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Tommy Boy – It's AliveThe best home videos are here

this is one of my favorite movie clips…EVER.

Gini - Meg – catching up on your blog – been away from it for too long. Whenever I got to this post…I just started giggling. I LOVE THIS CLIP!!!!!!!!!!!!! My brother watched this movie a hundred times and find this part the best part ever…each and every time. Too funny.

Jill Jones - Oh man… that is some good stuff! Thanks for the laugh… it’s one of our favorites too!

dawn - I loved that part — and the gas station scene with the door falling off… One of the best movies EVER — no doubt. Chris Farley rocked.

Sara - A classic, for sure. My husband and I just pulled that DVD out last weekend! Can’t beat it for a great laugh.

Ashley Ann - Just saw your comment on my blog and had to say you can totally pull off the pink hair. Who cares what they think?! Go for it, just send me some pictures if you do!

amy boliba - This is totally unrelated but am having a hard time finding your shop on etsy-can you help me out?

gina entz - our two older kids love that scene.
they quote from it often.
kid #3, whose 4 years old, was singing “fat guy in a little coat” as I was getting his and his brother’s bath ready this morning.
not sure how it relates to a bath.
and equally not sure how he knew that line to begin with.

Deputy's Wife - I feel a kindred spirit with you now. That scene is one of my favorite scenes of all time. The entire movie is in my top five favorites.
I love it!

valerie @ Robots and Candy - I love that movie. My fiance hadn’t seen it until a few months ago and now he understands why when I’m shopping and things are too small I dance around singing “Fat guy in a little coat!”

Kasey - My husband has a rotation of about 7 movies he watches (and quotes) regularly. Tommy Boy is one of them. Thank goodness he and I have the same sense of humor.

chas at the wild raspberry - that’s so funny…my favorite line in the movie is when tommy knocked the door off the car at the gas station and when he gets in to drive away…the door comes off and tommy says “What did you do!?” hilarious movie!
thanks for the laughs.

Laurel - My husband and I love this movie – I think I can quote the whole thing!

CherryTreeLane - I could watch this movie 100 times a week. Love.

Heidi Jo the Artist - I love Tommy Boy! We watched it a few weeks ago after not seeing it for at least a couple of years. It is great when you need a good laugh.
Thanks for posting the Bible verse yesterday too. I think it is a great verse and I passed it along onto my Facebook friends and it helped inspire more. 🙂
Have an awesome day! Ahhh, I love the word awesome! Great use of it in Tommy Boy!
Heidi Jo the Artist
Come Check Out ~ Swirls of Creativity’s Purple Thursday ~ Every Thursday!

Brooke - Love, love, LOVE me some C.F. I still remember the day he died, I was in the car and heard it on the radio. No one can make me laugh to tears like Chris did! The “In a van down by the river” SNL skit…classic!!

Lanny Stanard - Oh yes miss Megan we love that movie those two were good together! have a good hump day 🙂

purejoy - pretty much best movie made. . . ever.
well, that would have to take a back seat (pun intended) during the holidays, to Elf, my all time favorite movie.
but i’ll give you Tommy Boy the rest of the year.
soooo flippin’ hilarious that i almost want to go watch it right now.
but that would interrupt my blog stalking (lol)
have an amazing day, and i pretty much adore your blog.

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