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IMG_20120814_130916my friend Pam came home for a visit from Liberia, Africa.
i just love her so much.
we talked and talked and talked.
one night…we talked ALL night…from 10 pm – 5 AM!!!
we had a lot to catch up on since she moved there in november.  

my favorite flavor is cappuccino chip.

the kansas sky is so beautiful…pretty much ALL the time.


for the record….annie was sorry for throwing a huge tantrum about her sticker not being sticky enough.
i said she had to stop and figure out a way to fix her problem.
she went bizerk!!
later this note was slipped under my door.  :) 

they all love to wear my new glasses.


i made Pam's Cheesecake for Pam when she was here!
no pressure or anything….just making the world's best cheesecake for it's Creator!
thankfully it was good.
i didn't burn or undercook it.
have you made it yet?!! 


i came home to this one afternoon.
waffle was hiding in a corner in another room….a self-appointed time out. 
he is so naughty sometimes. 

have you seen these funny cars?
this was my first time.


i love water color paints.
that big set is from target.
it's ok….i like the other big crayola set better to be honest.

IMG_20120823_075454i was reading Romans in The Message Bible.
it rocked.
i definitely want to be a cheerfully expectant servant.

after the GoPro reunion i met up with my friend Jeanne.
we went to lunch and FOUR hours later…we hugged goodbye.
it was like i had seen her yesterday but we have only met once in real life 3 or 4 years ago!
God has given me such awesome women in my life!


then i stayed in a hotel.
 A L O N E.
it was quiet and peaceful and comfy and FABulous.
i never even turned on the tv.

my flight home…i had to run to my plane.
i was the last one on.
i was a sweaty mess when i got on the plane.

i finished Interrupted on the plane.
that book… was like she could look into my brain and put words to my thoughts.
she was able to help me understand what i have been feeling.
i LOVE Jen Hatmaker.

my girls squished me when i got home.

IMG_20120828_102911i found this turtle in my driveway.
i took it's picture and let him move on with his day.


sometimes i have to remind myself that waiting is ok.
even if it's over 10 minutes for the correct price of cantaloupe.
i can wait.
but did appreciate my son saying very loudly "Gosh Mom!!! HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN WAITING HERE?"



i found a sunflower field this week.
they were all big heads but every single sunflower was about 2 feet tall.
it was kinda weird!


so….i found these shirts this week at walmart and they cracked me up!
if you want one….they are dri-fit btw….you can find them ALL of clearance for only $5 each.
i am so surprised they didn't sell very well.



well…we had our own paint fight.
as a family.
and blue lily photographed it.  :)


it was fun but challenging.
kids are can be sensitive and not used to throwing things at each other for fun.
there was some crying.
there was some anger ("he threw it at me!"  umm….yeah that is the point!)
so…maybe it's better with grown ups?
as soon as we were done and drove away my kids were saying how fun it was.
 so at least they may not remember being upset or feeling itchy…maybe.

i will show the blue lily pics when i get them.
thank you wendy & tyler.

ok…it's friday.
i get a whole weekend alone with mr. duerksen!
it's our anniversary.
i like him.
a whole bunch.

i am a lucky girl.

have an A W E S O M E weekend!!!



misty - ha!! I took a pic of those shirts too!! hysterical. I can’t imagine why they didn’t sell well either 😉

Jennie - So I totally saw a guy wearing the hamburger dri-fit, and I DESPERATELY wanted to take his picture. My husband was mortified. Sadly, he was walking too slow and our light turned green before I had the chance. I would have been sneaky. And I would have put it on instagram and tagged you!

Tracy Fisher - happy anniversary. ive been away for a few days… okay, mostly all summer. good and not good. anyway, coming back and read your blog. the words from that book made me rethink my last few weeks. soooo good. sooo needed. thanks for sharing. now go eat that best ever cheesecake! tracy

jeri - Whoa! I thought only my kids go bizerk over a not-sticky-enough-sticker. Thanks for the reality check. And laughs.

teresa - Your blog is full of color and happiness…love it.
and the note…sweet.

Teacher - meg…You know I love you…but you used its possessive TWICE with an appostrophe…yuck and double yuck!

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - Mkay so the photo of the garbage everywhere? Yup, been there. And on a really bad day I might add:
Bad dogs we have Meg:)

mum of all trades - Happy Anniversary! I love the photo of the sunflower field, really stunning scenery.

driving lessons redditch - I am really inspired for those family that having their memorable moments like this. Not all family are lucky to experience this kind of experience specially if both parents are busy with their work or business. It is important for the kids to live happy and positive in life.

Lisa - I have some very dear friends who live far away
(not in Africa though!) and the visits are so sweet!
A whole weekend alone with the husband sounds wonderful!
I’m trying to figure that out for my husbands bday in
I think your kids will look back on the paint fight and love it!
Even though it wasn’t perfect I’m sure they told their friends
ALL about it! 🙂

Michelle Z - Every time my boys see the Google car driving around, they start picking their noses. Boys.

Danielle - After reading about the paint fight you guys did at the conference I decided to do one as a family also. So to hear it did not go well! My husband thinks it will not go well also. Any tips? I have a 4 and 6 year old both boys, they love to destroy things and make a mess. Can’t wait to see the pics!

Tiffany - Happy Anniversary! Best wishes for many many more.

John William - Thanks for sharing the blog.Keep on update the blog.
kredyt konsolidacyjny

Valerie @ Chateau a La Mode - Loved Annie’s note, slipped under he door HA!

Sharla - Loved this post. You are right, short sunflower field is strange 😉 happy anniversary!

Heather - Yeah, cuz everyone wants a dri-fit workout shirt with cheeseburgers all over it! 🙂

Kirsten - ha! that’s funny – i just finished reading “7” (because you mentioned it a while back) and i thought, “i should comment on meg’s blog and ask her what she thought of it…and of ‘interrupted.’ (because i bought that one too, but haven’t read it yet). i am so curious!” mostly because my head and heart are full after reading it and i don’t quite know what to make of it and wonder if someone else who has read it is able to even think clear, concise thoughts about it. it is overwhelming and inspiring and challenging and perplexing and beautiful and scary. please tell me i’m not the only one who feels this way. 🙂
happy anniversary! have a wonderful weekend with your hubs!!

Megan J - And my questions about the walmart shirts….why did they think they needed to be dri-fit…more people would ONLY buy shirts like that if they were dri-fit–not cotton-HA!

nicole i - i love jen hatmaker too.

Cindy - Happy ANNIEversary! 🙂 Hope you have a great weekend! Our 20 yr anniversary is in October.

Michelle From Australia - Jimmy Buffett is coming to Brisbane. On September 21. I love Mr Buffett’s music. And the cheeseburger print shirt at Walmart would be perfect when dancing to ‘Cheeseburger in Paradise!’

Peggy in TN - You are one busy lady! Happy Anniversary and enjoy your quiet time with your hubby.

Shannon - Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby, hope you have a great weekend together! Annie’s note is too cute and that ice cream cone looks delicious 🙂

angela - Your blog is still one of my all time favorites. It just keeps getting better! One day this non crafting Nonny is going to sign up for a Craft Weekend!

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