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one of these things is not like the other…




love that dress!

Mandy Allbritton - I love your blog – can’t remember how I came about it?! But I have the same running shoes. I love the Brooks Ravenna! And your choice of other shoes are awesome!
The colors in you photos are amazing. I love reading your sweet blog-

Sara @ It's Good to be Queen - wow, you’re shoes are so orderly. mine are in a huge pile that i have to dig through on my closet floor. i’m beginning to not believe you when you say you are not clean. just sayin’. . .

j - you lock your make up? I don’t know if you watch Real Housewives of DC (or admit to it!). Um, I don’t, I was just flipping channels one night, anyway, a girl on there has a lock on her closet to keep her 20 yr old out. I couldn’t believe it but then mine isn’t old enough for that to be a problem.

jennifer - Too Funny!

Lorilee - I could only walk in one of those pairs of shoes!

heather - agreed…that’s a lot of heels! i have a closet of flip flops and then the oddball running shoes & heels! 🙂

in the hush of the moon - love the shoes… new here, visiting from farmgirl paints… i am an artist and love your work, your colors, your photos, your faith… i might stick around for awhile, friend.

Juli - Sesame Street song…were we all just that dumb back then because that is such a no-brainer, even for my 2 yr old. How could we have possibly found that entertaining?!

Tracy - ohhh I have shoe envy….love the shoes (from what I can see) they look so cute and fun! My fav kind.

kristine - *er, they hurt my feet just looking at THEM not ME! too late to be typing i guess…going to bed (unusual since it’s ONLY 10pm). hope you’re having a great holiday weekend!

kristine - cute shoes. you’re def rockin the heels! they hurt my feet just looking at me. but since i switched to wedges this season, i’m much more comfortable. you asked, right?! that was a long song for figuring out which one was not like the others…funny 🙂

Jen - You have some sassy shoes, girlfriend!
Love the retro video clips this week!

bobbie - that is the exact opposite of my closet. Twenty pairs of sneakers with one pair of heels.

Dineen - You are just too funny with your You Tube videos!! I remember this song! Thanks for making me laugh the past two days. I really, really needed it! : )

jeanne - What is wrong with that dress???:-)

Lisa - Are those all your heels??? 🙂 I’m impressed if they are cause my shoes would look the opposite. Lots of flats and tennis shoes with 1 pair of heels! I’m not very fun in that way!

Holly - lol…too funny

Julie - Yeah, not like the others, but you need the one to look great in the others! 🙂

chasity - cute.

anna. - I sing that all the time and crack myself up! Love it!

Gabi - Hi Meg,
I just found your blog, love it.
Great picture 🙂

Janie Fox - I wore a rust dress almost exactly like that when I worked at a local chicken restaurant during high school summers..It was our uniform.Yikes!! Hated that job and that dress!!

Kimberlee J. - Which one of these is doin’ it’s own thing????
GREAT pic!

linda@limein the coconut - Hmmmmm. Give me another minute…I’ll figure it out……

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