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$6 well spent

dave bought two tarps at costco and a bottle of tear-free baby shampoo.
he and craig taped the tarps together, turned on the hose and we had an instant homemade
SUPER SIZED slip n' slide!

everyone used the shampoo on their fronts to be more slippery….IT WAS AWESOME!

it came more natural to some of the kids.
and frustrating to others.

we finally had to bribe them….one dollar for any kid who can make it to the end.

it was really far.
but suddenly everyone was out on the hill and had won their dollar.

we called lauren outside.
i told her if she would do it…..then i would do it.
she said "if you do and i do….then jenny has to do it too"
and she added "NO PICTURES"

no pictures of lauren….i was fine with it.
and jenny is always fun.

dave took some video.
i adore it.
he is shouting "DOLLAR!!!" and everyone is so happy.


that night i uploaded my pictures from the day onto the laptop.
i started clicking through them and others joined me in looking through.
then we got to craig's pics of ME going for me first time.
everyone is looking and i started clicking faster trying to move them OFF of ME.

and i am not kidding….there were 38 pictures in a row.
he caught every split second of it.
i had it on action setting and he just held down the button.

i was screaming with hysterical laughter as i kept clicking and clicking trying to get to a cute kid
instead of ME in my MOM suit….RUNNING.
i kept yelling "NO! OH NO!!!"
we were watching a slow motion movie with way too much detail on full screen….yikes.

it was very very funny.

so last night i highlighted them all to delete them….and then i thought….
it WOULD be funny to make a movie of them.
i am over the embarrassment of it and just think it's funny now.

and now….without furthur ado….
6 seconds of embarrassment.

i was sore the next day.
it's not really meant for grown ups….but it really was fun.

shelly@familyblt - I love everything about this post. Such a good idea for fun!

Melanie - Meg, you are so much fun! We just love you for it.

Amy Bogan Griffin - You are soooo AWESOME!!! Thanks for showing us!!!!

Quinn - I love, love, LOVE when bloggers post videos… it’s like seeing their photos come to life. Almost surreal, almost as if you guys are suddenly more real then I always thought you were. Anyways, looks like tons of fun. I think I might put this on my list to do this summer.. hm.
Hope you guys are doing well. 🙂

Lia - that is the COOLEST thing ever. i wanna do it!!!

Alisha Mancinas - YOU. ARE. AMAZING! I wanted to email you the other day, to show you some rainbow soap I came across on etsy or something, but my mac wouldn’t let me because I use gmail, and when I click on the e-mail me link on your blog, my comp wanted to use it’s email program. It was frustrating. 🙂

julia - these are mom suits???? I have three very similar to yours. why didn’t anyone tell me???

Chicago jen - Great post! Not enough pictures of Dave though. Lol about the pic of you!

heidi @ wonder woman wannabe - Oh-so-awesome! I love that everyone participated – your still shot video is such a hoot with the added soundtrack! What a good sport you are!

tami - thats fun!!!!

Joanna @ The Casa - Love the video! You are such a fun mom!

jennibell - Sorry. . .meant Craig. . .

jennibell - The video was so much fun. But really, your picture of Dave was the BEST. . .what great memories.

Garner6389 - The baby shampoo is a great idea.We have something in common.We get Migraines.Not sure if thats good or not!!!!!

Vera - Love it! I’m so crabby in the middle of the night – with a headache and all the kids somehow piled in MY bed – but your post made me laugh. Thanks!

Carey - You’re such a champ, Meg. I love your candor and authenticity. I love that you write about being crabby one day and then bounce back with this happy snapshot of your vacation on the next. I have four children that are 5 and under, so I’m well acquainted with “so crabby,” but I know your joy of being of mama, too. So glad to “know” you and your family through your blog.

Liz@HoosierHomemade - I loved seeing the pics. We made a slip n’ slide last year, and the boys loved it. We bought one this year because youngest son was having some friends over for his bday, it lasted 1 day…geez!
Looks like a great family time was had by all!

Genn - THAT looks like some serious FUN!!I will have to remember this grand $6 idea.
Loved the videos too, made me feel like I was there. And you look so cute in your swimsuit! Very stylish.

jody - LOVE this! You are so real, so fun!! Thanks! xo

The Lady of the House - You GO Girl! I’m proud of ya! I would of had the gutts to do it!
This post made my heart = )
Stop by my blog and sign up for the giveaway!
Happy Week,
The Lady of the House

Staci Danford - There is nothing more fun than a real live smile… I wanted to go outside and make one myself to see if I could have that much fun.. LOVED it.. Thanks for the grin.

JustMommer - Wow! Annie made that look easy, hooray for the Moms for going for it!

DreamGirlLisa - Oh sooo great!! My kids made their own slip-n-slide on 4th of July, but I didn’t do it…lol, you are brave sista!!!! Fun to watch the video, I have a smile on my face now 🙂

Allyssa W. - ha! ha! ha!! That was too cute and so funny! Thanks for sharing!

Martina - wooow GREAT idea!

Ashli - You rock!!! Your kids will love looking back on that day and see you having such fun.

Jess Mead - Very creative! I LOVE IT!!!!!

Monica Huete - It looks like you all had a great time !!! Sooooo fun !!! … ^__^

DeeDee - Why is it that your slip and slide ends like this and my family slip and slide adventure ends with a 9 hour trip to the ER for a hubby with a dislocated shoulder?…Whatever!
I love your gusto!
Great Stuff!

Kimberlee J. - My first thoughts were…will she? Will she show the pictures of her going down the slippy slide? No she won’t. SHE WHAT? She posts a photo collage video? You rocked that so hard. Awesome.

Jessie - That was awesome Meg! Loved that you did it too!!

Rachel / cREaTe - love your lil’ video. 🙂 love that the camera was on that setting & you had that many photos! HILARE! and the kids! i’m dying laughing at the thought of all that. 🙂

Sandy - Great fun! That looks like a wonderful time…must tell my sister about it for her kids and the hill in her backyard!
Not to sound stalkerish but, if I were you, I’d totally have that picture of Craig in a frame next to my bed. You’ve got a looker there, girl! 🙂

tara pollard pakosta - so fuN!
and your kids will LOVE that video of you one day!
showing you were there and present and a FUN MOM!

Jaime @ Mamarazzi - Meg… what a great post and a wonderful idea for the slip and slide. If only we had “hills” here! lol…
I guess with enough water, baby shampoo and plastic, one could fly eve if horizontal! 😀 Might need to try that!
Love the video! 😀 Too cute!!

Juli - more = my. Sorry, I’m tired, been teaching VBS all morning!

Lori - What an awesome idea! And your video is too because you are such a good sport to share it. So funny, you know how to make me laugh out loud at my computer almost every day!

Juli - Slip ‘n Slides were way more fun before we had boobs, weren’t they? My best friend & I “bought one for our kids” (that’s more story, stickin’ to it) when they were toddlers. We were SO sore the next day! I’m sure it didn’t help that we were still nursing!

traci in virginia - How fun was that!!!? Thanks for sharing! You are a great Mom and make me smile!!! I am a widow with two kids and I try to make sure my kids are having fun! Your blog is so helpul for that! Thanks so much for all you share!

angela - I loved this! Love the homemade slide. Love that Lauren said no pics….so typical. That’s what I like. You all are so typical. Love your family! Can you do that? Can you love a family you don’t know?

marie tere - I think looking at the videos makes that crabby face smile. And I am so quick to delete pictures of me. But then think, that’s who I am and that’s who my kids will remember in years to come. Love the idea, must look for hill 🙂

Staci - LOVE it!!!!!!!!!

jennifer - You guys have gotta be the coolest family in the history… of well, EVER! I love it! What a super fun day! (We’ve gotta try it!!!!!)

Tiffany - We have also done this! FUN!!!….way to go for posting pics of yourself slipin’ & slidin’!

Lisa - You guys are too funny.

tara - the picture of your husband coming down the slide is priceless…you need to frame it.
the video was hilarious.

Ashley Stinson @ The Hillside Home - this looks like a BLAST. i dream about times like these with my kids someday. (right now i only have 1 little guy… but i dream about a house full like you.) great pics! and great idea for a cheap slip and slide. 🙂

AmyB - Ha ha. Awesome.
Looks like so much fun!!

sarah - SO fun!
I love that shot of Jenny, pure happiness.

Heather R. - L to the O to the V to the E…the super size slip and slide. AWESOME!!! You in the Batman pose on it. AWESOMER!!!
That is great. ~Heather R.

Tricia - Okay. SO much to say. The slip ‘n slide is awesome! My kids (and the neighbor kids) just watched your video and now they are outside plotting where we should put OUR giant slip ‘n slide. 😉
Secondly, you rock my socks! I’m so glad that you had a fantastic vaca. I’m also very glad that you shared the highlights with us.

Keri ~ Forever Folding Laundry - SO fun!!! Those are the types of slip-n-slides my dad made us as kids, but we never took it to the shampoo level of awesomeness. 🙂 Money SO well spent!!
And good for you for posting your video. Totally fun!!


Charity - So fabulous!! What an awesome way to spend an afternoon – thanks for the idea!

Krista - Love you and your mom suit, that was awesome!! Who knew 2 tarps and some shampoo could be so much fun? Love Scott’s “I’m awesome” at the end of his ride. Thanks for sharing. Gosh it looks like it was a lot of fun!

alamama - very cute! loved seeing this in the morning! glad to see a happy face on you!

Susan - I absolutely love this idea. How smart. The regular slip-n-slides are way to short anyway. Yours works well, but it looks like you have a little bit of a down slope. I bet it would be great for innertubing down in the snow too. Awesome idea. I’m heading to Home Depot.

Megan - This is so awesome, how fun! I think everyone got more than a dollar right? Great idea and love the price tag!

Nicole Q. - You are such a good sport . . . i think that’s one thing that makes you a great momma!!!
You had the perfect place to put that thing too — we used to do that for youth group events. Crazy fun!!

Sara @ It's Good to be Queen - that video is happy. 🙂

Dina - You make me laugh! Your blog and my coffee are the best two things of my morning:-)

Kelly - That is awesome! My parents have a huge hill at their house and we were trying to convince them to let us do this on their hill. So far it’s a no go but maybe if I show them this they’ll change their minds.

Elizabeth McDonald - Awesome….that is all I can say…AWESOME!

Niki - What a blast! You guys are such fun parents! And your swimsuit is a CUTE mom suit!

amy - I LOVE it, that’s awesome!

Kelly - I absolutely loved your post. What makes it so fun is your participation. It’s nice to see you in it once in a while! I love the yelling “Dollar, dollar! You’ve got a buck!” You guys are so much fun. Your kids are going to have the best memories and stories to tell later on!

Cate O'Malley - love the idea – even better that everyone can have a blast in their own backyard without spending a fortune – great memories!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Oh that looks like some good ole’ fashioned fun. You are so cute slidin’ down the tarp..4 seconds just wasn’t enough. I wanted to hear you talk:)

jess - you rock!!!!! how could you not go down that great slip-n slide!!!!!

Shann - Those are such good pictures Meg! It looks like you had such a good time with your best friends up here in Michigan. I remember doing a slip-in-slide a few years ago. You are right…it is a bit harder for us moms. 🙂 Your swim suit is really cute by the way! Have a good Monday! 🙂

jackie - Looks like you all had a great time. We had friends that had a gigantic piece of rubber that you make inner tubes from, and they did the same thing. They put it down, kept the sprinkler running over it, and baby shampooed, and baby oiled it up, and the kids had a Blast!! It is so hot here too. 100’s w/ the heat index everyday. What a way to stay cool, and I bet you were sore. Have a great week. Jackie

Barb - When you look up “good sport” in the dictionary, there’s a picture of you! 😉
Looks like it was a great time. What a fun person you are.

Meg B. - looks like fun, now to find a hill….

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Great idea!! I bet your fronts were really sore after all that though.
Your family seem so fun : )
Gemma x

Michelle - Meg
When you started this blog, did you think you were going to change the world? Because that is what you are doing. God Bless you girl!! I live in Australia, I love your blog (I ‘met’ you through Cora’s Mum Jess) and I swear you make me a better Mum. I read your blog, I come up with ideas from what you write and my kids love them.
Thank you!

Nikki - should read… so much fun…. I should proof read my comments 🙂

Nikki - That looks like so much.
Thanks for sharing the video…. made me lol 😀

Tammy - That looks like so much fun! Thanks for sharing the video of you!

Georgia - haha i love your video! its brilliant. The music made me crack up. You look lovely Meg, wouldnt even know you have had 5 kids!
YUou should post video’s of the family more often, its nice to see everyone in real time.

Trish - how fun!!
and I love that you posted that video of you!

Tasha Griffin - Oh, how fun! We have had some good times on giant homemade slip and slides as well…baby shampoo is a MUCH better idea than baby oil like we used! Looks like you guys had a blast!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - 4 seconds?! Hilarious!!! 🙂

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