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way back when… in july


i have lots of pictures still that i never shared from our family vacation.
as time goes by i just forget about them.
as we have started bundling up in jeans & sweatshirts & i was longing for summer already.

scott played in a basketball tournament in st. louis with a travel team.
we joined him there and he left with us as we continued on our trip.
we spent two nights in st. louis…if i remember correctly.
the first day we went to the City Museum which i posted about a month ago.

we also did some exploring, shopping and went to the St. Louis Zoo.
it is FREE to get inΒ and it was BEAUTIFUL!!!
Seriously… it was an awesome place to spend a few hours.
if you are going to st. louis you should put this on your list.

these flowers were ginormous!

my kids went in the building to see the animals and i stayed outside dying over the gorgeous flowers!

it was extremely hot that day so the misting fans were appreciated… and FUN!
Annie tried her first burrito of her life at chipotle in st. louis. Β πŸ™‚
she must have been feeling brave that day.
we went to Fitz’s afterwards for root beer floats.
umm…. this was more than they could’ve even imagined?!
we let them each get their own!

after they finished we sat at our table for a long time drawing in our art journals.
me included.
they didn’t want to stop… and i am not going to argue about art time.
so we drew and drew and drew.
it was dreamy.
annie claims she was fake sleeping but i haven’t seen her sit that still for…. never.
she was out.
we picked up scott and stopped at the arch on our way out of town.
we drove to Indiana to meet up with our friends.
we spent four days doing this…

we almost always go bowling when we are with the Hills.
it’s tradition.
and we are quite a scene in any bowling alley.
no one has ever accused our group of being quiet. Β πŸ™‚
scott was taking a hundred close up pictures of people so i moved in for a few….
jenny beat everyone.
that girl has got skills!!!

there was no place to set my camera for a timer pic so we did this to get us all in one shot.
it might be my favorite from the trip!
jake and abby had their own bb guns that they shared with us.
the kids set up a tower of solo cups to use for target practice.
sean took his birthday money and bough his own bb gun that week too.
i think i hit something once.
i didn’t have my glasses on….

sean had his 13th birthday during this trip.
he got to pick where we ate dinner and since he only wanted money this year it was pretty low key.
we picked up a few goodies for him too… joke book, x-men dvd & candy.
i used a few hours of our driving time to make him a card.
there was also a water balloon fight… wiffle ball…Despicable Me 2… dave’s birthday… kayaking with lola…

sunkissed and a camera flash… crazy combo.

Duerksen tribe – 2013
lauren chose to stay home this year to work at her job.
we missed being a family of seven.

fireworks… duerksen kids love language.


every year when our vacation is over & we are driving away we say, “Those Hills are good people”

true story.
we love spending time together no matter where we are.

hey…. maybe i am on a roll and i will post our chicago leg of the trip tomorrow?!


Tiffany - It is rainy and seriously Fall here in PA today. The leaves are changing and ppl are stoked for it. I am already longing for sweet sweet Summer again. No thank you Pumpkin anything. Can you post sun-kissed pics all Fall/Winter, I think that will help keep the Winter Blues away. Great photos, Great memories, I am sure.

Kimberly Dial - Awww, how much fun was that?! Loads! Thanks for sharing your summer fun πŸ™‚

Martha - Hi Meg, I love your blog, it’s my favorite! Your vacation pictures are amazing! Did you happen to come to Plymouth , indiana on your vacation? That’s my town, and I can’t believe it, you were here and didn’t come to see me! It’s such a small world, right?

Martha - This is so funny Meg, your blog is absolutely one of my favorites! This morning I was reading your blog about how fun your vacation was, I kept reading along and notice you went to indiana, I thought to myself I live in indiana, I want to meet meg! kept reading! saw that you went bowling, and saw the name of the bowling alley! Quicks we have a bowling alley named that in Plymouth. Did you come to my town and not stop in to see me. How fun! It’s such a small world after all.

Kori - Annie chose an awesome place to brave her first burrito….I hope she loved it!!

tara - love seeing these pictures….
I remember seeing several of them on IG back when you guys travelled.

great memories!

Lori - Nothing like time with family and good friends.
And I want to know how long it took you to fill and tie all of those water balloons?! Oy!

Jennifer - what do you keep in the pencil boxes for art journaling? my kids want vibrant colors to create with and i want to keep the mess to a minimum πŸ˜‰

Craig - Jenny, I let you win!

danielle - That looks like so much fun!

Taryn - Seeing your face and then seeing Jenny’s face makes me sigh…how lovely would it be to be able to run out and grab a coffee together for the afternoon?!? Loved my time with both of you!!!

kimberly oyler - pictures of you and your kids make me want to cry a little. i love how you always have an arm wrapped around them. such a good mama.

Julie - What a wonderful holiday – you all look so happy, relaxed and pleased to be together. I love seeing your family photos – thank you for sharing them.

Amanda - It looks like you guys had an amazing time! A nice balance between activities and relaxation.
I have to say that there is something very kind and gentle shining through in Sean. He looks like a real beautiful, sweet soul. =)

Lora - Looks like fun. I wish I had done art journals with my girls. They’re in college now so they probably (for sure) don’t have time for them now.

I want that pink car!

meredith - Loved it all! Thanks for sharing. Excited to know about the Zoo. Might be in St L next year. πŸ™‚ I’ve only experienced the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago (for Free) and it was amazing.

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