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a new start.



School started up for us again last week.
It was so early!  I wonder why they started so early this year?  No idea.

Everyone was up at 6:30, ate pumpkin muffins for breakfast that Talby made & were wearing their new school clothes.


Annie was very excited about her new backpack that came WITH a matching lunch box.
We found her dress at the Gap outlet on our way home from vacation this summer.
We knew immediately it was coming home with us.
she chose a pair of her great grandma’s earrings to wear on her first day… that was pretty special to me.


Talby found her first day outfit at Old Navy.  We love Old Navy at our house!  I love that she picked jeggings.
They are really cute!
Someday she will look back at those and feel the way i feel when i look back at my stir-up pants i wore.


Sean was the least happy about school starting again.
he likes to hang out and strongly dislikes early mornings… we are so similar.
his headphones he bought himself are a staple around his neck.  i don’t want to forget that either.
i wonder what will be around when he grows up and looks back on those big headphones?


Scott got a ride to school with a friend before i could snap his picture.



Lauren was up early too and Annie gave her a hug goodbye… she was moving to her new dorm an hour later.

it was a big morning at our house.



i absolutely love that my kids can ride the bus to school.
not having to leave my house in the morning is A W E S O M E.



another year… a new beginning… i know it will be great.


lauren and craig had loaded up the cars with her things the night before.
i had another cup of coffee, did my hair and drove my daughter to a new stage of life.
actually she drove herself and went so fast that i lost her and we had to find each other later at the college.

(kind of fitting….)

she chose a small-ish college that is 30 minutes from home.
close but not too close.
the process of choosing was all so interesting to watch… since she is our oldest and we haven’t done this before.




when we got to her dorm, all of these people in red shirts were waiting to help her move her things in!


we literally carried in NOTHING.

it was weird but also totally helpful and amazing.

it was my kind of moving experience!


we unpacked her boxes, met her roommate, made the bed and met craig for lunch.

we ate in the cafeteria.  🙂

craig headed back to work…lauren and i went to target for a few more things.
we got her a trashcan, some snacks, a new bedspread, some kitchen utensils and new socks and undies.
that is what moms are supposed to do i think?
i don’t know…. it felt right.

i made one last trip to her room and then we hugged goodbye.

i don’t really have words for that moment.

i can’t believe we are here.

it is surreal.

and i didn’t have this moment… i didn’t go away to college.  i got married and left with a husband.
i didn’t have an experience to compare it to really.

i drove to starbucks for a giant iced coffee.


i cried all the way there.

not because i am sad… i am not.  i am so excited for her.
but more just because it is a new start.
and i don’t know how to navigate it.

she’s the first.

and new things are…. NEW.

sometimes that is good and sometimes it’s hard and usually the unknown is a little scary.
but that is where i come back to God.
He never leaves me alone in my fear.  He never abandons me in my sorrow.

i drank my coffee, wiped my tears and drove home to the other kids waiting for me.
i prayed all the way there.



oh so grateful for a new start.







Heather - Is your wedding ring real??

Vera - I am catching up on all my blog reading… this post made ME cry. I feel like such a wimp – my third baby just started preschool last week, and my fourth (and last baby) learned to crawl out of his crib on Tuesday. My husband said “well I guess it’s time to take down the crib” and I YELLED “no way! I can’t send my third kid to preschool and get rid of the crib in the same week!” My husband woke up this morning and said “okay, new week, can I take down the crib now?” The transitions that make you proud and sad and scared and excited at the same time are so draining! College though… wow.

Jenny B. - This post has me all choked up! My youngest started Pre-K last week, and my husband and I got to go out for lunch by ourselves (YAY!). He asked if I was sad, and I was like, “No way! I’ve been looking forward to this day for years!” Then he asked if I would feel the same way when they leave for college, and I was all, “No way! That will be a completely different story!” 🙂

Christina - Well, now I’m crying!
I put my oldest on the bus for the first time on Tuesday. (he’s 5) and my baby (3) is starting pre-school, just two half days a week, they LOVE it. They are so happy and I’m so happy they are happy .. but it’s different. They’ve been my sidekicks, you know? I didn’t cry when Nate got on the bus, but I cried reading this. Sometimes you’re strong for them.
Hope you find your footing- change is HARD.

Renee - I remember moving in day for college sooo vividly. I didn’t cry, until my parents left.
oh and the district I used to teach in started in early august… and we were done before the end of may. it was AWESOME!!!

Sandy - What a busy day you had! My tears started with the picture of Lauren and Annie hugging and didn’t stop until after the iced coffee. Taking the first child to college is SO hard! I did it five years ago. On September 1 I’ll be leaving her at the airport as she leaves to be an au pair in Paris for a year. I doubt that’ll be any easier than leaving her that day five years ago! Hugs and love to you, Meg! You’ve done a great job as mom!!

Eva - I cried. I cried at the end seeing your oldest daughter hug your youngest daughter and how much they will miss each other without really knowing it. I cried because well it feels like yesterday I went away to University and left for four years and some how now I’m married living in our own house with two daughters of our own. I cried because one day my 3.5 year old and 4 month old will be all grown up and will one day be at that stage. I cried because I am happy for both you and her. Something about your relationship with Lauren always reminded me of my mom and I. To amazing new beginnings for both of you. Our babies grow much to fast.

Janelle - My babies are only 5 and 7 but you had me crying at the end of this post. So not ready for college!! Mainly just because I want to go back to college, not be old enough to have my kids there. 🙂

Jennifer - I cried just reading this. I only have 4 years left with my oldest, and I can’t hardly believe it. Both my kids are in middle school this year and it’s just so weird. Seems like they were just babies yesterday.

BTW, can’t believe how tall Sean is getting!

Valerie, both my girls tell me they are never leaving too, but with my 8th grader I’ve started to tell her that it’s ok and I want her to have a life of her own and do fun things. It just hit me this year that she really will be going away in so short a time. 🙁

Leah - I had tears in my eyes as I read this. I remember moving into the dorms and college. It was the best experience of my life. So I can relate to Lauren’s excitement and her new start. But as a mom to a daughter, I now dread this day already. And mine is only starting kindergarten in two weeks!

Marilyn M. - The first time is the hardest. My sister told me when she sent her oldest daughter to college she didn’t know what to expect. Was hard, but got better fast. When she sent the second one off it was less traumatic and was like “cool” the house will be clean all the time. Look forward to less clutter.

Andrea - wow….what a day! I had tears in my eyes just thinking about you moving Lauren into her dorm. I don’t know why…I’m with you…it’s bittersweet. exciting, but new. What a (great) day.

tracy - i cried reading this. i feel like it is going to be tomorrow when my daughter goes to college… and we’ve still got 2 years. but i get it. she’s already distanced herself. reminds us that she’s growing up. it’s hard. blessings to you and your family with your new chapter/year. hugs, tracy

Lori - This post made me bawl!!
First of all the pic of Annie and Lauren….uggh!
Secondly, taking your baby girl to college. I don’t even
want to think about it. Thankfully I have many years, but I’m sure it will all fly past and I’ll be taking her to college tomorrow. I am not a fan of change….not at all! Sigh….you have a great attitude about it all for sure.

Carrie - Almost 6 years ago I gave birth in the parking center of our birthcenter with my oldest. On her birthday she will go to her first day of Kindergarten. I am ok with it, I will cry when the baby starts Kindergarten I think.

JulianneB - Oh, Meg…I had some tears as I read this. It was a little over a year ago that we took our son to Indy so he could take a plane to Chicago and start Bootcamp for the Navy. One of the most difficult but proud moments of my life. Now he lives in exciting places like San Diego and Dubai later this year. Next fall I will be sending son #2 somewhere to college. Thank goodness God planned a baby we didn’t. She is only 9 and tells me she is living with me forever….we will see.

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Uh, yea, totally what I am feeling right now. Taking my son in 48 hours. Funny cuz what you said about God being there through our fears and tears is so true and I ‘ve heard that more than once lately so obviously what God is teaching me. Thanks girlie. Love your openess to share your heart. xo

Heather S. - Can I be honest here? This post made my heart stop. I have a 6th grader and 4th grader. I remember them in diapers like it was literally yesterday…then I realized that for you, Lauren being in 6th grade probably feels the same…like yesterday…and well, that just makes me want to snuggle in with my girlies and sniff them and take pictures of them and just breathe in every moment I have because the idea of dropping them off at a dorm scares the schnitzel right out of me!
You had a HUGE day. Huge. I’m not a crier and I would have been blubbering! My hat is off to you…

Lisa - It was refreshing to know that I’m not the only one who cries when excited about the unknown. It is sadness and anticipation all wrapped up into one. I too, turn to God 🙂 This new journey’s going to be great!

Tracy - Meg, you are my inspiration. I’m going to try to remember to reread this post next August when I’m taking my oldest away to college.

Chris - Your kids are getting so big!!! I felt the same way you did when my daughter left for college. I had three other kids at home too. You’ll find a different routine with your daughter gone. My daughter is leaving tomorrow for a semester in London. I’m nervous and excited at the same time! We’ll have to find a whole new routine since we can’t just call her when we want. Good luck to your daughter!!!

flowerpowermomma - good job new-college-momma. you did all the things just right..including letting the tears fall. what fun days ahead.

Jamie - That made me cry. My oldest starts 1st grade tomorrow and I’m feeling very emotional about all these 1sts and new starts!

Alice H - I am bawling! My daughter Emilee is starting 9th grade. I didn’t have the college experience either and I want it so bad for her. I pray it over her all the time. I was a very young teen mom and even though I went to a community college, it won’t be the same. And I get so sad thinking about Emilee leaving our home to go to college and then to move out and to start a life on her own. Ugh! Change is hard and new, you are right.

On another note, I also have a 7th grade boy. He and Sean sound a lot alike…lol!

Elizabeth - Meg, I cried reading your college post. I felt some of that exact feelings when moving my son to college. I did not have to words to put with the emotion like you did. Your writings bless me. Thank you

Necole@seriouslysassymama - Oh my goodness, I remember when I left for school. I went away to college (6 hours away). I remember my mom saying she did not realize it was real till she woke up the next morning and I was not there. This year will be the first time all my children are in school. There will be no little ones here with me. Just me. I will probably pick up an extra day of work to kill the monotony.

April R - oh the picture of Annie and Lauren hugging….thank you so much for sharing this

kimberly oyler - i remember when my mom dropped me off at college 3 years ago. i didn’t have to move a single thing into my room, a crew did it all for me. but it was so weird when my mom left to make the 10 hour drive home. you’re a lucky momma since she’s only 30 minutes away!

Sara - You’re sweet dear….and I LOVE that you mentioned that you weren’t sad for her but excited. I have one going to college in two years and I keep telling myself that this is what I raised him to do…to fly away and start living a life that God has planned for him. Prayers for you for all of this “new”

Beth - When did Sean grow taller than Scott!?! 🙂

Jerusalem - I remember the day my mom took me to college. And yes, that is exactly the kind of trip we made to Wal-Mart in the middle of the move. That day remains one of the most special. We were both brave as we hugged goodbye, but then we both shed tears as we went our seperate ways. So a special moment. So glad you were able to share that with Lauren.

Jeannine - This post got me all teary. Everything is so beautifully written and your photos are gorgeous as always. I can’t help but think about what it’s going to be like when I send my girl off to preschool in 3 years, or when this baby is born and I have to send him or her off to school in a few years. People don’t kid around when they say it all goes quickly! It feels like my girl was just born yesterday.
Best of luck to Lauren 🙂 University is such an exciting and fun time, I hope she has the very best memories when she looks back after this new chapter is over. You’ve done awesome, Meg! Aaaand I’m teary again 🙂

Rachel S - Loved this and your honesty. I’ll be sending my oldest to college next fall, and reading this just makes my eyes tear up! Change is exciting but very emotional. But I’m so, so thankful that I can entrust my kids to God’s care, and that He’ll be here with me helping me cope as well. I wish your daughter the very best and you too!

Angela - I love your back-to-school posts!
And I remember so well the day my parents dropped me off at college for the first time. At least your baby went 30 minutes away… This Indiana girl chose a college 800 miles away in East Texas! I remember my parents driving off – I stood there in the middle of the road, so excited, but with tears streaming down my face because I missed them so much already. She will have so much fun and learn so much at school, though. I think you’ll enjoy watching her grow during her time away. 🙂 God bless!

Kristin S - Oh, gah, Meg, you made me cry at my desk at work! I hope nobody comes by.

Thankful you got some pics of Lauren. That one with Annie? Priceless.

It’s funny, I never gave my mom a second thought when I left for school. She was a single parent and suddenly alone in the house. I was just happy to be at school. I loved college so much! Now, 20+ years later I ask her about it.

Just this last week I went to my alma mater and walked around campus praying for incoming freshmen, faculty, current students, administration, etc. It is/was humbling. So not pushing my blog, but I did just blog about it. I bawled like a baby. Like you, not sad, but so many new beginnings.

Many of my peers have kids going off to college now. I thought I would but the Lord has had other plans – still single and no no kids at 42. So, now I feel a passion to pray for their kids.

So many changes. Your littles are getting bigger. You are such a great mom!

(sorry for all the rambling)

Sarah Wolfe - What is it about new school years that are so darn emotional? I’ve already tossed it around in my head, that moment of dropping them off at college (I mean, assuming that they make it into a college!!!). I know it will come and go, and I’m so excited for them. And it will be time when it’s time… so happy/sad, these moments. I think I may have to get an XL iced coffee too. Great post and gorgeous kids!

Juli - A rabbi I know once said there should be a “bracha” (a special, specific prayer) for when you send your child off to college. It is such a huge moment, and it deserves its own special prayer. Blessings on all of you.

amy jupin - so much of life is like this…new beginnings, changes, the ebb and flow of this wild ride called life.
lauren is now on her own, to become who she is to be, and you, you get to watch now. from the sidelines, cheering her on.

it feels so…hard. i’m choking back the tears while typing this, imagining myself in your shoes.
deep breath, chin up, shoulders back, big smile.

you can do this.
you are doing this.
and it’s going to be great.
i just know it.

Katrina - “He never leaves me alone in my fear. He never abandons me in my sorrow.”. Never have I needed those words more than today. Thank you, thank you. A little scared and anxious, but hopeful and grateful at the same time.

Gemma - Such a big day! Atleast she is not far away if she needs you guys.

Gemma x

Terri - Thanks Meg for sharing. I also took my baby daughter to college and it is so strange to be crying but to be happy that you’ve made it this far and you know only good thing will happen for them. We are emtpy nesters now and so far so good. My thoughts are it will never be the same and I’m very sentimental. But God keeps reminding me it is going to be better than before!!!!

Jenn - I just cried with you. Wow! What an emotional day.

marcie - Wow. Big day. I know that feeling – I have an ‘only” so dropping her off at college 3 years ago seems as recent as your post. It is exciting for them and it was a wonderful thing to be able to send a child to college but it is bittersweet as well. But, it is so exciting and amazing when they come home and bring friends and you watch their lives from a little bit of distance. It is an intriguing thing to not see them everyday and then spend time with them on weekends and holidays. Those times become so special. Love that she is close – mine is an hour and 15 minutes away so very do-able 🙂 Love that. And I couldn’t help but smile – for the last 2 years my daughter has been at her college in one of those bright t’s unpacking new students, smiling and reassuring parents and new students alike… and then she and her Sorority sisters go get manis and pedis!!!! And thank God for Starbucks and tears and prayers in the car!!

Kimberlee Jost - Beautiful, refreshing, and real.

Tiffany - My oldest in a Senior this year and I hardly recognize him, his moods, his tudes, his voice. I am tearing up as I type, but I know this too shall pass. Feed your faith and starve your fears. Good Luck to you and Lauren.

gale - Exactly how it’s supposed to be – hard, exciting, sad, happy – when the first one leaves the nest, it’s so tough to be the Mama bird – but she’ll do awesome and so will all of you!! Happy flying 🙂

Jaime A. - Oh Meg. I am doing the ugly cry for you right now. Our kids started back 3 and 4 weeks ago (3 different schools and start days)… My oldest is a Senior in high school… and while he’s not college bound, he’s on his way to having his own life soon and I am having a hard time with that. BTW, I am dying over Annie. How is it POSSIBLE she is in the 3rd grade. When I started reading your blog, she was a little… one you would take for donuts or cupcakes while all the big kids were in school. It’s crazy. But, here’s to new beginnings… and iced coffees and car rides with God. 🙂

Kathleen Grace - That is a big day! You are lucky Lauren is only 30 minutes away…bet you’ll be surprised by how much she drops home:>)
I cried all the way home dropping my daughter at college, 2 1/2 hours away. Still not too far to drive to see her but it seemed like the longest 2 1/2 hours ever. You will adjust. By the second year my husband and I were high fiving each other as we left the campus from dropping her. Lol

Kellie - I cried Sunday and bit my lip to not cry yesterday as my baby went to 9th grade because I know we are now on the college clock…..and I’m just not sure how we got to high school so quickly! I am sure she was in kindergarten yesterday! 😉

Bethany - College drop-off seems very far off and yet I can’t believe my oldest is soon-to-be a preschooler with kindergarten just a year away. I always appreciate your perspective as a mom of older kids. It is so important to enjoy your life right now where you are and you always remind me of that. And what a good reminder that God is always there.

Carol S. - I love your back to school photos. Love that you shared your college drop off experience. I think you’re going to enjoy this stage with your oldest, as they learn to be independent…which is what we want for them. A friend was lamenting her oldest twins leaving, and really having a hard time with it. As I think about my sophomore in college returning, I think about someday all of the kids being on their own. Why can’t they just stay with us and be a fun family? But then I think…what if I still lived with my parents, think of all the joy all of us would have missed? Can’t work that way. Don’t want it to work that way. This is the right way! Doesn’t make it easier on the heart though. Thanks for sharing, and listening. Sharp new blog, big new beginnings. Good luck Meg!

Sophie - I’m a junior in college and it was super hard leaving home. But if Lauren’s anything like every other college student I know, she’ll miss you just as much as you’ll miss her.

Julie - A big day for you all – no doubt home will feel a little strange without your big girl there. I am lucky – we live to close enough to my son’s school that he can now bike or scoot there without me, and my daughter catches the bus to hers. I do miss chatting to the other mums though. Have a great week. Enjoy your mornings.

Gina - I guess I am normal!! That pretty much sums up my experience “dropping” my oldest off at college last week, only he is half way across the country, closer to you than me. Definitely a new stage to navigate, a little unknown, a little exciting, a little scary. Yes! Lucky us to have God guiding the way 🙂

Lisa - That is quite a day! My mama heart feels for you. Loving your new blog!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Love this. It’s gonna be great.

Jenn A. - That is quite a day! If you only cried from the college to Starbucks, I would say you were quite composed!

My baby is almost 18 months and I can’t imagine sending her to kindergarten at this point but I know in three blinks she will be headed off to…somewhere new in an adult life.

Thank you for sharing.

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