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Category Archives: africa


i made it.

it was the hardest thing i have ever done….physically and emotionally.

it was amazing and beautiful and sad and heartbreaking.

it is such a broken place.

i thought that we would go to the worst part and help where we could.

but instead we get there and see that it's ALL the worst part…entire big city…millions….all severe poverty.

different degrees but nothing we would consider "good" in america.
i have nothing in my life experience here in the midwest to compare it to.

it was emotional.

we worked with some of the Word Made Flesh youth…sewing with 2 of them…very good there.

those two young men are now a memory burned into my heart forever.

God will do wonderful work with them.

they are very special  young men.

if you can love someone after a week then that is what i feel…
motherly love for boys who have had a hard life but are strong.

i was so proud of their sewing and so were they.

we walked everywhere and it was burning hot night and day with no relief.

a flushing toilet was a luxury we rarely had.

showers were a cold trickle of water in front of a window facing a rehab center next door.

food was fine…not what we are used to…but not bad.
i tried barricuda.

the people of freetown were awesome.

we never felt unsafe.

everyone was nice everywhere we went.

but at the same time….we were stared at by everyone all day long…and at night too.

8 white women walking through the city in single file was a site they may have never seen.

the few white people there usually drive or ride in cars not walking the city with everyone else.

so they stared & said stuff in krio with the words "white women" in the middle of their sentences.

but if you smiled they smiled back and if you said hello they always said how are you? 

no one could pronounce my name.  

we went to the good news church with the 200 children in kroo bay.

i hid behind my camera to keep from sobbing at small dirty children
dancing and praising Papa God for all the blessings they have.  

it was unbelievable to see.

so beautiful.

their singing was LOUD and could be what heaven sounds like.

i loved it.

and i want to go back.



Linda (a bushel and a pickle) - Welcome home where nothing will ever look the same. Until one actually sees the developing world…it is hard to grasp the poverty and the manner in which life is carved out with so little. It is shocking!!! You are a brave woman to notice and to act. Thank you.

Angela - welcome home. i enjoy your blog and am looking forward to hearing (and seeing) more of africa!

Rachael Kiefer - What you have done for those people is AMAZING! They will NEVER for get you! Several years ago I fell in love with a song that has made me cry, but also given me the desire to one day go and do missions in Africa. It is by Sarah Groves: I saw what I saw…beautiful!

kelly@thebluemuse - Sorry, the WORLD needs more people like you.
And that was worth reiterating!

kelly@thebluemuse - You will have so many memories to cherish, and the knowledge that you touched so many lives. The wrold needs more people like you..

Lisa - Sounds absolutely amazing – can’t wait to hear more about it.

Staci - YOU’RE HOME!!! Praise the Lord!!! Can’t wait to hear more πŸ™‚ But for now….rest up and enjoy that family of your’s!! I bet they missed you bunches πŸ˜‰

Melanie - Sounds like you were changed forever. Can’t wait to hear all about it.

Cami - What a selfless gift you gave to those people. If only we all could do what you did the world would be a better place. I applaud you and look forward to seeing pictures of your journey.

susan - meg, i don’t think i would be strong enough to do such an amazing thing. i don’t think i could have seen those children living like that. we are so blessed here and i know i take things for granted at times. thank you for being such an beautiful person and sharing this journey with us. i look forward to hearing more about your trip. i’m glad you are home safe and sound. i thought about you and prayed for you while you were away. take care, susan

Jacqui - Welcome back! Africa will forever be burned in my heart and in my head. after spending 4 months travelling with friends from Kenya down through Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Malawi, Namibia and into South Africa. Meeting such amazing people and playing endlessly with small children who just wanted to look at you and talk to you and play with you and ham it up for the camera and who got complete joy from you taking their picture and then showing that photo instantly to them on the digital camera! did you find that? it was complete amazement to them and woke me up to what we take for granted here in our western world.

Tracy Sharlette - So glad you are back and things went as planned. I think you are an AMAZING woman for having done this and leaving your own family and home to help others. I could only wish to give to people like that. I’ll bet your family is so happy to have you home!! <3

Julie - Welcome home, Meg!
I’m looking forward to hearing about everything you saw and felt, and discovering how this trip will impact your (already amazing) life!!!

Sharla - Your trip sounds amazing. I, too, have tears in my eyes thinking about your work and the amazing people you met. I can’t wait to hear more.

gina - What an amazing overview of such a life changing journey. Can’t wait to hear more and if you have any ideas of how we can help, i’m guessing you do…

Sara Cameli - Meg, welcome home. I’m sure you are digesting the experience…glad you are safely home, so proud of you for doing it! πŸ™‚ HUG!

DreamGirlLisa - So glad you made it back safely…sounds like a life changing experience, can’t wait to see your beautiful photographs. Welcome home.

julie - Welcome home. I pray that God gives you rest and the strength to unpack all of your thoughts, feelings and experiences from your trip.
You will never be the same.
But it will be so good.
I see you.

Jeannine - Welcome back!
You are amazing, and I know you made a HUGE difference =)
Can’t wait to read more about your journey.
I saw polka dots EVERYWHERE this past week!

jenni - wow. welcome back! crowns in heaven I tell ya!

Diana - Welcome home, Meg!
I can tell by your words this touched your sweet heart in so many ways.
It takes so little to love such a big God, huh.

Deputy's Wife - Bless you and your friends for taking such a journey. I kept you all in my mind and my prayers. Funny though, I read here every day, but rarely comment, I sighed a huge sigh of relief when I read your post tonight. So glad you are all home.
Take care,

kristine - welcome home! i am so excited for you! what a wonderful trip. i can’t wait to hear more. and i feel so badly b/c i didn’t ever know when you were leaving* and i procrastinated and never bought anything or donated and suddenly you were gone! i’m so sorry. i did pray for you and think of you! i was able to imagine what it was like b/c i have done mission trips to mexico, south africa and ecuador and it is always so amazing. i can’t wait to see your pictures. they will bring back lots of memories. i’m glad you are home safe and happy and grateful!
**we suddenly moved from kc to minneapolis! so while you were posting about leaving in a week, i was packing up to move and didn’t have internet for almost two weeks! gasp! we are only here temporarily (meaning who knows how long?!) so we still have our house back in kc. maybe i will see you again! πŸ™‚ sorry this is so long to leave in your comments πŸ™‚

tasha roe - welcome back!!! Look forward to hearing more and seeing more!!

Quinn - Happy you made it home safe, it looks like you had the time of a lifetime.
Really looking forward to some pictures and more stories told from the heart.
I’m leaving in 2 days, and this just makes me even more excited.

Kacey - Sounds amazing. Welcome home! Can’t wait to hear more.

Melissa - Can’t wait to hear more!

Heather R. - I’m glad you are back! Prayers were answered. Thank you for the funny flashbacks while you were gone. And I can’t wait to hear about it. I think this is the first time I’ve really looked forward to someone else’s trip photos. ~Heather R.

Anna Marie - PRAISE OUR ALMIGHTY GOD!!! I am so thankful for your safe return but even more thankful for the experience that you had and will (I hope) share with us. At this point in my life I don’t see myself ever having this type of opportunity (not that it couldn’t happen) and I am honored to be able to learn about your experience.

Jaimie - oh meg.. it just sounds amazing. what a good experience to have in your arsenal.

Robyn Farmer - Tears fill my eyes as I read this. Isn’t it beautiful how some children of the King can praise him when nothing in their life as far as processions and circumstances change from knowing him? I’m reading Crazy Love right now and it paints such a different picture of God and his children and how we are to live and to love. Thank you for sharing.

Tanya - Glad you’re back. Thank you for sharing. I look forward to more. πŸ™‚

Janine - Oh those polka dots! I never noticed them before, but I thought of you quite often last week. They seemed to spring up everywhere. Glad you made it home to your family safe and sound. I can’t wait to see the pictures you will share with us, your faithful blog readers πŸ™‚

princess lasertron - you’re an inspiration meg.

linda lou - welcome back to newton…….and i prayed and thought of you all week glad your are safely home(: bless your husband and kids also!

candace - what an amazing life-changing eperience. please, please, please, after you soak up time with your family, please share EVERY detail possible. please?!

julia - wow. so glad you’re home safe. can’t wait to hear more.

Kate - I am so glad you are back safely! You’ve been on my heart all week. I can’t wait to hear…

Shann - I prayed for you and prayed for you and prayed for you! I am so happy you are back to your family safe and sound. I am so thankful you allowed God to use you to be Jesus to people. You are right…it changes you forever. πŸ™‚

elizabeth - Thank you for giving of yourself — I look forward to hearing more about this amazing trip and people.

stef - Welcome back! I’m so glad you went and even more glad about this post. This is eye opening and reminds me to pray for others. Getting out of my comfort box in this small way.

jennifer - Praise the Lord for giving you the opportunity to go! I can’t wait to see and hear more about it.

A pocket full of posies... - I’m so glad there are people like you… I’m so glad you went… so glad that you shared with us… so glad I was able to pray for you while you were gone…so glad you are home safe… look forward to hearing more!!
What a Blessing!

Jamie - Awesome!

Sue K. - Megan – you went with Word Made Flesh?? My cousins are on staff with them in Buenos Aires Argentina!!! They have a heart for the poor and hurting like I have never seen before. Looking forward to seeing your pictures. Welcome home and expect to be forever changed!

Karina - Welcome home.

Val - I got goose bumps just reading this much. I am excited to see pictures! They will probably move me more than your words…

sara - welcome home, meg. so happy to hear a bit about the journey & look forward to more!

AshleyAnn - Welcome home…the new forever changed Meg. Welcome “home”.

Alaina - So glad to see you’ve made it home safe and sound, well except for your heart which it sounds as if part of it was left there. Cannot wait to hear more about your journey. Welcome home.

Courtney Walsh - awww, meg, welcome home!! πŸ™‚ Sounds like it was a wonderful, touching experience!

Nicole - Amazing! Cannot wait to hear more!! Welcome home!

FeFe - So glad that you’re back! I can’t wait to hear more about your trip.

Michelle - I can’t wait to hear more Meg! For now, I hope you’re enjoying being back home with your family.

Susan - Welcome back…I know your life has been changed in more ways than I can ever imagine. I will never look at polka dots the same again! The day you asked for us to pray when we saw polka dots I made the mistake of going to the fabric store here! Or did God direct me. Anyway, I never saw so many polka dots in my life!! It was kind of funny. I would pray a quiet prayer and turn the corner and there were more…not again!

Maria - Welcome home…can’t wait to read more of your experiences.
Did you know that MckMama ( was in Africa this same week you were? I think she was with a different group and in a different area?, but I thought it was kinda neat that 2 blogs I read were there at the same time…

rebecca - Glad you are back! Can’t wait to hear more. What a blessing you were to those people!
How did Craig survive? Was Annie glad to see you?

Courtney - You sweet girl. Can’t wait to hear more!

Kim - Welcome back! I’ve been thinking about you every single day and can’t wait to hear more about your journey. I am touched already.

Lisa - Dirty muddy children singing of thier blessings… woah, that is challenging. Must remember to be thankful for the rich blessings in our lives. Meg this trip to Africa will have changed you forever, may heaven invade your life and be outworked in your everyday. Cant wait to see the journey ahead.

Karen Gerstenberger - Thank you for your selfless giving. Welcome home!

robin - Welcome back, and thank you for sharing with us.

angie schmidt - Glad you are home safe. We have been praying for you and your team. Lukes heart and mind are still in Africa two months later. Maybe the next trip to Africa, couples can go together! Again, glad you are home. πŸ™‚

Donje - Glad you made it back home safely. Looking forward to hearing more about your experience there.

Tonya - Oh I’ve been so looking forward to hearing about your trip Meg! I can’t wait to hear how God spoke to you and through you…..and see your crazy-amazing pictures!
Glad you’re back!

amy cloud - i got chills reading this.

Sarah @ Dream In Domestic - Beautiful – this post is so beautiful. What you’re doing is beautiful! And this line is beautiful – “their singing was LOUD and could be what heaven sounds like.” You are such an inspiration to me! Thank you.

Julie - Thank you…for sharing. I have tears and goosebumps. We have so much here in our little world…it often feels just so gluttonous. So glad you made it home safely. I’m painting in polka dots for you.

patti - glad you made it home safe. i can’t imagine what your stories will be like. it must have been an amazing experience.

Tegan and Tage - I have chills and tears in my eyes reading your description of the children singing about their blessings. Powerful image. I can’t wait to hear more.

evan - how amazing that you got to have that experience!!
i had a dream about you last night, actually. my husband, kids and i were traveling and went to visit you at your house. you were such a sweetheart and your family was so fun. but then we had to leave because all of you had to go to bed early because you (kids and all) had jury duty the next day. how weird is that??? just thought i’d share. πŸ™‚ glad you made it home!!

Melissa Gruber - Welcome home! I am so happy you had a wonderful trip and I can’t wait to hear more…

Sharon - Welcome home! You were missed. Looking forward to hearing all that your heart can share.

Liz - Oh Meg, I’m an emotional mess just reading this. Someday I too want to take that journey and help spread the good Word. I’m just waiting until my children are bit older. What a wonderful person you are to let God use you this way. God bless you!

Micah - You’re back! I’m so glad you had a wonderful time and touched so many hearts. You will never be the same. But you’ll be changed in a good way.

Elizabeth - So glad you had a wonderful trip! Can’t wait to see and hear more stories on your blog. Rest up, then tell us readers more!

Lindsay Thomas - beautiful. just beautiful. thank you LORD!
i’m so glad you had such a good time. can’t wait to see more pictures and hear more stories. you are a strong woman!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Tears…joy for you! Can’t wait to hear and see more:)

mel - Welcome back! I can’t wait to hear more about your trip! So glad God was faithful to you guys. I know you impacted others in a big way (your blog readers AND those you encountered in Africa)! I would love to go to Africa one day, so glad you got the opportunity!

paige - i can only imagine
but i am certain that our Lord inhabited the praises of those precious children
i would have been a sobbing mess too….
you amaze me

Liz M - This made me cry, and blogs don’t make me cry.
We have no idea here. It is so ginormous. Please post more pictures. Please let us know how we, in some very small way–can help. I am SO HAPPY I bought something from your shop to help support your trip.

Niki - Thank you for going and for sharing your experiences with us. Thank you for being His hands and allowing Him to touch others through you with His love! Can’t wait to see and hear more!
Welcome back!

amy jupin - i’m so glad you’re back. and i knew it would be hard stuff. that hard stuff that we all think we know about, but really we have no earthly idea. looking forward to more from your trip. my heart is ready and waiting!

Heather - What an amazing live altering experience. I can’t wait to learn more through you and your trip. Blessings!!

Jessica Reed - I’m so glad you made it back safely!
I know what it feels like, and now, being here, in a comfy house with AC (or heating for the time being)feels completely unfair. When I open my fridge and feel greedy because we have so much. Snuggling into my clean blankets, opening my closet, driving to school. Every thing changes from here on out. Appreciate it. Love it.

miss lynn - i saw polka dots
last week.
bless your heart.

purejoy - can’t wait to hear more stories and will be praying for you as you continue to process. coming home is the hardest part. prayed for you while you were gone. may God get the glory.
welcome back. i missed you, but found your archive postings the best. you have the most precious family (and i loved the beginning of waffles)

Melissa S - So glad you are home safely! I have been praying for your journey. I too look forward to hearing more!

Kimberly - So glad you made it back safe. Thank you for sharing your story, I can’t wait to hear more. God is amazing, he sent you because not only did you get to go but thru you we (all of your readers) get to be inspired by you. He is working thru you and we are so lucky to have you share with us. Thank you!

4JJM - What a wonderful gift our Father gave you in this journey Meg. These people most likely have forever changed you and you should feel proud for doing something to make a difference.

Amy James - I have been anxiously and excitedly awaiting to hear from you. I prayed constantly for you while you were away. I kinda felt like a nervous Mom worried about her child away at camp. Silly I know.
I look forward to learning more. Thank you for bringing your trip home to us.

angela - I can tell you have been changed. Look forward to seeing/hearing more. Prayed for you while you were gone. I know you made a difference.

sarah - I can only imagine…
Looking forward to hearing more about it!

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