We need to name the grasshopper.
He is adorable!

seriously sassy mama - So what I needed to read today. I love sunflowers. I almost changed my whole wedding after seeing sunflowers in a Martha Stewart Wedding mag. I love how earthy and yellow they are.

Ruth Elder - I would love to be able to get a copy of your 7th. picture blown up through that picture-to-canvas service you post about. Is there a way to do that?

Kelly Henderson - Thank you for such wonderful morning inspiration… I’m heading out on a walk with a happy heart (I’ll look for sunflowers;)

Casey - Wow, simply gorgeous. God is, indeed, awesome 🙂 I love that grasshopper shot – how amazing!

Kristin S - Love, love, love!
Also love Annie’s sweet pose in the threesome pic.
Love a sweet big brother giving sister a boost.
Love taking time to enjoy the little (big) things.
Thank you Meg!

Kimberly Dial - Meg, your pics are always awesome, your kiddos adorable & your words inspirational … thank you for sharing! (Sunflowers are pretty wonderful!)

Terrie G - Sunflowers make me weak in the knees!
I hunt for fields of them!
They are one of my favorite things to photograph…
besides the grandson! LOL!!
Well Done!

Niki - Amen and amen!! I am so taken with how deeply God knows His creations…be it flowers or people! I love that He KNOWS me inside and out! I have nothing unknown and He loves me anyway! 🙂

Heather F. - Thank you for the beautiful pictures. I love the surprise grasshopper! That would be a great tree to build a house by. Your kids have a great eye.

Lindsey@ Piecefully Home - God is awesome and so is that tree! I want to climb it. 🙂

tara pollard pakosta - BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!
these are just gorgeous!
love them all!

Jen - Amen!! Well said.

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