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this was weird.

we were on our way to sean’s basketball tournament in kansas and we saw ostriches.
like… 50 of them on the side of the road.
so later between games we found out.
It’s called Hendrick’s Exotic Animal Farm located in Nickerson, KS.

we got out of the car and there were all these giraffes…that you could just… PET.
you know how all your life you go to the zoo and everything is really far away and there are signs everywhere to stay back and don’t touch?
this is opposite!
and suddenly we were petting a giraffe!
our minds were blown.

^^^^ my picture.

^^^ talby’s picture.

check out that gorgeous profile!

then i tried for a selfie with the giraffe… and i think it has done this before.
because as soon as i turned around it licked my head.
and wrapped my hair around that tongue.

we loved the giraffes.
but none of us were liking the ostriches up close.
it was WAY too close.
have you ever seen one really close?

do you see the ostrich on the far left… see how the wing feathers are blowing up from the wind?
so creepy. Β and their eyes bug out… the necks? the half open beak?! the huge middle toe claw?!! oh my word.
later that night when i was going to bed i told craig “i am honestly worried about having nightmares about those ostriches today”
i love watching the girls explore with photography.

this was a really fun completely unexpected stop.
we were just looking for a park to run around and we ended up hugging a giraffe!

Kerry - This is SO cool! Can’t believe you could just pet them! That giraffe selfie is amazing, and great blue tongue shot too Talby!

Cathy - that is so cool.. if I ever get out that way ..from OHIO I will have to stop. So how did it feel when he licked you. I was reading and saying ewwwwww….

Lorieloo - Also. An ostrich peeing might be the most disgusting & horrifying thing ever.

Lora - Those giraffes are the cutest!

Kerri - Isn’t it fun to discover something special in your own backyard, so to speak? Hedrick’s has been there for many years. School children from the town we used to live in in central Kansas go there for field trips.

Ashley Tiburcio - this is awesome! we are planning to go to Kansas next summer…I’ve never been and neither has my hubby or kids….We are going to go to Schlitterbahn but are wanting to explore to so we may just have to stop here too! Do you have any more places that might be interesting stops? I love exploring and we are going to have 4 days to do just that….

Tiffany - Meg, I love these posts of yours. For the few minutes I’m reading it, it’s such an escape to a happy place. You make me laugh, and tonight I shared some pics and part of your story with my husband and it had us both laughing. Thank you for that. Also, looked like a goat was getting fresh with you. πŸ™‚

Jennifer - Oh my goodness…how fun!! The giraffes are so beautiful and boy, the ostriches–they are creepy!

Kari Bobari - I just found out I am pregnant yesterday. Here’s how I know it’s true… these pictures made me cry and tell my husband, “I love giraffes so much. I just want to move there so I can go see them every day.”
Haha. Wow! First pregnancy, things are weird!

Dara - I love that place!! we’ve been there twice. I love the giraffes.

Suzelle - Those giraffes are SO dang COOL !!! You got some amazing photos πŸ™‚ Your expression with the ostrich is hilarious πŸ™‚

Stacy - Oh My Goodness. I’m dying from the giraffe cuteness! We have something similar in Pine Mountain, Ga, but I don’t remember petting the giraffes! So glad ya’ll stopped AND shared the awesome pictures! I’d love a LARGE print of the giraffe close-up!

Haley F - Talbee’s picture is soo cool! this post is amazing!

Heather S. - My mom took my girls here about 5 years ago and they stayed for the weekend. They rode a camel, fed baby kangaroos, and generally had a fabulous time.
Have you ever been to Tanganyika in Goddard? Been twice now. I have the BEST pic ever of my then 9 year old hugging a giraffe! So sweet! And the lemurs? It’s awesome to just sit and let them climb all over you. We love that place!

Carol S. - We have TWO of these in Knoxville but I haven’t been there yet. They get rave reviews from all ages. Fun fun pics! You are fun parents.

Jenny B. - Awesome! Talby’s giraffe picture is so great! There is a drive-thru safari near where we live, and the ostriches (or emus maybe?) come right up to your car window and stare at you. It is freaky! πŸ™‚

DebbieLynn - I am crying…I am laughing so hard right now! Real tears! The ostrich! Your expression! I have LIVED that! I am a huge animal lover. I am vegan because I love animals so much. Last spring we went to a wildlife safari. Saw bears, lions, zebras, etc. So cool…BUT..we were able to buy a cup of food to feed the ostriches that were able to walk up to the car. I was SO excited!!! At FIRST….soon as they walked up to me and got close..i screamed my head off, and just threw the whole cup of food out of the car. I almost cried and had an anxiety attack. They are SO creepy!!!!(poor But I love the giraffes!! πŸ™‚

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