Masthead header


you know how when you have a high…..

there has to be a low?
that is where i am now.
i had this perfectly lovely weekend where i got to travel with my friend and talk out my feelings
with someone who gets me…like really gets me.
i got to be creative and work with my hands and mind for two days straight.
i met so many kind women who share creative passions.
i got to shop and shop.
i got to sleep and be away and off the clock.
i turned off my cell phone.

and then i came home.

and it was so nice….hugs and love and "oh mommy i missed you so much"

and then there was the next day.
the fighting children.
the drama.
the hurtful words and yelling of teenagers.
the laundry.
the mess.
dinner to be made.

it is always hard to come home and find that balance between
where your heart was and where reality is.

did i depress you?
i'm sorry.
i just wanted to be honest since i told you i was on a happiness high…
and being real to tell you that i am now feeling a reality LOW.

the completely gray skies don't help either.

i feel a little better already just by writing out how i'm feeling.

let's change the subject shall we?
let me show you the antique store in omaha.
it was dreamy.
second chance antiques.
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so are you curious about what i got….out of all that antiquey goodness?


cowboy boots.

all worn in…soft and comfy.

i have put my violin away
and i am ready to stop whining.

i will keep working on pictures…
give hugs when they are needed…
and smile at my kids.

i will think through my weekend when i have time to do that.
and i will make choices of what i will bring into my everyday life…

and what needs to wait for the next season of life.

but right now…i need to think about what to make for dinner.

Grandmom - I have one of those green suitcases, my MIL gave it to us when he came home from the Army for Christmas in 1971.

seleta - Thanks for this post. Last week I had a two day break and did a road trip with a good friend. I went through every single emotion you just described…except the teen part, mine were fighting at ages 10, 7, 5 and 3.
You inspire.

Shenandoah bed and breakfast - The Family is an integral part of our lives.How much we go out after coming home there is family and innocent kids who love you and wears off all exhaustion and tiredness with their little innocent mischievous activities.

Dina - just wanted to give you a hug and let you know how much I enjoy your blog. I love how real you are and you describe so many of the same things that I feel on a daily basis.
take care šŸ™‚ (and put on those boots! that would cheer me up quick!!)

H-Mama - Nothin’ like some good thrift/antique store shopping to lift the spirits. šŸ˜‰

Brianna - Awesome shots! Makes me want to go antiquing.

elisa - ride the wave, that’s what I always do.
Take care of yourself šŸ™‚

Melanie - Meg, I sent you an email tonight and now I know why. Please read it. I am crashing too but for different reasons. Moving across the country, my house being out of sorts, (not good for my OCD personality) dealing with a sick husband & son, my ear getting infected, getting read-ended in my husbands SUV…..just really too much to handle at one time. I understand that we are crashing over different things but we can relate to each others feelings. I hope your week ends nicely and you have a great weekend. My hubby is out of town all week long and we just moved in on Tuesday of last week, so I am feeling overwhelmed with it all. The weather is not helping me either. You know that I am use to that sunny warm Florida weather but that is not what we have up in Ohio. It might be a long winter for me.

Jennifer Allwood - love the boots!!!!!

Tami B. - Adore your photos from Second Chance Antiques…I wasn’t able to got to Silver Bella this year, so I’m especially enjoying all of the awesome blog posts! Happy Holidays!

Mrs. - Now that I have a job, and not as much time to cyber stalk you, I noticed I am the 81st person to notice the haircut, and give it a thumb’s up. Nice for a change, don’t you think? I have a 12 year old. I like to say, we have a dark cloud over our house all the time, and we never know the hormonal forecast. $20 to the person who can predict correctly when THIS phase is over.
P.S. I, too am tired of the constant laundry, dishes and meals. Seriously, didn’t I do all that yesterday, and the day before, and the day before…

Shannon - I read your blog from time to time, not even sure how I came about it- but! I was at Silver Bella, too. Had no idea you were there, or that I sort of “knew” someone there. It was such an amazing time for me, it was strange to come back to real life, to people who don’t quite get why “craft-camp” was so special . . . anyways- cheers- and hope your day turns around.

Hannah M - I’m going to Omaha over Thanksgiving! Thanks for giving me a new shoppe to visit….and for your honest mommy musings. I hear ya!

Sandy - Did I miss a post about your hairut?! Adorable! And the green suitcases…I don’t have the whole set, but I do have ONE left over from when I was a kid. Does that mean I’m antique?! šŸ™‚

tami reed - I would have passed out in the store omg, flatlined…..

Jennifer - hey Meg looks like enormous fun!!! Sometimes hard to renter the real world.

Rachel / cREaTe - i personally LOVE your honesty. šŸ™‚ it helps me realize you are a real person, not a character in an awesome, perfectly colored blog. i come to your blog for all the inspiration & motivation you give – on being a mom & being creative. and part of you being an inspiration is your ability to show the real you. it’s not depressing … it’s reality. and it makes you even MORE likable! šŸ™‚ i like those kinds of posts just as much as the next. don’t you sweat it, girl.

purejoy - who wouldn’t be down after basking in that gloriousness!! thanks for bringing me there!! (and i’ll fight ya for the boots)

Lisa - Hi Meg – just found your blog, and am amazed by your pics, and the great house you live in. Was so fun meeting you and Jana at Silver Bella – tell Jana I said hi!
Lisa (from Omaha)

Melissa - I can totally relate to the coming home to life, I have experience it many times. {sigh} Love your blog!

jenjen - Oh wow – what a WONDERFUL place. I would have gone CRAZY! I love those old wheels, the vintage jewelry. Sooooo fabulous!

paige - you are just precious
i love that you are an honest woman….that darn crash thing often seems to follow some of our best highs…i’m with ya.
i look forward to hearing more about silver bella
after you create world peace & dinner in your home

Amanda - Wow, that antique store in Omaha looks sooo cool! I am just now learning to appreciate old.
Love the boots, by the way!
Oh yeah… kids and housework are real buzz killers after girl time. Such is life, eh?!
Hang in there!

jennifer - You got your hair cut! VERY cute!
Hope the happiness picks up as the day goes on!
(Love the boots!)

Staci - I always say…there reeeeally needs to be some kind of place you can go for “re-entry” back into the real life BEFORE you get home…like at the airport…they should make you do your own laundry and make your meals….just sayin’ I’m sorry you are feeling low…I will say a prayer for you today šŸ˜‰

joycee - It’s a hard job being Mommy. Sometimes there’s just nothing more to give and you have to pull back for a little while. I’ve been feeling like that lately and did a post this week…

jennifer - I’ve so been there! And the longer I’m away, the harder re-entry is.
Love the boots and the sassy new haircut!
Mostly I love that you keep it real!
Praise the Lord that each day is a new one!

Ashlee Archibald - CUTE HAIRCUT!!! <3 <3 <3 <3
I was recently JUST a teeenager. I remember those words. that feeling. it's not you, Mom. I promise. šŸ™ It makes me sad just thinking about all the words I threw at my Mommma. I hated being a teenager and I still cringe when I think about it. My Mom is my best friend in the world now, I hope the grey subsides soon.
CUTE BOOTS too!! šŸ™‚

kristin - ha! i got myself a pair of worn and curly boots last week at the thrift shop. awesome.
that place looks dreamy. i hear you on the reality bit. i still need a vacation.

princesslasertron - Hi Miss Meg šŸ™‚
I’m so glad you got a picture of that kitty. He is the best. I have been in that store so many times and yet you captured so many angles and places and things I have never noticed.
You are wonderful and I am glad we are friends!

susie whyte - wow. 61 comments before me. sigh. i don’t know how many times it’s been mentioned by now but “HOLY CUTE HAIRCUT, BATMAN!” šŸ™‚
i’m not going to throw out the advice, just the “i’ve been there” comment. i spent a week last summer with our youth in tennessee at ciy. knowing that teens would stretch my patience limit, my husband would ask me everyday if i was ready to come home. i would always answer no. ha ha. i’ll take lauren(and we will play pepper with the volleyball all day–well, until my arm gives…maybe an hour)and you can take my 3 1/2 yr old who told her dad at wal-mart that she didn’t want to hear his voice. šŸ™‚ i don’t have my own teen, but i sure do feel your pain!!

Christina - Those things are so real…the going away and getting filled, and then returning home and feeling as though someone knocked the pitcher over just as you walked through the door. Sometimes I feel like that even after church. We walk through the door, and it’s an immediate spiral! I think,”Did I just come from worship? Really?” Thanks for sharing honest feelings. It does help to “talk” about it. šŸ™‚ I agree with others, your hair is really cute. I hope some sunny skies come your way!

Amy Bryant - Keepin’ it real … you’re just keepin’ it real! What good would the highs be without the lows? Being a mom is the most thankless job of all … and to make it worse, we don’t get to see the results of our hard work until the kids are grown with families of their own. So, when a hard day hits – and they do HIT – we kinda have to pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps and keep on truckin’. No matter how great the hubby is, they can’t really get it. All of that is why I allow myself the *ME* trips AND the pity parties!!!
I’m a new reader and you are the only blog that I read every day (well – and Cake Wrecks) but the other day I read a post where you were answering questions and you said that you aren’t perfect, that the house is a mess etc – and you were kinda putting yourself down. Well – I was in a pediatric neurologists waiting room for 2 hours today and for some reason started thinking of you while watching the kids and parents interacting. I thought of one post where you said you make sure the girls have clothes in their drawers that fit and then let them dress themselves … well girl, just one glance at Talby and Annie and it is obvious that they are confident, happy, creative, carefree children who LOVE being kids – and that is ALL due to YOU!
It is you who teaches your children to wring every ounce of happiness out of their day. You who are letting them know that it’s okay to have laundry on the couch and spend time doing something that brings joy. You who pull out paints, or shaving cream, or a leaf pile instead of parking them in front of a TV.
I read your blog because you remind me to spend TIME with my son. Perfection is not what they will remember, but time IS. You are also teaching your children how to be happy with themselves and how to find happiness in the little things. Your children will never rely on things or people to make them happy – their happiness will come from inside. They will find joy in a box of new crayons, or a colorful shirt – not just in a new video game.
SO – have your down day. It is okay. It is normal. It is expected. But know that your children are a huge reflection of what kind of job you are doing as a mother, and your children reflect a happy, confident, fun, creative, loving, smart, sassy, giving, empathetic, fabulous mom!

donna - You know what I have come to realize…….sometimes going away is more torture than just staying home…..because of the “crash”……..for me, with 6 kids…….I work my butt off before I leave….making sure the laundry is in order, precooked meals, lists and lists…….stay up all night before I leave making sure everything is in perfect order……wake up ready to go, but I am exhausted (usually forget half of my belongings because I was too busy getting things in order for hubby with kids……have fun while I am gone……relax…then I come home and UGH! I like the one word summary “crash” – perfect I am going to borrow that word!

Becca Parker - We lived in Omaha for a short while, and went to Second Chance several times. It’s a wonderful junky place, I got the coolest antique wash tub, it’s followed me through four moves since. Don’t let the daily reality get you down.

Patti - ok – things i noticed:
1. that shop made me drool all over my keyboard.
2. your hair looks super duper cute!
3. i’m loving those boots.
4. you are human.
5. you seem to be a fantastic mom.
6. you are so talented.
7. you see the good, even through the bad.
8. everyone, even you, are allowed to have your crash.
hope that stuff didn’t sound like a creepy blog stocker…cause i’m not. i promise. i just feel your pain and know that it sometimes feels good to know that other people (moms) get it.

Trishia Gallardo - Totally understand, I just had a weekend with friends (that included a day in Omaha!) and had that feeling when I got home to my kids…
I’ve never seen that shop in Omaha, will have to check it out! And the gray boots are fantastic šŸ™‚

Jacqui - i love the way you verbalise what so many of us feel!! lows make the highs that much better šŸ™‚

Kristine - i love your hair! super cute! and i love that you got GRAY BOOTS! i just ordered some online that ended up being brown but they looked grey in the pictures. so i got back online and did a search for grey b/c that’s what i decided i’d had my heart set on. then i wore my brown cowboy boots and i only take them off to sleep šŸ™‚ i LOVE them!!!! and i wear them with ANYTHING!!!! great find! you deserve it!

Mifter's Mom - I totally feel your pain. I have “dark days” every so often…and with drama with my child’s father, I’ve been having “red days” here lately!!
I just keep repeating, “this too shall pass. THIS TOO SHALL PASS!”.
Love the shots of the antique store!!

Michelle B - Oh I know exactly how you are feeling! I hope tomorrow is a better day. It will be. As for Omaha…were you in the Old Market area? It seems I have been to this store. Love all the antique stores in the Old Market. šŸ™‚

Ryanne - I am sorry you are having a poopy day, and I hope it gets better, it will. Can’t wait to hear about Silver Bella.
Thanks for your delightful pictures.

Kelly - Did you happen to eat at an Italian place down the street from that antique place? I am not 100% sure that’s where it/you were but I used to go to Omaha to visit one of my good college girlfriends and we had the BEST risotto for our birthdays at that place and the brick and windows look the same . . . hoping you’re settling out . . . I understand the crashes. had one yesterday somewhat. Kelly

The Tulip Lady - First of all, you have great hair right now, cute cut. Second of all, as long as you have an air bag (aka supportive husband, coffee, dark chocolate) you will walk away from the crash in fine form. Hang in there. Repeat after me, “I have cute hair, I have cute hair, I have cute hair”…..

Patricia - Reality ~ sometimes amazingly wonderful, sometimes NOT. Here’s wishing you more highs than lows! The antique store looks like so much fun. I could get lost in there for hours! Love your boots :o)

patricia - I am so glad you keep it real.

Meredith - Um, hello…fabulous hair alert:) The highs and lows of life can always take us by surprise can’t they? That’s what bubble baths are for. Thinking of you today, hoping you’re having an easier time of things…if I could send you over one of your Sonic razzleberry whoosiwhatsits that you so love, I would. Meredith xo.

kasey - you know what i think? put that green dress on for a night out with the hubby…and maybe your cowboy boots?
you could start a trend!!

julie - FABULOUS boots!
Did you get a haircut? It’s too cute!

Gratsia - I know exactly how you feel.

MS. Scientist - May I just direct you to the ever applicable quotation from one of my favorite reads? You have it right up there on the right, below the whatever heading…Philipians 4:8… Just think on these things. Thinking on anything else is just not right!(I feel ya, tho!)

christine - Oh man, is this ever the truth. Just minutes ago, my sweet husband gave me hugs as I cried about my crappy day so far. It’s just been one thing after another, and I’m emotionally and physically spent. As he let me just cry for a minute, he whispered into my ear that I have lots of really amazing, great days with our girls. Sometimes the bad ones will come, but those great ones far outnumber days like these. How I love that man!
Praying for you today as you embrace the realities of the day-to-day for the blessings that they are. Big hugs, Meg, I’m so inspired and blessed by your blog. Although I’m quite often a lurker, I appreciate you so much.

Kate - I COMPLETELY understand… I was in Texas for a wedding – had breakfast w/ college roommates – who GET me… then, wham-o. blam-o.
Hard to rejoice always sometimes, but that’s ok. I’ll keep swimming. šŸ™‚

Karen~ - Meg, I have a question for you and I’m sure you have answered it before. What kind of camera do you have? I am looking for a new one and would love some advice.

Tera - Love the red sweater… super cute!

your cool friend Cheryl - I’m glad the teenage years won’t come for another 10 in this house!
I love that little green truck…feel free to send it to me! šŸ™‚
Feel better soon!

Cami - CUTE haircut!!! Did you notice how everyone picked up on that? LOL

Heidi Jo the Artist - Uh, I hate lows. I had a low day yesterday. But the good thing about lows is usually the next day is a bit better and for me it is today.
I saw you were going to be in Omaha and I thought wow Iā€™m going to be in the area the same weekend to visit my sister!? But then I got sick, and REALLY sick. Still sick, but slowly getting better. Iā€™m going to have to visit that antique shop when Iā€™m in the area, looks like fun! I have the awesome olive green suitcases like in your photo. I love that style/brand the BEST and recently came upon an orange one to add to our traveling collection. šŸ™‚
Hope your afternoon starts to go smoother.
Love your hair too btw!

Christy - Love your hair cut! It’s so cute.
I would love to dig around in that antique store..

Lisa - AND, I meant to say…CUTE HAIR!!!

Lisa - You put words to what I’m feeling today! Yesterday: Pioneer Woman book signing, good food, coffee, conversation and loads of shopping with my girls. Today: laundry (even a fall down the stairs carrying it to the basement…argh!), rainy yuckiness and well, the every day needs of two little ones. A friend of mine defined abundant life to me this way over the weekend and it is helping my perspective today…”Meaningful, relationships, knowing your purpose, and the opportunity to give your life away.” I am thankful for abundant life, even when it doesn’t feel as fun as it did yesterday! šŸ™‚

juliann brenner - Megan – looks and sounds like a restful and fun weekend. My mom always tells me that my “time” is coming. It is hard in the tornado-like days to remember that isn’t it? I get all overwhelmed (with just three kiddos) and I look at her and my dad and the time they get to be together, be alone, do their hobbies, have unrushed quiet times and take a deep breath…some day.

Ashley Ann - Cute haircut! Cute store! Cute boots! Cute green truck! Cute green luggage! Scary yellow clown!

Fidgeting Gidget - I know EXACTLY how you’re feeling with the “crash” thing. I wrote a post about the same type of thing today, only I called mine an “emotional hangover.”
Your pictures are lovely and definitely enough to help to turn my mood around a little. šŸ™‚ Thanks for sharing!

sandy toe - Oh…that store looks dreamy~
sandy toe
p.s. love the boots!

christi - sometimes i wonder if i’m the only one out there that has those crashes. those low times. those ugly days. i know i’m not but i also know it’s something that we don’t all like to write about. but alas, this is what i adore about your blog. your heart. your kind words. your honesty. you are an encouragement to this woman and for that i am thankful.

Stephanie Carroll - I think I am one of your younger readers, so, as one of your younger readers I will say (because it is fresh for me) teenagers come out of their selfish all about me dreamworlds and really come to appreciate their parents. I know I did. It will get better! I’m pretty embarrassed about how I yelled at my mom. Anyway, I told you in an email a long time ago that I hope when I have kids I am half the creative, loving, spunky mom you are. You’re doing a good job.

Taking Heart - Your blog always brightens my day.
Hope you have an up day soon!

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - Such true and honest words!
Happy that you had a wonderful weekend away!
Now, I’m off to try and figure out what’s for dinner, too!

Renee Khan - If you call that whining, make sure you never come to my blog.
Renee xoxo

Tara @ the cinnamon post - love, love, love your blog – the pictures, the writing, the honesty. you are fabulous and life is weary and wonderful and sometimes making dinner is just impossible. don’t apologize for your thoughts, they are enjoyed and appreciated by many! thanks for the antique store inspiration!!

lora - Love your hair…and your sweater….and yes, sometimes reality bites. But it’ll be better tomorrow. šŸ™‚
by the way, my hubby has an itch to explore the States, specifically Nebraska (we live in Canada and would love to relocate….). We’re driving down in December. From your pics of Omaha….I gotta get there!!!

Karina - I bet there’s not a reader on here who doesn’t understand where you’re coming from. You make it REAL.
I, too, LOVE your haircut and that sweater! I saw that picture and said, “Self, that is the look we must emulate.” (Yes, I talk to myself; I have three kids under 5 and a cat to keep me company all day every day. I am very fortunate, but it has made me a wee bit loopy.)

Amy - …it is tough to put on your game face after a bit of fun…I understand!
We tried you Apple Puff Pancake! IT WAS YUMMY! THANKS! šŸ™‚
Love the boots!

sarajane - hey love the new haircut! hope you figure out something fab for dinner šŸ™‚

sarah - I felt that same high and then low after coming home from Kansas.
Cute hair, you look adorable.
Love the boots,
and I need some of the antique jewelry goodness.
I love your honesty.

Diana - Right there with you, hon… the low days are real just like the rest of it. This is why your blog is so well-read. You are able to show all sides of yourself and everyone still loves you.
Mighty chic green dress! :p But the boots are rootin’ tootin’ awesome!
Have you checked out the antique store/flea market here in town? (700 block on the west side of main street) Not as big as the one you went to in Omaha, but lots of neat stuff.
Lookie there – the sun is coming out as I type! *woot* šŸ˜€

Tammy - Love the pics. And you are so right about the semi expected low after the highest of highs – hang in there. Thanks for sharing.

Kirsten - Awww, it’s okay…happens to me, too. Once I saw the definition for that let-down feeling that comes after a high time. “anticipointment”, that’s what it is. Sweet boots, by the way.

elizabeth - The photos are great — that store looks so wonderful. I, for one, am glad that you’ve described your reality “low.” I think it’s good for someone who clearly has a charmed life in many ways (!) to reveal that all is not perfect. Your blog is a source of beauty, of family life and love and for there never to be anything but “positivity” would make it dull and sort of meaningless. So thank you!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - I crashed big time after Brave Girl’s Camp. Someone warned me it would happen and when it did I was so bummed. I kind of hoped the high would last a bit longer. Here’s praying your low doesn’t stay long.
I know you mentioned painting before. Get a canvas, a brush and just begin. That’s a sure fire way to get over the blues:)

Georgia - NICE HAIR!!!! you look lovely really suits you šŸ™‚ xx

Danielle Townsend - So, weird. I think you were in my dream last night. We live across the nation from each other, but I’m pretty sure it was you…in that dream-like way. You asked me to babysit your kids, which I was very excited about. But, before you left the house, someone needing help stopped by and you were more than willing to help them, and spent a good portion of my dream doing so. Be happy and know that even in some weird stranger’s dream, you are, in reality, a happy, gracious woman.
(I hope you aren’t weirded out. I guess I look at blogs too much. This just adds to my husband’s arsenal of reasons I should stop looking at blogs. šŸ˜‰ haha)

kristen - i’m loving your hair cut!

angela - Some days are better than others..that’s for sure. Nothing use to get me down like fights with my teenagers. Tomorrow brings a new day and before you know it, they are getting married. Enjoy today…your boots…and your CUTE hair cut. It looks great by the way!

Lori - My best friend and I go away for a weekend twice a year. We both experience what we refer to as “re-entry” when we get home. Always rough.
Your haircut is the cutest!! And I love that long sweater.
The antique store looks like lots of fun. Glad you were able to get away. Even with “re-entry” it’s worth it to recharge the batteries!

Jody - Oh the day after coming home from being away – back to life – back to reality (are you singing with me??) is always tough.
Your blog brightens my day considerably (I’m a Mama to 4 boys 4 & under – yep – I have triplets in there!) and your blog reminds me to not get bogged down in the times of drudgery of being home full time & taking care of kids full time. And to enjoy the colors & the simple things in life – because that is where happiness truly lies.

Mary - That is a seriously cute haircut you have, I have to say! Looks like a fabulous time! Next time I’m passin’ thru Omaha…I’m stopping in! ;o) ~mary~

Miranda - So true that lows follow highs…such a bummer. But at least we all have lovely pictures on our favorite blogs to swoon over and brighten our moods! Loved this post…those yellow broaches, I could just die!

Jess - Truthfulness is why so many of us love your blog. Antique stores always brighten a day! My mom still has that set of green suitcases! And I spied your new do….super cute. And love, love, love the boots. I’m makin’ soup tonight.

Julia - I got to the tray of yellow pins and thought…WOAH MOMMA! I wish we had stores like that in SoFla. Love your boots. Umm…just curious, how much were they…you know, it’s so much more fun to go virtual shopping when you know the prices.

steph tucker - And this is what makes your blog so wonderful to read….truthfulness, reality and a willingness to be vulnerable. I think we all want people to think that we live only in the happiness high (at least I do) and the reality is, if we are human, we can’t live there all the time. šŸ™‚ But it sure is a nice ride when we’re there for a little bit. Have a good day Meg. Thank you for your honesty.

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