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today i feel like this.

i know i have posted it before but it is just too true.

i may need to be incarcerated pre-emptively like a wolfman.

can we just start school already?


Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - I think I just fell off the couch!

Elizabeth - I had never seen that before — so funny!

Kelly - I wish I could tell you it gets better as you get older. I’m in perimenopause (which often starts for women in their 30’s) and my PMS is getting worse!
If/when you ever need coping advice for perimenopause, the site Power-Surge had good message boards. Here are the 35 most common symptoms of menopause:

Routhie - Made my morning. You are not alone.

heidi @ wonder woman wannabe - oh my – I SO needed this today, I feel ya girlfriend! 😉

Liz with Four - that was sooo funny…i almost peed my pants!!!

I’d never seen that before 🙂

Heather - So exactly right! I’m ready to be led away for a couple days of solitary . . . ah, that’d be lovely!

Jen - Right there with you. Maybe we can be cell mates.

Jodi - That just made my day….I just wrote a post on my bleh feelings. That pretty much sums it up. I am going to share on FB!!! Love it. You are awesome!

Alisha Gibb - I love it! I’m pregnant and I’m certain my husband thinks I get this way on a weekly basis! LOL! Thanks!

patti - right there with you my friend.

Rachel - Hush…don’t say that S-word. I’m a teacher and I’m just not ready to go back yet. I’m savoring the last remnants of summer. So, shhhh, leave us in peace a litlle while longer please.

Krista - That’s the first time I saw that, so funny!!

Christine Ishmael - My husband LOVES that one!

Sarah - I completely needed to laugh my a*# off. Thanks for the video.

Holly S - HAHAHA Yes!! That was great, thank you.

citymouse - I have never seen this before. Lord knows I feel like this some days (period optional).

Jaime - Um. Right there with ya. Except, my kids started school last week. Now the only person who has to deal with me is… well, me! lol…
Hope time goes by queekly for ya! 😀

Lori - Oh my gosh! Hadn’t seen that one before! BTW, it hurts to laugh while you are drinking soda, and the soda comes out your nose. Just sayin…

Angela - Ugh. I just started back for the first time in 13 months. (I have a 4-month-old, lol.) I wish it were time for school. But my three sons are all too young. HEEEELLLPPPP!!!! 🙂

kat - My husband and I laughed hysterically at this skit. It is one of my favorites for sure. Especially the line about the hat…

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