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pink! pink! pink!

annie asked me if we could make cupcakes.

what i wanted to say was "no honey mommy is blogging."

but instead i said "yes!"  

a friend of mind told me to try saying YES more often with my kids and see how it goes.

hmmmm…turns out it makes them happy.

i am not sure what i think about that yet…HA.

we decided to make Pinkalicious cupcakes!

(after i finished blogging)


because the only cake mix we had was strawberry.

but it was perfect because it's currently annie's favorite book.

do you have it?

you can get it here…


it's a cute book.

perfect for girls who love pink…or cupcakes….or throwing tantrums.


they were very tasty.

i had four…over the course of two days…not all at once.

do you feel like your automatic response is no when your kids ask for something?

i do.

so i am working on it…

my first thought is usually "No…i am too tired/busy/crabby/lazy/blogging…"

but if i try hard to think first before i give my auto pilot answer….

can we make cookies?  well….yes, as soon as these dishes are done we sure can.

can we read 4 books?  yes…if you can sit still we can read four.

can you drop me off at the gym?  will you be able to walk home…then YES.

i don't know….it's hard to break a habit.

at least this time there were cupcakes to eat.

Thays - Grandpa Campbell – I was totally ameazd at how great your pics were of Little LUKE’s Event. So many favorites! And when I look back on the Party, I was cannot get over how you were able to shoot from so many great angles and perspectives without impeding on any of the activity.So professional . Great Job!

Renato - Jonathan I keep a supply of homdamee cupcake wrappers with my baking supplies because I like to make cupcakes. I have done these manually and with my Cricut machine. I think this is also and excellent idea for inexpensive Christmas gifts especially using the cupcake box. The recipient can put them in their bathroom for their next party. I might add a slip of paper (like in fortune cookies) to let the guest know this is for them for keeps just in case they use the bathroom more than once.Boy was Oprah wrong for not calling you. Truly her loss.

Adela - Everyone’s cupcakes loekod so good. Unfortunately I can’t do any baking until our ant problem is taken care of. I have the ingredients so hopefully I can make them soon.

Anggara - You are so incredibly tetlnead! Your fondant bow is FABULOUS. YOu should be very proud of yourself! I can’t believe it was your first one—I’d never have known. You’re an expert!

kathy b - Oh my goodness, I just bought this book yesterday. I bought it for Gwyn who is 3, lives next door and loves pink. I loved the story. Did you turn pink from eating the cupcakes?
kathy b

Tecla - We had a Pinkalicious party in January – just because. It wasn’t a birthday, we just thought, “wouldn’t it be fun?”. We kept it pretty low key (read: easy for Mom!). We had a great time!! Your cupcakes are definitely prettier, though! 🙂

jess - we love pinkalicious! just the other day my 5 year old told my 3 year old…”ya get what ya get and ya don’t get upset!” any cupcakes left?!

amy smith - I am linking your post to mine…you’ve inspired me. thanks! amy

Amy - We made the pinkalicious cupcakes too!! What fun! Have you tried the purplelicious? (I haven’t been brave enough to, just yet) Thanks for all your beautiful posts and great ideas!

Christy - I usually say “suuuurrreee” & then hope he forgets. See, not much better. 🙂 This morning it was purple cupcakes, which we haven’t made yet, yesterday it was a new lego set, which he will forget about until he sees the commercial again.

Emily - Those are lovely cupcakes! Makes me almost want to give up on my “no white sugar” pledge! I agree with the saying no. As I think about it I probably do say no a lot- no wonder my two three year olds say it back to me so much! Thanks for a thought-provoking idea–saying yes. I’ll try it!

The Paper Note - I’m an auto pilot NO mommy too… 🙂 just because I have two girls who ask for something 24/7
Mommy can we get a hamster? NO
Mommy can I get that barbie? NO
Mommy can we go swimming? NO
Mommy can I have 3 choc chip cookies? NO
Mommy can I blah blah blah blah…. all day long… hehehe… I just get so used to crazy question I auto say NO then sometimes I’m going “What did you ask? are YOU serious?”
Here’s the Best Maddies asked
“Mommy can I get an Elephant? Sure Honey I’ll get right on that. LOL…
Today is a Yes though we are headed to the Fair…
Bless you for being a normal Mommy this was an Awesome Post… hugs, Lisa

K - They look adorable AND delicious! I love all things girly 🙂

pve - YES – 3 letters with so much meaning.

Jenn - YUM. I can almost taste the sugar sweetness.

Debby Graber - I remember hearing james dobson saying that we need to say more “yes’s” to our kids than “no’s”. There are definite times for a firm “no” though. What did you put on top of those cupcakes?

Sarah - pure yummness. what a great idea!

DreamGirlLisa - I already say yes a lot, find myself exhausted most of the time too, but it’s worth it. I bought Pinkalicious for my niece last year, I loved reading it to her 🙂 I have a strawberry cake mix on hand too (on sale at Target ), those cupcakes look good, and pink is my favorite color. I am trying the rainbow cake this weekend for my daughter’s 18th birthday, wish me luck! Love your blog:)

Allison - Those cupcakes look divine!!!

seleta - Ohhhhh, I love the fancy new pic in the header!!!
Yes, I feel like I always start with “No.” It’s a shame, but it’s the truth. Maybe because their questions are always so crazy? Like on a school night after dinner I’ll get the question, “can we have family movie night tonight?” I look at my trashed kitchen and dining table then look back at them with “are you kidding? No!” Really I’d rather be selfish and take a shower or {blog} and I’m so tired I could collapse on the floor. Eeeek, I’m a scary mommy.
My husband never says no. Even if his answer is really no. It’s always, “sure we can eat chocolate cookies… time.” Or “yes, we can stay up until 10….really soon.” Smart. He’s much more positive than me. Okay, I’m going to work on this.
Thanks for the inspiration.

Krista - Love love love the cupcakes, love love love your blog.
Look out for Purplicious, it’s just as good as Pinkalicious. We bought Goldilicious, but I don’t think it’s as good as the first two. But my girls love all of them.
I discovered your blog a few weeks ago, I can’t stop reading it, I love your ideas and the gorgeous pictures. I am amazed that you manage a post every day, even with your 5 kids. Believe me, it is most appreciated by this reader!

Christina - Oh, I would have eaten four all at once!
This is a great post…I am totally in that habit. I’ve tried to play a game or do something with my middle son while my youngest is napping these days.
And those are gorgeous cupcakes!

andrea - i almost always say no, but i too have been trying to say yes more, it is hard

Ashley - We LOVE Pinkalicious too! We Also love purplelicious- if you don’t have a copy, I have two and would love to send you my extra for Annie! I just noticed goldilicious in the store today and am dying for it!
Love the cupcakes and I also struggle with saying no too often. I think it’s a have a lot of kids thing…
As always, LOVE the blog, your pictures are amazing!

Leslie - YES!!! That seems to be working for us too these days. Not only saying YES but also more of the positive feedback they get from us than the negative…. It’s been working great for me lately!!!
And by the way, my 4 year old son likes Pinkalicious and gigi God’s Little Princess from time to time when it’s not dinosaurs and superhero’s 😀

jody - We love pinkalicious here, too! Even the boys get a kick out if it. I’ve been trying YES more often, too…and it works! xxoo

Kristen - My almost 3 year old’s favorite book is Pinkalicious too!!!! and I have been planning on making Pinkalicious cupcakes for over a week now, haven’t gotten around to it yet…..maybe you’ll inspire me! I am gonna try the yes thing….I do try to do that, but maybe I’ll work harder on it. and also, I’ve stalked your blog for a few months now…finally popping in, i LOVE to read here! One of my favorite things is to pop on her and see a new post! You are a wonderful mom and I wish I had half your creativity! You inspire me to do fun things with my kids too. Keep it up, you have lots of fans!!!

Kristine Robb - what’s wrong with four cupcakes at once?!
i like your entry b/c you are articulating my thoughts…
this am i had a playdate with a mom of two and she said YES to letting them open umbrellas in the house and running with them! they went out in the rain and back inside they came jumping with water droplets flying around. i was watching in awe and she said, “it’s only water.” which it IS. and it’s only itty bitty drops. AND their laughter was worth a few sprinkles. YES TO UMBRELLAS INDOORS!
nevermind the safety factor…. 🙂

Tiffany Morris - I’m stopping over from Cora’s page. OMG… if I only had HALF of your talent. I looked through your house pictures and they are GORGEOUS! I only wish I could decorate like that!
Hugs – Tiffany

Staci - I’m really impressed you only had four…I would’ve had four…just licking the batter…and four once they were actually MADE 🙂 I’m gonna give the “yes” thing a try 🙂 Have an awesome COLLEGE FOOTBALL WEEKEND 🙂 YIIIPPPPPEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!

Dawn - That book is a favorite at our house! We also love Purplicious, and I can’t wait to get Goldilicious!
Like you, I feel that ‘no’ comes out of my mouth so easily. I really do need to make an effort to say ‘yes’ a lot more. I’m sure there would be a definite upgrade in the mood around our house!

Miranda - My baby adores this book. Saying yes today led to a kitchen floor covered with water and happily…I loved it. 🙂

Wendy - I can totally relate to the “auto pilot answer”. I’ll try to say “yes” more often and see if my kids are any happier. The cupcakes look yummy and I’ll have to check out Pinkalicious next time I’m at the book store. 🙂 Wonderful pics as always.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - We have that book too. There is pretty much nothing food wise that I love better than cupcakes. Those were gorgeous. Thanks for the pictures. I saved one to make as a screen saver:) That’s probably not a good idea…cravings will do me in. Have a great long weekend Meg.

amy j. - I read that somewhere once… try to figure out a way to say YES. Can I have a snack? Yes! After you eat your supper! Good reminder. I’m so tired right now, it’s way too easy to say no.
Have you read “Purplicious?” Those are two of Sophie’s favorites right now. (Lawson, too!) 🙂

sandy toe - We love that book… of our favorite!
sandy toe

Iman - p.s. Have you seen the movie Yes Man! 😉

Iman - Wow!! This could not have come at a better time. Just this week I was thinking how I say no, a lot to my kids.
So yesterday I started trying to say yes more often.
I think it’s time for this Mama to start initiating some cupcake making.
Thanks for the post and the inspiration.

Sarah B - We (my daughter and I) LOVE Pinkalicious, and Purplicious, and just bought Goldilicous! And I need to start practicing saying yes more often. The cupcakes look delicious. 🙂

Sarah V. - A good reminder of something I need to work on. I do good for a while then I turn back into the “No Mommy”. And a great idea! We are having a sleepover tonight and I think the girls would love them.

Laura Phelps - YES YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are TOTALLY on the same page!!!!!!!!!
Not only does saying YES make them happy…it makes ME happy…AND.drum roll please….
TEACHES THE CHILDREN to say YES to ME when I ask them to do something!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The easiest lessons are always the hardest and yet SIMPLEST.
And my YES on Tuesday was BROWNIES.
“Can we make them mom?”
And ate three. In one sitting.

adrienneK - so sweet!

Victoria - Oooooh those cupcakes look YUMMY!
I have been trying to say “yes” too! Too often I am just stuck in a rut of “no, no, no” and when I think about it, I can say yes to certain things and it makes my 4 year olds day!

Shana - Yes!

Vera - I really, really have to fight saying “just a minute” pretty much anytime my kids want anything. It must be very frustrating for them, and I hate that it could make them think they’re less important than EVERYTHING. So I have a rule – I try not to say it at all on weekends.

Sarah - Cute!!! I don’t have kids, but I think I should say yes more, too. I usually say yes if someone asks me to do something for them, but making plans with others makes me want to say no right away, even if there is no reason to back up my answer.
Love the cupcakes!! I want one!

callie grayson - You’re awesome!!
thanks for the tip on the book, my niece loves cupcakes, adores pink and throws tanrums on a daily basis!! She is just like me!

Jimaiemarie - These look sooo cute and sooo delicious!!!!

Angela - I have two boys, so I don’t think we have very many pink things in the house. Maybe that will change come March. 😉
I tend to say “no” too much, too. I’m always on my own agenda–laundry, cleaning, blogging, clearing my DVR. LOL
And while I like it that my kids can entertain themselves (thank goodness!!!), I do hate it that it makes them easier to put at the bottom of the list. Thanks for the reminder! 🙂

Summer - Yum! I really needed that pep talk, I’m working on the yes thing.

Shari Barnes - Oh… that gives me a great homeschool idea for next week! We will read and make those cupcakes. She will love that! 🙂 Thanks for the inspiration! Your cupcakes are LOVELY!!

Cate O'Malley - I think pink cupcakes can just about cure anything. Yours look fab!

Renee - my kids love that book! how sweet for Annie. you have the healthiest approach on life and kids, man. i wish i could hang out with you…more often, ever, whatever! lol cheers, girlie! xoxo

Kara - this was a really sweet reminder… no pun intended. 🙂 I love your blog… now I’ve got to go find some pink cupcakes, they look so good!

purejoy - mmmmm. i’d say yes to everything if there was a pink payoff in the end!! so precious and of course, the colors. . . amazing. thanks for the eyecandy!

Marjorie - My kids love that book! The cupcakes look yummy!

Lori Danelle - Such pretty and girl-y pink cupcakes!!! We tend to be a bit girl-y at our house since there’s no reason not to be!! ( I try to give the man of the house stuff for him too. . .) Fancy should be a part of every day.
That and twirling.
and tutus for twirling.
(my 2 year old has already learned that you have to have the perfect skirt or tutu for twirling)
I haven’t heard of this book yet, but it looks like I’ll be checking it out at the book store very soon!

pam - 4? over 2 days? that is total self control. maybe 1 after each meal? and right before your exercise with jillian? see, not that bad. it’s all in how you spin it.
AHHHH!!! you are a fabulous mommy. lucy has asked me if she could make a pink cake out of her PINK PRINCESS cookbook every day this week. i even bought the groceries. now you are inspiring me. i should be a good mommy and get off the computer. 😉
the pinkalicious picture with YOUR cupcakes looks so yummy and professional.

Nancy - Can you be my mommy? I want someone to tell me YES when I ask for things.
Can you make dinner?
Can you do the laundry?
Can you put gas in my car?
Can you pay for my car?
You get the idea…..
Maybe I need a Sugar Daddy.

Mary - I think I was always a “no” mom until I thought one day about my kid’s day from their view, always walking out their room to ask for something, always walking back in with the same no answer. How sad to grow up with a mom who was always more busy with dishes, dinner and laundry than playing. I made a vow to be better and change. It takes lots of hard work, but I’m doing better at yes’s now. Thanks for the inspiration. I think I’m going to stop by the grocery store after work and pick up some pinkalicious cake mix and icing. That should be a fun treat for the Friday of Labor Day weekend.
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your blog. In fact, I didn’t get the whole blogging craze until I discovered you and Pioneer Woman. Now I’m hooked on both of you.

Sandy - I’ve heard that before, but sadly had forgotten over time. My 15 y/o son will be thrilled you reminded me. 🙂
The cupcakes look yummy! I’m sure I would have had more than 4 by now.

Ruth - they look amazing!!! and so cute that they’re just like the ones in the book. (and that they’re in the garden. on a cake stand. sigh! perfection.)

Sherryl Mascarinas - It’s my daughter’s favorite book – we are going to have a pinkalicious themed birthday party for her!

Jess - Yeah, I guess I say “no” way more than I mean to. However, I rarely say no to baking! It’s my other therapy.

Nancy-The Goat and The Kid - I love that book and the cupcakes are so fun! Cupcakes make anyone happy and a day so much better.
I am with you on trying to say yes more often and just relishing in the time with the kiddos. That makes life truly DELICIOUS! 🙂

jennifer - Somebody told me the say yes thing waaay back when, when my oldest was little. MAN is it hard! But I try. Some days go better than others. But if they were asking to make cupcakes, I could SO get on board with that one!

Dina - Oh I say no waaaayyy too often. Thanks for the inspiration:-) I think back to all the fun things my mom did with us and she was a ‘work-outside-the-home’ mom. I stay at home with my kids and don’t do nearly what she managed to do with us. Daily affirmation: YES, YES, YES! … but I draw the line at the pet toad (who lives in the garage) coming inside – ain’t gonna happen:-)
LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog!
I’m with Carissa – I need a cupcake!

elizabeth - Thank you for this simple lesson. I’m going to try it today. Wish me luck.

Kacey - Oh, I love pink and cupcakes! But…I have two boys. 🙂
I have been trying to catch myself when my automatic response is “No” or “Later”. It’s hard. But, yes – I’ve also found the kids are happier, so it’s worth it!

adrienne - good for you mom! this is so hard for me and i need to work on it too, for sure. the cupcakes are soooo pretty!

amanda - Pinkalicious is my 3 year olds FAVORITE book!
I think we’ll make some pinkalicious cupcakes today!

Sara - Love your new picture on the sidebar. 🙂
Ummm, yeah, no is my automatic response. 🙁 I realize I do that a lot…too busy/tired/cranky/checking my email, etc. Someone told me the other day to try to spend quality AND quantity time with the kids.
This is encouraging…I’m gonna work on this. THANKS.

Kathy - Mine response is usually No! I’ll have to try to Yes response not as effective with teens! They already milk us for everything…..omg oops sorry that was negative! Maybe if I can have one or two of your cup cakes all will be good. - My daughter loves that book too! She made pink cupcakes with her mom-mom yesterday. It made her super happy! - i love pink and cupcakes and tantrums and children’s books i might should be concerned that i’m 28 and love those things, but i’m not and now i want that book and a cupcake…which might bring on a tantrum……..

Dana D @BoysMyJoys - YES… and YUM!!!

Simply Lanny... - WoW yes you do rock and yummy 🙂 puts me in the mood to bake some myself Hmmm… Have a happy week-end !

carissa... brown eyed fox - you’re such rock star! i want to be you! 🙂
girrrrl… i am queen of crabby sometimes… but DO love to jump in & make cupcakes too!
what a GREAT theme for a birthday party too! you KNOW that is Riley’s FAVORITE book too! loves it! and all the new fun colors they are adding too…Purplicious… Goldilicious! you just spurred the best idea ever… THANKS! miss thing… lil bit turns five in OCT! oh PLEASE let me steal your idea! pretty please! please!!!!
i want to EAT a cupcake right NOW!

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