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Category Archives: SHOP

shannan’s cow.


this is my friend Shannan’s house.

IMG_2855 (2)

shannan has the COW hanging in her living room and it looks SPECTACULAR!!
she has quite a gift for decorating.
and i love how she used everything she already had to change her house for fall.

her look is very eclectic but so classy.

mostly i wish i was sitting on that couch eating chips and salsa with her…

she has a code on her blog right now for 15% off any of the canvases in my shop.

YOU can use it too!

Use the code FPFG15 for a 15% discount on the canvas you’ve been waiting for!!

(offer good through oct 15,2014)

also there are a bunch of new pillows over there… maps & printsΒ too!!!

click the SHOP button at the top of the blog to go to the shop.



nev - love the pic and loved her post. hate to see that you are being copied with your cow canvases. you are the queen of the cow pics!

Mindy - THe cow looks perfect there! And she is indeed the Queen of eclectic ~ does is with perfection.

susan - Hi meg. Will you be having any bunting in your shop soon. ?

Tere - I love this cow. I do. And I’m so glad I found Shannon through you πŸ™‚ xoxo

Kristen - Pinning your gumball machine print to my wish list. Pretty sure I need it.

Colleen - I have the cow framed and waiting for my husband to hang in our laundry room… i’ll send you a picture when its done!
You should try to see if you can get the cow in all 50 states… BTW… Connecticut… Done!

Bethany - I love Shannan’s blog and it’s how I found your blog. What luck! I love your cow pics. They remind me of times spent as a kid at my aunt and uncle’s farm.

jodie - This room is awesome!!! I am pinning it ASAP.
love the ginormous cow πŸ˜€

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pom poms & rainbows!



well we have been working hard on the shop and it’s got some fun goodies over there….

but you better be quick!


jennyonthespot - I just love all of it. ALL. ALL.

Janelle - Hey Meg…just thought I’d pass on an idea to you that my mom did for my girls. She made them pillowcases for each holiday…Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, birthdays, etc. They LOVE them and love switching them for each holiday. Your pillowcases in your shop reminded me of them and thought maybe your buyers would be interested in them if you made them πŸ™‚

Heather - Oh man, just recd your post, and some of the goodies are already gone πŸ™ Didn’t even know you had a shop. How do I find out sooner that you have new stock? I hope you will make more rainbow sweatshirts!! πŸ™‚

Rachel - Thanks for adding the rainbow hoodies. Finally got off my butt and ordered one for my daughter. No if only the weather would cool down enough for her to wear it. πŸ™‚

Amanda - Please, please, please add more size 10/12 white rainbow hoodies πŸ™‚

justme - They look more like bulls to me πŸ˜‰

Necole@seriouslysassymama - I love the cow prints.

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i love a big canvas.


i have some new canvases in MY SHOP!


he globes


flowers in the wind


dandelion wishes

rainbow cupcake


kansas wheat


on white

                                 and all my other canvases are still in the shop too.






                                       everytime i try to pick a favorite i can't do it.
they are all so fun!!

i love to see my prints blown up really big with all that color!
i would love to have them hanging in your home too!





i was very excited about that.
have a super afternoon.
i went running this morning and we got rained on!
some of my kids are packing for camp that starts tomorrow.
i purchased their travel size toiletries and a surprise snack to sneak in their bag.
i have chicken in the crockpot for dinner.
but all i  really can think about is a nap on the lawn chair sounds nice….. 



Tammi O - So excited, I just ordered the Globe wrap!! What company do you use for your canvas wraps?

Jenny B. - Oh, Meg… these are all so pretty and happy! You are one talented lady. I wish I had a big white wall and a big wad of money. I would just buy them all and fill it up! πŸ™‚ I am really wanting the 5 cent gumballs one for my laundry room… maybe someday!

Jamie - Sorry this has nothing to do with this post, but I thought I should make sure you know about this…..1/2 priced shakes at Sonic all day on June 20th (at participating locations). Maybe you already knew, but it would be a shame if you didn’t. Where we lived in PA a sonic had it’s grand opening on my birthday in 2011! πŸ™‚ …and then we moved away October of that year. πŸ™ We don’t have a Sonic near us now. πŸ™

Christy Kowalenko - Hi Cathy!!! *waving* πŸ˜€

ira lee - oh i am in love with these!!! they are so crisp and bright!

melodee - your work is amazing! I love each one of these canvases….AND your decor is adorable too, love the thread spools in the jar and the old coke crates for storage…..darling:)

amyjupin - your photography has blossomed into this lovely, awe-inspiring, goodness that just makes me so happy.
good for you!
so proud of you for acheiving that goal!!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Such fun canvases…love all your colors. They are all so very fun! Hope you got your nap πŸ˜‰

psmullican - They are fun! I purchased a couple prints previously to frame for my classroom. Love your photos and styling!

Stephanie - Love your photography! πŸ™‚

CathyC - Hi Christy!!!!

CathyC - GORGEOUS! I love all the prints, plus the other stuff too: 7-Up crate, the quilts, the scale…..

Linda - they are all so beautiful!

Christy Kowalenko - Canadian shipping!? Hip-hip-HOORAY! I’m heading over to your shop RIGHT NOW! Happy Monday indeed! : )

Kerry @ Made For Real - Why is it that I don’t particularly love cupcakes, but I adore pictures of them ??? : )

Jennifer - They are all so gorgeous…I really like the red barn!

Mary - oh my, meg.
these are SO stunning!

Terrie - LOVING all your prints!!
Especially the big canvas ones!
a nap…sounds good!
Think I’ll stay inside to avoid the
giant sized mosquitos!!

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i’ve got stuff to tell ya.

my house is a DISASTER.
every surface is covered in stuff….JUNK.
the kitchen is filthy.
we need groceries.
but hey… i have a shop to open, miles to run, and 7 kids playing at my house right now.
cleaning will still be there when i am ready.



i received a copy of Jerusalem's book A Homemade Year this week!!


it is such a sweet book filled with stories, recipes, crafts and ideas to bring your family and friends together.

you can order your own copy HERE 

jerusalem has a great blog too!  





soooo YES……my little shop opens tomorrow!!!

Canvas  Canvas-4


Canvas-19  Canvas-10

 ALL of these CANVAS WRAPPED prints will be in the shop!!!

and the best news…. they will be printed on demand so there is no need for a MAD RUSH on them.



but everything else… once it's gone it will be a little while before i can stock up again.

not two years like last time. πŸ™‚

but still a little bit of time to finish up and list again.


******************* FRIDAY at NOON central time *************************

i will link the shop tomorrow too.




Amy Hartman - Your style is so pretty. Pinned some of these beautiful photos….love the sunflower, nest and cow canvases.

Terrie G - Your prints all look so happy!!

Tere - Hi Meg! I love the cow. I want the cow, in real life, really. But the print is so dang lovely. Is this your neighbors cow? I’ll have to look through the blog, I do remember a post with lots of cows. xoxo tere.

Tiffany - Will we be able to order prints online?

BriBedell - Oh YEAH!!! (in my best Oprah voice!!!!)

Mendi Tieman - You are killing me!!! I am so excited for the shop to open!!!!

Mj - The sunflower and the cow….want/need!

jenny - Jerusalem is great! SO glad you are featuring her book today. I can’t wait to get my own copy soon. πŸ™‚
And OH MY! I love every single one of these prints! The gumball print and the birds nest might just need to be mine. πŸ™‚

Rachel Matilda - I can’t wait!!! I want that sunflower print!!!

Laura H. - Takes my breath away! Let’s see….my birthday is in July, so maybe if I start dropping hints around my house SOMEONE will surprise me with that beautiful cow print! Hint hint to the hubby! He knows how much I LOVE your blog! Good luck to you!

Corinne - I think I might need the watercolor paints – so pretty!

Melissa - Ohhhhh love the cow print and the sunflower print!

Jessica - cannot wait!! thank you for making me smile everyday!!

Su@TheIntentionalHome - one more thing. . .I want you to tell us what canvas wrapped print ends up bring the most “popular”. . the best seller. . just curious. ..

Su@TheIntentionalHome - so excited that we do not have to get on right at noon to get a canvas wrapped print. . .

Carrie - I am soooooooo excited for your shop! Hoping I can afford something!
My house is a disaster too. I conquered the living room last weekend though and have worked on the kitchen organization this week. Not everything has a home so there is always crap everywhere. 2013 is project get your crap together over here!

Tiffany - That cow print! My husband, and son would love it. I’m excited to take a peek at your shop tomorrow! Good luck! *hugs*

Alicia @ La Famille - ooooooooooo exciting!! canvases are a great idea!! they are gorgeous!

Michelle from Australia - I wonder what time in Australia noon central time equates to? I’ll have to get my thinking cap on!

Brooke - YAY!! I’m so proud of you!! You photog. entrepreneur (Sp?!) CONGRATS!!

Amy Jo - Oh man. I looove that watercolor paint canvas. So beautiful!! πŸ™‚

Lori Austin - So, so much to do at my house as well. PLUS I have around 25-30 people
coming for my daughter’s birthday party. Guess I should get busy, huh?! πŸ™
Love those large prints!

jen - So excited your shop will be open tomorrow!! Love it!!!

Lindsey - Anxiously awaiting the doors opening on your shop!!
My house is disgusting and I, too, decided more important things will be done before cleaning it

Mel - Hooray! Can’t wait to see all of the goodies! And you’re so right – cleaning will always be there. This day will not.

DebZorn - Yay! Can’t wait to see all your stuff. I would love to have a “little bit”
of your style in my house!

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