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God is good.

the shootings in Newtown were devastating.
it's horrible.
it's heartbreaking.
it is evil.

Psalms 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

Lord continue to be with all the families affected by this tragedy.




my friend pam is getting better and her girls are getting better too.
their health is improving.


i am praising God for that this week!
i have absolutely LOVED the amazingness of the internet and cell phones this week.
she and i can "talk" fairly easily ACROSS THE WORLD!
getting an email from Pam is cause for stopping what i am doing and reading it.
i love to hear from her.



this is my "GET IN THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT" week.
i am determined to get it.
i will bake.  i will pray.  i will sing.  i will craft.  i will shop.  i will wrap.  i will plan.  i will BE MERRY.

there will be kids craft posts all week long!


i have five days to finish.

how are you doing on your christmas attitude?  
are you having a hard time like me remembering that christmas is about jesus, not schedulues, gifts & decorating?

i am trying. 



thankful for so many little details in my life this weekend….candle light dinner with the kids…creativity…healthy legs to run…those faces…kids who eat peanut butter like crazy…sleeping in LATE…cuddling with waffle…basketball games…silly moments like shoulder rides and running barefoot in the parking lot.





who says she can't be a lefty after all.
she drew the whole picture with a pencil first and then colored it all in…with her left hand!!





talby and i put together some Blessing Bags yesterday.
she said "this is so nice to do for people! this makes me feel good."
she was reading my mind. 
i look forward to her being able to pass them out.
we are keeping them in our car so we can be sure to have them when we need them.

read about how to make your own blessing bags HERE.   



this morning….

super foggy…..ran with friends in 24 degrees….breakfast – i love those! ….annie bought an AG with her own money and it arrived today. she is going to be SO excited after school!!



    I am joining The Adventure Project again this holiday to help in Haiti, Africa and India….






   Go over to The Adventure Project to see HOW you can can be a part of this amazing tribe!!



Melissa - Lisa: I just checked..she’s still there. PUNKALOTTA. She also started blogging again a few weeks ago,
I keep sending well wishes and prayers to Newtown.
Good luck Lisa.

Lisa - I can’t seem to locate Laura’s instagram page? It keep telling me it’s been deleted?

karen - that’s such a beautiful explanation Lorraine.

Melissa - I too live in Connecticut about 30 miles away, and a Mom of four young children, and the tragedy in Newtown is heart-wrenching. My first thoughts when to Laura as I follow her too on Instagram actually. It’s so difficult to look at the children’s pictures and to hear the details of thier little lives and what they loved and thier families. I think what happened has forever changed me, and my outlook on life. I wish beyond anything time could turn back. I pray and hope that there is a god, and that these little children are with him now. Look for Laura on Instagram (Punkalotta) – she is posting some pictures of memorials around the town.

cj - I love the blessing bag idea. I posted the picture of yours and an explanation on Facebook and my post has exploded with responses. Last week it was very cold out and I saw a man at an intersection with a cardboard sign, homeless with a family. I only had a few dollars but would have given him all I had, but I was one lane over and the light turned green. If I had had a blessing bag with me I would have had the time to toss it to him, with a silent prayer that it would help meet some needs. I would rather do a blessing bag than try to buy little gifts for friends…..thanks.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - He is good all the time! Pure sunshine over here. Love that. Need that! Been praying for Pam and her girl. So glad to hear they are better. Yay!

Lorraine R. - I totally understand the confusion to Meg’s words….the thing is though, that God does not control people. He gave us free will to make our decisions, sadly people continue to choose their own ways instead of His. God was there with those children during the tragedy and His is with their families even now……His word says, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” It’s up to us to acknowledge His presence….trust me, He is here <3

Jennifer - I don’t know Laura at all, other than from her blog (which I greatly miss). When I heard of the tradegy, I couldn’t help but cry. I used to be a teacher and just can’t imagine what the staff and children went through. Later, when I heard this had happened in Newtown, I cried for Laura’s family. They have been in my thoughts and prayers ever since. If there is anything that I can do from here in Kansas, please let me know.

Jody - Lisa
I cannot stop thinking of Laura & her family as well. Please let me know of anything she needs or that we can do for her community. Let her know that her family is in our thoughts and prayers.
Thank you.

sam - I love your posts meg, but really,
“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble”
Where was he when those poor little children needed him? How was he helping?
It is totally contradictory to say “Lord continue to be with all the families affected by this tragedy.”
Where was he when it needed to be prevented? If he is able to be “with” them in the aftermath, why isn’t he able to be with the gunman and make him stop?
“God is good”. How? Its convenient to say he is good when something great happens, but when something horrific happens, well if he has so much power, why does he let bad things happen? The whole theory that god even exists is full of giant holes.
With all due respect to you.

Betsy - Lisa, Please let me know if you do something for Laura and her family; I would be happy to contribute. I live about 50 miles away (in Simsbury), but I absolutely loved and miss Laura’s blog. She was the first person I thought of on Friday, and can’t imagine the heartache they are experiencing.

alicia @ la famille - i just really like you. i like the way you look at life. i like that you run and make breakfast. you’re a cool girl.
and yes, i agree…God IS good. even when things are bad…He’s still good.
that is all 🙂

Lisa M. - I love this. You are so right. Merry Christmas!

Lisa M. - You see, I wasn’t going to go for my run today because I have SO much to do. But then I saw your running shoes and then your picture with your running friends. You ran in 24 degree weather…if I go right now I can go in 51 degree weather 🙂 (most unusual temps for December around here in Western PA…where is the snow?!?!) Now, I have to go. Thank you, truly!
I have a seven year old, 1st grader. My heart has been hurting since I heard of the news that happened Friday. It is indescribable and I have been praying constantly for those parents. I have to literally force myself to think of something else because I am making myself sick. I know God is in control and I know He has a plan. And I KNOW He will make good out of this horrific bad. He goes before us, He knows all. His ways are not our ways and we are not supposed to understand why He allows certain things to happen. We (society) have allowed Him to be taken out of our schools and now everyone is asking, “Where is God?”. He was right there and now those lovely children are in arms, safe and happy. Easy for me to say, I know, but I also know God is in control and I pray that at some point those families experience a peace that “passes all understanding”.

Heather Simnitt - You asked:
“how are you doing on your christmas attitude?
are you having a hard time like me remembering that christmas is about jesus, not schedulues, gifts & decorating?”
Not this year, but here is why. I have learned that I can’t just *add* Jesus to the holiday that is really all His anyway. I had to get rid of some of the things that were cluttering the holiday and not letting Jesus in. We cut back the schedule. I got presents *early* (done and wrapped by 12/8), and we are making a concerted effort to give more and spend less. It helps a lot.

shar y - this was a great post, thanks. I would love to see a post sometime about how you choose your charity to help. There are so many and it is so daunting to decide. And, then, I think should I do a little here, or a little there? Or pick one and do it all for them? I love that you are involved with this. Especially now, today. Blessings to you and all of your family.

Jessica - I live about 15 miles away from Newtown. I have been thinking about Laura from Piece of Cake since I heard the news Friday morning. I started following her blog after it was linked to yours, and it quickly became a favorite. My heart is broken for Newtown. Such a senseless tragedy… If you are in touch with Laura, please tell her that I have been thinking of her and praying for her family.

hannah - saw this and thought of the sweet babies you’ve posted about…
check out sevenly’s focus this week!

Lindsey - I love the blessing bag idea! So sweet that your daughter loved the concept! Last night I declared this week to be my “Get in the spirit” week also. It is happening. The worship, the food, the gifts, the “living in the moment.”

Lisa - Meg, I’m not sure if you talk to Laura (from piece of cake) on a regular basis but two of her children attended that school. Thank God they are okay but there is still much healing that needs to be done in them and in their community. I’ve already emailed her about her immediate needs and haven’t heard back yet, but I’d love it if we could all come together and do something great for them. I live only about ten minutes away from them so I could certainly drop things off if need be. Please let me know if you’d like to help or if you have any ideas. While we can’t bring back the victims, we can help the survivors.

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