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Monthly Archives: October 2015

3 fun things.

i made this Parmesan Ranch Chicken for my family and they devoured every single bite.


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this is my favorite nail polish this season.
cover girl – speed of light.
i have given it to so many of my friends… because who doesn’t love a great color!
it’s the perfect greige.

how adorable are these pumpkins?!!!
i know these are in my future.
we are definitely making these!


Sarah - Those polka dot jeans!!!! I’ve been on the hunt for great polka dot jeans for women. Want to share where they came from? THANKS!

Rebekah - That chicken. Thank you. I was wondering what we were going to have for dinner. Now I know, because MIRACLE OF MIRACLES, I actually have all of those things in my kitchen right this very minute. My cup runneth over.

DLG in Mich - Thanks for sharing the chicken recipe! I made it this evening and my family LOVED it.

Kelly Smith - Thank you for sharing my pumpkins! I am so glad that you loved them!

Kathryn - Meg, I have read your blog for years but have never taken the time to tell you how much I enjoy your writing, your honesty and your great style. Thank you! You inspire me! Our family has a music ministry with our girls – ages 9, 11 and 13. I wanted to share with you the new song my girls wrote because I think you will really enjoy it. let me know what you think. Again, thank you so much for taking the time to write your blog and for the reminder I get from your writing to stop and notice the great things around us…the little things that bring such joy! God is Good! Have a blessed day! Kathryn

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Those pumpkins!!!!!!

Janna - LOOOOVE those pumpkins!!!! Where to get white pumpkins??? That is MY KIND of fall colors😍😍😍

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for my 40th birthday my girlfriends surprised me with a road trip girls getaway!
i was completely out of the loop!
it was the craziest feeling.
but i love them and they know me so well!
they took to me Tishomingo, Oklahoma to stay at The LadySmith Bed & Breakfast.
Tishomingo is the home town to country singer Miranda Lambert and she owns The Ladysmith.
It was SO COOL!!!
(these next 7 pics are from the their website)
we spent 85% of our time in these chairs right here!
I was in the Lacy Jill room… with a headboard made up of hundreds of leather jean patches?!
how creative is that?IMG_6238IMG_6239IMG_6240
and two of us stayed in the Curtain Call room.
it was very rock star in there!IMG_6242
i loved every detail!
the light fixtures, the textures on every wall, the colors, the patterns!
it was like being in my dream house where you literally get to do ANYTHING you want with decor!
all the wallpaper looked 3D and most of them weren’t!  You would touch it and expect it to have texture and it didn’t!
and the wood walls everywhere with chippy paint?
i die.
now… the only downfall to Tishomingo is that it is a tiny town… like the one i live in.
so when you roll in to town on a sunday afternoon there is literally nothing to do.
at all.
we were told the best place to get pizza was from the Quick Mart.
oh my.
we hit the grocery store and filled in around our QMart pizza with some healthy snacks and some not so healthy.
The Ladysmith is smart and provide a bartender all evening.
we were almost the only people there so it basically our own private bartender!
we talked for hours and then we watched Pitch Perfect 2 because that was the best movie option we had.

the next morning we enjoyed breakfast served to us in the beautiful white dining room.
it was so nice to just be served food with out even having to order!
no thinking required!
next we headed next door to Spa 211.
oh my word… wow!
i was blown away by this wonderful place in such small middle-of-nowhere town.
it was gorgeously decorated, smelled amazing and was so relaxing!
i’m all ready to be pampered.  🙂

the whole place – every room – had that gray faux wood tile!
those floors are tile!!
have you seen the tile that looks like wood up close in real life?
crazy beautiful.
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i had a 90 minute Herbal Body Wrap!
it was bonkers.
they cover your body in sugar scrub and then shower you off – all while you are laying on the table!
then you are wrapped in warm towels that are steamed in fragrances, then your whole body is wrapped into a foil lined blanket and then you basically steep like a cup of tea for 20 minutes.  i dazed in & out of sleep.
then they put shea butter over your whole body too.
talk about dream birthday?!
that was worth turning 40!
what an awesome place to have in Tishomingo!
such a gift for the community as well a wonderful place for visitors!
we talked with the owner quite a bit and i was so impressed.
i can’t say enough how beautiful it was!

The Pink Pistol was a fun store FULL of gifts and “cowgirl” bling.

attempting to get a selfie with the welcome mural…
it looked better with all of us instead.  🙂

i was surprised they even had a movie theater in Tish!
so on monday… several of their shops were open.
i found that wood arrow and brought it home.

this trunk looks like a girls weekend doesn’t it?
but on our way out of town we got side tracked to a pumpkin patch… we couldn’t resist.
ha ha ha!
rear views are over rated anyway…

just like with every girls trip… God used my friends to love on me, fill me up and challenge me.
we get down to the big stuff pretty darn quick.
like even before we left our city limits on the way to Tishomingo!!
they speak truth.  they keep it real.  they go deep.
and we laugh like crazy.
i came home having felt seen and heard.

so here is my advice:
Go to Tishomingo, Oklahoma with your girls
(or your spouse would be fun too… if he likes spas and shopping?)
but go on a Friday – Sunday so you can enjoy the shops and restaurants and other small towns close by.
maybe pack some food/snacks to have just in case.  🙂
and DEFINITELY go to Spa211.
that is an absolute must.

ps: no one in Tish knows me or asked me to write this post.
i just like to share my favorite stuff with you!


April R - just wanted to say a late Happy Birthday and I’m so happy for you – that looks like an amazing way to celebrate you and 40

Flower Patch Farmgirl - HOLY COW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Looks like so much fun. You had me at “then you steep like a cup of tea”!

Brittney - My grandparents lived in Tishomingo for most of my life! As a child I would stay a few weeks with them during the summer…back when Tishomingo was a ghost town! -the highlight of our day was going to Sonic for happy hour! I learned to drive at the age of 14 in that town -so many memories! Anyway, it really has turned into a darling place…it makes me so happy to see it thrive! I live in a town about 30 miles from Tish called Ada (shout out to all the other locals!) It sounds like you had a wonderful trip with your girlfriends! I’m hoping to make it to your neck of the woods soon! Fingers crossed on the craft weekend lottery!

Deb Meyers - i’M THINKING Tish won’t know what hit it, after this post, Meg!


Melissa - Where did you get your hello shirt?

Melissa - How do you get friends like this!! Most of the time mine drain me mentally and physically!! You are a lucky girl meg!

Katie - Awesome! Thanks for sharing. 🙂

Cassie - I am so blessed to call this little jewel of town, home. Thank you so much for all your praise for it.

Tony Reese - Rhonda,I am so happy 😊 you enjoyed your stay in Tishomingo. I am from here, and never , ever thought it would be any vacation destination. A few years ago, it was a ghost town. There was nothing here, but good people. Once Miranda Lambert put her mark on the town, it seemed like everyone else followed. All of those shops, boutiques, Spa 211, and the Indie theatre were nonexistent. Too bad you missed Miranda. She pops in from time to time, and is treated like a normal person. I think that’s why she’s chosen Tishomingo to come for r&r. I’m glad you had a happy birthday 🎂. Thanks for posting.

Rhonda - Tishomingo IS my hometown – so glad you found out what a truly wonderful place it is! Small towns rock, they are full of people who care about one another and work to support others – thanks for sharing the info about Baker’s Acres – they are hometown people who believe in their community!

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so…. i had a birthday.
i turned 40 on september 30.
i made lots of jokes to my family the night before to not be scared when i turned into a creepy old lady in the night… i kept picturing the witch in Brave.
i know – what’s wrong with me?
but thankfully that didn’t happen and i made it through my big day without tears or a breakdown.
i thought all year about what to do on my day but as it got closer i was just too tired to plan something.
i booked a massage and facial at my favorite place… took my book and sat there in my robe for several hours.
then i hit tjmaxx because that’s what i do.
craig made me steak & added my favorite restaurants sides for dinner.
friends and family gifted me wonderful things.
there was homemade coconut cake!
my mom sent me a pretty coat!
all my social media outlets wished me happy birthday… my phone was on fire all day.
lots to be grateful for.
apparently i am even being whisked away with friends for a girls weekend soon but i have no details other than “pack a bag and be ready”  I guess i can handle that kind of surprise.  🙂
i really can’t believe i am actually forty!
i guess i thought 40 would be different (not overnight but getting here in general)
i thought i’d feel old but i don’t.
i feel like I’m at the top of my game!
not to say that in a braggy kind of way… just meaning… i know who i am MUCH more than i did 10 years ago… or even five years ago.
i know the things i want in my life to take my time and what i don’t.
i am able to say no and know why i am saying it.
i can see things in people that i admire that i couldn’t recognize before.
i am not afraid of so much that i used to be.
i have confidence in who i am… and in how God made me.
i mean… i am not perfect or “done” or have life figured out BUT i am a lot farther than i used to be.
and that’s what 40 is supposed to be right?
getting better every year.  🙂
or at least trying.

so here i am at 40.
mother of five big kids.
wife of 21 years.
bring it FORTY.

and in unrelated news but totally related news…
i have heard lots of things about Nester’s 31 Day challenge over the years.
i know myself and until now could never commit to that – especially with writing.
i am too all over the board for that.
i love it for others but not with my brain.
but since it was october 1 and i had a moment to think i decided to do my own 31 day challenge.
not writing.
YOU should write if that is your thing.
or Paint.
or Read.
or Run.
but i am going to do Yoga everyday for 31 days.
and i’ll see where that leads…. maybe i will hate it… maybe love it… but i figured it was not too hard to commit to since it can pretty much be done anywhere and it can be as easy or hard as you make it to be.

so… that is my first two days of being in a new decade… Yoga committed.


Lucy - Happy late Birthday!! I will be 30 tomorrow and totally relate to this post! I am so different than 10 years ago too! You are awesome! I love your blog!

susan@avintagefarmwife - Happy birthday! And enjoy your yoga-I predict you will love it. Is there Holy Yoga in your area? If so, I want to encourage you to check it out. It’s wonderful!

Carol S. - Happy and healthy birthday wishes to you dear friend! Great hair and makeup and fitness at 40. Sweet blog post. Nice that you appeal to many generations including this 52 year old. Fifties are pretty good too! I’ve been using the mantra “there’s joy at every stage” and am hoping that remains true for me and you.

Shellie - You look great! And, I totally get you. I’m 47, what, what? It’s crazy to even wrap my head around that, but it happened. I finally know who I am though, and it’s awesome! God has really shaken me up the past 5 years and I’m so, so thankful.
I hope you love yoga. I tried it for the first time about a year ago and I’m hooked.
Love, love, love it!!!

Patty - Happy fortieth, Meg! As long as we continue to learn and grow, each year we get better. Wishing you health and happiness for the coming year!

PS The photo above is perfectly beautiful! Will you share your secret as to how you get such nice volume on top?

Courtney L - Happy Birthday Meg! 40 is Fabulous (so I hear, I’m just a couple years away myself)

I saw your coconut cake on IG and I had to run out and make one myself. By far the most decadent thing I’ve ever made, I LOVED it!

Thanks for being you, here’s to 40+ more fabulous years!

Dena - Happy Birthday!! I’ll be hitting that “milestone”, hack, cough, in May. Hard to believe how fast time flies. May God continue to bless you on your life’s journey!

Mary - Happy birthday!!!! Enjoy the celebration. And I’ve got ask, what color lipstick is that? It’s fantastic on you.

sharon / - tjmaxx on your birthday (i have done that too) is so great because you let yourself buy that thing you’d normally put down and say ‘i shouldn’t’ every other day of the year.
i have visited Whatever for a long time ~ thanks for being you. all 40 years of you!!
also, your s-m-i-l-e matches your eyes 🙂 what could be better at your age?

Molly - Happy Birthday Meg!

Wait till you hit 50!!

But really I loved my 40’s, as you said I really feel that I hit my stride in my 40’s and I really enjoyed them. I felt like I knew who I was and where I was going so much better than in my 30’s. I hope your 40’s are all you imagine them to be. 🙂

Kelly - Happy birthday, Meg!!!! Thanks for sharing your colorful life with us here!

Katie - Glad you had a great day!

Amy - I’m a long term reader & fan of your wonderful blog. Just wanted to wish you a very Happy Birthday! You look amazing! With love Amy x

Cindy - Happy Birthday Meg! have a wonderful time with the girls. I’ll be turning 40 in a few months and I love your honest thoughts on it all! absolutely love your blog and the inspiration!

Kathleen W. - Happy 40th Meg !! I thoroughly enjoy your blog. I feel as though we are on the same page about many things, it feels like I am catching up with an old friend when I check in to see what you and your family have been up to!. I will be turning 40 in January and everyone keeps asking what I want to do and a spa day is exactly what I want as well. You will rock 40 just as I plan too !!! Best wishes 🙂

val - You have a lovely heart Meg Duerksen, bless you. Happy birthday xx

Tasha - Happy birthday. I, too, am finding that the older I get the more comfortable I am in my own skin, even though that skin is developing a few wrinkles. I’d still prefer wrinkles to the insecurity and uncertainty of my youth :). Hope 40 is your best year yet.

Nicole - Happy 40! This 30 day series might help you with your challenge. It’s free and Adrienne is a great instructor!

Amy K. - Happy birthday!! My grandma wrote “My 40s were the happiest time of my life” in my birthday card when I turned 40, and I think I agree with her… I can’t wait to see what the next half of my life brings!

Katie - Happy Birthday! I have been reading your blog since before Annie went to school. My oldest is the same age. You have the best blog! The only one I check consistently. Have a great year!!!

Deb Meyers - You are GORGEOUS Meg, and strong. bring it 40!

Southern Gal - Happy Birthday! Forty looks good on you!

You have heard of The Pixar Theory, right? Boo from Monsters, Inc. is actually the witch in Brave? 😉 Look it up. YouTube has a great video.

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