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“just gotta dance!”

last week the 2 little girls and i got up early, got dressed and out the door

in the freezing cold to go to dance class.  

they were still on winter break.
oops….no class.

when we got home we made the living room a dance studio.
we pulled out the new scarves for christmas from aunt shannon.
i cranked up the classical music
and they went crazy.









the boys were gone to basketball and lauren was sleeping.
it was loud 
and silly 
and very fun.

we need to do this more often.

Diana P - Just stumbled across your blog.
May God continue to bless you and your gorgeous family.

carissa - i think i feel like doing THAT! 🙂
i always love your action shots!

Megan - Hi Meg…quick question. I have a canon rebel xsi..I think you might too, or at least it looks like it in that camera picture up on the left. ANYWAY..I love my camera except that it has not the best zoom. The lens I have on it is a 18-55 mm and I was wondering if your lens has a great zoom. If so, what lens(es) do you have? Thanks!! Keep up the fun fun fun posts!

kasey - too sweet. yes, we do need to dance more…

meaghan easterhaus - i know i should be looking at the ADORABLE girls dancing, but your moldings are awesome!!!!!

a thorn among roses - you have to love a fabulous dance show!

Traci Thorson - what a perfect way to spend the morning. we should all take some time and dance around the living room.

Kristy - So cute. Looks like that had a blast :O)
I love your blog and added it to my fav list. Hope thats ok?
Have a wonderful weekend!

Evan - awww!!! my 3 yr old daugher has that same brown dress… she just started taking dance. her first class was last week and she acted like a cat the entire time. her teacher wasn’t that amused. we’ll see how it goes this week. your girls are so precious!!

susan - I wanted to thank you for bookmarking my ‘Child of God’ print! I saw you were sending many sweet referrals my way and had to find out who this person with such great taste was. :o)
Thanks again!
P.S. I signed up for your blog feed. Good taste indeed…

katy - That is for sure fun!

ingrid - beautiful magical pictures. thank you. 🙂

Karen - they are darling.
and your home is beautiful.

Tami - I miss my daughter taking dance awh how fun!

Tami - Too fun I miss my daughter in modern dance lol

meredith - Twirling around is the best thing ever! If everyone did a little bit of twirling every day, the world would be a far happier place I’m sure. Aren’t little girls a gift to be cherished? I think I’m going to go do some twirling of my own now.

Laura - That is a perfect day – the more ‘face the music and dance’ moments the merrier.

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