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around the house today.

i made it home and got some good sleep last night.

i got to see scott's last game of his basketball tournament yesterday…they won!  
he was so happy.

i am gearing up for craft week.
day one is in an hour or so….still undecided on what we are doing.
but whatever we do i will share it with you.

project 320 started today.
donate and enter.  :)


the knotty bride - Heather said it. Ditto Heather. I love it all, Meg. LOVE. IT. ALL.

tami reed - So sparkly too fun!

Hannah - Just beautiful! Thank you for sharing this bit of Christmas and your family!

reyanna - I love your decorations!!! Thank you SO much for sharing your home with us! 🙂

seleta - Oh my gosh, I just came over to get my daily dose of happiness and color and WOW!!! You are so on your game. I’m sure everyone under the sun has asked you, but how did you print on those cards? I LOVE LOVE LOVE your cards framed over the nativity set.

traci - your home looks so beautiful meg. love, love, love all the vingage ornaments.

elma - LOve the tinsel tree:) Is it vintage? Love all the vintage ornaments to. I hope you share more pictures of your beautiful home!!!!

Brooke - Beautiful! I love all the color.

Melanie - Very pretty! Hope you had a fun weekend. I am behind in my blog reading and I saw the post about you going for a scrap weekend and showing us your craft room. I couldn’t help but laugh at you for calling yourself a MORON! You are so cute.

Krista - Love it and can’t wait to see more!

carikraft - dang girl, those photos are just gorgeous!!! Love what you did with the cards! I feel lie I am standing in your house slowly spinning around looking at all of your pretty decorations! Thanks for letting me be a part of it! You made my day!

lissa - one of the best I’ve seen in my opinion! great job!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - That frame with the words in it…so inventive. Love all your beautiful bling around the house. Just lovely:)

Brittany - If you need some craft ideas, here is a free e-book of Christmas Crafts for Kids:
Can’t wait to see what you guys end up doing 🙂 Have fun!

Sara Deason - Hello, My name is Sara and I stumbled across your blog a few months back. Now I look forward to reading it every day! I absolutely love your photos and wished I lived in Kansas so that you could take some for me. Your creativity is inspiring and I finally just decided to introduce myself and let you know how much I enjoy your blog. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

Alyssa - Meg
I have no idea how you do it…..I only have the 3 kids and I never seem to get it all together………Share again how do you do it?
Love it all like always….
Canno wait to see what you make!

Anna Marie - Love all of those pictures! Megan, do you have a flickr account?

Mrs. - Ah Meg, I wish I could say the same thing about things in my house. I should blog about what I have…no tree, painting ladder out (I forgot to take my crazy pill and thought it would be a good idea to paint before the holidays. it isn’t). Presents stacked on the fireplace instead of under the tree. Jars of homemade hot fudge to be delivered all over the counters, desk and kitchen table covered in 1/2 started holiday crafts, and I am working full-time but with a stay at home mindset. However crazy it is at your house, trust me, I’d love to be there today enjoying the holiday spirit there!

ginuhphurr - love the pics! i feel so creepy for being so loyal to your blog, but i just can’t resist your amazing pictures and stories!!!
come check out my new blog!

Heather @ Cookie Mondays - BEAUTY!
Your package didn’t make it when I was down there, but Julie says she has something to send me 🙂

Meredith - This post is like an enormous cup of hot chocolate….delicious, comforting, warmth-giving. The frame with notes above the nativity scene is spectacular. Hope you’ve had fun with the kidlets doing craft. Meredith xo.

jody - loving the vintage ornaments and silver tree. i got a silver tree this year for our dining room. not vintage, but with vintage ornies, it looks it.
your collection is delectable.

the inadvertent farmer - I like how I can see your reflection in every ball of that last picture! Kim

Kristy - love all your christmas yumminess.

Rach - Your Christmas decorations just make me smile and feel all warm and fuzzy. 🙂

Jen - If I celebrated Christmas instead of Hanukkah, that’s exactly how I would decorate. So pretty, so sparkly…:o)

Casey - what gorgeous decorations! I love the words in the frame, it’s so simple and perfect, I may steal the idea some year

Candace - A trifle and a cake stand? Genius!
Yay for crafts! Can’t wait!

griswold fun - Your pics are beautiful!

Stephanie Howell - oh my GOSH. my heart is pounding at this fabulousness. those flashcards in the frame? BRILLIANT.
sorry i’m yelling, but i just can’t get over how fantastic you are!

Julie - I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE your board with the word tags on them. Such a unique idea!!!!

Jaime Melcher - Your photography is amazing! So inspiring! Thanks for sharing! I’m looking forward to what your craft projects will entail! Merry Christmas! ~Jaime

Nancy - I just adore that board with the festive word tags. Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. I love your Christmas-ness. Is that a word? Nope. But I do love it! 🙂

Tammy - So pretty!

jennifer - Ok, seriously! Will you come decorate my house for me?!

Sarah @ Clover Lane - love the colors!

sandy toe - You just have the perfect “touch”!
sandy toe

Kate - MMMM!!! So lovely and beautiful!

adrienneK - your house is always a winter wonderland

aubrey - Your house looks so pretty and sparkly and festive. I can’t wait to see how your craft week turns out. I wish I had the patience to do something like that with my kids–maybe when they’re older and less inclined to paint each other while I’m nursing the baby. This didn’t really happen–I’m just imagining the worst. 🙂
And your lockers look awesome. You spray painted thsoe right? I can’t imagine painting something like that by hand. They turned out really cool. I wish we had barn sales around here. I guess I still need to check out Star Mill.

Cori - I am so addicted to your boxes of glass ornaments. I can’t seem to find much in the thrift and antique stores I’ve been parusing lately. C’mon NY I know you have glass balls! Where are you?

sherry - oh my. Love it. All of your pictures. all of your posts. all of your ideas. love them. thanks.

Lorilee Peterson - You’re amazing. I love the colors in your house. They are happy!

Lisa - Gorgeous! Unbelievable. Breathtaking. Love it all!

your cool friend Cheryl - Oh, how I adore your pretty pics! Gorgeous!

Mickie Lara - O.K., I’m going to say it… I believe your blog has now taken over PW’s as my absolute favorite to check everyday. There is just a feeling of warmth that comes from every one of your photos and posts. And, although I know I won’t get to it everyday, you definitely inspired me to do some Christmas activity with my son as often as I can this season. Can’t wait to see what you all do. Someday you’ll have to raffle off a chance to come and join you for an afternoon so he could see how a truly crafty mom would do it…!

Patti - i cannot wait until my kids are old enough that i can decorate like this with “stuff” in “things” – my kids (well, mostly the 2 year old) would have a hay day taking it all apart. your decorations are inspiring and so beautiful! total eye candy – thanks for sharing!! 🙂

susie whyte - for the love of mercury ornaments…SIGH.
that was the most beautiful version of cruel and unusual punishment ever. i just found some pink mercury’s to adorn my PW gifts. so excited.
congrats to scott!!!

Tara Carmichael - I actually managed to make gingerbread with my four year old today and I thought of you and your craft week. Can’t wait to see what you’ll be up to. Always an inspiration…

purejoy - lovely colors and i love the one with you in it!!
i have the holiday spirit now, thanks to you. i still have an almost naked tree (only ornaments on there are the new gifted ones from this year. i fully expect some audience participation. ahem. do i have to beg? (apparently) i too love the little framed deal with the tiny clothes pins.

Heather - Your pictures make me happy.

Carrie - so so pretty!

julia - oh my gosh…I know you don’t need all of those fab vintage ornaments..are you sure you wanted to decorate for Christmas…it’s such a bother…do you need my address???

sarah - Everything is so pretty!
Look forward to seeing your craft week 🙂

Leadia Jarvis - I’ve never commented before but I have to tell you that I check your blog daily for a lift. It’s always so bright and cheerful – a real sunny spot! Beautiful holiday photos – I love the framed holiday words on clips. Clever!

Georgia - I want to come live in your house for christmas… crafting, vintage decorations, and yummy cookies!!! your like Super mum! lol
I just cant get the enthusiasm to put my tree up …. the whole thought of taking it down again … ugghh!
Send me some Christmas cheer and cookies please 🙂 xxx

princesslasertron - I love your decoration ideas…simple and easy but clever and creative. I love your flash card thingy! dunno what to call it.

Staci - I’m just ooohing and aahhing over all the beauty around your house today 🙂 Can’t WAIT to see what the craft projects are!!!! I’m sooo totally going to steal them and do them next week when we our family arrives!!!!!! Thanks Meg!!!!!!!

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