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not so good.

it was the kind of night you just want to end.

rushing out the door just as craig got home.

parent teacher conferences….back to back to back.

one ran so late with the family before us that we missed our last one.

kids in three different places….one hit in the face with a soccer ball…one calling in the middle of a conference….one yelling at the other when we walk in the door….us feeling guilty for missing the others game.

burned dinner because of the late running (45 minutes!!) conference.
i had dinner in the oven…planned ahead…so we could eat together.

food that is only for school lunches eaten after school…out of boredom.

angry parents.

angry kids.

tired parents.

tired kids.

hot bath.

cold beer.

the end.

here's to a better tomorrow….. 

watch this…it's funny.

everybody loves JT….especially me.

***craig says i have been writing a lot about my feelings recently.****************************** 
i said something rude back to him.
then said "i've got a lot of feelings!!!"

you don't mind me talking about my feelings….do you?  
and i guess if you do….i can't really do much about it.

i gotta be me…. 

christine - Meg, I haven’t visited in a little while and I’ve been reading back seeing what you’ve been up to. I paused and watched this little video (headphones on). I was giggling so much that the hubs had me play it back again so he could listen too. Ah, what a much needed laugh we both got.
Again, I’ve not been visiting lately…and haven’t read back too far, but I’ll just say this – share your feelings, sister. Be open, real and transparent, just like you always are. It’s refreshing and encouraging, and sometimes it’s nice knowing that other people go through the same ups and downs, ins and outs.

Michelle @ Faith, Trust, and a Little Pixie Dust - That was such a fun video. Thanks for making me smile!
Warmly, Michelle

Suzanne - love that you share your feelings…wish everyone would be so honest and real in every day life.
love you Meg.

Julie - thank you for sharing your feelings, and for posting that video. it made my day!

carols - What, and no pictures of you when you took out the burned food?! I still laugh when I think of the one day you were a tad grumpy and undergroomed…and shared the pic with all of us. Been there, done that, and thanks for sharing. I’m sure it’s a bit uncomfortable for Craig (and Nick and a few other blog dads) that so much life is hanging out there. They’ve gotta know it comes with the territory of having such a fabulous lady as their spouse. Double posting here…your fashion finds are fab, gotta go copy them quick. Smile.

Dina - Jimmy Fallon will be my next husband… yes, he will.

Karen Gerstenberger - It’s YOUR blog- you can talk about anything you want to! No one has to read it if they don’t want to…and I do want to. I love your blog. God bless you. The men don’t have to understand everything.

Cori - I like your feelings. They feel an awful lot like mine on any given day. Thanks!
I don’t think I’ve ever commented before but I’m Cori and I lurk around here terribly. πŸ™‚

Christina - Goodness gracious. What else is a woman going to write about? Not to be awful…but, that’s what there is. haha
We’ve had some pretty terrible days here lately. I wish I could turn back the clock (sometimes 10 years, ha!), but like you say, here’s to a better tomorrow.
Although, that’s what I said yesterday, and I’m pretty sure today was worse. Oh well.
You write what you want…it’s your blog. We all love it. You are for real, you know? It’s not always all rainbows and sunshine. Except for your banner. There it is always rainbows and sunshine. But that is as it should be. πŸ™‚

Betsey - That video was pure awesome-ness! Put a smile on my face and my husband loved it too! Thanks for sharing!!!!!! Not only the video, but sharing your honesty is the best. I appreciate you!

Amy Petz - I love that clip! Thanks so much for sharing and please continue to share your feelings. It is nice to know that it is possible to be awesome and real.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Awesome! I giggled and shook my booty. Rock on.

dani - This is Hilarious! As I am reading about your burnt dinner, I am burning ours! It is so funny that my kids totally know what to do- calmly they turn on the stove fan, open all the windows,
and then continue on with whatever they were doing. It happens all the time here obviously πŸ˜‰

peta - talk away. a problem shared is a problem halved.
hope today is better!

Leigh - you write about anything you want. We wouldn’t click here daily if we didn’t like being here! You are very real…

Kate B. - When I was a kid it was Michael Jackson. Now it’s Justin Timberlake. Thanks for sharing!

betsy - I knew it! We would totally be friends in the real world πŸ™‚
I’ve been watching this video all week of my boyfriends, Jimmy & J Timbo. Who DOESN’T love Justin?
Sorry it was a crummy day … just so you know, teachers hate conferences that run that long, too! I actually started to run a timer at my conferences to avoid that situation!

Maria - sorry you had such a yuck day…hopefully the rest of the week is better.
Love that Jimmy and JT video…I just tweeted and facebooked it out just the other day!
Speaking of twitter….are you on there somewhere?

Sarah - That video is AWESOME! I love me some JT too. πŸ™‚ It’s funny, my husband said something like Craig said to you yesterday also. I think it is great to express what you’re feeling. As far as I can tell, honest is better than hidden and miserable.

ashley - Aaaaw! Bad days stink. I have one so far, and I feel hectic. I sometimes don’t know how you do it. I hope it all starts looking up for you!
And as for feelings, thanks for being honest. It makes the peanut gallery feel normal. πŸ™‚

Stacia - Love your blog and that you share your feelings. πŸ™‚

Lisa - I hate days like that! Always wishing it would just end so we can start all over. I also hate when I end up being grumpy at my husband cause of having a bad day. Hoping the rest of the week is much better.

Routhie - I love hearing about your feelings. Makes me feel normal.

Jennifer - Honesty…a great virtue and one of the many reasons so many of your followers keep coming back to your blog. You are a voice for so many mothers out there who put their heart and soul into this thing we call motherhood. It is not an easy job and there are days that are just downright icky, awful and stressful! Thanks for keeping it real, Meg.
I can feel your pain though on the husband’s remark…my hubby often tells me he thinks I put “TMI” on my blog. I think it’s just a guy thing! πŸ˜‰

Kimberly - Today is just one of those days I would like to curl up in my favorite chair with my favorite pajamas with a cup of tea and weep. Weep for things that have been so hard lately. Weep for the loss of my Uncle. Weep for hard lessons. Weep for grown children who no longer sit on my lap. Weep for weepings sake. And I sooooo appreciate you being honest and real and making me feel that I am not alone. - You are soooo normal and I love that you write about it!

Courtney Walsh - been there.
and i love that JT/JF video. we watched it the other day and it made me fall in love with Jimmy Fallon all over again. I mean, I knew Justin could do that but was kinda clueless Jimmy could add “Rapper” to his list of talents. πŸ™‚

Jennie - hate stinky days like that. love your vulnerability and authenticity on here – and really love that you ended the day with a cold one. hope today is better!

Kimberly - I wrote an eerily similar blog this morning… and I L O V E Jimmy and Justin :))

Tara - your honesty is why I keep coming back.
love it.
don’t change.
glad God made you!
you make the world sweeter.

Diana - It’s YOUR blog, YOU write what YOU want. You do NOT have to apologize for anything that YOU put on YOUR blog.
{big hugs} for a better day β™₯

aimee - don’t days like that just SUCK! way to top it off with a cold beer!

BULLYMAMA3 - Thanks for keeping it real…and for that awesome J.T. video…a bright spot in an otherwise dreary day!!

Gina in Louisville - i like your feelings

crystal - I LOVE it when you talk about your feelings. Those are definitely my favourite posts. They just make me feel normal (because I have the same kinds of days)!

elisa - right there with ya sister. Feel better πŸ™‚

purejoy - someone didn’t say when it rains, it pours for nothing!
life can be chaotic. it’s okay. and if you want to pour out your heart… it’s okay. that is what we’re here for (not to listen to a steady stream… but we support each other, that’s what i meant). i think my husband’s greatest fear is i’ll pour my heart out for the whole world to see (yep. all four of my readers) and he’ll look bad or something.
he’s not a fan of blogging/myblog/facebook. can you tell? haha

Julie - Bring on the feelings. I have a couple of empty barstools that are open for therapy and some brown sugar in the pantry.
Stuffed feelings and the guise of a perfect life can only do one thing… make one CRAZY!!!!
I love the mess. The real, messy, mess.

Cris - Thanks for posting the video! It made my day!
I figure if people don’t like feelings they can go elsewhere. Thanks for “keeping it real”.

Courtney - Love your feelings πŸ™‚
Love the video! Thanks for sharing!

jen - well, that video just made my whole week!
ill be hijakcing that for my own blog soon.
and… feelings are a good thing.
glad you do share them!

merlin - We are trying to make talking about feelings a priority in our family. Without judgement. Culturally we aren’t supposed to show our feelings, it seems more socially acceptable to bury feelings in alcohol or drugs and then find and get help for that secondary “problem”. So,I try to be grateful for the show and communication of emotions, especially the uncomfortable ones….at least they are being expressed. Blindly I hope that this will be enough that none of us will be or become a statistic of addiction or violence.
You have a big supporter of communicating feelings from this reader.

Elissa - i only have three kids, but a lot of nights feel like your post. it’s good to share πŸ™‚

Mindy W - I hope to be encouraging. Some days just end up going down the toilet but if you can still give glory to God in the end that’s what matters.
Don’t mind us readers’ comments. We either just had a day like yours, am currently having a LIFE (me) like your day, will have a day like yours or must be dead since who does not have a day once in a while(?!). Hang in there and be encouraged!

Tam - Oh sister, who hasn’t had days like that?!? I appreciate you for keeping it real! You are my favorite daily read, I look forward to your posts….and JT and Jimmy? PERFECTION! Thanks for sharing!

Laura - Hooray for not having it all together every day! There is no “normal”.

Suzanne - Thx for the video clip! Looooove it!

Janice Freeding - You are always complaining about something. WHy don’t you thank God for everything you have.

BriBedell - 1.I am NOT looking forward to when my chidren will have parent/teacher confrences…*shakes in fear*
2.Let it out. All those feelings. Husbands don’t get it, if you have good people to tell them to. Better them, than him. Am I right πŸ™‚ (well certain feelings of course)lol
3. I could watch that video all day long!

Kerry Wiebe - I’m just so glad you are normal!!!

april@gingerbreadgirlblog - But guess what??? You made my night yesterday by being the first person to leave a comment on my blog!!! I was so happy!!! Thank You!!! Feelings are OK….my husband would have said the same thing…lols….Im a teacher and parent conferences always suck…so if you’ve gone this long without a night like last night you’re doing REALLY GOOD!!! Hope today is better….

Tracy - So sorry you had a bad day, take comfort in knowing though that we ALL have bad days and if we didn’t then, well, we wouldn’t be human. Bad days keep us real. I love how you are so honest on your blog, it keeps you real.
Hope you have a great day (or at least a better day than yesterday) today!

tasha roe - JT is the best! Did you see him with Andy Sandberg on SNL? It was only like a minute long, but still very, very funny!

niki - I LOVE JT!! Thanks, that made my morning.

karenjean - Meg,
We all have those days. As for writing about your feelings, I have to say that that is one of the reasons that I enjoy your blog. You are so real about you life. I find that and you inspiring. I am not sure how you do it but keep it up!

patti - yesterday was hard for us too. and I’m embracing today as a new day. oh, and by the way, I heart JT too and I laughed so hard at that the first time and again and again. πŸ™‚

Phoenix_Rising - I like when you blog about the occasional bad day or huge stress in your life. NOT that I like you have those things, but you make me feel normal and you make motherhood into a universal condition… if that makes sense. Please don’t stop blogging. Our blogs are where we can release our inner thoughts and workings.

MGF - Thank you
Thank You
Thank You
Thank You
I really realy needed a GREAT laugh this am.

virginia - i don’t mind! it helps me realize that i am not alone in my crazy :0)

Jennifer Tracy - Your true feelings combined with your sense of humor are awesome to read! I have 6 kids and I can relate.

Dana@Bungalow'56 - C.r.a.c..k.e.d me up, when you mentioned Craig’s comment. They try to be so helpful, at oh-the-so-wrong moments. I laughed because the conversation could have been in my house. Love your feelings! Especially when they come with your wonderful photos.

annie - meg, i’m a friend of a friend of a friend…who has been reading your blogs! thanks for posting your feelings-i am so there, right with you! it’s good for mom’s to share!

Krista - Well, it can only get better from there, right?
Thanks for the awesome clip, I have shared it, too funny! I can never stay up that late and miss his show.
The blog is free therapy for sure, so share away, you know we’re all in the same boat together!

Suzanne - I think you should be commended for trying to attend that many parent teacher conferences on one night! Sorry about the dinner…that would be a bummer! I’m hoping that today is a better day! And for the feelings…it was your birthday…I think that makes people think and evaluate their life. But, my husband would say the same thing as Craig…and I would probably say something rude back to him!

Keri @ Keri's Korner - I hope that video made you smile cause it sure brightened my day and made me laugh.

shauna - i am grouchy this morning.
now i am smiling.
really, who could not think JT is so cute and funny?
i loved that clip.
maybe i WILL feed the children now πŸ™‚
instead of just giving them gruel.

Sugar Mama - Those kind of evenings make me become the type of mother/wife I do NOT like to be. I’m a control freak and I hate when things seem out of whack. I seriously start coming undone when my family is all over the place.
About the feelings, I’m assuming mostly women read your blog, and we all GET it. It helps us all feel normal and relate to one another.

Leigh - This is your blog, not Craig’s. When you share your feelings, I feel much less alone. I’m so sorry you had a disappointing evening, but there is a comfort in knowing I’m not the only one who has similar experiences and responses to those situations.
You are a blessing. I appreciate you.
Leigh in Virginia

shelly - Meg–it must be a girl thing to get! We all have a lot of feelings and sometimes its nice to know we’re not alone in this messed up, running late, burnt dinner world—and its ok to take a bath, have a beer and call it a day! (That was me last wednesday by the way!)

Judy - thanks, I can’t stay up late enough on the east coast to watch Jimmy.

Karen Lehmann - how did they remember all that? my three year old and i LOVED watching that!

Meredith - It’s your blog and you can talk about feelings any time you want. I’ve had days like that when the best part is going to bed and ending it. Hang in there!!

Lisa - I like it when you think out loud πŸ™‚

jennifer - That clip was awesome! And so are you. The fact that you’re honest about how you feel is what keeps you real and that is why I enjoy your blog so much. Maybe today you could cash in that raincheck for the martini lunch. πŸ™‚

regina - I think you are awesome!! LOVE how real you are! Wish we were neighbors:)

Amy - It’s awesome that you can get past the icky day. JT and Jimmy Fallon were greatness!

Christy - OMG!! totally rockin out to that JT clip, I luv it

Adrienne S - I like hearing that other families are just the same as ours! Sometimes I think I am the only one who has a crappy day like that.

Staci - I love you and your feeling Megan!!!! And I do hope you have a much smoother day today!!!! Love ya Bloggy Friend πŸ™‚

Kimberlee J. - I vote for feelings.
No surprise there.
Sorry about your yucky day.

kat - Oh, days like that are exhausting!!! Good thing today is a new day! Love that clip, it’s so hilarious!

Meredith - Tell Craig that you could always stop talking about your feelings on your blog and instead just talk exclusively to him….all the time….about everything….because men love that! Hope you had a good night’s sleep and wake up to a new, fresh, happy day. Meredy xo.

vanessa - It’s your blog, and you can cry if you want to πŸ™‚ Of course you can atlk about your feelings! And if it makes you feel any better, we have those days at our house too!

pam - Reminds me of “Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day”.

Julia - Chica-consider this free therapy. - I love that video, my husband showed it to me a few days ago and it made me laugh out loud. Our parent/teacher meetings are in French and I always leave more confused and than informed. Here’s to beer and wine. Cheers!

Melanie - Sorry that you had such a terrible day. Some days you do just want to go back to bed.
Here’s to a new day!

Heather R. - Why we read you…you have good and bad days, too…
The video made me smile. Thanks.

Grace - It’s disappointing when a day doesn’t go well.
But it’s doubly disappointing when you put a lot of effort into coordinating something, and it still doesn’t go well. Sorry that happened. It’s frustrating.
The only good thing about a bad day is that it comes to an end, and you can say, “Tommorow will definitely be better!”

Tyler - Thanks for keepin it real! The clip is great!! It made me smile!

Kat - One of those ARGH days!! We all have them.
I love that you talk about your feelings and that you are REAL!
It makes me feel better about all the feelings I need to get out.
I hope tomorrow is a better day.’
Go do something nice for yourself tomorrow.

tara - keep the feelings coming!

Ashley - Awwww Meg, I have had those days too. Hopefully tomorrow you will wake up to a BIG cup of coffee and a great day!! LOVE your blog… and your feelings!!

Lisa - Bummer about the burnt dinner, and the crazy evening. Dont you just hate those times when everything works against you and the stress is through the roof.
I say let the feelings flow girl, its your prerogative.

Tracy - Awww.. I hate those kind of days – they are the pits! I hope today is a much better day for you all. Big hugs, Meg! :o)

Erin - In a world where people are taught to hide their feelings and pretend like everything is always ok, I think your honesty is refreshing. Hope today is better for you.

Selina - What a horrible day! I hope tomorrow is better for you! I love hearing about your feelings. At least they are real.

michelle - you are SO AWESOME Megan! your realness is a treat in this superficial world. you make me ache for you but then you turn around and make me laugh my head off. all in the same post!
today will be better. it’s wednesday!

Susan - I am sending you the Biggest Hug and i know tomorrow will be better.Off to bed now…Night Night!

Jenni Carlisle - sorry for the sad day, love the feelings, and hilarious. love jimmy fallon!

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