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mid may is the best


       one of the Lord's best creations…. Peonies.
















and they are all gone.
it goes so fast.

i can't wait for mid May next year.

craft weekend 16 begins today!
we are prepping and cleaning and chopping and stirring and folding and photographing everything to get ready.
it's always so much fun.
we can't wait for everyone to get here already.
have a fabulous weekend everybody!

Heidi Jo the Artist - Amazing photos! Just took photos of some the other day (maybe, just maybe I will get them up on my blog that has been sorely neglected!!)and I agree one of the best of God’s creations!

{sue} - I cried a few years ago when my husband came in after doing yard work and said “There were these flower buds that were all infested with ants, so I just cut them all back.”
Peonies are my favorite.

Lee Hatcher - I’m glad at least one other person mentioned the ants, and I’m glad your beautiful pictures showed one or two. I love peonies and hate when I don’t remember to shake them off real good before bringing them in the house.

Amy Collett - Oh how I love peonies too! Here is Alberta,Canada, the weather is a little cooler and so I am anxiously awaiting their arrival in mid-June! Your pictures are positively lovely – maybe a few of those in your store would sell quickly…like, maybe to me…:o) God is good and He shows himself in every lovely detail of creation – but especially in peonies! Good luck with C.W. and have fun!

Michelle - absolutely love peonies too. just sad that the season for them is so very short. (a wind/storm took out most of mine this year) so love seeing your pictures.

Karolina - i love peonies, luckily in Poland they are just starting to blossom 🙂

tara - I’m going to plant them for next year!!!
I can’t wait.
I just bought Dahlia bulbs today….can’t wait!
Y’all have fun this weekend……..

Katey - My peonies have been great this year too. I love them. I wish they lasted longer. So wonderful!! Have a blessed weekend.

Cathy - Thanks funny, cause I went out last night a took a bunch of pictures of ours..with ants.. I just haven’t got them off the camera yet..

tinaehb3 - beautiful!!

Lisa - The ladybug on the unopened bloom is my favorite! Beautiful!

Mindy - Gorgeous ~ God does good work!

Julie - Fabulous peony photos. I can’t grow them where I live in New Zealand, cos our winters don’t get cold enough. I do see them in shops at an exorbitant price – so i have to live vicariously and enjoy them through photos like yours.
Looking forward to seeing your craft weekend photos.

ali moll - GORGEOUS! Love peonies! And Craft Weekend! Enjoy!

TAB - Beautiful!

Bethany - It’s the same with irises. I returned from the holiday weekend to see my irises in full bloom. Now they’re already on their way out.
Peonies always bring back memories of my childhood home. We had two huge peony bushes on either side of our back sidewalk. My parents would bring in bouquets when they were blooming-love that scent! I have two new peony plants just starting out at my house. Not sure that they will have any blooms this year, but I’m hopeful for next year.
Have a great Craft Weekend!!!

mae - Ha! This story made me laugh out loud 🙂

Sara Torbett - Thanks for sharing God’s beauty! Aren’t you thankful He made everything so colorful?! I always say…He could have left everything black and white, but decided to splash our world in rainbow colors instead. I’m so glad. 🙂
Enjoy Craft Weekend!!!!!

Liesl - My favorite!!!! After transplanting about 7 peony plants last year I was very excited to see them all budding this year! - Your pictures are BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! My neighbor growing up had tons and tons of peonies….all I can think of is ants, ants, and more ants every time I see a peony!

Tracy - Ahhhh! I love peonies so so much! They remind me of being a little girl because we had a long row of them in our backyard.
I would love to see some of those prints in your shop!
Good luck with craft weekend! 16 is my lucky number 😉

Emily - So beautiful! Would you consider adding these as prints to your shop?

Whitney - Yes yes yes! There was a bouquet if peonies next to me on the counter while I had my coffee at Wheatfields this morning. So fragrant and lusciously frilly. What a nice treat on a rainy morning.

CathyC - Have fun today!!!
Our peonies have not yet bloomed–I can’t wait!
I remember last year you said only one Craft Weekend group gets peonies in the kitchen vase–today’s group is lucky!

Jen - Beautiful, Meg! Thank you for posting!

Blanca - Gorgeous!

Jessica - This reminds me of one of my favorite stories about my dad when he was a little boy. He walked into his Granny’s kitchen and announced that he had “cut all the buds off that bush in the yard because they were covered in ants” 🙂 He was “helping”.

*Just Fran* - I couldn’t agree more about peonies…and can’t wait for mine to open. Here in SD, it is more like June before we see the blossoms, and possibly later this year due to excessively cold weather hanging on. I have buds, though and am anxiously waiting.

kim - oh to have a peony plant.
trader joes had them, and i snatched them up two weeks in a row. hoping there will be a few more tonight.
the unopened bloom with the ladybug, perfection.

Linda - beautiful!!

Kerstie Pederson - Can’t wait till these photos are prints in your shop. 😉

rebeca - What I love the very most about you, is that you give all the glory to God!

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