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he’s a goldendoodle.

so many people ask when waffle makes a blog appearance "what kind of dog is that?"

he's a goldendoodle.
he is 7 months old now. 
he is gianormous and naughty.  
but so darn cute you can't help but love him.

we have bible study at our house every sunday night.
this past sunday craig took waffle and the kids out to the country for some running around.
when they came back….waffle drank a ton of water…then fell asleep by the door.
an hour later our bible study group shows up.
i point to his kennel…he goes right in….like an angel.
bible study proceeds to go on about 5 feet away from his kennel.
i was upstairs dealing with a dvd for the kids and i hear craig yelling for me downstairs…and laughing.
i come down and walk right into a puddle of dog pee!
in my socks.
in front of everyone.
he pee-ed in his kennel because he had waited so long.  
and it was everywhere.

you know….even bible study is exciting at our house.

naughty dog.
(i know i know….it's my fault and he's not naughty…he's sweet and lovely)

to remind me of the cute stuff….let's look back at when he was a precious baby!


IMG_3550 IMG_4718


it's obvious why we love him.
even if i step in his pee in my socks…..

naomi - OMG! my dog is a labradoodle and waffle is a spitting image of him! my puppy does the same thing but when he is excited. they are really smart too. he learned how to open the cabinet where his treats are kept with his nose and he knocks on the door when he wants to come inside! i love my doggie he is soooo cuddly!!!!

Kaira - I love our goldendoodle. I’m convinced they are the best breed ever! Our Remy is such a stinker but I love him anyways.

dolce chic - My goodness Waffle is adorable! I had never seen a goldendoodle before, I want one!!!

Heather Matias or - Where did you get that great molding for a shelf in your entry way. The one with the family pics on them? It is just beautiful! And where do you get the glitter hanging letters like the “wish” in you gift?

Heather Matias - Where did you get that great molding for a shelf in your entry way. The one with the family pics on them? It is just beautiful! And where do you get the glitter hanging letters like the “wish” in you gift?

Karen - oh yes, pee socks. I have some of those. I got them when I dared to take a shower before letting the dogs out one morning. Bad, Bad me! One of them peed right outside my bathroom door. (That’ll show me!) Love that dog you’ve got there! So cute!

melissa @ the inspired room - HA. Love that dog.
Saw you got featured on a big website, GO GIRL!

Holly - what an adorable pup!

Michelle - Meg, love your blog, check it with a frequency that would completely diminish laundry piles here if my attention was diverted to the washer/dryer instead. Have started my own blog and wonder…would you mind if I post a link to you there? Thanks for all the inspiration!

Courtney - Waffle is a killer cute dog! That last puppy shot of him all fluffy and running around made my heart explode. I have to go love on my own cute pups now, have to fix the doggy itch. 😀

Meaghan - love that dog! my friend has one! girl, you’re on ohdeedoh AGAIN! they love you over there!

danyele - our friends had a goldendoodle that was the most gentle dog in the world…i love how cute they are!

3 Peas in a Pod - Waffle is such a cutie pie and I love the name. Sooo adorable. I have a yellow lab and although she’s very sweet and cute, she’s a handful. Always causing some kind of trouble. She’s my fourth child.

Shana - Look at Jett’s little gimpy leg…so easy to pick him out. They were so tiny…boy were we fooled!

Kelley - Get ready to submit pictures of Waffle on iheartfaces.blogspot next week…I think it’s “pet” week. You should also enter the other contests. You have some great pictures!

Amber - Waffle is so darn cute. How can you not smile when looking at that sweet face? (even if your socks are wet with his pee…ok, that is gross)

Donna - He is for sure one of the cutest dogs I have ever seen……….and the name “Waffle” is the CUTEST dog name to ever exist.

Sandy - Oh my gosh! I had completely forgotten how small he was when you got him!!! He seems to be a great dog and I still love his name! Very creative – just like you and your family!

amy d - BIG LOVES for waffle from auntie amy d & miley

Beth - We are getting a Golden doodle puppy in Feb. It will be a medium sized. We are so excited but a little nervous too! Waffle is so cute!

katy - That’s it!
I must have a new dog, we love our sweet precious dog/person…she’s 13 yrs. old………but heavenly hanna, I want this dog. What a cutie!!

Queen Bee - Hubby and I were just talking about dogs yesterday and I asked for a “waffle dog”, not that the two dogs we already have aren’t enough, LOL! “What’s a waffle dog?”, he asked, and I couldn’t tell him. Glad you cleared that up!
He reminds me of “Sandy” in Annie (the play), so he’s perfect for your house! 🙂
He’s sooooooooo darn cute!

Ruth Ann - He’s absolutely adorable! I just want to give him a squeeze! I’m excited because we’re getting a golden retriever in a couple weeks! I can’t wait til we can pick her up! Thanks for posting these wonderful photos! And waffle…what a cute name!

Jill Jones - Oh man! Wet socks are the worst, especially when it’s pee wet! Waffle is pretty darn cute!

alyssa - yuck. It’s bad enough when it’s because of your child…not the dog!!! But, I’d be lying to say I haven’t been there! The bright side is that you have a shiny new washer to throw those stinky socks into.

Sarah - He is SO adorable!
I want to love on him every time he makes an appearance here. I want a dog just like him someday when we have more room for more pets. right now, we’re maxed out.
I’m sure he makes for lots of laughter all the time!

Lorilee - He is so precious. I have stepping in puppy puddles too! That is why I wear crocs ALL the time. I would much rather wash them than get my foot wet!

Wendy - Adorable puppy pictures! And don’t you just love pee pee surprises? I brought home our new puppy right after we got brand new carpet… No, I’m not the brightest!

Wendy - Our goldendoodle was naughty too. Up until she was about a year and a half old. Then she calmed down considerably and was completely housebroken. They are high energy but SO loving and sweet. Love any Waffle appearances on your blog.

Jennifer P. - You can’t even scare me away from wanting one of those with the dog pee story 🙂

traci - that is pretty nasty, but he is just too cute. you can’t stay mad at him. don’t you wonder what you ever did without him now?

Trina - Yay!! Thanks, Meg.. I have always wondered if he was a goldendoodle! He is just too cute.. I love him because he looks like a cartoon or story book character!
Happy week to you!

kelly - My Roscoe is a poodle… and just as naughty and also just as lovable. 🙂 Aren’t you so thankful to have him?!?! 🙂 I love seeing pictures of him on your blog. Just such a happy sweet face… 🙂

Margaret - I just love Waffle and all pets for that matter. Thanks for sharing him with us.

Deb - My favorite pics of him are with that cone on. Poor thing!
Bible study could be even more exciting. At one of ours, the host’s dog laid down in the middle of the floor where we were and proceeded to lick and lick and lick…well, something that in my opinion shouldn’t even be possible to lick. Lol

Kate - ahh pets, gotta love ’em.
i only have cats currently, so i don’t usually have to deal with pee, but i think the ridiculous amounts of cat hair on all of my clothes makes up for that.

MGF - LOL… Great start to my morning.

elisa - Oh man I just want to kiss that fluffy little face.
I have stepped in my fair share of dog pee. This morning I had a big pile of dog puke to clean up. So glad I didn’t step in that!

Dani - Awwww… what an adorable dog. I wish we had one. My daughter is allergic, so no pets for us.
I am hosting a giveaway today for my 100th post. Come enter!

Marie - Waffle is so adorable! I’m not big into dogs (I know, right?), but the other day, our neighbor was walking hers and we couldn’t get over how cute he was…well, it was a goldendoodle-first time I had ever seen or heard of one (prior to yours now that I know what it is). So so cute!

Lanny Stanard - I love him too! what a doll I’m a dog lover… Have a great day 🙂
Lanny 🙂

Deputy's Wife - I am laughing because guess what I stepped in tonight too?!? Our “puppy” is naughty too, but is house trained very well. Until the rare occasion I forget to let him out. HA!

sarah - What a beautiful dog. I’m incredibly jealous… I want a goldendoodle soo bad… hubby says No. 🙁

Katie - Aw, your puppy is so cute!

ForeverFoldingLaundry - Friends of ours just got a goldendoodle & I thought their Buddy looked a lot like your Waffle! How can you not love that face – and the fact that he doesn’t shed? AWESOME. I’d take an occasional sock full o’doggie pee over daily lint rolling anytime. =)

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