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the prep.

my head is full.
i have so many things i want to get done and have to get done before i leave.
we leave for Sierra Leone on monday….march 1.
that is in 5 days.  
i am feeling OVERWHELMED…to say the least…but there is nothing to do except get things done.
one at a time.

looks like fun right?

one bag is getting packed with dresses for africa.
ashley got me connected with rachel and rachel sent me TONS of dresses to take.
they have all different sizes made from scrap fabric or pillow cases.
so sweet.
annie really wants to keep them.
i will have to sew for her when i get home.

then another bag will be full of cake mixes and frosting.
the people at Word Made Flesh requested it for the kids in the center to be able to celebrate birthdays.
it was fun to pick out.
the man bagging my groceries asked "are you having a big party?"
i smiled and said "yeah…kind of."
so….that is my day.
and the next five days.

but i am excited.
tomorrow i will tell you more about THE TRIP. 
not just about me.

i thought this picture was funny….that is the look i give when i am saying "really?" very sarcastically.
like seth and amy on SNL.
and i look a little cross eyed.

do you know that i LOOOOOOOOOOOVE  the show LOST?
it is amazing.
i think i could watch 3 hours a day and still LOVE it just as much.
it is SO GOOD!

and one more thing.
i almost hit a baby deer and it's mama this morning with my truck.
6:45 am.
i cringed and braced for it.
but thankfully it was faster.

ok…time to check something off that list! 
and have more coffee.

my red scarf was a gift from julie.  :) she bought it here.
love it love it love it.
thanks again julie.

AND…i shipped every etsy order i had left yesterday.
41 photo envelopes went out.
i have the coolest blog readers.******

candace - I wonder what the children would do if you made and cut into a rainbow cake (if someone were to have a birthday while you are there). Oh, to see their reactions to such fun! Enjoy hugging and loving on all those littles.

Linda (a bushel and a pickle) - Meg,
You go girl! Taking off to a foreign under developed country takes courage and in your case, love. Looking at your lists, noting $100’s, order new ones ahead of time from the bank. Also, make sure the charger is the right one! I am amazed at how many types of plugs there are. We keep several in our travel back pack. Great Britain’s is the hardest find.
Blessings to you and your fellow travelers as you visit these

Niki - I LOVE Lost too! I can’t wait until the series is over (don’t get me wrong, I’ll miss it) because I want to have a Lost marathon this summer where I watch the whole series from start to finish.

Toddler Boy clothing - Such a great person! Bringing dresses and foods over for those kids! Great to know we still have good caring people out there! I’m so jealous you are going to Africa. I would love love love to be apart of something like that!

Nicole Q. - Monday?? I will be praying for you while you are gone…You, the people you encounter, and your family at home!!!!

Courtney - I love list makers and I love LOST. I cry inside every time it’s over for the week. πŸ™‚

Tammy - Can’t wait for my pics either. Have a wonderful time!

Cori - Have a safe and wonderful trip!! All the best to you Meg. I can’t wait to hear your story. I also can’t wait to get my bubblegum pic. I know my girls will love it.

Staci - SOoooo exciting…well, the trip….not the prep and the lists!!!! I am praying for you….that you are able to complete all those things on your list and stay somewhat sane πŸ™‚ You are SUCH an amazing person Meg!!! (And I love the pic….I have that same look…except I am THE QUEEN at rolling my eyes too!!!! So if you can just imagine an eye roll with that look…….)

Jemm - What a great cause and how lucky you are to be able to experience them receiving the items you are taking. Beautiful dresses too. God bless you on your amazing journey. Can’t wait to hear all about it πŸ™‚

Georgia - Meg, good luck in Africa! you are amazing!!!!! well done to you for doing this, i cant wait to see all the photos when you get back. Your going to love it!!!! xxx

Lisa - Excited for your trip! I’ve been on a few missions trips and they are life changing! I’ll be praying….. On a totally unrelated topic I read an article about ‘Why big families are easier’ and I thought you’d enjoy it since you have 5 kids. I have 4 kids and totally related to this article. Plus it just made me laugh! Here’s the link… Enjoy!

Diana - I’ve been sewing dresses just like that for my granddaughters! They are SEW easy to make. πŸ˜€
Our favorite show is LOST!! We’ve watched it from the beginning. Daughter-in-law bought all the seasons on DVD for us… but she is doling each set out SLOWLY as gifts for a birthday, next will be on our anniversary, then a couple other things… ARG! LOL!
You haven’t said… or maybe I missed it… will you be able to blog while you’re in Africa? Or are we gonna hafta wait until you get back?
That’s a lot of sugar for you to be packin’… LOL!
March 1st sure came fast, huh! I have you on my prayer list!

Danielle - I saw a cute passport holder at tjmaxx the other day! Have fun on your trip!

Staci Danford - Best of wishes for a time that is unforgettable.. Hope you get it ALL done..

Sara @ It's Good to be Queen - ha ha ha! I just laughed out loud at “and i look a little cross eyed.” you’re a hoot!

Cate O'Malley - love annie’s expression!

Carrie - I just wanted to let you know that I will be praying for you – for peace, safe travel, and fun!

amy jupin - meg-so excited for you! i know you’re probably scared/excited/nervous/freaking out. i’m freaking out too–for you–i’m a nut, i know. can’t wait to learn more about your trip!

Christina - The dresses…wow! What a wonderful thing.
And you have amazing eyes!
And I like your list. πŸ™‚
I’ll also pray for your upcoming trip, as you prepare, and for those you are going to come in contact with. What stories you will have to share!! It’s a good thing you blog. πŸ™‚

Dianne Avery - I’m so happy I read this today!! I’ve was packing up my linen closet today and came across 20 or so pillow cases that I will never use. I was going to give them away but now I’m going to make these. I love this idea! Thanks so much for posting it.

Laura Van Buren - I am so glad that someone else still follows LOST! I agree with you completely and it is one of those shows that really makes me think!! I am so sad that it is coming to an end:(

Erika - Have a wonderful trip!! I’ve been a few places overseas and just can’t imagine that it won’t be very challenging (in a good way) and somewhat life altering. My trips made me feel much smaller, and made God feel much bigger. Puts things in perspective.
And….my husband and I love LOST. We only let ourselves watch two shows, and LOST is one. So, so good!! So many spiritual metaphors. God (Jacob), the smoke (Satan), etc. I am very curious to see how the writers make this all play out, in light of the spiritual meaning behind it.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - You’ve got some eyelashes. Well, some eyes – all around, beautiful eyes. Not veiny eyes sans lashes, like some unfortunate souls might have. (Can you tell I know that of which I speak?)
5 days! How exciting. And stressful, I’m sure. Here’s to hoping you have calm in the midst of the chaos that always leads up to a big trip and especially this kind of trip. I’m deciding right now to be praying for you.

Laura Phelps - I looked at your list and thought, “Wow, I did’t know Meg was writing a book!”
I am an idiot. You are READING a book.
Not writing one.
And I am glad to see you at least crossed cleaning the bathroom off of your list.
Way to go…

amy d - have a wonderful trip and stay safe…i will be getting home just as you leave…so go bless those people in africa!

Courtney Walsh - I love your scarf too! And that box of cake goodies will be SO dang fun! I mean, seriously wouldn’t YOU love to open a box full of CAKE goodies? πŸ™‚
I will be praying for you…for peace especially in the next five days. You are going to do amazingly awesome things while you’re gone! Exciting!
And Yay! Can’t wait for my blue typewriter print! πŸ™‚

Rachel from A Cupcake for Moose - I love your to do list! It’s organized yet fun! I’m sure things are crazy for you, but God will let it all come together and it will perfect in His will! Have a most wonderful trip & experience!!! πŸ™‚

Jamie - Oooohhh! It’s getting close! So exciting! And you look pretty darn cute in that picture, btw.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - I don’t know why I thought you were leaving in April. No wonder you have had so much to do. March 1ST!!! Sooo excited for you. Sending some prayers that you will have peace and comfort as you finalize everything.

jeanne - Ok cutie…love the hair, how you make lists and that darn cute pillow case dress. My post is coming on Friday…just for you:-)

Bethany S - Hi Meg. I’m sure you don’t need to add “read another blog comment” to your list…but I’ve been reading your blog for a log time and been dying to tell you…that my boss is Sierra Leonian! He has a non-profit ministry (that I am also involved with) to β€œRebuild Sierra Leone”. We help support an orphanage there and bring school supplies to local schools in Free Town! I’m SO excited you’re able to go! Our church has sent 3 teams in the last 12 months and is sending 2 more in the next 12 months!
I got your blog link from Jill Utecht…Adam, Jill, and I went to Moody Bible Institute (in Chicago) together. Jill and I were actually roommates on a missions trip our choir took.
Ah hoo…just wanted to let you know that I’M SO EXCITED for you and will be praying for you and your team as you impact Sierra Leone!

Tonya - What an exciting time! I can’t wait to see all the amazing pictures you’re sure to take! I’ll be praying for you as you prepare to go and for your people while you’re going!

Michelle - Eeeek! I am so excited for you! What an amazing thing you’re doing and all of those cakes and sprinkles look so happy. I hope the prep goes quickly for you.

tasha roe - You have amazing eyes!!
and that cowl rocks!! is it from Twirling Yarn at etsy? so much fun!!
have fun on your trip!

Cami - I am so excited for you πŸ™‚ Hope someday I can do what you are doing. What an example!

Julie K. - Oh wow! I can’t wait to hear about this trip! And the pictures and the experience … sounds so totally amazing!!
And you are so pretty!!! πŸ™‚

Meredith - Oh Meg…what an amazing adventure. I will be praying you and your team on your travels. What a great collection of gifts! I would love to hear what you’re going to say at customs… “Anything to declare Ma’am?”. Oh, not much, just 300 pounds of sugar and the cutest little dresses ever!! Hope you make it through your list. Don’t freak out.

Bec - I will put safe travels on my prayer list!!! I hope to be able to go to Rwanda someday to help build houses. I have a friend from there who has the most amazing story ever.

Ellen - blessings and fun om your trip! how exciting! and yea, isn’t it amazing when it gets so hectic before and after a trip….like needing a vacation after the vacation…
and ps, I’m totally loving LOST too….don’t want it to end… πŸ™‚

Messy@Bungalow'56 - Good luck on your trip. Oh, I so, do not envy the packing. Love the little pillow case dresses. I’m sure there must be a tutorial out there. My eldest wants to start sewing and what a great first project for her, for her youngest sister. Love the way you organize. That is my kind of “things to do: list. I should try it, as it looks like it might work for my self diagnosed domestic ADHD.
Take care,

cynthia - i can’t wait for you to go…and come back….and tell us all about it! can’t wait to hear what God has in store!
i have always wanted to go too

meghan - passport holder: zoe by sherpani. i got mine on sale at rei. red.

Alyssa - I want to come with you to Africa!! Maybe next time you go!!

Cassie - can you add “send cassie a copy of my list” to your list?
i need one of those….

Heather @ Cookie Mondays - You hair looks so cute! πŸ™‚

julie - I am praying for strength, peace, rest and health as the next few days fly by. I am so excited to see how mightily God will use you and your team.

jody - oh, nice list. I should make one of those.
and I love how all the things I keep adding to our “to do’s” through the incessant emails are getting added to your pretty list so neatly. Good work. πŸ™‚
So excited!!
And I’m on emotional auto-pilot for the next 2 weeks, but I did get a knot in my throat looking at the sprinkles and cake mixes….

Sharla - Wow, I didn’t realize the trip was coming so quickly!! Love those pillowcase dresses.

susie whyte - wow. that list overwhelms me just looking at it!! maybe you should add “pack multiple boxes of kleenex” to it. i know you will need them!
those dresses and birthday items are sure to bring some smiles. what wonderful things to take and share with everyone!!:) have a safe trip, meg.

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