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the coop

back when i was trying to figure out what to do for coop… i remembered my friend Kerry's son.
he built a tree house.
he LOVES working with wood and building stuff.

so i threw it out there.

"do you think Kenton would be up for trying a project this big?"


the answer is YES.
he knocked it out of the park.
he and his dad showed up with strapped to a trailer.
and between their guys and mine… they slowly rolled it off the back of the trailer.

it wasn't graceful.

but they did it!
he added features i didn't know i would want.  :)
those are drawers to pull out and clean all the poop off.
we can keep the coop much cleaner…easier.

i love it kenton.

you are going to be an EXCELLENT builder when you grow up because you already are now!

the ladies love it.

talby and her friends were checking out the new home and getting the chickens all worked up.

waffle walked right into my shot!
he is doing well with being the big brother around here.
sniffs everything 100 times a day and gives plenty of licks to keep everyone in line.
kind of a "dont-forget-i-could-eat-you-in-one-bite" lick to the head or back.


i am truly turning into the crazy chicken lady.


loving this new adventure out in the country.
chickens are very funny.

hope you have a great weekend.
is it just me…or do you feel summer has not been one bit relaxing???

i am feeling that summer is not going the way i wanted.
i need to get to work on this.
because really… who is in control of that?
it's me.
operation RELAX.
coming soon to my home.
happy weekend!!!


Torey - Totally awesome coop. You just might want some kind of rock/brick around the bottom outside to prevent weasels and raccoons from digging under. Although, if you lock up your chickens every night that shouldn’t be a problem.

Dena - Great coop! Love the picture of you with the chickens! If you havent’ found it already this website is awesome.

Lindsey - Wow! Kenton the carpenter did an impressive job! It looks great!

Corny - Where is the door to get into the chicken coop? How do you gather the eggs? I looked at the picture all overr, making it big and bigger but can’t find the door to the coop?

Kimberly Parker - He did an amazing job! Love the picture of Talby with the chickens; it’s so cute!

Prairie Jenn - That is one amazing boy to build such an impressive coop! I bet the chickens are happy:)
Hope your summer is chill! The key for me is not to have too many expectations;)

Tiffany - What a gift he has! Glad he could share it with you. Your girls are going to love it I there! I hope your summer starts to slow down a bit!

psmullican - Kenton did an amazing job! I hope you and your chicks enjoy your new coop!

Lisa - I am blown away that he built that beautiful coop!!! Seriously amazing!

Tracy - WOW! Kenton is very talented!!
I’m on board for operation RELAX!!!

Carol S. - Cool coop. Crazy chicken lady and relax are opposites! But think of the fun and new experience. You can relax later lol. Fun post.

Jenn - What an impressive job by an amazing young man! I grew up in farm country, but not on a farm myself. My friends, who mostly hailed from dairy and beef farms, were the most focused, industrious kids I knew. It’s an incredible life that instills work ethic, ingenuity, and a deep sense of community. Farm life is awesome. Send kudos to your young friend from a fan in Western North Carolina, and enjoy your happy brood of chickens 🙂

Kimberlee Jost - Kenton rocks!
Must be because he has amazing parents.

Barbara - Could you please tell Kenton that some lady in Missouri said he did a FANTASTIC job on your coop? He really, really did!! I couldn’t be any more tickled for the Duerksens or Kenton! Way to go!

Lise - WOW! Does he travel to Massachusetts? Amazing.

Heather - Wow! Wow! Wow! That’s amazing!

Kori - I am totally amazed! I hopped over and read the story of how it was made and all….I don’t even think my husband could do that! For real.
Kenton has a bright future ahead of him for sure!!!

Valerie @ Chateau a la mode - Good job Kenton on the coop. Meg you are so lucky to have chickens. That looks like fun. I don’t think I would be able to do that in my yard. Actually that coop is probably the size of my back yard, well the coop and the picnic table would be all that would fit in it 😉 happy weekend?,

Mindy - Your coop is just great and I love the features added. What a great job for a young man! I want chickens, I really do…I drool over all the coops and your pictures of your cute chicks. Your human chicks are pretty cute too : )

elma - WOw he did and awesome job!! He could sell these!! We bought ours from an Amish guy and it has big trays that pull out. So nice as the poop wont ruin the coop:)

christy - What an amazing coop! What a fantastic job by Kenton! I want one. The country seems to be suiting you all so well. 🙂

Southern Gal - That is one handy boy! I can’t believe he did that all by himself. And those little extra features are wonderful.

Tiffany - No way?!!! he knocked it out of the park. He did this at 13 I can’t wait to see his future designs, someone sign this kid already. Go KENTON! BUILDING ROCKSTAR EXTRAORDINAIRE.

Danielle - What a great coop! He did awesome! Love the one of you. Crazy chicken lady 🙂 awesome!

Kate - WOW!!!!
Kenton – awesome job!

jacqui anderson - wow, kenton is amazing! and i love those glasses!! where did you find them?

beth larson - Dear crazy chicken lady—– your blog is so wonderful— I just hate it if you don’t post for a day or two. (love your life and all you are)
That chicken coop is the cat’s meow- and the lad who made it? amazing! (plus he looks pretty young-wowsie!)
off to finish planting flower seeds- here in Minnesota on a very nice day -finally!
xo beth

Gemma - Such an amazing job he’s done! His mother must be so proud!
D you think you’ll be doing a summer list this year?
Gemma xxx

Katie - How utterly incredible!! Kenton is a teen GENIUS. What lucky chickens 🙂 xx

Tere - Love the coop. The ladies are looking fine. Everytime I see “Backyard Poultry” in the magazine aisle, I think of you.
We haven’t even finished the school year. Have you read Jen Hatmaker’s latest blog post Surviving Summer — it’s great!

Julie - Planter boxes are good for kids to start on – my 9 year old son made me some out of old wooden pallets. He had a bit of help from his dad pulling the pallets to bits and using the skill saw only.

Julie - That coop is fabulous – how old is that boy? i predict he will have a great future ahead of him. He has done a beautiful job. You will have to tell him how impressed all your readers are from near and far.

chrissi - this kid is good! i am amazed. great job Kenton!!!

Stephanie - That boy has some skills!!

Kerry Wiebe - Megs, I’m SO glad you liked it! He loved coming up with the different features. Thanks for giving him the job!

Melissa - Oh my goodness that looks so neat. Wow what an amazing job he did. I needed him as my neighbor.

shar y - I have never in my life thought a chicken was that cute. But your photos of chickens are incredible! They really bring them to life! I absolutely love seeing those chickens of yours! And the coop, wow! Amazing!

lisa currie-gurney - that coop is amazing!!! He must be a home schooler. 😉

Seriously Sassy Mama - Happy weekend. Chickens an be so pretty.

Suzette - Amazing job, Kenton! I have a 14-year-old that wouldn’t even know where to begin building a coop (or anything for that matter). It’s one of the problems with living in the suburbs. But, I’m going to remedy that this summer…maybe we’ll start with a dog house or better yet a planter box.

jamie - how old is kenton? what an amazing job! and the clever poop drawers. what a talented young man.

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