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my new grown up life.

at our school they start kindergarten half days for the first 9 weeks.
then they go full day the rest of the year.
i guess it's to ease into it….easier adjustment for everyone.
i love it.

annie has had me walk her to her classroom everyday.
none of my other kids wanted that.
so of course i did that today too.
i think i would've been sad if she didn't want me there today.

soon she'll go in with her brother and sister but for a while i will still walk her in.
it gives me motivation to get out of my pajamas now before we leave for school.

this picture sums it up.
double hand grasp on mommy.
she said all morning "my stomach hurts" and she wanted lots of extra help getting dressed.
she was so nervous for her day. 

THIS is annie's look that means she is nervous.
i LOVE that i captured it.

and then she was ready for me to go.
thank goodness.
i couldn't have handled any crying….without crying myself.
so glad she was brave.


very strange feeling to be all alone so early in the day.
i am fine with time alone.

it's not that i MISS my kids when they are at school….i don't. 
i know that they are safe and happy and that they will be home again soon.
what i am feeling is that annie is my last baby and now she is a big kid at school.
and i am 35.
so i am old and alone.

just kidding.
i mean….i AM old and alone….but it's not a bad thing.

a new chapter of my grown up life begins.
i can only go to MOPS meetings as a mentor mom from now on.
(i haven't been to MOPS for 6 years but i remember thinking with five kids i could be in MOPS forever) 
i have no excuse for a messy house anymore.
(except for those five kids again)
i have no excuse not to exercise.
i have no excuse for dinner not being ready.
i have no excuse to have a MOUNTAIN of laundry like i do right now.

i have no excuse to not be reading my bible and spending real time with God.

those are my areas to focus on in this new grown up life i have been given starting today.
whether i asked for it or not.

with that….i am out the door for a long run.
i am going to blast my music and cry if i want to.
but i don't think i will. 
i think this grown up life is going to be pretty good. 

ps….i went dancing this weekend.
it was one of the best nights i have had all year. 

Trina McNeilly - Change is always different, exciting and scary but it will be good….so very good.

Rebecca - yes, i have no excuse either (although my kindergartener is only in school every-other day)… i really need to get back into my routine. especially reading my Bible. thanks for the reminder… i really need to be accountable for this. good luck with your new-found quiet freedom. enjoy it.

kristin - this made my heart skip. i know that face too. my protective-preschool-teacher feelings just came up. i know she is fine too.
and i have felt like i am on vacation every day. : )

Sue - My son’s are grown and in their 30’s but today reading your blog I almost cried remembering the fist day of kindergarten and then again the first day of Jr. High. That was the hardest for me. I remember both of my son’s did NOT want me at the school and made me go back to the car and leave because they could see I was going to cry. They were men to me that day and really it was harder letting them go to Jr. High than Kindergarten. I only had two but you have 5 what a blessing that is.
Now that you have time, my advice as an old woman, is relish that time with God and everything else will fall into place. Blessings, Sue

shauna - i love her nervous face…good job momma.
there is just something about that little sweetheart!
on her last day of preschool, i had only read your blog once or twice and i fell in LOVE with her!(i think cause she reminds me of my ella)I wrote you a LONG comment, and then it somehow got erased(grrrrrr) and i got all discouraged about commenting…
i got over it 😉 thanks for sharing with us…

Julie - Grown up life is complicated. Sometimes I really crave it and look forward to it, but then other times it makes me sad. You are a running/ laundry/ cooking/ cleaning superstar though!!! Bring it! Yay for cute, brave Annie.

Nikki - All my kids are at school this year…my house is still messy, I still have a mountain of washing and I don’t exercise… I think I spend too much time shopping, having coffee out with friends and way too much time on the computer… oh well… and now you’re telling me that next year when I turn 35 I’m considered old… oh well 😉
BTW, I love Annie’s nervous face…. too cute.
I’m off to clean my messy house before the husband and kids come home and realise I’ve been lounging around all day.

Leah - Love your new header!

Sandra K - So please do a post on the night of dancing…!

amy jupin - i don’t know why, exactly, but this post made me tear up meg!
i think it was the pic of annie’s death grip on your hand or maybe seeing her with her hands over her eyes.
so much emotion in those little pictures.
gheez, there i go again.
i think i need some chocolate. (or a martini, or maybe a chocolate martini??)

april@gingerbreadgirl - Im LOving your new blog title pic!!!

crystal beutler - I haven’t had kids at home for years now. I STILL have mountains of laundry, I don’t exercise like I should, dinner is never on time, the house still isn’t clean. I’m doing something wrong. 🙂 That, or I’m busier now that I was before kids went to school all day. Go figure. I’m worried about what’s going to happen when they leave home for good.

The Lady of the House - LOVE the header girl – you’re so creative! & Your baby girl is so darn cute! I just about bawled when I saw that picture of her with her hands over her face… I have 2 boys (so far) 3 and almost 1 – I’m nervous about this step, I’m glad it’s not here yet! 🙂
The Lady of the House

Melissa - So good to get out and dance isn’t it!!!

aimee - if that face in the hands isn’t the cutest picture ever! and you are not in the least bit old!

Kat - I love this post Meg!
Makes me want to smile and cry all at the same time.
I am already struggling with the fact that I am not pregnant and having another baby like I normally am.
Trying to decide whether to stop at 4 kids or stretch myself to the limit and have #5…
Annie is so gorgeous. I love how you captured the moment, esp the hand holding and her nervous face. Bless!
Yay you for your positive attitude, for being sentimental and for going out dancing.
Can you do a post about the dancing? Sounds fun and I need more fun!

Dineen - My grown up life starts next year when my youngest heads off to 1st grade. Thankfully, we only do 1/2 day kindergarten here. I LOVE having her home with me in the mornings! I’m really sad just thinking about next year. But if you can do it…then maybe I can too.

beth - Grown up life…I just joined the grown up life again…my three kids are 12 years apart so I know how you feel…I can say I will not have anymore babies so I am all grown up for good and I haven’t hit 50 yet…soon though..hehehe
Enjoy your time!
Oh yeah I borrowed on of your pumpkin pics as my backdrop on my puter at work…hope that is alright, it brightens my day…all your pics but only nature ones I will use. If not ok please let me know and I will not do it again. I never share any pics of course.

se7en - Oh Isn’t Annie a darling… You are both so brave!!!

Julia - You are not old. 40 is old. So old. And sad. Old and sad. Hopefully you’ll handle it as well as I am.

Julie K. - I’m so jealous! Just being honest here … I feel like a grown-up trapped in a mama’s body. You know I love the little people but I would love to have all day to focus on all that must get done and be fresh for them when they come home!! Enjoy!!! 🙂

karen - awww..that was a touching post.
You are so lucky to have five ‘grown’ up kids and be 35 years YOUNG!!
I am 32 years old with a 3 year old and a 4 month old. They are my heart.

sandy toe - I started that grown up life this year too. But, I didn’t know I couldn’t have a messy house anymore???
sandy toe

Georgia - Hey, just think how many extra photo shoots you can fit in!!! 😉

emily - ook. there are some 35 year olds who are just getting married, or beginning to have babies- you’re not old. stop saying that. you’re just in a new phase of life.

Tamsen Fussell - Just want you to know that I am a mama in Montana with 4 kids all about the same ages as yours. I, too, have the teenage daughter…and the sweet kindergartener- with 2 others thrown in the middle for good measure! I totally can relate to sending your baby off. And to having a whole day to yourself. And to feeling old- ha! Thank you so much for your blog- making me laugh, and cry, and not feel so bad about my own mountain of laundry…:) -Tamsen

jodi - first of all, meg–you are not old. OLD PEOPLE DO NOT GO OUT DANCING! ha good for you.
secondly, we moved back to the northeast last year and i became a mentor at the mops i started 18 years ago.. s u r r e a l
being “old” rocks (and i am much older than you)

Karen Lehmann - i LIKE that “easing” into the school year. Your school system has it right!

Catriona - “i have no excuse to not be reading my bible and spending real time with God.” Start with this and the rest will take care of itself – you know it!
Enjoy your week – soon it will be the weekend and everyone will be around. x
PS 35 is NOT old!!!

Deanna - Aww..Annie in full time school! Just remind yourself that summer is only 8 months away and then they will ALL be home! 😉
And come check out my give-away if you get a chance-

Cari - The pictured you captured of her holding your hand brought tears to my eyes. Beautiful. (I guess I am officially no longer a “lurker”.) 😉

Laura - I am going to go with “the best is yet to come”
we are young
have I mentioned I love you?
and I love Annie
that face
so glad I got to see it in person

Karen - Grown up life is good! (just different)

Ashley - I literally teared up looking at the pics of you dropping Annie off. Of her holding your hand so tight. My daughter is only 11 months old, and it will be a while before I have to send her to school, but I teach and leave her every morning….so I feel your pain. 🙁
But I bet it feels great to know that you’ll have some time to focus on other things while the kiddos are at school!:)

Courtney Walsh - I have to be honest and say I love that you were honest in saying you don’t miss your kids when they’re at school. I really don’t either. I love my time with our youngest and I know that once he’s gone, I’ll love my alone time too. I feel kinda rotten saying that, but I think it’s a good thing that I like to be alone sometimes.
🙂 Makes our time together that much sweeter! Hope the run was wonderful, Meg!!

Andi German - I’m so glad you went dancing! Not been dancing for ages … but I did dance today – in the kitchen to an old tape I found that’s 20 years old!!! I had my own little rave. Have been lurking for a while – decided to comment. Love your blog.

purejoy - if i can embrace my empty nest and grownupness, you can embrace yours. what a thrill to be embarking on something oh-so-new!!

Karen Gerstenberger - I think you are right. So why is it, though I didn’t cry when my kids went to school for a full day, that this post makes me want to cry?
God bless you and your family. I have faith that He will lead you every step of the way, as you listen for Him – double-hand-grasp, like Annie’s.

deb meyers - i’ll never forget when the realization dawned on me — after a few weeks of whining “I am home all day, why can’t I get everything done?!” that the time I actually had at home ALONE was only 4 hours. But I had been telling myself it was ‘all day’ (which means, what, 12 hours?) but it wasn’t 12 hours. Does that make sense?
deb meyers

patti - i’m learning to grasp my grown-up life too…but I’m 41 and still have a 3 year old. guess it took me a little longer to grow up. 🙂

Jill J - You are braver than me. When my baby went all day a few weeks ago, I balled my eyes out. I am old and alone and I don’t know if I like it. Maybe I would feel better if I went dancing too?! 🙂

Maria - love it. Enjoy your new life…
and that laundry pile?
still there for me.
but I’ve only been in my new life since mid-August…so, barely getting over my ‘last-child-out-the-door-time-to-go-back-to-bed-nap’
starbucks helps.

Elissa - i wish our kindergarten did this. we are 1/2 days all year and my K boy is totally ready for a full day. he says K is easier than preschool! oh well… it is what it is. enjoy being having a grown up life! i’m looking forward to it 🙂
i haven’t been dancing in a DOG’s age.

Megan - Yea you! My youngest started K last year and it was quite an adjustment for me. I felt like I had to do that ‘no excuses’ list you wrote about perfectly everyday. This year I am trying not to take it so seriously. Like this morning…I drank my coffee and watched a movie on the couch – just because. {And I’m not going to feel guilty about it.} Here’s to a great new start for you and hoping you get some mornings on the couch! 🙂

Dana@Bungalow'56 - Megan,
I love this stage. My youngest is seven. Wonderful snots. Used to love dancing…. so where do “Old” moms go to dance? Just curious.

Tiffany Ruda - I reeeeaally can’t even begin to wrap my head around that stage of mommy-hood, but it’s awesome to hear about your new season. I hope you enjoy every moment! PS, love your blog.

Routhie - Your bravery is her bravery. I never tire of watching my girls change and grow. Have fun with your new grown up life! xx

Krista - Love the double-hand grasp, that Annie is such a sweetie. I think you’ll both be loving this new life! Kindergarten is such a blast!

Cassie - oh my goodness. that nervous look is exactly like ayla’s nervous look!
enjoy your long run! (is that possible??)

melissa - I am starting to get a little taste of grown up life with the girls in preschool 2 days a week and I am loving it so far!
Enjoy, it sounds good to me!

Melanie - I like my grown up life too:) I think that you will do just fine. You will see though that the time goes by so fast! Enjoy your day.

Heather - Yikes! Grown up life – yikes!

Lora - Love this post. I’ve seen that nervous pose before too. My baby is 10 and I still miss him being home with me everyday… sometimes, but most of the time I love my home alone time.

Gemma - Like I said before…soon this will become your ‘norm’ and you’ll rarely look back! Until then just keep on keeping on : )
Gemma x

Trish - It’s your party and you can cry if you want to! or not 🙂

Judy - Grown-up life is great. Hugs.

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