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it’s monday right?


it FEELS like a monday.

i knew i had to run this morning and the first thing i thought when i opened my eyes was “NO.”

but i did it.
two of my buddies were there and we ran five miles.
the middle felt good and then suddenly i said “HOW ARE WE NOT DONE YET!?!”
i just wanted to be finished!

but i feel so good now!

we are still running in 20 degrees.
we have every bit of us covered except little bits of our faces that our masks don’t cover.
we wear two or three layers on top, pants, heavy socks, gloves, a neck guard, a hat and sunglasses.
and we are freezing!

i can’t wait for warm weather!!




this summer i would LOVE to be MEG’S SUMMER OF SHORTS.

it’s been a long time since i have worn shorts.
i owned one pair last year.
and i didn’t like wearing them.
so if i want to WEAR them then i will have to DO SOMETHING about this… like more exercise.
but all this fun workout gear makes the thought of that more bearable.

these pictures are all from

i was just doing a little dreaming… motivating… smiling this morning.


what keeps you motivated to exercise? 

what is your FAVORITE form of exercise?  

What should i do to get my body ready for shorts? 

i would love to hear what you think!



Stephanie - What keeps me motivated is a race & a training plan! Right now I am training to run a marathon (first time ever!) I am following Hal Higgon’s plan mostly but tweaking it to better fit me. Yay for you for running in 20-degrees! 🙂

Bobbie - I take ACE, appetite control and energy. It helps tremendously with losing weight and maintaining your weight when you reach your goal. The ingredients are all natural so it’s safe too. I also play some softball in the summer but that is about it. I hate running!

Alisa - Crossfit!!

Lindsay - ok. i TOTALLY hear you about the “summer of shorts”. half the problem is that the shorts on the market are TOO SHORT! and since i’m tall, the shorts are even shorter (or so they look).
i’ve found a really cute pair that i like and are completely manageable…i ran a half-marathon in them, quite comfy. and i think cute!
and above all else…remember that GOD gave you legs that are strong and capable and beautiful even if they don’t look like the people wearing all these “booty shorts”
and squats. my trainer has me doing about a bizillion squats every week. i have muscles i’ve never seen before!

Melanie - weight training! gotta tone those muscles. (i too never wear shorts)

Cheryl E. - WHAT?!?!? i”m not the only one who HATES (and thus refuses) to wear shorts? I don’t care if it is 95 degrees outside, I will not wear shorts. BUT, I am tryng to get over it. Trying…. trying….trying……
Maybe we should just be happy with what God gave us, huh?

Jenn A. - Squats and Lunges will help a ton! And I agree about fake tan!

Tracy - Power yoga can really tone your legs and you can do it home. Just go to Get a friend to do it with you. It’s fun!
If you want to wear shorts, wear them!! No one cares what your legs look like…they’re too worried about how their own legs look 😉

Eryn - Just remember, it’s always harder to restart so don’t give up now! 🙂 Push through the pain and your body will thank you. I HATED running with an absolute passion last year and while it’s definitely not my favorite now, I can manage to finish a 5k in a semi decent time and I’m proud of that! All this motivation makes me wanna go for a run now! Keep up the good work! 🙂

Kari - So funny! I never wear shorts either. Ever. My kids are old enough now to ask me why. Maybe I should make this a goal too – I am starting a FAST diet program tomorrow – a family from Omaha started it – they have lost a bunch of weight together. I think at this point I need some accountability – turning 40 and eating too many carbs has caused me to put on a few pounds in the last 6 mos and now none of my clothes fit! Having a job where I sit most of the day doesn’t help either….
Good luck! Kari

Becky - Fake Tan – top tip for wearing shorts – brown legs ALWAYS look better in shorts – so get the fake tan out and get the shorts on – you’ll look awesome – also all that exercise and healthy eating advice is worth listening too as well !!!!

Leah J - I’m very impressed with your dedication to running! It sure helps to have running partners to get you out there! I was also going to say, like the above commenter, that slimming down mostly depends on our diet, 80 % vs. 20% exercise! Put those 2 together, and you’ll be rockin the shorts by summer! Sigh…. Now if only it was as easy as it sounds.

Melissa - I love to swim, though I think I could use some helpful friends like yours. I struggle with making time to do it. Just recently started back again and I am only able to swim about half of what I could just a couple of years ago. Goals help keep me motivated so I’m shooting to be able to swim a month-long marathon in May. 26.2 miles in 31 days.

Tiffany - Sorry I can’t help you out on this one. I suggest having more kids. I burn off everything I eat by chasing after Henry. 🙂 Good plan, right?! 😉

Nikki - Insanity!!! I hadn’t worn shorts since my oldest was born (she’s eight) and last Spring I did Insanity and the muscles came right out! Everything *lifted* lol. I started with Jillian Michaels’ 30 Day Shred, though, which I feel made me more ready for something crazy like Insanity. I give these two programs credit for turning me into a workout lover 🙂

Carrie - You know it doesn’t matter, if you want to wear them, wear them!! Honestly! You are in great shape from exercising so wear the shorts! But if you want some extra crosstraining, Jillian Michaels can kick some butt! Her yoga workout leaves me shaking sometimes.

Jeana - Oh and I second…third the lululemon recommendation!!

Jeana - I set a goal to buy 2 new pair of j crew shorts for the summer as my reward for working out enough to look good in them ha! I love Pilates and eating well, minus a major sweet tooth, lots of water and I just started running…I want to keep it up. Good luck!

Krista - I dream about little running shorts and skorts too…. I bet you’d rock them if you tried! Keep it up, you are an inspiration!

stephanie - Have you ever been to lululemon? The only thing nike i buy anymore are my shoes.

Kimberlee Jost - Great question on what keeps someone motivated. Loved reading these answers!
I could use a little fountain of motivation these days.
I would say that knowing that I will spend 50 percent of my summer life at the pool come June has a lot to do with it.
I echo Amy and Taryn—you have awesome legs. You should show them more. 🙂

amy jupin - you listen to me, missy!
you have GREAT legs.
flaunt the heck out of those things!
i do not want to hear any of this capri business this summer.
put on the dang shorts!
that’s an order!
(xoxo, heehee)

Heather Simnitt - Squats and lunges can really tone your booty and legs, but it also causes a “bulk up” effect in my legs, so I keep that balanced with running and pilates. I really found that last year my legs were just finally starting to look really good toward the end of summer when I had been wogging (walking and jogging) with a friend three mornings a week and then doing Jillian two days a week. During the winter I alternate running on the dreadmill and doing Jillian’s kickbox fast fix. I’m sure I haven’t lost a stinkin’ pound because even though I eat fairly healthy overall (drinks 48 oz of pure water a day, veggies with 2 meals, greek yogurt for lunch, etc) I seem to always give in to a sugar craving most days after dinner. I’m learning to indulge moderately – a couple of Dove chocolates after dinner seems to do the trick. I’m sure you’ll be just fine donning some shorts this summer – all this running has GOT to be producing some rock hard quads and hammies, right?

Liesl - I agree about the shorts–I only wear Bermuda’s that cover the majority of my thighs! I’ve added Zumba to my walking routine along with cutting out snacks after dinner and eating more fruits and veggies. I’m trying to listen to my stomach instead of my eyes. You can do it Meg!

Amy Petz - My new energy level keeps me motivated. I don’t like how I feel when I don’t work out. Hiking is awesome. Zumba is my go-to, but only with the right instructor. I Zumba 4 days a week and hike 2 days. I am at a point where I think I need to incorporate weights, but don’t know where to start.
You look great and should wear shorts! Love the inspiration you provide!

Jen - This is going to be my summer for shorts too! I just lost 30 pounds and have ten to go. I bought a fun pair of shorts Saturday when I was at Goodwill dropping off all my “fat clothes”! I’m looking forward to wearing them!

Roganne - I really like the insanity DVDs except that every time I finish a workout I wish I could reach into the tv and slap Shaun t in the face! But it feels so good after! (And by after I mean several days after!)

Tracy Fisher - thank you for motivating me! -tracy

shar y - Under health and fitness, Pinterest has tons of exercises for toning. But, I think you are looking very fit!

Alice H - ZUMBA!!! Do it! Before I had my last baby I was down to my lowest weight since my older babies and my body was in such great shape! I was eating better and doing Zumba at least 4 times a week. It was amazing!! I then started doing Step and Body Pump 2-3 times a week.
You just need to wear shorts!! I bet your legs look better than what you give yourself credit for!!

Kristin S - I didn’t wear shorts for 10 years. Ten!
But I started again a few years ago around age 40. Backwards, I know.
But I was also running and running makes my legs look good so I ventured out.
I haven’t been allowed to/able to run since May 5th last year due to injury after injury after injury. My legs look awful and my body is fluffy.
No decision on whether or not shorts will be on my legs this year. Guess I need to decide soon…. spring is close.

Amber D. McNabb - Too funny, last year was the first year ever that I refused to don a pair of shorts. I seriously need to get off my fanny and do something about this. Thanks for the inspiration!

Stephanie C - You need some Lululemon in your life!!

Taryn Jost - All i’m gonna say is, Megan no matter what, you have ALWAYS had great legs. You WILL totally rock those shorts! Love ya!:)

Katie Beth - I seriously just sat down after a treadmill run…like I am still sweating and breathing hard. I am not someone that is ever excited to run, but the feeling when I am finished is what keeps me going. It is much better than adding up the days since I have ran and thinking about how much harder it is going to be next time. I am just now able to complete the 5K on my treadmill without a break to walk, and I am super proud of that accomplishment. My husband and I are doing the Color Run, Kansas City in June! I do hate treadmill running, but I hate being freezing cold even more. But bring on the Spring! I can’t wait! I have some new running shorts to break in!

Beth - You really are dedicated and should feel great for running in that insane weather. I’m in my last week of training for an 5k and even down south in Sweet Home Alabama, we’ve had some wild – cold and rainy – weather. It’s so easy to want to make an excuse. But I can’t complain since you’re running in 20 degree weather. Wow! Happy running!

Angela A - What keeps me motivated to exercise: trying on pants and putting on my swimming suit in the middle of winter to play at Great Wolf. And what keeps me motivated while exercising is definitely music.
My favorite form of exercise is swimming but mostly I left weights and run. And I am just trying to not eat the empty calories. The yummy ones. Sigh.

Leah - I am totally in love with Pure Barre. It’s a Pilates/ballet type exercise. It’s painful but amazing! I lost all my baby weight right away and totally owe it to going to the barre before and during pregnancy. Can’t wait to go back. Have to start getting a little more sleep first;)

Moriah - I totally needed to hear this post today. Thanks. Just started running(today) and I am thinking “why on Earth and I doing this, I hate it.” Thanks for the inspiration!

RunStandStill - What keeps me motivated to exercise: The payoff – losing weight, looser fitting clothes, more clothing options (a fit body looks better in more styles) and just taking care of my health. Also, like you, I need GREAT music on my ipod to exercise.
What is my favorite form of exercise: I have to constantly mix things up – a cardio session, weights, throw in a spin or zumba class, walk outside with a friend. I like variety.
What should you do to get your body ready for shorts: In my experience, I can’t do it all with just exercise. I’ve heard that diet is 80% of weight loss success, and I believe it. I can undo the benefits of my exercise session with one bag of potato chips. Suggestions include drinking loads of water and meals focused on healthy protein and veggies. Since a person can’t ‘spot lose’ the extra weight or fat, losing overall pounds and lowering body fat helps legs look more toned and lean. I also think adding weightlifting/toning to an exercise routing is very beneficial, for multiple reasons.
Best of luck – you can do it! You will rock those shorts, mama!

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