Masthead header

stanley at sunset.

this puppy has been so much fun already.
he also is exhausting.
but all puppies are that way… chew up stuff… pee every where… bark bark bark.

he’s worth it for sure.

the kids have all stepped up and take such good care of him and i LOVE that!

IMG_2027IMG_2062IMG_2058IMG_2057IMG_2051IMG_2116IMG_2049IMG_2048IMG_2068last night he slept all night.
i wish i could have enjoyed it… but i woke up every 30 minutes wondering “is the dog awake?”
like when you have a newborn and you can’t believe they are still sleeping and you check their breathing constantly.
i never checked on him but i did keep waking up.

i hope he does it again tonight.
because i like sleeping.
i have missed it since christmas.


Sara - Your photography is great! I love the one of Stanley tilted sideways carrying that branch. I salute you for being willing to raise a puppy after going through sleep deprivation five times with your children!

Bobbie - Oh the pictures of him trying to carry it are just too adorable!

BeckyKindel - I love that it looks like he’s grinning in the last pic.

Routhie - Is he as velvety soft as he looks in your photos? He looks like fun!

Bethany - I love it when puppies try to haul around the biggest stick they can find. So cute!

April R - Wishing you all sweet dreams and peaceful sleep
thanks for being honest about the tough parts
it’s a beautiful balance to all the “puppy bathed in golden cuteness and stick fun”

Elizabeth - He is sooooooooo CUTE!!!

Kathie - Way too cute!! Love the photos, at that amazing time of day!! <3

Melissa G - He’s so sweet! Puppies are sure good at making you rethink your decision more than once or twice 🙂 How’s Waffle adjusting? I love him!!

Lisa - Dear Stanley – You are a beautiful boy. I can see that you like your sticks. Please play a lot today so that you sleep well tonight. Your mommy likes it when you sleep all night. She told the Internet as much. 😉

Heather S. - Those puppy eyes are heart-melting!

katey - Puppies and sticks. They just go together. I love that last picture. Precious!! Enjoy!!!!

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