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is it bad that….

i saw glitter in my coffee this morning and i drank it anyway?


that i ran to the grocery store for a Red Box movie for a sick kiddo at my house and left the grocery store with no movie….and 3 cans of hot cocoa, two boxes of dark chocolate cookie mix and box of little debbie brownies?  
is that bad??

that i think about the characters from Mad Men all day long?  i hear don draper everywhere!


that while i was on a vacuum rampage and pulled my bed out from the wall, i realized it had never been moved or cleaned behind….since craig bought it for me….five years ago????


that i saw this photo of angelina and it said she was 35 years old…just like me and i said a swear word out loud???


how can we be the same age?  I thought she was way older than me!  
so that means…
1. i look way WAY older than i thought.
2. it is possible to look like that at 35….if effort was put in place.


(that was not the word i used…..)


steph - oh my gosh… NO, NO, NOOOOO! angelina is not hot. she is WAY too skinny. blech! no curves… just bones, bones, bones. and the thing that makes her the most unattractive? her horrible scowl on her face at all times. i swear she has no teeth b/c she never ever smiles. not lovely… not ever. she is not real. i think she’s an alien. honestly. ha ha ha!
you are BEAUTIFUL and real and honest and lovely… inside and definitely out. cheer up, my friend! you know WE all love you more than brangelina! 😉 xo

Sara - Thank you for this fantastically funny and refreshing boost to my utterly uninspired day! 🙂 You are fun, fun, fun.

julia - Simpletruths - Ok – first I’ve got to say that Angelina may be thin, but no one should aspire to that level of skinny. More than once during The Tourist my husband mumbled “I need that woman to eat a pork chop and an ice cream sundae…”
Plus when they’re not all glitzed and glamored up most of those folks look pretty regular.
My 2 year old son likes to stand on our bed and check to see if his play fork is still on the floor. He dropped it behind the headboard about a year ago….

Jenny Joy - Meg, I lurve you. 🙂

sandy toe - OKay…love the glitter in the coffee…I probaly would of drank it too! Whats a little glitter-
sandy toe

Sarah - Hey Meg! I don’t think I’ve commented before, but I couldn’t resist the Angelina comment. I *think* I remember reading somewhere that between the two of them for one of the Salt premieres, she and Brad Pitt spent (or the studio spent) around $200,000 to make them look like that. For one night.
So, it’s not real:) Love your blog.

Holly - Hi Meg!
Loooove your blog. I think you are an amazing mama.
Ask yourself this: Do you think Saint Angelina runs out to Red Box for one of her sick kiddos? Nope. And it is highly doubtful the team of nannies are running to Red Box, as well.
So there.
Meg: One
Angie: ZIP…Zero…Nada
Bring it, Angie!

karen - yah sure..AJ is a stunner…and looks great…but most of us would be like that if we had millions.. no wait..billions!
And her legs to ME…are too boney and skinney. And that’s coming from a fairly skinney gal.
Oh and you look like your just stairing your 30’s…with a husband, 5 kids and a dog to top it off!!

Jill - She is WAY too skinny! Seriously!

Darcie L. - Angelina probably also has the $$ for a personal trainer and/or a nanny to watch the kids while she works out. And she gets paid millions to look like that for movies, so cut yourself some slack. (I do!) If you got paid a salary to have nice legs, maybe you’d look like her! I think you’re cute just like that.

Mrs. Edberg - You are right on target with where I envision myself some years from now with (hopefully) kids in the picture. There’s nothing you can do about it, and I think you look better then jolie – with all the help she no doubt gets, you think someone could get her to put some meat on those bones!

karen - If I lived in the Waldorf Astoria for 100K a month, I could look like that too….
Right…tell me I am right…….BTW I love Little Debbies shaped like hearts!!!!

nic - ha, this post made my morning! or my afternoon. (ohmy, where did the day go…i’d best get my rear in gear.)
ps i’m pretty sure angelina is a cyborg. no worries there.

Paula Montalvo - Angelina has an eating disorder!! She would never eat Little Debbies. She has a staff of people who train her, raise her kids, do her makeup, buy her clothing, and clean her house! You are a wonderful wife and Mother! Super Cute to Boot! You are a REAL person……….and thank heaven for that! Could you imagine all the pressure that woman feels??? We all pressure ourselves enough……..imagine if photographers were following you everywhere??? THE HORROR! Your colorful home is full of love and creativity! Glittery coffee is the BEST! Blessings Paula <3

simply stork - mmmmmm glittery coffee… my favorite :o)

angie - Right there with you on all of it!
The Jolie has a personal trainer, personal chef, and it is her career to be skinny!
You are just as beautiful as she is, you just don’t realize it!

Stacy Kearney - I love that you drank glitter.

Elizabeth C. - I think glitter may actually have a little nutritional benefit…

tasha roe - you are hysterical.
soo….you need to come visit stl because john hamm is a native and does a bunch of blues hockey commercials on the radio. it’s delish!!! i gasped when i heard the first one and hubby thought he was going to hit something. lol

Laura - You look awesome. Seriously. I’m not just saying that to make you feel better. If I didn’t mean it I just wouldn’t say anything at all. ;o)
Hope the sick kiddo gets to feeling better!

joana - I just see a skinny girl with lots of money to keep up with the look! The pressure must be horrible!
I prefer the real world! love the way you just say it out loud!

Lisa - No judgement here! Especially when chocolate is involved! 35…. Really ?

Kristen@JLS - i think i need to start watching this mad men series. angelina needs a big mac. with fries. super-sized.

Rachel Giles - I think those are disgusting legs, WAY too skinny!!

Tara @ Tara Being Tara - Haha you just made me laugh out loud. Forget Angelina!! I think she’s an alien.

Allison Trammell - if we all had as much money and people fussing over us like angelina does, we would look like that too!! 🙂

Iris Brown - I read quite a few blogs and what’s refreshing on your blog is that NONE of your post (which you amazingly do almost everyday) seem forced. 🙂 However, you probably have a barrels of “material” to post from your 5 kids & dog. Your so funny and real and encouraging, and quite clever in capturing the mundane everyday, yet its poetic when you do it and reminds me to relish my moments with my kids.
I have a couple questions forgive me if you answered this in a previous post:
Are you talkative amongst your girlfriends?
Do praise from readers (like me) get old or redundant?
Just wondering. Have a good evening!

mary beth - Glitter = fiber! That AJ does not look normal in any way. I think the surgeons took her leg tissue and put it on her lips and it does not look normal. There. I got that off my chest! I’m 58 and I hate it when my husband sees someone on tv and they say her age is 59 or 60 and he hollers, “she is how old?” and looks over at me… It’s a joy ride for sure! chocolate = breakfast of champions is what I say!

ain't for city gals - It’s ALL good…lol..whatever is my favorite word!

Tracie - I would also look that good if I had someone to take care of my children and cook for me! I’m 35 too and I don’t look like that either.

Nicole Q. - Love the header pic.
You made me laugh with this post! :))

merlin - You couldn’t pay me to be her or have her legs/body. I’ll take my cankles and life’s problems any day over her’s.
Now, I might consider walking in your shoes for a day….but what would I choose to do: a long soak in your fabulous tub?, game night?, being crafty? taking great photos? Yep, in a heart beat, even to do the laundry….your life seems worth living.
But truly, I am so grateful for my own, lumps and all.

Camille - So, if I am 29 and don’t look a thing like that… it’s worse. Much worse. Ugh.
Oh well, happy healthy kids and no nanny or nutritionist on staff makes for a slightly different shape!

Kristin S - I’m not buttering you up. YOU look much younger than 35 and she looks much older.
For real.

Lisa - Hmmm… I’m thinking Angelina needs to eat a few of those Little Debbies brownies.

Leigh - Angelina has housekeepers, nannies, assistants, trainers, and probably many more other people that allow her to look that good. If we all had that kind of money and help, we’d be causing other people to swear:)

midwestmom - Sorry, just have to say that Angelina Jolie does not look hot in that picture, or ever! She looks starved!! JMO!

Lisa - Love this post! We moved once and I realized I had never vacuumed under our bed… for 5 yrs too! And her legs… too skinny for me! Celebrities are not normal people… I’m sorry but they aren’t! But they can make me feel bad about myself sometimes. Ok, gotta go eat some more rice krispe treats! 😉

Cathy - Uh… who cares about Angelina? She’s not real…..she’s the product of plastic surgeons, extreme pampering, make-up artists, and hairdressers. You look exactly your age, and better yet….you are REAL! Besides….your a better mama than her. You can bet she ain’t having craft days or game nights with her kids- the nannies are. Love you, Meg…. embrace who you are.
P.S. Her legs look like toohpicks. She’s a plucked chicken…. so there!

Michele Renee - Wait — has no one yet mentioned AJ’s plastic surgery? And the Botox? And yes, I agree her legs are like sticks. And she has at least one nanny for every kid.
P.S. I wish I were 35.

Heather - If it helps, I was born the same year as Kate Middleton, Anne Hathaway, and Jessica Biel. They don’t have kids yet and neither do I, but I still look nothing like them! I sincerely doubt my SKELETON is even a size 0. 🙂
Seriously though- I’m sure being physically beautiful in a mainstream way is great, but I am finally becoming comfortable in my own skin. I’m still working to be in better shape, but mostly because it makes me feel good, and is good for me. I will be watching the Golden Globes tonight and admiring the pretty gowns, but in reality, I’m soooo glad I don’t have a job that requires me to constantly make public appearances looking flawless. And to have to employ a staff of people to make that happen! That would get old FAST.

the domestic fringe - Ha! If it makes you feel any better, I just thought a bad word after seeing that picture. I too am 35.
Let’s change the subject…your grocery store items sound delightful!

Rebekah - Jon Hamm IS everywhere! He and John Slattery do the voice-overs for every single commercial on television.

Sonia - Silly girl! Wouldn’t it be so easy if we all had someone to cook healthy meals for us, someone to show us all the right workout moves for 3 hours a day and someone at home watching our children while we worked out? Don’t forget photoshop. Besides, Angelina is too skinny. Speaking of skinny, just read an article about the ANTM winner that her waist is 18″!!!! What? That is like my thigh!!

lindsey - you’re awesome

Cari - Not bad at all. Just human. And that’s what keeps your faithful blog readers coming back for more!
(Btw…I went to Target last night and my family was with me. There were clearance items on every row, but I had two nine year olds and one husband stuck to me like velcro. Not enjoyable in the least. And no popcorn combo either. I will be going back to Target on Tuesday — ALONE!!!) 🙂

Rachel @ Pencil Shavings - Well, Angelina looks that way because she is a MANEATER!
I cannot believe she is only 5 years older than me. I would have thought she’s in her 40s. She has GOT to be fudging somewhere.

The Fairy's Apprentice - you look so great, you don’t have to worry about that!
the glitter in the cup of coffee made me laugh, I do exactly the same! and I cannot say that about me 5 years ago, what’s wrong with us??? 🙂

Michelle - love the sparkles in your coffee cup.

Kerri - If it is bad…then I’m right there with ya!

kristine - you’re way hotter than angelina. and i’m being serious. you LOOK like you love life and she looks miserable. and fake. and she looks old because she’s so skinny. am i being mean? she might get to travel all over and be skinny BUT you’re nice to your fans 🙂

Gemma - Hi Meg!!
Heehee….you probably just needed a chocolate fix.
These celebrities get so much help to achieve their ‘look’…Remember she probably hasn’t pushed 5 kids out of her vagina! HA!
Gemma x

Melanie - You don’t have 10 nannies to care for your kids and you don’t have make up artist to fix you up…..don’t you worry about her, girlfriend.
You look great just the way you are:)

Krista - this is one of my favorite blog posts from anyone that i’ve read in awhile…it made me smile and laugh out loud. thanks 🙂
enjoy your chocolate—yum!

Michele - Not bad at all! Love your random post. I’m getting off the computer now because I promised my 4-yr-old computer time…is that bad? Maybe so 🙂

Wendi - My thought about Angelina is that she spends waaaaayyyyy more time on looking good and someone else is raising her kids. I mean, there are only 24 hours in a day, and looking that good takes time for any thirty something woman. Your kids are blessed AND you are beautiful!

Sara - awesome post. i am so glad to hear that there are others out there with the Don Draper obsession. i could think about him 24/7. i also love the fact that you point out the same thoughts and insecurities we all have. Angelina makes me feel super special too.

Heather - I used to work with a guy who went to college with Brad Pitt. He HATED Brad because he “stole” the co-worker’s girlfriend while they were at the University of Missouri, long before Brad was famous. I wanted to tell him, “Boo-freakin’-hoo! So you lost your girlfriend to Brad Pitt? Who can blame her?”

Megan - If it makes you feel better, I don’t even want to know what is behind / under my bed. And Angelina may have great legs, but her arm veins sick me out. Hope that makes you feel better.

Lisa Currie-Gurney - MEG, YOU CRACK ME UP!!!

Micah - Maybe that is a WAX statue of Angelina! lol
Genes… i think it just comes down to genes.
That’s my thought and I’m stickin’ to it! LOL

Staci - None of it bad at all 🙂 Annnnd, we’d allll look like that if we had people making us salads on a whim…whenever we wanted…and healthy food….at our beckoned call 🙂 But yea….dannng, those legs 😀 We won’t eeeeven talk about, k? Cause I am coming up on 39!!!!! YIKES!!

Juli - How bad is it that I was so pathetically skinny in high school (not so much anymore!) that I look at Angelina’s legs and am repulsed & think “skinny little chicken legs”?

Janelle - I turn 32 next month…does that mean I have 3 more years to look that good? That’s how it works, right?

Beth Ann - You know – if you drink glitter it has to come out, that is something to look forward to?!?! Perhaps?!? Perhaps not?
Enjoy your chocolate! I am going to make these today – Better than crack brownies, not that I am able to compare the 2, but I would imagine that they are good.

Lorie - You crack me up lady! How do you stay sane during the day?

Amy - No offense to you Meg but I think Angelina and Brad both look like skanks. No amount of money can hide that. I always tell my husband they look like they escaped a trailer park. lol.
You on the other have beauty inside and out. You have beautiful eyes and a womanly, real body (that obviously your husband finds attractive 😉 ). You are beautiful. You are fearfully and wonderfully made.
Too funny about the bed. I move furniture all the time. But I know I’m weird in that way.

Routhie - Just before I read this, I moved my kitchen island, bought about 3 years ago, and realized 2 things. 1: I had never cleaned under it, and 2: not only has the long-haired cat been hanging out under there, she has also shredded a cardboard box.
Don’t look at photos and compare yourself to celebrities. Angelina Jolie lacks in every way you count. She will not have all the wonderful memories of her children that you will have when your own are grown.

Jacqui - too funny. thanks for making me laugh out loud this morning!! and wow 35, she makes me old!!

Nichole - I would agree with you, those fixed up photos of Jolie make her look great. I bet she looks a little ragged in photos that aren’t edited to make her look better, though. 🙂

RLG - Meg, you are MUCH more attractive than Angelina Jolie.
She is just GROSS. Really. very. gross.

Shelly DeBoer - Laugh out loud funny… you made my Sunday morning!

Tasha - may i just say…all i see when i see angelina is skinny…and that doesn’t make anyone beautiful. just sayin’

Lindsey@ Piecefully Home - i’ve found glitter in my coffee and i’ve drank it anyways, it’s true.
and i’m not even going to think of angelina…i tell myself if i had a tons of money to pay for nannies to watch the kids while i train, and if i could pay a trainer, and had millions of people hoping to catch cellulite on my legs, then i’d have legs like that to. 🙂

Carol S. - Just wait. It was probably around your age I started to be aware of tv moms, advertisement moms, and thinking they were casting way too young. I’m 48 now and feel 35 inside. I probably look about 47ish. I keep thinking of all the things I CAN’T control in life, the one thing I CAN control is my temple (my body)…yet I somehow choose to be curvy and 15-20 lbs. away from hot body. It is a choice somehow. Sitting here instead of treadmilling. Loved this post, fun to dream on about Don Draper.

Lorilee - I haven’t vacuumed in 2 weeks. My excuse is that my SEBO canister vacuum is in desperate need of new filters and a bag. I am waiting for them to arrive from Germany I think! They don’t keep the filter packs in stock here. It makes a great excuse. I have been swiffering though.

Katie - good genes and airbrushing…tons of money, personal trainer, the pressure of having to look nice to make money and stay popular…this is what I attribute the looks to. I would rather have the freedom to eat chocolate!

Janelle - Hee hee. Thanks for the Sunday morning chuckle 🙂

sarah - Glitter in coffee…..that will make your insides all shiny and new! The gift that keeps giving:)

Tara - this post has started my sunday morning off….just right.
the post and this extra large mug of coffee. (with no glitter)
none of those things are bad…that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
and, about angelina. hummmmmmmmmm. i would have said a bad word, too.

jeannett - honestly, i think she’s way too skinny. look at her knock knees. like a little kid. with baby oil slathered on. except i bet it’s some $800 per ounce oil that she bought in dubai or something. but in general…yeah. i’m 30 and i don’t look a thing like i should. but here’s what i always say (and i’m actually being serious): if i had a personal chef and a personal trainer and someone who tailored all of my clothes specifically to my body, i’d look pretty fabulous too. we all would. and angelina…without those things would still be beautiful, but doubtful she would look like THAT.
brad on the other hand…oh. my. my heart stops sometimes. if i were married to him, we’d never leave the house. true story.
is that bad?

Ruth - she’s creepy. you’re not. rest easy!

Shayne - She may be 35, but it’s quite clear that she never gets to eat brownies or hot cocoa or anything in the chocolate family. I may cease to exist without chocolate.
Enjoy Sunday with your family. 🙂

happygirl - Meg…So funny. I can’t get past all AJ’s tattoos, so she does not threaten me. Oh yeah, and I’m WAAAAY older than you both. And you know she’s been hungry for all 35 of her years. As far as drinking glittery coffee, BRING IT. Thanks so much for sharing and encouraging me in this wonderful adventure at a time of my life when I was beginning to feel useless. There is so much encouragement out here in blogland. I know there is always the opportunity for the negative, but there does seem to be SO much positive encouragement. I LOVE IT. *oh yeah, I want to be Joan on Mad Men*

angela - Going to vacuum under/behind my bed. Wish me luck…it’s been lots of years.

Michelle from Australia - I decided long ago that Angelina is not human. I’m sure she belongs to some kind of super skinny alien like form that are put on earth to torture all exercise hating, chocolate loving Mothers. Me included. p.s. Hope the sick kiddo is on the improve!

Trisha - Oh my. Chocolate has been on the top of my list lately. I decided to try the sugar fast you did last year. Because I can. Because I am addicted. Anyways I caved in on day 3 I am an idiot.

Janie Fox - Angelina isn’t real, she has been engineered in a lab. I have proof, well I say I do. You’re supposed to vacuum behind beds? Dang… not the word I used!

Angela - For real?! Did you just hijack my life? I’m older than you but I SO feel your pain!! What kind of Moms would we be if we didn’t come home with Little Debbies?
Have you seen The Town yet? It’s kind of a dude flick but it’s good. Watch it!

Carla - Ha, angelina’s twins were born just before my DS and I remember crying at her Hello Magazine perfect photo shoot. Where was the 40lb of left behind pregnancy weight??? She looked perfect. And I still have 20lb of pregnancy weight left behind, even though the product of the pregnancy is just about running around. She’s half french, that’s my excuse.
I need to start watching Mad Men!
I vacuumed behind my bed two weeks ago. Great feeling. I bet Angelina doesn’t know that feeling. Poor her 😉

Leslie P. - you are hilarious meg. and you’re killing me with that new header! what delicious fabrics just begging to be brought to life!

melissa stover - oh and also marketing. i think about marketing a lot now. do you?

melissa stover - i think about the mad men characters quite a bit too. i didn’t have a thing for don draper until i started watching from the first season. i started at season 4 and just now got caught up. oh my, i love him in the first 3 seasons.

Marisa - This post was hilarious. Cracked. Me. Up. I can SO relate…with everything you mentioned. Thanks for brightening my Saturday night. 🙂

Karen Gerstenberger - Time + money + staff + genes = those legs, etc. Oh, and she hasn’t been pregnant and given birth five times!
Please, please cut yourself YARDS of slack here. You are a full-time mother. She is a grown-up whose job is to pretend to be other people, and she gets paid millions of dollars to do so. Who do I admire? YOU.

Jennifer Williams - I can so relate to this post!
I went to the store to day for baking soda and vinegar to declog a drain and left with stuff to bake a cake, hot chocolate and a magazine.
I see so many stars that I could swear are years older than me but then I find out they are actually younger. I could have sworn Angelina was in her forties.

sarah - the most important thing about us is not how we look!
i know its cliche but sometimes it is important to say it out loud and remind ourselves.

nicole i - no, no, no, no, no.
i think ms jolie has a entourage of people helping her vacuum behind the bed her husband gave her, someone cleaning up glitter and making coffee, renting movies and grocery shopping for her.

Lisa - Yep its bad.
Ha but I love all of it! the choc cravings, the lack of vaccuming, the swearing over angelina… we all do it.

sue - P.S. She is 35.

sue - Oh Meg! You crack me up!!!!!

Bobbie - I moves my bed to vacuum behind it this week too and I broke it. Oops. We just don’t discuss it.

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - Chocolate seemed to be on your mind? I can relate whole heartedly. I just watched my first Mad Men episode last night. I can’t stop thinking about all of them. And the time, and how women were treated. I am h.o.o.k.e.d. Megan, come on? Those legs aren’t real. Steee… retched my friend. And tonnes of smooothing. At least thats what I tell myself. Now go and look at a picture of Meryl Streep, or Joan Cusack and have a cup of hot chocolate along with one of those brownies. Life is just too short!

Holly - Oh Meg! You look great! I bet she isnt nearly as funa nd creative as you are! 😉

Leonie - she cannot be our age she has to be 25 for sure!!!!

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