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so needed.


we are chillin.
and we were so ready for a grown up break.

thankful for the kings of leon giving us the perfect excuse…..oh yeah.

i rocked out in tulsa, oklahoma with my newest obsession. 
and my favorite man….craiggers.

kings of leon were….in a word…..AWESOME.
it was SUCH a great show.
i loved every single song….they opened with my favorite.  :)

we stayed here.…and so did sam bradford!!!

i bought something for one of you….can't wait to show you.

feeling full of renewed energy to parent and love.

back to reality this afternoon.

oh….it was so much fun. 

Suzanne - Wow, I’ve been a Kings of Leon fan for about 5 years – back when it seemed I was the only one who had heard of them. LOVE them!!!!

Logan - What fun for you both! And probably fun for the kids and grandparents too. πŸ™‚
Your legs look freshly shaved and you did your toes! How romantic is that?? Ha Ha!

Sugar Mama - I’m from Tulsa! Haven’t been back in a while… reading that you were there makes me miss it. Kings of Leon I love!

Sheryl - i received my “joy” print in the mail this weekend! i LOVE it.

danielle - so fun! hope you enjoyed your time and your man!
i’m just a little jelly.
september will be our five year anniversary…gotta get my man planning.

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Love this picure….I am sooo ready for summer! I would love to go to a concert…never been to one before : )
P.s – that hotel looks LOVELY!
Gemma x

Toni :O) - How fun!!! I absolutely LOVE Kings of Leon and this song is just awesome! I could use some time away with my hubby…we try to do it every year but since I’m unemployed right now, I think it will be put on the backburner for now. Maybe later this year…one can hope! Glad you had a nice time…as parents to five kids, you totally deserve a break!

Kat - What a luxury for you guys!
We have 4 young children and are lucky to get the Grandparents to babysit so we can go for lunch, little own a night away.
I am jealous, although my youngest is only two and not ready to be away from her Mamma.
So glad you had a great time!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Oh, so glad you had a great time!

Melanie - Out 20th anniversary is coming up and I can’t wait to getaway either:) Glad that you had a good time. I love Kings Of Leon too.

julia - Oh my gosh….I can’t believe you got me something.

karen - too cute that pic! craig and his sneakers! you guys are soooo cute!

Tricia - Such a great thing to take a little trip with your husband! I’m glad that it was such a fun weekend for you. Have a great week!

Kristin S - Oh, Meg, you two are so wise!
I have so many friends who say they don’t have time to prioritize their marriage over kids. I can say until i’m blue in the face that I’ll watch kids and they need to get away.
But I’m single and I quickly get the “you don’t get it” look.
It makes me so sad. Marriage is first. Well, second after God of course.
Anyway, so glad you two CHOSE to get away for grownup time.

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - I love that picture! And cant wait to get somewhere away with my hubby.We’ll be celebrating 10 years of marriage this July. I dont know where the time went!

Sara - Sounds awesome Meg, every lovin’ couple needs some good times together!! Happy for you!

Amy Jo - I live in Tulsa! πŸ™‚
I love this blog, FYI, and I LOVE my “Whatever” print I got in the mail from you this week! Yay!

sarah - I saw them leaving their hotel on friday morning as i walked into work. Had I not had plans to head to dallas this weekend I would have been right there with you. They are so wonderful!

LAURA PHELPS - thinking of you lots this weekend…so happy you got to get away
you and crag are my absolute favorite love story
how’s waffles hair?
I am rambling in comments again…
back to my coffee…
welcome home
hope the kids treat you well πŸ™‚

Alicia @ La Famille - hey meg,
i’m new to your blog…as in i found you friday πŸ™‚ i spent an embarassing amount of time blog-stalking you last night, but what a treat! you are such a sweet mom and i love all your projects. excited to be a new reader πŸ™‚
oh and KOL?! love, love, love them…and guess what? here’s a little useless trivia…did you know these bad a** rockers were homeschooled?! funny huh? well, maybe i just think it’s funny cause i also homeschool my hoodlums πŸ™‚ glad you had a fun getaway!

Cari - Ahh!! Tulsa! My home away from home. Love that place. Miss it terribly! When I clicked on the link where you stayed I saw the redirect to PW’s site. I thought, “She stayed in The Lodge?! How awesome!”. Then I saw you took her hotel recommendation. Ha! Hooray for alone time. It’s always needed!

meaghan - so glad you guys got away! i live in colorado (i know, i’m rubbing it in) so hubs and i just went skiing this weekend alone πŸ˜‰ so i TOTALLY want you to vlog!!!!! please please vlog!! and jenny is adorable. is she stoned? no, she’s adorable πŸ™‚ hahahhahahahaa!

Valerie F. - Yay for T-Town! Hope our little city showed you a warm welcome. We love it here.

Tonya - Cute pic, I noticed there were actually leaves on the trees there
……sigh….still waiting here.

tam - Awesome weekend for you!
Much deserved.

Sarah @ this farm familys life - Glad you had a good time!!!;0)

Rachel - How nice for you and the hubby to have the opportunity to refresh and renew. Grown up vacations are great and leave you with the feeling that anything is possible! - Nice! I think we might give that a try, if we ever grow up :0) In the meantime, just gonna try to laugh at the mayhem of this crazy life.

happygirl - I guess I know I’m old now. I only know one Kings of Leon song. And I heard it when they were on SNL, ’cause I fell asleep before the second song. aaaaaarg. I hate getting old.

Kris - My husband LOVED Kings!!!

Michelle - Good for you two! I am hoping sometime this year we will be able to escape πŸ˜‰ hope you had a blast!!

stephany - Good for you!
My hubby and I have not had a grown up break for a couple of years. Good to know we may be able to get one in the future when the kids are a bit older!
Glad you had a good time!

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