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cuteness overload.

our kitty Agnes had 5 babies last week.
we were out on the porch and talby said “AGNES just had a baby!”
then we proceeded to sit and watch her have two more.
it was quite fascinating.
and totally quiet…. not even a meow.

she actually had the babies on one of our patio chairs.
then i moved her to a box for a safer place.
THEN we had a huge storm in the night that woke me up so i went and got the box in the rain and moved it to an even safer spot.
and in the morning there were FIVE babies instead of 3.
way to go agnes!

as far as we can tell we have 3 boys & 2 girls.
if you are wanting a kitty… we are giving these to loving homes when they are ready to leave their mommy.
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we are anxiously awaiting their eyes to open!
annie checks about every 15 minutes to see if there has been any change!

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it is so much fun having them here.
we love them.
a great summer adventure for the duerksens.


Andrea @ This Pug Life - They’re adorable but I too cringed. Please spay Agnes. The shelters are overflowing with adorable kittens. :-\

Amy K. - So cute, but spaying is kindest and it’s not that scary…she’ll be fine in a few days and much happier in the long run.:)

karen - my husband wanted our cat to have kittens because it was ‘so cute’. no thanks…this world doesn’t need more cats when there are so many in shelters. i’m curious how it must feel for the mothers to have their babies taken away so young from them.

Jen - Please tell me you’re going to spay her as soon as possible!

Seamingly Sarah - Oh how cute! I grew up on a farm where our first cat came from someone who dropped off a cat with a litter of kittens in our barn one day. My mom was not too stoked. But us kids got to witness lots of other kittens to come over the years. Of course the cats have grown too wild at this point to be cute and cuddly. Have fun while it lasts!

Tiffany - What a wonderful memory making adventure for your family! Did you know she was pregnant? How amazing to watch her give birth! One of my favorite memories of living on a farm was finding baby kittens in the hay loft. Enjoy!

Luisa - Meravigliosi 🙂
Enjoy your kittens, they are delightful.

Jen B. - I’m glad Debby and Laura spoke up about the same thing I was thinking. The kittens are adorable, and it’s an awesome things for kids to witness, but there are so many kittens and dogs who need homes. Or never make it to homes. I hope this will be the last litter for the cats.

CathyC - So sweet!

Laura H - Oh dear! Please Spay sweet Agnes. Kittens are cute, but please don’t contribute to the overpopulation of kittens. At PAWS Chicago we have so many unwanted animals. Thank you!

Lisa - I can’t get enough of looking at these pictures! So awesome!

Debby Benson - As cute as they are, please spay Agnes and spay/neuter the babies. The Kansas Humane Society is overloaded with cats & kittens. There is no shortage of these sweet babies needing a good home.

That’s the kindest thing you can do.

Lecture over. 🙂

Jane - No disrespect…..I LOVE your blog, but…..but….I volunteer at an animal shelter that is overflowing with unwanted cats/kittens. Please, please spay this mama cat! If you could spend a day in a kill shelter and watch the heartache of the people (me) who have to euthanize animals everyday, you would understand. Even if you find all of these kitties a home, it takes away from the ones that are sitting in the shelters waiting to be adopted. All I ask is that you please spay!
I love your blog, I love you, I love craft weekend pictures, but my heart breaks every day for the unwanted that I have to kill…..

Andrea - What an awesome summer event for the kids to enjoy!
My first pet was a kitten named Cuddles, and there was a 45 record for “Cuddles the Calico Kitten” (This would have been in the 70s, like early-mid 70s). When she had kittens she went off to a barn to have them and didn’t bring them home until they were weanable – and wild as can be. One day I went to school and when I came home my mom had taken Cuddles and all the kittens to the shelter. Scarred for life, sorta.

jen - If you want an excuse to road trip to Fort Collins, I’ll take the orange one. 🙂 I was actually in McPherson last weekend but the timinig on that was definitely not right.
We stayed in this super cute place in Lindsborg for a couple nights. You should look in to it if you haven’t already heard of it. It’s called Vetehuset. It’s a loft over some shops on main street. And they have another one called Tradhuset, the tree house. Great little getaway for you and Craig. 😉
Love the kitties. They’re totes adorbz as my teenager would say.

Tammy Kay - When my twin boys were born they were in the nicu while I stayed in my hospital room. One of my husbands friends came by to visit. He went back to see the babies and he was so surprised that their eyes were open. Totally serious. His mom was a big cat lover and they always had cats and kittens. I guess he just never fit those two things together~

Lisa - I have very vivid memories of being a child and having our cat give birth to kittens. It was so cool to witness that. Excited for your kids to have that experience!

Kristin S - I love all the different colorings. This sounds so bizarre in a normal world but I grew up in a family who bred cats (pedigreed ones) and showed cats. At cat shows.

I’m CRAZY allergic to cats.

I promise. We are normal. I don’t have any cats now. Again, I’m allergic, but I also am too lazy to take care of litter and food. Gross.

BUT I so remember when kittens were born. Somehow it was always in the middle of the night and cats prefer privacy (clearly not Agnes) so they were always in a box in the closet as we watched with a low light.

I have a feeing the girls are going to have a tough time saying goodbye to these kittens….

Amy - I love the orange odd-man-out! So sweet! Will Agnes be spayed now? I know it can be expensive but it helps cats (and all animals) live longer, healthier lives! Enjoy those little bundles of cute for me 🙂 🙂

Janel - So cute!

Didn’t Spanky? The other cat have kittens too when you were moving out?

Juli - Good girl, Agnes! And now that she’s been a mom…can she get spayed?

kimberly oyler - if i could, i would take all five.

CK - Totally and completely adorable!! Are you planning on fixing all of your fur babies?? I hope so. You have enough on your plate already 🙂 Love your blog!!

Karleen - They are so cute. We had 4 kittens about 5 weeks ago and they so fun to watch play now. They are so similar to yours in color. They were also born on our patio chair!

Jenny B. - Oh how adorable!! Our cat had kittens at least once when I was growing up, and I loved it so much. I can imagine their tiny mews and their razor sharp kitten claws. Ha. 🙂 Such a great experience for your kids!

Erin - Did you have any clue she was pregnant??

such cute kittens! We found stray kittens once in my neighbors yard as a kid and we got to play with them all summer until they found homes. so cute!!

Kristin - So precious! Wish we lived closer & my husband didn’t think 2 cats were enough for one time!

Sarah{Handbags*and*Pigtails} - My girls just stood over my shoulder screaming AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!! CAN WE BUY ONE?!(me: “No…they’re in Kansas, not New York”). AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! 🙂

Kimberly - Oh Agnes, you’re my hero! They’re adorifying!

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