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no matter what age.

Olay asked me to participate in their 60th anniversary celebration.
i love Olay products and i have been using them for years!
that made saying YES very easy
i am thrilled to be a part of their party!

Olay encourages women to be proud of their age and challenges them to find out what is possible no matter what your age might be.


I think i am doing that…or trying to at least.
i am 37 years young and i think life is going pretty well.
i am much more confident than when i was 27.
i am more comfortable with WHO I AM than when i was 30.
and i am in better shape now than when i was 32.


have you ever made a bucket list?
i had only made yearly goals in the past but when Olay asked me what i was checkin' off my bucket list i knew i had to get to it.
my life is moving on everyday and i needed to be intentional!

so i started writing things down….thinking about what i really want in life.

i want to live a great story.

what does that mean for me; a mother of five, loving wife and crafty business woman?

HOW do i live a better story?

i think it starts by giving myself a challenge to do new things and don't let my days waste away.

some of the things i wrote down————————————

go to africa (lots of times)

meet bono

learn to crochet

see a kangaroo in australia

run a half marathon

go on a real camping trip (become a camper)

help people all over the world (even in my own town)

hike a mountain (without feeling like i am going to pass out)

learn to make pasta

read more books

swim with a sea turtle

random acts of kindness

visit a castle in europe (not on a cheesy tour)

raise chickens πŸ™‚

ride in a helicopter (with dramamene)

take my kids in an RV trip

memorize bible verses


i am already working on several of these things right now.

Living a good story requires GOING.
all these experiences, the things i have done and things i will do, make up who i am NOW.
i am 37.
and i am living a good life.


what about you?

what do you need to get up and change to start living your own great story?

Leave me a comment with your answer for a chance to win a $100 Visa gift card courtesy of Olay!



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This giveaway is open to US Residents age 18 or older. Winners will be selected via random draw, and will be notified by e-mail. You have 72 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be selected.

The Official Rules are available here.

This sweepstakes runs from 11/13 to 12/13

Be sure to visit the Olay 60th Anniversary brand page on where you can read other bloggersΓ­ reviews and find more chances to win!

olivia rubin - At 31, I am not where I thought I would be 10 years ago. And I have no idea what I will be 10 years from now. But in that time I would love to visit the Redwood forests and hope to visit southern India as well.

angie - I honestly don’t know what kick-started me this past June to get my stuff together, but I have lost almost 40lbs since then and am not looking back!

Karine Traverse - To get over my anxiety! I would love to do many things, but I am often too fearful to do it.


Cori Westphal - I need motivation! I’ve struggled with my weight for many years, and I just wish I had the gumption to get me to a happy place physically!
coriwestphal at msn dot com

Betty C - I need to focus more on the things that are really important to me and skip over the trivial things that seem to gobble up chunks of time. I’m almost 73 and my bucket list is nowhere near complete.

Sarah L - I let everyone know I’m 64 and I swim 3 times a week. I want to go to New Zealand.
Thanks for the contest.

Linda C - Live my well-seasoned last years being loving, peaceful and forgiving.

Carmen - Right now our life story is pretty much focused on our little one – but that’s ok. Because this time is fleeting and can’t be recovered.

rachel - I want to travel and enjoy being young before my husband and I start our family.

Mary M. - I need to just change my mind. I have to find the motivation to make a change for me and to take more time for just me.

Dina - For me, the key to living a great story will be letting go of the assumption that something has to be done a certain way in a certain time in order to be meaningful. For example, I feel like reading to my youngest daughter doesn’t count unless we’re snuggled up on the couch for a half-hour or more reading a quality piece of children’s literature. With that mentality, I’ll be lucky to ever read to her again! Grabbing her and the nearest children’s book for a quick 10 minutes before dinner makes us both happy without the pressure of perfectionism.

Judith VanAlphen - Still on my bucket list is trekking the Inca ruins.

Lee - trekking to Machu Picchu is on my list or story!

Thomas Murphy - Id like to find a new career field.

Kelly Green - well I need a hair cut and money to afford to spoil myself with instead of always using second best and I would like to say at the age of 48 I weigh
less than I did at 13. Only 128 lbs right now.

suburbancorrespondent, - I need to exercise more, so if I have a chance to travel, I can be fit enough to enjoy it!

Marie - I am a mother of 3 and my one goal right now is to graduate from college. I am almost there!!

MelissaO - I need to start seeing possibility and not the reasons why I can’t make things happen…this is really the one big thing that holds me back/
wolverina401 at gmail dot com

Wild Orchid - tweet–
wildorchid985 @ gmail dot com

Wild Orchid - I need to be more spontaneous in order to do the things I want to do!
wildorchid985 @ gmail dot com

Becky Horn - I am 36 what I would love to do is go on a Carribean Cruise

Christina Tong - I tweeted:

Christina Tong - I am living a blessed life, thank God that I have this job for several months. I trust and have faith in Him to lead me to live my great story everyday.

Shannon - I’m so living a blessed life. I’m learning to live one day at a time, so a bucket list for me would be pressure!

BCriswell - One of my goals is to publish a book. I am working harder on it now! Hopefully determination will win the day!

Georgia - Tweeted
gmissycat at yahoo dot com

Georgia - I need to actually quite my mind more and relax.
gmissycat at yahoo dot com

Whitney - I need to worry less about things I can’t change

Samantha Daleo - I need to wear make up more often and take care of me every now and again…I need to make more money so I can look up from the bills sometimes and enjoy what’s around me more often. I need to worry less and trust more.

Kelsey Kim - Love the photo of you covered in paint, how beautiful! I am 30, mother of 2(3rdon the way), and wife of more than 11 years. I think I want to be more ambitious. Lately I am just okay not being that way, but I will get there!

Amy Tong - I need to start creating my own cookbook! That will let me start living my own great story!
amy [at] utry [dot] it

Nancy - Write a book!

kathy - Start my own line of girls clothes

Judy B. - I need to focus on my health to regain energy to tackle my bucket list.

Tina M - i need to save money and see this world

Maria Cantu - I would like to change my eating and exercise habits.

Chacoy - I am the happiest I have ever been in my mid-thirties and know that I am content in my life right now-
I want to continue letting people know that they’re holding the chance at happiness in their hands but they actually have to know that they deserve it.
I live everyday like it’s my last and hope that others will do the same…
Thank you for the opportunity(:

Rebecca Graham - I need to start exercising and eating right so that I will feel up to doing things on my bucket list.

Erika - I’ve been dreaming of seeing England since I was little!

julie - i want to do it all!! thanks for helping me revisit my list!!

Amanda Sakovitz - I need time and money!

Karen Medlin - Take the plunge and open the Cafe I always dreamed of opening.

sy - I need put more time on work so I can do better, I want to volunteer more too. Thanks for sharing and the giveaway.
songyueyu at gmail

Jen - Live in the moment and forget the small stuff

Jessica - Spend less time with mindless gadgets and more time using my brain!

sandra - some inspiration and friends

Kari - I need to get over my fear and finally get my license. Life would be so much better. It’s definitely hard to do ANYTHING when I have to ask other people for rides.

Kelly D - I need to find the time and not make any excuses.

Kelly Massman - I’d love to lose weight. Thanks for a chance to win and have a great day!

tara pittman - I need to just do it.

Jessie C. - I’d love to spend much more time at home with kids.

danielle - I need to let the little things go and live in the moment!

Lisa Brown -
jslbrown_03 at yahoo dot com

Lisa Brown - I need to change to a more positive way of thinking. I can be a bit negative.
jslbrown_03 at yahoo dot com

jennibell - I’m trying to convince my husband to start a business with me. . .??? Risky at 40 with 4 kids to support???? I don’t know. . .but I LOVE to dream πŸ™‚

Nicole F. - I’m a new mom, so I feel like a whole new chapter of my life has just started. I’m excited to see what God has in store for me and my family in the upcoming years. I’m ready to be used by Him! πŸ™‚

steph - some more sleep! due next week with a baby and closing on our first house πŸ™‚

amy jupin - i need to start making time for exercise.
i hate it.
and i make every excuse to avoid it.
like, i’ll even fold laundry or unload the dishwasher to avoid it.
but i want my body to be healthy and feel strong.
it’s not like i want to be a size six.
i just want to feel good about me.
see, i just need to do it.
why is it so hard to make time for ourselves?

cw - Unfortunately, I was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 37, however,on a positive note, it has made me do things that I have put off for years.
Travelling with kids, spending more time with relatives

Tiffany Winner - I need to change my spending habits so we can start saving more and get out from debt

Nanette - I always feel like I need to do certain things (eat better, lose weight, sleep more) before I can tackle the big things…but really you can only live each day as it comes and make the most of it…it goes by too fast.

Meredith - This year has been a big year for me, at least I think so. I have organized my house a little more as well as my life. I have gotten more involved with school and other things as well. Trying to simplify but be helpful. I work full time an hour away from home, so trying to get all the little things done and spend time with my boys. This year (Monday) I will be 39 years old. I want to be my best me at 40, the person I have always wanted to be, not someone I think others want me to be. I am lucky to have a husband and kids who support that. Thanks for asking this question, sometimes it make it more real when it is out of your head and on paper.

Elena - I just want to be happy with the life we have chosen for ourselves! yes we can live with less! yes I can spend more time with our kids!

Bailey C - I need to get up and move more – get in a routine of exercise!

GretchenP - save some money and travel.. stop dreaming of the places i want to see and go there! πŸ™‚ thanks for the giveaway!

Chi Anne - It took a long time and a wonderful husband, but I’m living the dream πŸ™‚ It’s cliche’, but life is too short. Instead of making a list we just do it. If you want some help with that see a castle in Europe part, we can help. We currently live in Germany which is filled with lots of castles and cathedrals and other beautiful architecture!

Julie - what do i need… more money? jk, i need guts. just the guts to do what needs to be done.

Cori Ashley (@letseatgrandpa) - I need to stop dreaming and start DOING. Actually, I am finally starting — big things ahead! I freakin’ love life.

Amy - I tend to run around doing things for everyone else and never taking any time to work on me. I am not the best person I can be and I haven’t figured out yet who I really am and who I want to be. I need to spend some time figuring that out and learning to be the best person I can be. Because the clock keeps ticking. I need to do this not only for me but also for my family.

ira lee - for me- its an easy answer, but a hard one to practice. to quit being so tired to get things done. i work outside the home in the medical field and it is very stressful. i want to paint, play with my kids, go see a movie, go camping more, organize my house, redecorate my house, cook more dinners, print off pictures. its a constant struggle between making motivation for myself so i can get something accomplished and allowing myself to rest and chill with out feeling guilty. constant struggle. i also battle clinical depression, and im anemic a lot of the time. so tired seems to be my lifestyle! its frustrating, i feel like an inadequate mother sometimes. i have to remind myself that things wont get done unless i take the first step, its ok to rest my mind and body, and im a good momma and my kids love me despite my flaws!!!
love your blog- u are an inspiration!!!

Jamie - I need to have confidence in myself- be brave. That will get me on the right track, because without, it holds me back.

Robin Anderson - I need to finish some of the many awesome projects I’ve already started πŸ™‚

kath - I reckon my goal can be to have you come to australia and run that half marathon with me at Gold Coast! Awesome course! And I’ll let you see kangarros while you are here πŸ˜‰

Ashley B. - I need to stop giving up just because things cost money, and make an effort to find free/cheap stuff that I can afford to do instead of just being a couch potato πŸ™‚

suzi failing - I need need to read my Bible every day not just once and awhile……….sigh..
And I need to rearrange the bedrooms that the kids are using with the ones that the grown kids have moved out of……..big sigh……..
suzi failing

Jenny B. - I need to clean and declutter so we can have a welcoming, peaceful home that I feel good about inviting people into. - We are very blessed and have a boat. It is a great way to get my older teens to come do family stuff as we go out skiing and tubing and kneeboarding. Well, except me. I need to lose weight so I can get up on skis. So, I am the picture taker and the one who doesn’t want the photos taken of her. I want to be happy with my body so I can enjoy being in photos and be more active in participating in our life.

Ashley E - I need to remember that God is always in control and has a plan. I also need to get back to the gym, because a healthy mom is a great example to my girls!

Kim - I need to get back to a regular exercise regimen. I’m more positive & get so much more accomplished when I’m feeling happy and healthy.

amber - I need to stop comparing myself to others and let go of fear.

shannon Stout - Wow! Seriously food for thought. Hubby lost his job recently and we have been struggling ever since, so to make a bucket list seems a little crazy considering we can’t do anything right now……but I NEED to make my moments with my kids COUNT! Not to be distracted by computers, tv and phones. I need to live in the moment more and make a difference in their lives and with hubby. Things seem so messed up right now but God is seeing us through and we give Him all the Glory and Praise. So for me, these simple changes in my life would change how great my story will end up.

Larissa - I need to learn to be more content…also not to worry.

Diane - For me, it’s the fear. Fear holds me back so much and I’m realizing how sad that is. I come from a family that doesn’t seem to “live” but merely survive. I don’t want that to be the same for me. And especially for my daughter. I want her to LIVE and live LARGE.
Feel the fear and do it anyways needs to be my mantra to really get out and live life.

tiffany gardner - WRITE IT DOWN. Doesn’t that make it so real. I need to write down my dreams for my life. Then each day as I think about how thankful I am … I can also look at my list and be reminded there is so much to come! LIVE. Live.. each day!

Brady - I want to lose some weight to get healthier!! There are so many things I want to do if I will just get in shape and DO THEM!!

Routhie - I really want to be happy with what I have and what I have to be less.

stephanie - be postivie

Lisa - – take better care of my health before real problems arise
– daily bible reading and prayer
– stop being afraid to try new things
– let go – some things just aren’t that important

Jessica - Not comparing myself to others and knowing my life is perfect for me.
jessicaikiehn at gmail dot com

Becky Jones - I Need to invest much more into the lives of others…I have spent too many years focused on me…I am ashamed to say it, but it is true. I want to end well in my life- bringing joy to God’s heart.

Brenda - Trusting in God! He has big plans for us this year! I have lived in Kansas for 39 years and we are in the process of moving to Savannah, GA! - I am celebrating 20 years in remission from a childhood cancer this January 28,2013. I had Hogkin’s disease at 16 and am now 36. I beat the odds and was able to have two beautiful children. I would so love the $100 gift card as I want to take them to Disneyland on Jan 28,2013. I want to surprise them at school and take them to the happiest place on earth for day of family fun!!! The next thing on my list is to get all of my dental work done (I am terrified of the dentist, lose some weight, and take better care of myself.) Everything I do I do for others and I need to start doing some things for myself. Thanks for the chance to win. <3

Rena Frey - Great idea! I’ve been meaning to sit down and write my bucket list. Such a wonderful thing to appreciate yourself more as you get older. Happy birthday, Olay!

Jen - I need to learn to balance. Balance time with family vs personal time, work time vs volunteering. The time to work on bucket list goals will come about when that happens, I think!

Trina - I need to learn to relax and stop worrying so much! I have 3 great kids and great family and friends that I need to enjoy more! I would also like to learn to crochet!

Crissie - I need to let go of the fear that is holding me back! If I trust in myself and make things happen!

Amy Griffin - I need to start doing things for me and learn not to worry so much!Life is to short!

Robin M. - Like you said, I need to stop wasting my days!

nancy b - I would really like to slow our life down and take the time to really enjoy everything instead of feeling the need to rush rush rush. I have a bucket list also and one thing for me is to never give up trying to full-fill it. That is part of what makes life fun.

Analia - Love the bucket list! You are inspiring. I need to have more patience….and look forward to the future.

Lisa A - Way to Go Meg! Being intentional is so powerful! I need to FOCUS. I have lots and lots of things on my list and I need to focus and actually check one off. I get so caught up in the day-to-day tasks and happenings that I don’t STOP and focus on my kids, focus on myself, focus on my husband, etc etc. Instead of trying to do it all, I am going to focus my efforts. Thanks for the inspiration!

Ann Marie - I need to be more intentional and put a plan out there for myself. Until that happens nothing on my bicket list will be check off

Verna Lantz - I need more money. πŸ™‚ Hehe. Don’t we all? No, really, it’s a decision. Make the decision to go for what you want, then do it.

robyn - I need to get up and DO more not just make lists or talk about it….your blog is awesome

Crystal Swoverland - *Visit NYC
*Be WITH my kids
*Say yes more
*Love Jesus more
*Take my son back to Ethiopia to meet his first family
*Learn to cook (try to enjoy it)

Megan - I need to learn to love myself and be more confident in the woman God has created me to be… and STOP COMPARING!!!

Kristi K - i need to stop letting others hold me back and do what I want to do…..even if it means doing it alone πŸ™‚

Heike - I just do it – it’s now or never!

tara - i made a 40 before 40 list when i was 37….i’ve done a boat load on that list, but i’m no where near finished, and i turn 40 in JUNE.
I’ll just add something else to the list every year and make it a 41 before 41 and a 42 before 42…etc….. πŸ™‚
i love a great solution. πŸ™‚

kellie - i would visit the cabin in the mountains of Montana, where i lived up until 2nd grade. i remember SO MUCH about that place, and so little of the rest of my life. i want to experience the feeling of memories flooding back to me. a mom of 5 and i feel like my memory of my life is fading fast. and i want to choose grace and joy in the hard.

Christina - I read many blogs, and feel inspired (or depressed, depending)…but I just sit. I need to do. Be with my kids. Fix up my house. Act like I care. Because I do. (Sometimes it’s hard to get started, to get moving…)
I like Olay products too, and I just started using this moisturizer plus foundation that I really like. πŸ™‚ The smell of it reminds me of my Grandma, too, so I like that. πŸ™‚
I love reading what you write, Meg. And seeing your photos. You are beautiful, inside and out.

Kate - We need to have a craft weekend for those of us who want to learn to crochet!!!

Christy B - I need to spend more time away from a computer and enjoy the world around me!

Denise - I just want to live more deliberately instead of being swept along in a tide of busyness.

Elena - I need to be able to find time for myself
elena150980 at yahoo dot com

Shelley C. - I need to win this gift card!

wendy - i need to make a plan for how i spend my time. i need to schedule working out, time with God, make a plan for meals, etc. i feel like i am just passing the time and surviving instead of making my life count. basically, i need to be more intentional! πŸ™‚

Tonya - I need to let go….and let God.

Barbara (WA) - I am old enough to be your mother, or maybe your grandmother!! My challenge is to not go to regrets or self-contempt for what I haven’t done yet in my life. I have been learning to care for myself in healthy ways and exploring what I love (not what I am expected to love). Life is very good!

Amy - I am SO proud of what I’ve done in 2012. I started running. I worked in a Ugandan orphanage this summer. We adopted a baby (not because of infertility, but because we believe in adoption).
Now, I want to KEEP doing these things. Live. Life. Whole. Heartedly. For. Christ.

mandy friend - finish my book and look to get it published , become a runner{ugh!}

Amber - Like my wise little 8 year old says, writes, and draws for me all too often, “To mom, Believe in yourself” (What is she trying to say!) Believing in possibility and goodness in self and others will foster connections, friendships, and success. Embracing and redefining my own awkward (cause yeah, social situations not my strong suite) will lead to such good fortune. That’s my start…

Tracy Fisher - Well for staters, that $100 would help! haha. Seriously though, I want to one day drive along the coast of California and stay at little cheesy seaside bungalows and eat at a few restaurants I’ve seen on Diners Driveins and Dives. And maybe learn to surf. But mostly drive with the top down and have the music turned up loud. All this with my family of four of course πŸ™‚

elizabeth - I want to ride a big roller coaster. I havent since I was much younger and I do not think it was that big compared to coasters nowadays. I need to do it, and conquer my fear. I did do one thing on my bucket list last July – I took my teenage boys to NYC. Just us, we navigated fine and had a blast. I was nervous but it all went well.

Gretchen - I need to take the first step. I have so many great ideas swirling around in my head, but I need to take the plunge and try it out (without fear of the unknown or fear of failure).

Dara - I would say I mostly need to improve my attitude!

Laura in LA - Wow! I need to just get out of my own way and do it! Do everything! Whether I think I can or not. Just go…do…

Meg G - I need to stop worrying about pleasing everyone else or letting anyone down. Not making myself more of a priority leaves me the one unhappy and let down!

Traci - You are inspiring! A bucket list is a great idea! I need to get busy however as I am 51! Thank you for the encouragement.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - GO, girl! (I’ll go, too.)

mami2jcn - I’d love to travel but it’s just out of our reach financially.

Life with Kaishon - You are incredibly beautiful. I love your smile.
Have fun in Africa. Thank you for wanting to make a difference in the world. What can be better than that?

Stacey - Quit being fearful, especially about traveling!

Meredith Welborn - I need to be present…fully in the moment. I don’t have to spend lots of money or travel the world or make a name for myself to have great success. I do, however, have to make the most of what I have…

Amy K. - I think I need to spend some time making a list like yours!

Jane - I need to get up and read my bible each morning, to ground my day and my life in God’s word would make a big difference to my ability to living my own great story.

Christina - I need to spend less time on the internet and more time creating!

Lucy F - I love Olay products and your bucket list!

E - Hey, for whatever it’s worth, if you come to Liberia, we can help you knock half those items off you list.

gale - Such a great post – and so glad to see and hear that you’re having fun in your own skin (and taking great care of it, too, with Olay products!!!!)
I’m 50 and just now figuring out how to slow down and enjoy life – wish I hadn’t waited so long πŸ™‚

Amy - I need to take more risks. I like being comfortable. Life doesn’t happen there.

mary - oh meg what a great post!
i am 49 and finally ready to start living my life
for so long i had been just doing what others wanted
working retail the last 32 years you get used to just being
pushed around and going through the motions
i don’t know what got that spark in my going this year, could be the diagnosis
of type 2 diabetes in february and knowing that it is now up to me to make MY life the way i WANT and NEED it to be!
one of my closest dear friends gifted me a year membership to the best all woman’s gym in my area, which i now and slowly getting in the groove of
i now make menu’s out for the up coming weeks and we are on a great budget plan with a goal of being debt free in 1.5 years instead of 5-6!
amazing what you can do when you finally decide to take charge of your own life
(a very happy birthday to talby!)

tinaehb3 - I feel like I live a good life too!!! But this is my last year in my 30’s and I am determined to be debt free by the time I turn 40 next Oct. This of course won’t include my mortgage but hopefully everything else. Also on the list is to run a half marathon…I’m up to 7 1/2 miles and tonight I ran my fastest 5k at 26 minutes. While I’m aware this isn’t the speed of lightening…it is breaking Tina (me) World Records and that’s all that really matters. I’m going to learn to make bread and try to knit. I’d also like Keith Urban to attend my birthday party… we all have dreams right? I guess I’m just lucky enough that we both celebrate our birthdays on the same day πŸ™‚ And last but not least I’d like to blog more.

Amy@littleforalittlewhile - You will rock so many of those, especially the chickens!!!

Breeanna @ a brilliant melody - As I get older (I’m 29), I find that each year gets better. I’m actually looking forward to my 30’s! (Shocker, I know!) I have such a blessed life, but the one thing I need to get motivated on and change, is my health. I eat all the bad foods that taste so good! That is the one area I lack in. But there is always time to change!

Melissa - allow myself to be open and willing to the interruptions God brings into my life. to live in the moment, be flexible and be willing to be used by Him no matter what the cost! my desire is to be fully used up by God. it’s not always easy, but it’s my desire.

Amy - I need to go back to my New Year’s resolution of writing (fiction) every day…I want to see my dream of being published come true, and that can’t happen if I’m not proactive about it.

Molly Jenkins - I need to learn to let things go and focus on the future.

Sarah - I need to start getting in shape – I keep putting it off but I’m feeling like now is the time! I need to get up and get moving!!

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - I need to TRUST…that the One who controls my paths in life knows what is best for me. Hubby and I took our first missions/teaching trip this past summer to Central America and even in the midst of some scary situations we were at perfect peace…because we knew we were in the right place at the right time. Where we’d been called to.
I’m excited that this path of life will take me through exciting journeys and difficult ones(that’s where we’re stretched and learn to grow) and to do it beside those I love the most.

Tiffany Clark - Inside and out, you are such a beautiful person. I feel so blessed to have met you in real life. I created a bucket list a while ago, but you gave me some new ideas. Really I think my big one is: Help people. In big and little ways. Far away and local. Through my job, random acts of kindness, mission trips, etc. And, to teach my kids to do the same. I don’t think I really need to change. I’m already doing those things, but I need to do them MORE. I need to be creative with how to help others when money can be tight.

Megan - I need to make a list and schedule time to complete it. I overschedule everything & need to learn to schedule me time

Allie - strive to be the best mom to my two boys, pray daily for patience.
need to join the gym and lose the last of my baby weight!

Hannah O - I need continued willpower throughout life AND to remember to always make myself a priority!!

Janel - I LOVE my life…although there are always, wish I would do this, that, the other. Maybe I should start with a bucket list too! Great idea! Check the Whatever blog…tops my list most days πŸ™‚ Enjoy it!

KT - I need to just once give myself the compassion, care, enthusiasm and inspiration that I strive to give to others every day. I am just as important as the people I help every day. πŸ™‚

Molly B - I need to get healthy and stop making excuses before I do ANYTHING else!
PS. . .I can teach you how to crochet. . .at the next Craft Weekend, perhaps?!?!?!
: )

Deb Meyers - great list! You could make pasta before bedtime tonight, however. It is the easiest thing EVER and I waited too long to try it.

Christie - I think sometimes I need to let the little things go…and to really be present in the moment more. Sometimes I’m thinking 10 steps ahead and I miss what’s happening right now! And the NOW is the living worth investing in!

Jamie M. - I need to let go of the fear and just go for it.

Carolyn W - I have been a teacher in CA for 12 years, but my position is about to be eliminated thanks to budget cuts. I feel like I am on the verge of “what’s next.” I have wanted to be a teacher since I was 7-years-old, so I never took the time to consider anything else. Now is the time for me to see what else is out there and be open to it!

Kimberly - Oddly, I need to say “no”. I am very quick with “yes”, leaving no time for me to relax/dream/be! My story is being written by other people’s demands. I think I would be happier & more giving if I took control again!

Becky - love the messy paint pic of you. i want to go to NYC and run like Phoebe in the park. that’s just one of many many things. i can now officially cross off craft weekend. that feels good…a bucket list item marked off;)

Caitlynne - I need to start dreaming!!

Nina - Create then Donate! I am going to donate something I made to someone who is less fortunate.
Something made from the heart, can warm the heart of someone you
may never meet. That’s what I am going to do right now. I made a advent
calendar, I going to drop it off at my food pantry, for someone who can
enjoy in there home this holiday season. Thanks for the push…

Kara - I really don’t know – but now I’m motivated to sit and think about it and come up with a list. Thanks!

s - I need to remember to enjoy and really LIVE the little everyday moments…

Angela A - I need to learn how to dream big. And bigger.

Daina Funk - Love this post… your picture of you with paint splattered all over your face….love that you have running a half marathon on your list (Woohoo!! You can do it!!) Stephanie Thiessen and I are coming to Craft weekend in February and we are pumped….I wonder how many of these things on your list will be checked off by then?? πŸ˜‰

Jody - I need to get “back to work” after being home with my kiddos for 8 years!! It’s such a big step.
BTW, did you read Ashley Judd’s memoir?? Just reading it now – great book about doing God’s work & helping women & she mentions Bono quite a few times!!!! πŸ™‚

Pippa - Stop being afraid! Pray for me!

Donna - I need to remember that a day that hasn’t gone the way I thought it would go, is still a GOOD day!! I may not have gotten everything checked off my to-do list, but good things happened anyway πŸ™‚

michelle@decorandthedog - I need to live in the now instead of always worrying about the future!

Angela - I’m an almost 25 year old zoo preschool teacher who needs to not be ashamed of the Gospel in my workplace.
I also want to visit every continent (with the possible exception of Antarctica) at least once.
I want to be more active on the mission field (even the local one) with my husband of 2.5 years.
And I need to keep workin’ on my fitness (I know you just sang Fergie in your head.)… I’m 20lbs down with 40 to go! Yippee!

Tracy - I need to trust God and accept wherever he sends our family next year. This is a big year for us. I need patience and faith.

Heather - I need to change my attitude! I’m a new mom and left my career to stay home with my son. He can be very needy and fussy and is a terrible sleeper, and I am not handling it well. I need to learn to love him and find joy in him even on our worst days and nights. I need to learn the lessons God is trying to teach me here. I need to continue to be refined by Him and to rest in His grace EVERY DAY. I know he won’t be little forever and he won’t need me quite so much eventually, but it is so hard to see beyond the demands of each moment to the bigger picture.

Kimberly Parker - This topic really hits home for me. This year, my mom passed away and I have been left alone–no husband, no kids, no parents, no brothers or sisters, and no family. I honestly don’t know what I need to start living again, but I need to find it soon. I just know that I don’t want to continue going home after work everyday and just sitting there by myself. Maybe a list would be a great place to start!

Amber B - I really need to stop and enjoy the moment. So often it’s go go go that I can’t enjoy where I am right now. Thanks for the reminder πŸ™‚

Andrea - I need to change my tendency to let fear keep me from just doing it! Even if I fail, it’s true what they say…we learn from our failures. Thank you for sharing your list. You’ve inspired me to start one of own…then not just file it away, but get down to living it!

Diane - I need to soak up the moments with my kids. They are only 9 and 6…and I often think I have plenty of time with them but really, the years are disappearing before my eyes!

Jennifer - I need to learn to let things go. Just be happy with where I am and who I am. I used to be that way but I kinda lost it over the last few years.

Barbara - I’d like to learn Photoshop. Oh, the things I could do with it! And I want to start a Bible study for 20’s and 30’s.

Michelle - I need to not be lazy, to not procrastinate and not be afraid. I want to live a good story!

Ashley - I want to be more giving of my time. be more willing to go and do things and less of a home-body.

Lori H - I just turned 50. I need to put myself out there more and take chances. I can be a worry wart and a chicken. I don’t want to miss any opportunities to make the most of my life.

rae - i need to figure out what i really want to do and make it happen. i’m 27 and work in a lame job i don’t like but it is safe and easy. i need to get the courage to take that leap!

Jen N. - I need to stop saying things like “in the future…” and start making things happen now. There’s no reason to wait for things like big trips because you’re not guaranteed a tomorrow.

Luis - Dear Meg,
Making pasta it’s a pice of cake for a mother of 5, really it’s very very easy.
If you are coming to Italy to visit some castle, please be my guest.
Ciao luisa

Gina - You’re such an inspiration Meg!! πŸ™‚ I need to get serious about eating right and getting in shape!! =P

shelly - My dreams keep changing—those steadfast if only this would happen dreams of my 20’s don’t seem to matter much anymore. Living intentionally, fully, and having fun while doing it…that is my dream πŸ˜‰ And if you ever need a mountain to climb, come on down and we’ll go hiking! (we could camp in the mountains and then you’d knock off 2 things lol)

kristiina - I need to get off the computer!!! I see all of these great ideas and then 3 hours slip through my fingers…..also a time zap is TV. We turn it on once the kids are asleep and just lay around until bed time. That’s precious time! Maybe I should ‘lose’ my remote LOL πŸ™‚

Margaret - i need to stop letting my young age and my lack of money keep me from getting out into the world and the community. i need to trust that God will provide, and go be His hands and feet, even if that means by myself! whether that be down the street, or across the globe, i want to end each day knowing that i was used by the Lord to spread His purposes.

SandraD - I am 35 years old and I can honestly say I don’t have one true friend (except my husband who has loved me for 18 years). Two years ago my husband and 2 boys and I moved from FL to PA, and I have been so shy since then I can’t even make myself get out and meet people. I had a great group of friends in FL, and I feel as if I am somehow discounting those friends by making new ones? Plus it’s just not in my nature to step into a room and start talking to people. I honestly don’t know HOW to make sad is that? 35 years old and I don’t have a friend I can call when I need a morning out for coffee, or someone to do some Christmas shopping with…My story can’t end with me moving to a new state and never talking to a soul besides my poor husband who listens to everything I have to say! I have a sewing and embroidery business that I run from my home, so I can literally go days without leaving my sewing room…I miss my girlfriends!

cailan - Learning to live intentionally and for me that often means staying on top of my days by making lists and setting clearly defined goals – otherwise the days slip-slip away.c

amy jupin - you are beautiful.
inside and out.

Terri Fretwell - Very inpsiring! I need to live each moment. Take it in and know that I cannot get it back. I have mellowed in my years and now at 40, I feel 25. I truly try to enjoy each day as much as possible given the daily stresses of life. I am blessed!

Marsha Kern - To live our dream of being a small farmer, goats, chickens, donkeys! We can’t wait!

Alice H - I need a better attitude sometimes and just to sit back and relax. I always feel like I am going going going. Thanks for the giveaway.

Su@TheIntentionalHome - I keep checking for the craft weekend post πŸ™‚ But I’ll take my chance at a $100 visa card. . thanks!! I need to spend a little more time taking care of me;it is at the bottom of the list. I need to eat better and exercise so that I have the energy to do all that God has called me to do. . . I know that exerice and eating better affects the body and mind.

Kari - I need to make more time for my husband and friends. I’m consumed with being a mom, which I love, but I wouldn’t be the woman that I am if it weren’t for my husband and friends and I need to take time to rebuild those relationships.

Molly - I need some energy. I lost my mom this year and I miss her so much. I’ve been in depression but trying really hard to move on. I need to see what’s in front of me, my husband and family. I want to make more jewelry and sell it. I want to get up and move each am (I used to walk every am, but can’t seem to motivate myself to do it these days). And stop sweating the small OCD stuff I seem to be fixating on lately. A bucket list would be a good thing to make now.

Dawn - I want to see the best in each day even when it’s a day at home doing laundry, changing diapers, and washing dishes! Life is so short and I want to soak up as much as I can. As a mom of two little ones,
I want to enjoy them and just be the best mom as I can.
I want to seek out new adventures! I want to make others feel special and feel special myself!

Preethi - I want to live life to the fullest! Not waste a minute of it πŸ™‚

Amy Woods - I need to move my body! There are so many things I want to do – zip lines, mountain hikes, bike tours…and I’m just too heavy to do these things. I need to move my body!! Like, NOW! πŸ˜‰

Sabrina - I need to start making healthy choices for myself… I want to be a mom who is full of energy!

Janelle - Oh some energy…I just oh so need it!!! It would probably come with eating better and exercising.

AJ - I need to take better care of myself in regards to my health and weight.

Heather S. - I need to stop thinking, “I should call that person and offer help/ask them to coffee/etc” and actually start picking up the phone. I am getting better, and God blesses it every.single.time I am faithful to do it – but I still need to do it MORE.

melissa erin - be INTENTIONAL. that’s all. all it takes is a tragedy to happen around me, to make me stop and realize we are not promised tomorrow, and that helps me live today with all the momentum that i have…

amanda - maybe I should start with a list too? I have NEVER made year goals or a bucket list or anything. So I think that’s what I need to do. Get a pen and paper (cute paper preferrably) and just start writing things down. Surely that would be a good start.

Ashley - I love this! I actually have a List List on my blog. I need to stop the “I’ll get to that someday” excuses and prioritize what’s important to me! Thanks for the reminder.

Christy - a post like this is what I need!! A wake up
I need to stop making excuses or waiting for the perfect time. Or what I think is the perfect time. And just go for it

Aimee - I need to live in the moment more and stop looking to the future too much. I also need to get my butt in gear and finish losing the weight I want to lose so that I can feel better about myself, be in better health and have more energy to live the life I want to live.

Aby - I need to actually stop. STOP and breathe. Stop and realize the blessing in my life and how quickly it all passes us by. STOP sweating the small stuff. STOP and smell the roses. Because they truly are ALL AROUND ME!!!

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