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so let's just say that the craft day post is going to be another day because 
i may have been taking a hot bath.
and i may have had company in that bath…making it a romantic hot bath.
and it was nice.
i was relaxed.
there may have been candles….since it was romantic. 

and then suddenly from the dark side of my (locked) door i hear BANG BANG BANG!!!!

romance dead.

i wish i could say that was the first time romance has been interrupted with knocking on the door.
it's not.
it's more like the norm around here.

i get out of the hot romantic bath and get a robe and crack open my door.

you know what it's going to be don't you?

"Sorry mom…i couldn't make it to the bathroom."


and as if the floor wasn't enough….this child threw up on the entire pile of clean towels.

romance is not just dead…it's now buried.

like forever.

me: "oh man!!"
child: "i don't want to look."
me: "well i don't want to clean it up either!"  (just whining…not actually expecting the child to clean it..)
child" "where's dad?"    

me: deer in the headlights.

me: "he doesn't want to clean it up either!"
child: "but he's the dad!"

i like that thinking.

there is nothing romantic about cleaning up throw up in just your robe with mascara running down your face.

and no clean towels.


but i am not saying this actually happened….
just a hypothetical reason why i don't have a craft day post ready for you.

i may need to be doing even more laundry today.

She Loves LIfe - Oh that is so hilarious and so sad all in the same moment it could be a Seinfeld episode!

Lisa Currie-Gurney - Ohhhhhhhh I feel for you Meg!!! If I lived closer, I’d be over to help.
Hugs from Maine

Lauren - Meg, I really needed a laugh this morning. Thank you so much! I am impressed by a few things… that you even had a romantic moment (our kids are still babies, so we crash with them) and that you thought so quickly on your toes on how to answer the ‘where’s dad’ question. Very impressed. Sick kids and their cleanup are no fun…. Good luck!!

jennyonthespot - Oh sister. Oh friend… Oh dear mercy…

Kristin S - Keeing it real. 🙂

stephanie caldwell - oh my goodness!! my friend naomi sent me a link to your blog today. to the post ‘i want you to know’ about how your life is not “perfect”. i loved it.
But this post…this post is the reason I will start reading your blog. this is so honest and real. and funny.
i hope your little one is feeling better soon.

Katy - i love this! I so enjoy your honesty. You are such a great story teller too!! I want to have a family someday and this shows me I need to cherish the no kids stage while it lasts 🙂

Staci - Oh my!! This may be my most favorite post yet!!! Sorry about the vomit though 🙁

Elise - I love your humor about the situation. hypothetically, that is.

Beth - OMGosh, first a chuckle from me and then a Oh my I am sorry about the barf moment.
Great post but sorry the kid got sick…hope it was just a one time puke and she is feeling better.

Trish - oh dear.

deb meyers - blink blink.
you are SO funny. Hope reading your own story makes it all better : ) thanks for the early morning laugh!
deb meyers

the whyte house - just laughed entirely way too loud. thank you for that!! i always fear the “where’s dad?” question in those hypothetical instances. 🙂 lol.

Griswold Fun - So, so funny (and honest)! i read this out loud to my husband since i was laughing!

Bess - Been there, done that. Nothing imaginary, unfortunately! Very romantic moment…knock on the door. “What is it baby?… Response, “I just threw up”. Crack the door, sure enough. Scrambled eggs and chocolate milk dripping off of him and onto the floor not to mention almost everywhere else. You talk about mood altering. It took hours to clean up. Good for me…my kids throw up like a pro. No crying here.

Lisa - Cracking up over here, sorry, but you have to see the humor in it, right??

Ellie Arsenault - and ps….sorry your romance was ruined…nothing like vomit to spoil the mood. yuck.

Ellie Arsenault - Well…I hope you don’t think this is weird but I spent a little time every day for the last few weeks going through all your blog posts…And I’m SO sad that I finished them tonigh…because you’re just like me in 10 years!
Reading through the posts has reaffirmed my desire to have 4 kids, once I get married next year.
I was thrilled to see that some people really do love colours and rainbows as much as me!
Your photographs have me taking more photos of everyday life…and blogging about them too!
And those stuffed shells??? I made them last night, and ate almost 1/6 pan….in one sitting, on my own! to DIE for.
So I just wanted to say….hi 🙂 and thanks for blogging….I feel inspired again because of you!

Jamie - Great story…you sure know how to write!

Michelle - that is classic!!

Widge - oooh that sucks!!

Brooke - Whether this happened or not ;)you made me laugh out loud! Vomit = no fun!

heather - Oh my word! Crying I’m laughing so hard!

Megan - HILARIOUS!! So been there!

amy jupin - 1. i’m very jealous that you can find time for romance.
2. ohh, poor kid.
3. yucko.
4. that’s right, he’s the dad! vomit=dad job. i agree!
5. hahahahahahahaaaaa this is a funny story! so glad you posted it. - Real life is so NOT like the movies when it comes to romance, but I love this story, I’m sure we can all relate. That’s why we love you so much. Thanks for making me smile.

Tanya @ Life in 3D - I’ve really been pondering adding to our family lately…questioning …Do I want a third??…You may have just cured me. :oD

Cari - This is about as real as you can get. Such is life. Love it! (The realness, not the vomit or the interrupted romance.) 🙂

Courtney Walsh - bwwwhahahha. I am totally NOT laughing AT you…just NEAR you!!
romance has been killed more than once ’round these parts too!! But omgosh, that’s funny stuff.

Elizabeth@BlueClearSky - Hypothetically, tears are streaming from laughter here. Oh, the poor people! Thanks for making tonight’s chores not seem so bothersome.

Courtney McIlwain - Thanks so much for sharing. I really needed a laugh today. I can totally feel your pain. Kids, what are you going to do with them?

Lora - fun.
you made me laugh.

Grace - Thank you for being transparent and real. It makes us love you all the more. 🙂

shauna reed - This is a GREAT post. You are priceless.

linda - you are hilarious. that story was too much! loved the reaction to where is dad? sorry about the barf…and the towels…and the laundry…and the no action!
🙂 linda

Diana - I don’t know whether to plug my ears and say “too much info!” or gag thinking about the other…

Lisa - THANK YOU for sharing this! That happens in our house all the time! (interruptions not vomit) Hypothetically of course! 😉

Joyce - really hypothetically not giggling ( much)
oh my that sounds like our house!

Georgia - Hahaha that cracked me up…specially your ‘ deer in head lights’ blink blink … 😀

Tanya H - I may or may not be laughing myself sick becuase every. single. time we attempt any extra romance in the same building as our children, someone pukes. I’ve never felt clever about it the next day. 🙂 Thanks!

Sara - awesome story. only because it didn’t happen to me!

Kerri - And there you have it – REAL LIFE!!
Yours in shared laundry,
Kerri 🙂

kat - Totally laughing and gagging here. This momma does not do vomit very well, I gag my head off and tears stream down my face, it’s just awful. Ugh, sorry your romantic bath was interrupted. 🙁 And sorry your child is sick, that is even worse.

Ashley - Oh man! What a way to have to answer the bathroom door. I had to chuckle, though. I have been in similar hypothetical situations. They have built in radar, I tell you. We keep a small trash can near the bed for tissues amd just the occasion, all the time now. I hope everyone else stays well and little bit gets well fast.

Suzette - Oh, I feel for you!!! Hope today is better!

jaz - hahahahah baaaa ahahahahaha

Teri - In our house, dad cleans up the vomit. Or, I will be adding to it.
Although the romance was interrupted, at least there was romance. Sorry about the extra laundry. That is the worse thing ever.

Nicole Q. - Oh man — hope you can get a raincheck on that hypothetical hot bath! :))

alaina - LOL!!!!!!!!!!!! Totally made my day!!! Maybe tonight will be better! 😉

Shauna - In the voice of Oliver….”eeeeeeeewww”
Thats terrible! I hope you get that hypothetical romantic bath back!

Anna Marie - One of your best posts EVER! Hahahaha! Thanks for the (hypothetical) laugh. I needed it. I am home alone with that nasty stuff. Not only am I dealing with pregnancy puking I am also dealing with “flu” puking. Yuck!

krystall - love it…my day never seems quite so bad after I read your posts and laugh.
“where’s DAD” yeah right!!!!

Trina McNeilly - You deserve some retail therapy for that one…
so sorry for a couple of reason!

Lindsey Jo - nice.

Jennifer - You made me laugh and laugh and laugh. I am so sorry. Hope today is better. 🙂

michelle - hilarious!
craft day might have been a better choice!
love you and your stories!!

Kait - Parenthood is SO glamorous.

Brenda H - that really sucks! Hopefully you’ll get that hypothetical romantic bath back soon! Hope the little one feels better.

april - cutest.story.ever.

Jill - awww…been there done that…maybe.
Okay, last week.

Alicia - I am so sorry, we all have those moments but I sure appreciate the laugh this morning. I hope it doesn’t happen again anytime soon. I am also getting ready for next week’s start of Christmas break…I love the idea of crafting days…will follow your lead!
Happy Day!

Niki - OHHH my! That cracks me up! Ahhh, the joy of motherhood.

steph - ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
you are KILLING me!!!!
i love it! romance dies… it’s buried. awesome!
(well, not awesome that you got no romance, but an awesomely funny story)
we’ve had the pukies here the past few days and i can def sympathize.
good luck… and WASH YOUR HANDS LOTS!!!!
i’m the only one in the family that hasn’t gotten sick yet. i’m diligent with my hand washing!!

Sugar Mama - If this actually DID happen, then I’m sorry. But I have to admit I laughed… only because I’ve been there. Well, not in the romantic tub because we don’t have that kind of tub (bummer) but I’ve had a kid vomit in the middle of romance (blushing).
Hope today is a better day!

amber - atleast you got in a little romantic time…..better than nothing:)

Jamie - Now. That’s. Just. Plain. Funny. !!!

Nichole - HahaHAAAAaaaaaa! I never post, but I needed to tell you that despite the ruined romance of your hypothetical situation, you have an uncanny way of making it the FUNNIEST THING I’VE READ IN AWHILE!!! I mean, a big hold-my-belly laugh! That aside, here’s wishing more uninterrupted romantic hypothetical situations come your way… with more clean towels on hand… just in case. 😉

Sandy - Sorry to hear about the hypothetical situation. Thanks for the chuckles though.
I hope Child feels better soon!

Shivaun - “blink blink”… SO funny!!! Thanks for the laugh!!!!

Carla - Oh I sooooooo hear ya. My youngest is nine months old, we only have two, and yet they have killed the romance stone dead in this house and dance on its grave every night. And they also killed Romance’s friend called “Time for mommy to shower or brush her hair or do ANYTHING”. How you managed to get five of them, I have no idea lol. Bath sounds lovely though, we have a tiny bath, its just not worth it. This post just cheered me right up 🙂

jennifer - “But he’s the Dad!”
LOVE that!!!

Sarah - I’m so sorry in your moment of disgusting disappointment I am finding myself laughing. Bummer about the vomit and double bummer about the interrupted bath.

tasha roe - oh man! that bites.
Look at the upside to the vomit – it could have been in the carpet. you can’t throw that in the wash. ewwww.
in my house I am “The Wolf” when it comes to bodily fluids. it sucks. good luck with the vomit.

alamama - good thing it was all hypothetical…;). i feel for you.

deborah@applesinwonderland - now i know why they put those couples in the bathtubs for the cialis commercials. i’ve never come across the one with the vomit, though. vomit isn’t sexy….even with candles. aw….poor hypothetical you:( - I love this post!! So funny…where’s dad?? This is great! Hope they are feeling better!!

Kathryn - whether this is hypothetical or not . . .
my son says the flu is going around the campus in your town.
He woke up yesterday to the sounds of someone ‘having the flu’ in the bathroom and left IMMEDIATELY to study in the library.
No shower, no brushed teeth – just got OUT of there.
(I would have been right behind him!)

sara @ it's good to be queen - throw up ruins everything!! aaah!! so not fun for the mama. so much work.
and also, you are a good wife. 🙂

Carol S - Well, I guess that’s one good thing about my kids growing up…a lot less vomit around here! Hardly any (knocked on wood floor right now). But oldest has bad sore throat and MAJOR test week as junior in high school this week…DR yesterday, no strep, come back next week if still feeling bad and check for mono…oh joy! Partner baths NOWHERE on my to do list. Go Meg!

Jeni - oh NO!! i was getting so excited for you!! vomit is awful. i think i would just throw away anything and everything that the vomit touched. well, maybe not the kid. i hope and pray the vomit bug doesn’t family member jump!

Talia - Oh, you poor thing! As if the interruption wasn’t bad enough, but to clean up after a sick child? Ugh…
Hope the little one is feeling better soon.

Tonya - Oh no!!! I believe you just won for worst interruption…EVER!!! Hope your kiddo feels better and it doesn’t make it ways through your home!

Jill - oh. my. goodness. that sounds horrible! thank goodness we can all laugh about it today with you! 🙂 i’m sure anything that happens to me with my kids today won’t trump your evening. i hope your kid is feeling better today and that no one else gets sick!

Penny - I pray for you that the ick doesn’t work it’s way through your household! Sorry you had the interruption. I love how the child asked, “where’s dad.” LOL You have a very good attitude lady!

Tess S - life as a mother… it’s grand.

jodi @ back40life - oh girl – I was so loving the reason for the interruption in scheduled blog posts until vomit entered the scene…hope it won’t spread and that it’s over soon! thinking of you today!

Laura Lee - oh I needed that laugh!!! thanks!!! 🙂

Sarah - No pictures? hahaha

Elissa - thank you for sharing this… i’ve been cleaning up vomit this week too… 🙂

Janelle - Isn’t it strange how the stories that are SO NOT FUNNY when they happen end up being very funny when you tell them later 😉

Kimberlee J. - Too bad your kids are too old to throw them in the bath with dad. 🙁
I am so sorry.
No fun.
Boo. Flu.

Lisa - ummm EWWWW!

Kat - I love the way you can see the humour in even the “ugh” moments.
Such is life with kids eh?
I hope you get that romantic bath with clean towels soon!!
Ps I hope the crafts does not in any way involve vomit or towels 😉
Pps I am so impressed that you can even find time to be romantic with 5 kids! I am struggling with 4!

Gemma - Oh no!! Sounds like something from a film!! Really looking forward to your crafts : )
Gemma x

joana - But in the end we laugh!! I know I did! I just love the way you make it so real!
Have a nice day!!!

betsy - Ha! Thanks for the laugh.
No, I’m not laughing AT you … I’m laughing WITH you.
What’s that? You’re not laughing?
Well then, I’m sorry that your fabulous evening was interrupted. That’s no fun! You deserve evenings like that! Make sure to reschedule it in the very near future 🙂

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Oh my goodness. Poor thing. (teeny tiny little giggle).
Praying for you and sweet sick kiddo, hypothetically of course.

Jenni Carlisle - Bummer. Praying for your hypothetically sick kiddo..yeah know just in case he or she is actually sick.

chasity - oh….so sad.
when you are ready to try again~
i have a wonderful and EASY recipe for
lavender bath salts and vanilla sugar scrub.
{{maybe sometime when the kids are off to school}}

Ali Richardson - OH NO! That’s NO fun at all! Actually, I have a barf-phobia so this post makes my heart race. Sorry your bath was interupted by the ultimate ICK. I guess with 5 kids it’s not so rare, huh?

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