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old coop – new home

some friends of ours came to our rescue and offered to help us move the chicken coop to our new house.
i am naive and thought it would be easy.
i thought the big equipment would come and lift it up… drive it over… set it down.
that did happen.
but with lots of stuff in-between.

once it is up in the air or on the trailer suddenly it looks like a really big coop!

we wrangled up the chickens and put them in our dog kennel.
i drove this car full of kids and chickens to the new house.
this was the extent of how i contributed to this project.
i WANTED to help but i have no skill in this area at all so i was totally in the way.
but i CAN drive chickens in a dog kennel!

at least we only had to go 1.5 miles!
then they took it off the trailer and the way it worked 1.5 miles before… stopped working.
now what?
it was a beautiful night and everyone was out for a walk… so we drew a crowd.
more people meant more ideas… more resources… more muscle.
it was AWESOME!
and we even met some of our new neighbors!
a sloooooow drive down our “alley” Β with a parade of helpers.
and me… doing nothing other than take pictures.
(i serioulsy wanted to crawl under a rock. Β i was thinking “WHY did we ever get chickens? this is such a mess?!! holy cow i wish this was not my chicken coop!)IMG_7830IMG_7849
we put it down in the vegetable garden.
i don’t actually know how to have a vegetable garden so this seems like a much better use of the space.

this was a task way over our heads and we clearly needed friends.
it was a gift that they gave us their time and resources.
we were so grateful for all the help!

these ladies seem to really like the new neighborhood!

THANK YOU Vogts!!!

teresa - How wonderful to have great friends to help…Wish I had space for a coop…Thanks for sharing.
Happy Day

Diana - Wow, what a chore, huh. Coops are crazy things to move, we did a couple for my cousins years back. I bet the chickens were glad to be back in their home. Pretty chickens, those are my favorites. πŸ™‚

kerry - Thank goodness it was well constructed HA!

Jen - It looks as though it was meant to be where it is. Lovely.

Lisa - We had to do this with a shed we had built, which really didn’t look that big in our back yard, but looked huge, and heavy, when we had to put it up on a flatbed truck. Then we had to drive about 20 miles, right through the main part of our new town, with about 4 pickup trucks behind the flatbed full of our household stuff/furniture, etc. We laughed, calling ourselves the Hillbillies, and wouldn’t our new community welcome us! Friends are awesome, and I always try to volunteer to help others because I remember how important the help of our friends was that crazy moving day. Glad you finally have the whole family together!

Leslie - Hi. Just wondering if you ever posted how you made your coop. Next year we will be building a coop (probably adding onto our small shed that already exists) and I love how cute yours is. If you have any tips that would be awesome as we’ve never had chickens before. I’d love some chicken tips- there’s so much information out there it gets confusing. Maybe a “All about chickens” post in the future? Love your blog- such beautiful motivation to work out, eat healthy, to have fun with family, and to create beautiful spaces in our homes and yard. Keep up the awesome-sauce. I love that your life is messy and real and fun- not like some blogs that are always a little too immaculate and dreamy (which is not real life with kids). I read your blog and smile instead of think about how my life compares. Because mine is pretty messy fun awesome too!
πŸ™‚ Leslie

Diane - Now you have to start a veggie garden!

Mindy - I always love your chicken posts so I am happy they made the move. Your coop is so cute and they look at home already. You have great friends and what a bonus to give the new neighbors an excuse to visit : ) Looking forward to more chicken news…

Seamingly Sarah - Friends and help are such a wonderful blessing, but I would’ve been like you too, trying to hide under a rock! I don’t like asking for help,or drawing attention, but the blessings from God are there for us none the less.

Jennifer - That is the prettiest chicken coop I’ve every seen! It’s perfect there! It would make a great print! Totally agree with Karina.

Karina - I see a few chicken posters in your future…You can contribute artistically! And I am sure the Vogts will appreciate some free eggs. Good neighbours are worth more than their weight in gold!

Jenny B. - So pretty with the chickens in the flowers! πŸ™‚

redheadsarah - The coop looks like it was made to be in your vegetable garden! I’m glad you got it set up. πŸ™‚

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