Masthead header

today you can find me……

at target in real life.
with a warm coffee in one hand and clearance items in my cart.

and then a fabric store after that.


but in blogland….

i am talking about game night and Sara Lee over here today. 


Leah - I loved your new header! You are so creative. I wish I had the patience to sew!

April - off topic but just had to say thanks for the “happy things” list – I love browsing it 🙂

Kim Thomas - signing in from Canada. Windsor Ontario that is. I just love shopping in Target in Detroit…I work there so I too enjoy shopping the perimeter for clearance deals. I was so excited to hear that Target is finally coming to Canada. They bought out some leases on a department store here called Zellers and will convert some to Target stores in 2013-2014. YESSSS!

Kristen@JLS - Sounds like a great day. Please share with us what what beautiful fabric you picked out! xoxo,

Mrs.B - I need to go to Target today myself, but I’ll just stay home & clean…

Angie - Lucky you have a target close by. I have to drive an hour away to go to one. I love that store!
I just want to say tht I like reading your blog. You give me inspiration and I love your home and projects you do. I read your blog evey day.

Jenn - Mmmmm, Target clearance… my favorite! Hope you found some A.MAZ.ING deals!

Lorilee - I spent a couple of hours in Hobby Lobby this evening after school! I only needed a styrofoam wreath form, but I HAD to check out all the sale aisles. I found my Bunco prizes for March-50% off.

julia - Simpletruths - I love Target. Enjoy.

Tracy Fisher - I love “family” night (Fridays since my husband works Saturdays). We actually play Jeopardy on TV and various Wii games.. and occasionally Yatzee. But our favorite game is called HEADBANDZ. We played it in CA over Thanksgiving, with 4 families, all ages and had the BEST time! I need to find it online since Target and Toys R Us were sold out when I asked. You have to look for it. It’s like Apples To Apples, but you wear your word on your head (on a headband) and you have to guess your own word as others laugh at you.. and it is timed. Great time. Many laughs. And I’ll bet Sara Lee poundcake dipped in chocolate fondu would go perfect with it! Tracy (

Amy - sorry to go off topic but I think you might want to know that when I logged on today under the Blogher logo was a few links for “meeting russian women” advertisements. Just a little weird.

Beth - wish i lived in the same town as target
i just bought me some fabric today to maybe play around and make something
seen lots of blogs with easy things to creat so i plan on doing it this year…wish me luck

Kerri - Love the new header!! 🙂 Now I feel compelled to head to Target (pronounced “tar zhey”)

gina f. - Sounds like you are headed to my happy places. Have fun and i hope you score some great bargains!

Tara - Target clearance ROCKS. I stocked up on toys like you would not believe. I don’t think I will have to shop for a birthday party present for the year! Enjoy the quiet time.. I went w/ my 2yo twins in tow. Far from quiet.

Kori - I heart Target and a coffee! Have fun..

Jessica @Zocal Creative - Oooh! I love Target clearance! My husband however, loathes it.

Amanda - Isn’t Target the best?! enjoy your day

sarah - That’s where I was yesterday 🙂 Enjoy it!

Cari - In my book a Target trip is not complete without a popcorn combo. And I usually leave a little trail all around the store. Ha! Enjoy your day! 🙂

deborah@applesinwonderland - maybe i’ll see you there. 😉 love the target end-caps.

Janene - My kind of lovely: )Enjoy!

Holly - Today you willl find me with my teenager going shopping. We will also be going to a fabric store during that time. I dont know if she knows that or not!

happygirl - Love your new banner. I remember when I sewed my son’s clothes and baked bread. Now I work for the man to make sure my son has health insurance until he’s 26. Don’t we do it all for our kids?

Tess S - i can’t believe we haven’t run into eachother in the clearance section at target. ah… maybe it’s because we’re in target stores states away. i have to say it takes some serious restraint to be able to wait out a much loved item for the clearance section.

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