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funny stuff

sean said:

"When you get a baby out…. 
(i thought….oh no where is this leading?')
can it cry so much that it would run out of breath?"

after sean came home from a play date i asked "did you say thank you?"
he said "Oh no!  i was having such a good time i just forgot!"

annie asked:
"does food go into your throat, down to your tummy 
and into your toes and that's how we get energy?!"
i answered  "ummmm….yes!" to make it easy.
sean said "hey!….that's NOT what happens to food!"


annie asked last night "why does bread have sugar in it?"
she was eating cinnamon sugared toast.
and before i could say that it didn't she shouted……
"Cause the chicken wanted to get to the other side!"


while walking the dog annie remembers something:
 "Oh mom…you forgot to get me to ride a unicorn!"
me: "i did?  was i supposed to do that?"
annie "yes. don't worry we'll do it in…..6 years."


sean did not want to ride go carts yesterday.
then he finally got brave and did it.
while walking to the car he said 
"i wish i wouldn't have not wanted to do that before.  it was great."
me: "well, next time you are nervous about something you can tell yourself –
remember the go-karts"
he answers seriously "yeah well i am never going to be a doctor.
you have to touch feet AND privates….gross!"


for some reason my kids think it's hilarious to see a man in a suit riding a bike.
they laugh and laugh.  
the other night the conversation over ice cream went like this:
sean: wouldn't it be funny to see a man in suit on a bike?
scott: or on a bike in a diaper?
talby: or in a diaper on tricycle?
scott:  with a beanie hat with a propeller?
annie:  yeah!!  a diaper!  hahahahahahahahahha!!!!"

that would be pretty funny.  


at bible study i served sloppy joes.
sean asks "did you make these mom?"
me: yes sean.  you'll like them. they are the same that i always make.
sean: are the same as dad makes?
(craig makes sloppy joes occasionally when he has to cook)
me: yes, they are the same as dads…it's our secret man-wich recipe.
sean realizes i am kidding about the secret and says:
"well it should be a secret because it's so good!"

funny stuff.

Jennifer P. - It’s been so much fun catching up. I had to choose this post to comment on, because I just LOVE these little conversations of your kids that you capture. I still cannot look at a bus for sale without thinking of some way to convert in into a motor home with an arm that comes out to feed the driver :)! And NOW I will not be able to look at a guy riding a bike in a suit without also picturing him wearing a diaper!
Best to you!

Sandra - I love the way a child’s mind works. It’s sooooo — free form! In the head — out the mouth!:)

One Wired Woman - Oh… gotta love the “darndest” things those kiddos say!! Precious Post! Thanks for making me smile this morning. ~Jill 🙂
Now come and post your alter ego over at Wired Woman. 🙂

Jenn Thomas - Gotta love my neighbor kids!

Heather - Those are wonderful! When my kids say hilarious things, I tell myself that I’m going to remember them and write them down later . . . and I rarely do or I don’t remember entirely and lose some of the kid-flair.

Deb - Sweet!

Bethany - Oh that had me laughing out loud!! Aren’t kids HILARIOUS?!! Mine have been saying some pretty funny things lately too! Gotta write ’em down so we don’t forget those sweet moments! Thanks for sharing!!

Suzanne - Wow! Can’t believe you can remember ALL of your children’s conversations so well!! Those are great!!
We’re servin’ up Meg’s Birthday Mexican Chicken tonight!!! Can’t wait to dive into it!

lee ann - Those are so good! Glad you wrote them down. We had one of those never ending conversations in the car last night that had something to do with the moon, who made God, stores, roads, and ice cream all in one converstation. Their little minds are so funny.

Suzanne - Wow! Can’t believe you can remember ALL of your children’s conversations so well!! Those are great!!
We’re servin’ up Meg’s Birthday Mexican Chicken tonight!!! Can’t wait to dive into it!

carissa - so great!
kids… love their words…
crazy little turkeys!

Aby - Too cute! Aren’t they just hilarious?!? My favorite most recent cute quote was from one of my 6 year old twins… She told a friend of mine “I go to private school”. My friend said “You do?… what school do you go to?!” (knowing that she goes to public school). My 6 year old tells her the name of the school. My friend asks “XXX School is private?” She replies.. “Oh yes… it’s VERY private… there’s harldly ANY neighbors around.”

Shelly H. (in Overland Park, KS) - Very cute!!

southernseven - My 18 year old had 2 friends over Saturday and they were in our front room watching a movie. My 15 year old son came home and then disappeared. I asked my husband if he was in his room or was he watching the movie with the girls. My 8 year old said, “Why? Are you worried that he is making love?” My husband and I looked at each other with big eyes. I asked him if he knew that meant having se** and he said “No” and turned red. I guess he thought it meant flirting with the girls. He doesn’t really know what se** is but I have tried to be open with the word and say things like it is what men and women do when they are married to make babies.

kara - Oh wow. I am crying. Crying laughing. Kid converstaions are my favorite posts ever!!!
Recently my little 2 year old “nephwew” (friend’s kid- I’m an only child)said,
Henry: “Aunt KiKi I’m going to the watermelon store!”
Kara: “Wow Henry! What do you get at the Watermelon store?”
Henry “Ketchup”

PamperingBeki - You have a great memory!
I always hear my kids say funny things and think “I am sooooo going to blog that” and then of course I can’t remember what they said.
Such a blonde…

traci - people often shake their heads at me because I love working with kids….but they say and do the funniest things EVER!!!!

Staci - I LOVE IT!! I really need to write some things down too…I will TOTALLY forget…and it will be gone forever. Never a dull moment around your place 🙂 Don’t ya love that…for the most part anyway!?

traci - cute! kids are so funny and they don’t even really know it. wish i would have written down some of the things my kids said. how precious!

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