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i have a dream

IMG_2827this was annie's dream.

and this one too.
with her other MLK project over her shoulder.

i would love to have heard the conversation leading up to this.  


what a lovely world annie's would be.

she came home from preschool and told me
"mom….mart luth McCain was a special man who helped people.
and he got shot-ed by a mean man and he died.
why was that man so mean?"

i answered "well…he must not have had jesus in his heart or love God?"

and she has been telling everyone that 
"mart luth McCain got shot because he didn't have jesus in his heart."

we cleared it up.

i am so happy they are learning about him even in preschool.
what a great great man.
annie also said ms. kristin showed them on her laptop MLKs speech.
that made me well up with tears.

here's a link to his famous speech (just in case you've never actually heard it all.)

i hadn't listened to more than the very famous few minutes until a few years ago.
and i cried and cried.

i can't imagine that time in our nation.
or before.

thank you Dr. King.

Daja - The project is priceless! I hope you save it forever!

carissa - i sure do love annie’s dreamy cloud! precious little heart!

Randi - I can’t imagine that time either although there are still glimpses today of that insanity. My daughter is studying slavery now and it eats at my heart to know that people lived through such misery. Love Annie’s project.

kristin at prairie daze - oh, meg, thanks for this perspective.
can you imagine how hard it was for me to keep my serious listening face as i write her dream down?
it was out. of. the. blue. and so sweet.
see you soon.

Lee Ann - What a great teacher! In pre-school! The speech gives me chills.
And if only everyone could go to Sonic. Just think what this world would look like.

Amanda Rettke -
Check this out.
God bless-

MGF - I was captured by the part about Sonic, a personal favorite.

adrienneK - eeep!! you replied to my live journal entry!! (i feel so special) well, now you can see that i truly am inspired by you!! i have a slew of other entires (but since they have my daughters pictures they are all reserved for live journal users:( i may change that however, seeing as how my out of state mother in law enjoys reading my posts!! feel free to pop over anytime!!!

Tami - Annie did a great job on her Martin Luther King artwork!

Jane - What an awesome Pre-school! I would love to live in a world like the one she describes!

danyele - that is so stinking precious i can’t even say!

adrienneK - so sweet!! we too listened to that speech via you tube and did a few coloring sheets!! may i also say that your blog is so very inspiring !<3

Jill Jones - Well, that was just about the cutest thing ever! Keep dreaming big Annie! 🙂

Christy - So cute! I would love to live in Annie’s world. Love the comment about Sonic. How cute.

Wendy - I love it! Sonic. You can’t make that stuff up. Thanks for the link to his speech. I’ll use it tonight for family night. We’re talking about the inauguration and MLK Jr. Day.

sarah - I love Annie’s vision of what the world should be. So cute.
“…Everyone could go to sonic.” priceless.
Thank you indeed, Dr. King.

katy - That is a really sweet speech that Annie created!
I hope my oldest comes home with some knowledge of MLK.

Allikayes Mama - What an awesome preschool! Is it the one that you have linked on your sidebar??
That girl is awesome too!!

Queen Bee - “I wish everyone could go to Sonic”…priceless! I think she should gain advertising money for that one! 🙂

Beth - That speech always makes me cry. Of course, I’ve always related it especially to my own kids, and I worry so much about how the world will treat them. I know all parents do. I love the world annie envisions and wish for it too. Treating each other and all living things with respect and going to sonic! It can’t get any better than that 🙂

traci - aawww, sweet annie always makes me smile. i agree with the sonic idea too. we don’t have one around here, but when we go to the cabin, we visit often. yum!!

princess lasertron - annie’s world sounds absolutely beautiful.

Dana - I wish everyone could go to Sonic, too! I think that would be one step towards world peace! Bravo Annie!

Amber - I love Annie’s sweet school projects. It’s always interesting to hear things from a child’s perspective. I teach 1st grade so we read all kinds of books last week and did a few projects too. I showed my class 2 minutes of the “I have a dream” speech which they loved. It’s hard to imagine that time which really wasn’t that long ago.

corey - I don’t agree with the monkey part, but I do wish everyone could go to sonic. You ain’t livin till youv’e had a vanilla coke.

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