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hockey and donuts.

*edited…i forgot the pics of me and lauren!  they HAD to be on this post….i was sleepy when i was writing this the first time.  

we got tickets for a Wichita Thunder Hockey game.
i told my kids we were going to a game for family night.
it took over ten guesses to land on hockey. (basketball? football? baseball? ice skating?)
none of them had been to one before…and i have only seen one.



honestly….they loved it!
talby asked if we could come to them every week.
there was fighting and penalties….cheering and music….all good stuff.



sean got a frisbee that was thrown into the crowd.




all of my kids are happy just about anywhere if there is dr. pepper involved.
except talby….she's a pepsi girl.

this photo required a bribe….can't recall what it was.
he's getting too cool for pics with mom.  

on our way out to the car lauren and craig enjoyed the free massage station.
it was "Ladies Night" at the hockey game so the halls were filled with tables of businesses giving stuff away.


then the kids and craig slid down the railing….and only one kid fell.
(and that kid deleted that photo off my camera while i was using the restroom at KK.)

we drove through neighborhoods and looked at the lights on houses taking the long way to Krispy Kreme.

IMG_5588 IMG_5578

family night is always better with late night donuts.
we hadn't been here for a long time.









i am exaggerating…but that is me doing the teenage wink that i seem to see everywhere on the facebook and the googles and the intra-nets.


this really was a good night.
you know i tell you when it isn't.  
and this was.

oh….i am so dang hungry for a donut right now…..not cool. 

IF you are interested in winning a $100 MasterCard you can click over to my other blog.
i am talking about a new site that has great deals.

BUT….IF you are feeling like a cranky pants and don't want a mastercard….DON'T GO.
it's totally fine with me if you don't like my ad posts.
don't read them.

it.  is.  OK.

but no MasterCard for you.

kristine - glad you had such a great family night. i love hockey too. such a fun sport to watch. natalie is only three and asked for ice skates when the game was over. sweet! 🙂

elisa - Merry Christmas!!

Rach - I have GOT to get to Krispy Kreme!!! NOW!!

Mary - Who loves her daddy?
That look is priceless.

Trish - If you ever head North of the border you need to try Tim Hortons. 🙂 Mmmmm…
Have a very Blessed Christmas!!

Laura - Did you get your coat at Von Maur? I think I tried it on in black. I wanted it, but already have a perfectly good black coat and couldn’t rationalize it, just for the cute ruffles. Have a Merry Christmas out in my home state of Kansas! Oh and I am making your Rainbow Cake in Christmas colors for Christmas eve at my house…off to frost it now!

kathy b - would you believe…Krispy Kreme went out of business here in the California state capitol where I live!
Merry Christmas and may God richly bless you and your family.
Kathy b

Julianne Brimner - We love Krispy Kremes except they are no longer carrying their cheesecake doughnut which is my fave. Meg, could you please do something about that for me…ha, ha. Glad you all had such a grand family time.

corie - Meg, thank you so much for being part of my morning coffee, when everyone in the house is still asleep. When it’s just me and I can start my day off as mama and wife with the best intentions, before all the hard parts of parenting kick in. I savor peeking at your blog each morning, for over a year now.The craft ideas, the photo ideas, donating to Africa, honesty about the work it takes when you fiercely love your family. All of these inspirations from you have made it into my home. XOXO, thank you and merry Christmas!

Jenn A. - “crankypants” haha!
Love the family pics and that seems like such a fun family night adventure!!! Thanks for keeping it real.

linda@limein the coconut - I THOUGHT I recognized that wink!
Merry Christmas to you and your brood…and I mean brood in the very nicest of ways…

Carrie - Loved this post! Made me happy! I love your family night posts and I adore seeing the happy teenager pictures.
Are people seriously still giving you a hard time about the ads. I don’t want to sound rude, but people can simply stop coming if it bothers them that much. It’s rude to continue to come by and just complain. Come on people!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Oh girl you are so goofy. Love your wink. That night right there would be BIG in our house. Nothing we love more than donuts and HOCKEY! Matter of fact we are going for donuts in our jammies in the morning and I got hockey tickets for my honey for Christmas…all is well:) Merry Christmas Miss Meg.

Lisa - Looks like a perfect night! What fun.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - I am totally craving the Krispy Kreme. You are precious.

Heather R. - LOL with the teenage wink. The pics of you and Lauren are great. You crack me up!

Margo - Looks like you had a great time! I haven’t been to a Thunder game in a couple years now – makes me want to go!

Melanie - Looks like a fun night and who doesn’t like a donut to top it off.

Tanya @ Life in 3D - Being from the land of snow and hockey…that would probably be the FIRST guess anyone around here would have if you mentioned going to see a! { games are so expensive here it’s a rare occasion to ever get to one!…supply and demand I guess}
GOOD family nights are awesome 🙂

Julie - My kids would love a night like that! Fun family time!

Maria - It has been sooo long since we’ve had KK…might need to break down stop and get some soon…
Looks like a fun night at the hockey game!

shelley - We love hockey !! Definitely a hockey family. My oldest has played on a travel ice hockey team since he was 11 and my hubby is from the of course he played from age birth through highschool. Pro hockey events are a blast too ! I love the Krispy Kreme pictures. We had one here but it didnt last long..Californians are just too health conscience i guess.

Whitney Benson - I would buy a gym membership. Can you say SHAMU?? 🙂

Kori - Gotta love hockey!! Thanks to my son, it’s my life. Have great Christmas…

Kat - I love that you guys have special family time.
Looks like such fun and what a beautiful family.
You are very blessed Meg!
Hope your Christmas is wonderful together.

Kate - We used to go to those hockey games when we were at Bethel – they were always a good time! (Love Sean’s Bethel sweatshirt!) 🙂

Julie - Aww, our KK closed a few years ago. They are finally doing something with the building though… Panera!! But this post made me miss the warm KK donuts we used to eat on weekends (or when I was pregnant!)
Family night looks fun. Family night out is still too stressful for us, so it usually involves pizza, movies, and games at home.

lala - I wish there was a Krispy Kreme around here! Fresh donuts, YUM. My mouth is watering. Gas station KK’s are stale and gross – always a disappointment!

se7en - Your kids are totally cool… Just sweet, sweet, sweet!!! Thanks for sharing your life and times!!!

Holly - ok what an awesome night! It is great when you get to have a family night that all of the kids love…especially the teenagers!

sara @ it's good to be queen - that pic of all your kids in the KK booth is so sweet. what a great moment you captured. 🙂

Tanya H - Hee hee, love ya. Our family is going to a college basketball game tonight. Our first ever… should be an adventure! 🙂

Sugar Mama - You crack me up! Love your sense of humor!!!!

Hoosier at Heart - I just love that pic of you in the hat. What were you thinking when that was taken? Your expression cracks me up. Looks like a great time was had by all!

tasha roe - you have the best lips ever!
just sayin’.

Rachel - I live in Canada so hockey is a way of life. I’m so glad your family enjoyed the game! It’s awesome fun…eh?
I could do without the doughnuts, though. I’ve managed to convince myself that they will always disappoint me…wish I could do the same with chocolate.
Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Jill - What fun! Hey…. just wanted to tell you that I tried one of your craft ideas in my classroom. So fabulous! Thank you for the idea. I have them on my blog… showing off what my students made! Merry Christmas.

Carla - All those smiles, fantastic 🙂
I have a mastercard already, what I’d like is someone to pay the bills for me. And a Krispy Kreme Donut nearby.

Kristin Joy - i am glad someone is paying you for this site 🙂 i would if i could, girl. i have loved it now for two years and i appreciate every second you spend on it, & i’d troll through way more ads than that just to read. love it. merry christmas.

Debra - Gotta love hockey! I’m Canadian,eh!

Jodi - Love it when family nights go great. I don’t know how you do it w/ 5 kids though. Just my one can get a bit cranky if sharing the spotlight w/ her cousin. :o)

Jaime A. - lol… the second part of your post is funny!
ur the best, meg.
truly you are! 😉
Oooh, love Krispy Kreme.

Kerri - My husband used to play in that league against the Thunder. Fun times!! 🙂

AshleyAnn - Can I tell you how much I love the very end of this post (the part about your new site)?! I love it. You make me smile.

amy jupin - family time can be great!!
(sometimes it can be down right scary though too) haha
and free massages…JACKPOT!

Angie M - Love, Love hockey games with the family!

Tracie - We just moved to a town with a Krispy Kreme and we LOVE it! I have so many childhood memories of the warm donuts sign being on and eating them fresh. YUM!

Phoenix_Rising - I am from the home of Krispy Kremes 🙂

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