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how can this be?

how can 13 years have passed since i gave birth to this boy?

he was born ON mother's day.
with out drugs.
just me, craig and dr. saleh quietly in my little tiny room.
they both cheered me on and told me "you're doing great" and "you're almost done".  

it was the calmest of all of my birthing experiences.


which is funny because he was the least calm baby of the five.
he cried for the first two weeks non stop.


he was my second baby.
my first boy.
my baby that threw up and threw up and threw up.

i switched him to cow's milk at 6 months old after my mom suggested it.
literally from that very bottle…..
he never threw up again.
after 6 months of non-stop reflux it was GONE in one day.
i had to switch doctors because she was up in arms about the dangers i was causing him.
sorry lady….you aren't the one cleaning up this kid 20 times a day…..he's cured.
see ya!


he taught me to notice things like trash trucks and construction sites.
we used to drive to a construction site and park there and watch while we ate a happy meal.
i can still name every construction vehicle and tell you what it's for.



and he asked a lot of questions.


sigh…….i miss that little boy.

because who is this man that is living at my house?
eating non stop?
talking with a low voice?
wearing giant shoes?
worrying about how his hair looks and if his breath is ok?????


waffle is always a scene stealer…..

those ginormous candles were from party city.
they are fun! 

i made it a KU cake…..but honestly….no one cared.

the older they get the less exciting the birthdays are.
and the more OLD i feel.

he was a sweet baby.
a fun kid.
and a funny high energy young man right now.
i love to watch him play ball.
i like to listen to him to talk to his dad about basketball (95% of what he talks about during his waking hours)
i think he is going to be an awesome adult.

how cool is parenting?

we get to birth them, feed them, care for them and then watch them grow up and become adults?!
it's crazy.
and awful.
and humbling.
and HARD.

but still so very cool.

happy birthday SON.

i hope it's as BEAST as you are.

his real birthday is today but he will be at a track meet all afternoon and evening so we celebrated early. 


Christina - This made me cry! He does look so old in the present day pics! Hope his day was a happy one (it sure looks like it was)!

danielle burkleo - be still my heart. this makes me so excited and a little bit sad about my boys reaching that stage. but mostly just excited. i love this. what a handsome son – happy birthday!!

Nichole Kopp - My son turned 13 the last week in April. All I could think about was when he was three. He would put his stuffed elephant in his bike basket and ride up and down the sidewalk on the bike he called “steady ears”. His big blue eyes, blonde hair sticking out of his bike helmet. And now? He rides his bike across town and down trails. And his big blue eyes glare at me when I ask him to wear a helmet. Where does the time go? Happy Birthday to our “little boys”. At least they still let us hug them…. when nobody is looking.

Kat - He is gorgeous as a little boy and now too.
Cracked up when I saw the beast top. Lol. Bet that was a hit.
Personally I love your cake and I love, love, love that like me you get so sentimental about each birthday and each year of growth.
It’s what makes us love being Mums and helps us to appreciate it all.
So many mixed emotions and feelings huh?

Sarah - That is one GOOD LOOKING kid.
I love how you listened to your mom and yourself, and not your doctor….I think us moms need to do that more.
Why do your cakes always make me salivate???

Kerry Wiebe - Cow’s milk ROCKS!!!!

Tess S. - My oldest is 4 (going on 34). My husband was upstairs putting the “big” kids to bed and I snuggled the babe to sleep on the couch while watching Glee. It was the prom episode and for the first half I kept thinking about my own proms. All the fun I had and all the emotions that went into it. And then I looked down at my sleeping baby and realized she’ll be going to prom. She’ll have all those feelings. And I have 2 others that will be going through it too. It was a very REAL awkward moment. Parenting in hard. And I’ve only just begun.

Wendy - Happy Birthday! You’ve done a great job I’m sure Meg! Funny, when I saw the first pic of the cake you posted, I thought, “What a tiny cake for 7 people.” Then I saw the next pic…. WOW.. those candles are huge! My little man is 19 this month, it does go by so fast. I remember the names of all of the Thomas the Tank Engine trains and the construction vehicles he loved so much. Times change but I’m so thankful that our memories stay the same, they’re only added to. 🙂

Beth - Mine are growing so fast also…but I did plan mine little different than most moms…lol.
He sure is a cutie! Happy Birthday!

elisa - Right there with ya sista!

Amy Lynne - It was my youngest boy’s birthday too! I hope you all had a wonderful day!

Deanna - My son just turned 12 on Sunday and I have the same feeling – How can this be? They grow so fast! Beautiful post and Happy Birthday to your handsome boy!

Ellie Perez - Aw, beautiful post…I had one of those upset tummy ones too! We did goat milk….after 6 months of seeing every doctor we could find. Chiropractor suggested it and she was great after 2 days! who knew!

Toni :O) - GREAT post! Our boys are only seven months apart in age…crazy! I’m like, I had that same sippy cup for my boy too! I, like you, am amazed at the big feet, but I get “don’t touch my hair” and unlike yours…mine talks about cars, cars, cars in his wakeful hours….nonstop, it’s all about cars-makes, models, colors, types. The boy loves to just ride in the car so he can check out all the other cars on the road! If he doesn’t design cars for a living when he graduates from college, he’ll be some type of engineer for the automotive companies! Good times I tell you! Happy Birthday to your amazing son…boys are awesome, it’s so fun raising a baby boy to be a young man!!! Woot Woot!

Yaz - I am crying. Mine is only 4 and he is soooo fun.. so cute and loving and I am only having one. I cant believe he will be all big and will leave me one day. I swear Ive cried for 20 minutes thinking about it.
You have a great family. Thank you for sharing.

Stefanie A. - oh gosh… this post made me cry. My boy is 6 years old and I feel these days fast approaching. But some days I feel like his teens will never get here and then I remind myself not to long for those days – they’ll be here before I know it AND I’ll wish for the 6 year old days back. Ha! Did I just confuse you? Loved this post and your son is turning into one handsome dude!

Nana - He got that crying business from his dad (I remember it well!), but my theory is that each child has one bad spell and I’d rather it be the first few months of their life than when they’re older. He’ll probably be as easy-going as his dad which will be a real blessing for you.

Amy - I had a *really* tough time when my son turned 9 in January!

Kirsten J - Happy Birthday Scott! My big boy is off at college *sniff* – the time does fly. And when I do his laundry, I often wonder how those socks are being worn by toes I used to kiss….BTW, love the cake!

Jen - Just entering the “construction vehicle” phase with my 2-y-o son, who demanded I let him drive a truck today… and was incensed that I didn’t comply. Seeing pictures of your son from baby to handsome teen are making me cry. I can’t bear to think of him being a teenager!
Looks like a great day… even if it is hard to believe it happened.

se7en - Oh Happy Birthday, May your year be totally cool!!! We love living with our 13 yr old!!!

Heather R. - I love the KU cake…Rock chalk! I love the picture of him smiling with “beast” t-shirt and the first one with Waffle. 🙂 I have two girls 10 and 11. I’m not ready for them to get ANY older.

Melinda - My son just turned 13 too! I also had no meds when he was born and he also had horrible reflux. I also put him on cow’s milk under the advice of the pediatrician that delivered me and it worked. Who would’ve thought? Best kid…15 year old daughter = much more drama! Happy Birthday to your son! I love your blog!

Staci - Happy Happy Day to Your Scott!!!! He looks like an awesome kiddo 🙂 and I thought the cake was great! They’ll appreciate in about 15 years 😉

Rachel B. - You two have some beautiful kids! Thanks for sharing and encouraging other moms like me 🙂

Rach - All I can say is “go mom!” How awesome is it when a seasoned mom comes up with the solution over a licensed pediatrician. I love to hear that stuff.

Courtney Walsh - the picture of him on the bike remind me of where my son is right this second and remind me to stop wishing it away so quickly. He’s in the question asking stage and I admit, I’m not always the most patient with my responses!! Love these photos!! He’s such a handsome young man!

Karen Gerstenberger - These are precious reminiscences & photos – the best kind of birthday card. Happy birthday to your precious guy!

Tanya H - Well I was sniffly reading your post and then the comments made me worse. 😛 My {oldest} baby is about to turn 9 on me and I can’t even handle it. LOL. My baby loved trains and every peice and part and what they do. I miss that so much, even tho he’s so fun to have conversations with at this age. sniffle… Scott is such a handsome guy. Good for you and thanks for taking us all on this journey with you.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Born on mother’s day! How cool is that?!

Ann R. - First, I have to laugh because my son too is turning 13 – on the fourth of july! I think I notice the original CM letters used in your scrapbooking – looking back those pages back then seem so archaic don’t they? I too am like what… did you get all this hair on your legs, you are so not a soprano anymore and well you are taller than both grandmas and soon are going to pass up your dad and I – crazy! Congrats, I swear doesnt it just seem like yesterday I was worried about raising him up in this crazy world (after 9.11) that he was in preschool. I am sure you can relate. I feel as if from 4th to 7th grade just went in the blink of an eye! Enjoy his thirteeness. I read you EVERYDAY and I am so glad you had the lets say gumption to discuss what we all want for mothers day so freely. I have participated in your vitamins to africa, laughed and cried with you and love you are so real. I can so relate to you that you make my not so great days feel like I can get thu anything cause we are all in this together!
Take care – Ann

Courtney R. - My little guy will be 3 tomorrow…he was born on Mother’s Day too!
I love your blog and look forward to reading it every day!

steph - oh gosh….
you so will NOT want to hear this,
but he looks so much older than 13.
he looks closer to 15.
he always seem so mature when you talk about him too.
maybe that’s the difference.
he doesn’t seem like the atypical teenage boy.
he seems like the ‘i’d like to hand pick him for my 12 year old girl’.
ha! that’s if i had a 12 year old girl.
7 year old… yes.
would he mind the age difference?!?!
ha ha ha h!
just kidding.
he is handsome and i hope he has a very blessed year!
your cake is awesome! 🙂

Kelly - I don’t think it matters if his hair is messed up or his breath smells like broccoli, you’re going to have girls lined up for that handsome dude!
And I thought the cake was cool! 🙂

Christi Hoffman - My second baby and my only boy, =/ is going to be 13 in June. I have been longing for the past days when he would run to me, screaming “mooommmy”! after of school until he was in 4th grade. Boo. He still comes home to me but, the scream has turned into, a cool deep voice, “hey Mom check this out today”….. I just listen, look into his bright brown eyes and wonder where in the world did my 4 pound 17 inch premie go? He is going into middle school next year, he is 135lbs & 5’6”. sigh. I am going to make him a KU cake too. He LOVES KU, my husband and him talk “shop” Maybe I should make a k-state cake…they would notice THAT! HA.

Marcella - I married young and had my oldest at 19. He’s turning into a young man now-headed for 10 years before too long.
It’s a bit scary to see him broadening out but he’s also getting more mature which is nice.
Happy son raising!

Laura Phelps - similar post over at my place 🙂
WHY DO THEY CONTINUE TO GROW??????????????????????
and eat
I hate that they eat so much
I can’t afford to feed them
nursing was cheaper

Ashley - Happy birthday to your boy! And I just wanted you to know that I LOVE your KU cake. It made me smile :o)

stephanie - You’ve got a heart-breaker on your hands with that handsome boy!!

Stephanie - And what a handsome young man he is!! I’ve got a 13 year old girl in the house who is pretty amazing too. However I just realized in the past few months that I know NOTHING! She on the other hand knows EVERYTHING!!! Good times I tell you, good times! This too shall pass right????

karen - Happy birthday Scott! Is it weird that I am looking forward to my kids growing up?? They are 3 1/2 and almost 1…and I just love seeing them be more independent.
Who knows…i may be eating my words in years to come.

Amy James - I was reading this at work and an audible cry slipped out. My baby boy just turned 23. Where did that little boy go? I miss him so much but I do love the man that is here as well. We have so much fun together and he will sometimes let me hold him and sometimes if I am really lucky he will slip and call me Momma like he used to when he was little, instead of Mom.
I also switched to cows milk at 6 months for the same reasons. I thought the sky would fall at first and everyone I happened to mention it to was so upset but he was able to keep something down for the first time and he grew. Other than the 3rd eye, I think he is perfect! 🙂

Jen Brandt - What a good lookin’ kid! Better watch out, Mama!

Catriona - I mean Whateversary. As if that’s even a word…

Catriona - Love this post! My first-born, a boy, is 6 next week and the thought of him ever being 13 feels like a lifetime away. I think the hilarious post with all Scott’s questions was the first ‘whatever’ I ever read. That means it’s my first Whatverversary!

Alice H - Where did you find the BEAST shirt? My 10 year old must have one. He says it non-stop!! Happy birthday and I would have been impressed with that cake!

LittleMissAwesome - I must say, your cake looks VERY yummy. One time my sister had a pony on her cake, and she didn’t want to eat the horse! It was in the freezer for months.
He looks so adorable as a baby :} chubby cheeks! awww! :3

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - He is soooo handsome! Lovely : )
Gemma x

Camille - I just went to hug my 5 year old…

Hannah - just what i needed to hear…that it goes by soooo fast. my little guy is turning 4 tomorrow and i can’t believe it. and he is a question asker….which i have to admit….sometimes i just want quiet…while he is asking me questions about things i don’t know the answer to…like toilets and electricity and trucks and bugs….but you reminded me that it will be gone before i know it! 🙁

Cutzi - This brought tears to my eyes. What is it about little girls? They almost seem grown up from the minute they’re born. But boys? My son is going to be 6 next month but he still often seems like my little boy. I know he will grow up some day but I’m happy waiting as long as possible.

Karen - I, too, have a Mother’s Day baby. Isn’t that the best Mother’s Day present? Her birthday is the 9th and she was 29 yesterday. You have a handsome young man – Happy Birthday to him!

Ashlyn - The cake is great…the kid is great…watching them get older is… hard!! My baby is turning 13 in a couple of weeks too -sigh!! xo

Leah - I care about the cake. That’s the BEAST!

giozi - Congratulations!! Happy Birthday 🙂
You have a handsome guy.
My little chubby is single yet 😉 he he he

emily@remodelingthislife - He’s so handsome, Meg. Happy birthday to him! I love the cake and candles.

Suzanne Lay - Everything that you just said at the end about parenting it SO TRUE!!! and it made me cry but they are happy tears! I have three and they just tug at my heart so much!! There is so much love…indescribable!!!XOXO

Teresa - I care that you made a KU cake!! I love it!
What a sweet son you have…Happy Birthday!

shauna reed - meg, he is beautiful.
(hope he doesn’t read this 😉
there is a sparkle in his eye.
he knows he is loved…i can tell.
good job momma! - Parenting is the most complex and amazing thing isn’t it? My “little” boy just turned 19…sniff, sniff, where oh where does the time go?

amber - What a cute little boy:). And, how crazy to see those pictures build up to that kid you have now. Crazy, crazy, crazy. He’s still a cutie now, too. And, 13 is still little, right? Happy Birthday!

Karen - Awe. I LOVE this age! We have a 13 year old in our house too! They are fun to be with, independent, smiley all the time, helpful (well, sometimes), and yes, they are the “black hole” of groceries…! Lovely cake too! Happy Birthday – you are officially a teenager!

Ana - He is a very cute kid. I love his awesome smile!
Happy birthday!

Jacci - My little guy is about the age of Scott in the pic with the red truck. SO weird to go through the photos and watch the same little fae turn into your 13 year old “man”! All I have to say is, I’m glad it happens gradually. AND I’m glad for posts like these that bring some sweet perspective. Happy Birthday, Scott!

Amanda - Oh my goodness, I just have to share. My little brother will be 15 in August, but I remember he had the same sippy cups, with the dinosaurs! I remember taking the little plastic piece out of the cap when I cleaned the dishes for my momma. Such wonderful memories. Thank you for reminding me. Enjoy 13!

Tonya - Happy birthday, Scott! I love what you said about knowing the names and uses of ALL the construction vehicles…my boy taught me those things as well!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Hey…he looks like a pretty happy kid to me. Terrible teen here? Nah…I dont think so:)
Happy Birthday to your BEAST.

sharron - you had me at no drugs..yikes!
he is so handsome and has a sweet soul that shows in his eyes.
happy day to your son and the cake looked awesome!

Mindy Harris - makes me want to cry.
you said it perfectly:
it’s crazy.
and awful.
and humbling.
and HARD.
but still so very cool.
love this. happy bday to scott!

kristy - Oh gosh, 13…. I’m going to faint when my little ones get to that age…. you aren’t old enough to have a teenager, right? 🙂
I LOVE the cake…. stinks when no one oohs and aahhs over it. Before you said that, I thought, “That cake is amazingly cool!” So yay to you… I’ll appreciate it for you. (said from a Mom who tries to make her kids cakes!)
You are a great mom!

melissa - he’s a handsome one.
happy birthday!!!!

Jemm - Happy birthday to your boy! My oldest will be 13 in Oct. I’m really scared for the teen years. Parenting is HARD! I’m TRYING to see the awesome-ness with two “tween” girls…really I am 🙂

Kimberlee Jost - Happy Birthday, Scott!
Why would anyone want to have their picture taken with Waff is beyond me?! Ha.
He IS a scene stealer. Big time.

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - They will remember the special cakes Megan. It just happens later. Even if it seems like it isn’t a big deal. It is. Your love is in each and every piece. It would seem I’m feeling a little sentimental this morning.

Kris - What a handsome boy! MY little boy turned 22 a few months ago. I miss his little hand in mine. But now I have three marvelous grands whose hands I love to hold, and they have stolen my heart!

freckled hen - Happy birthday to your handsome young man…I guess that means that you have two teenagers now. And though in any other conversation it would sound like I’m bragging I feel the need to tell you I have three. Which really just means that my hair is turning gray faster than yours. My 13 year old son wears athletic clothes everyday and only speaks basketball, too. I miss him in overalls.
I received my Summer with MM yesterday and wanted to tell you your article is great!

andiejaye - aw…you made me all sniffly. my little man will be 3 this fall and i’m already having those bittersweet moments. this just gave me a little peek into what i’m in for. happy birthday to your son. thanks for the continued blessings and enlightenment you give me when i read your posts.
andiejaye @

Carly Winborne - he has a fantastic smile!

RLG - I know he cared, but he’s probably too cool to say the cake was awesome. Your family is breathtaking. It’s such a pleasure to watch them grow. I feel old too, and I’m older than you, Meg, with twin 4yr-olds and an almost 7yr-old. Sigh. So much to look forward to. xoxo

Lia - Happy Birthday young man.

Lindsey - My son just turned 2. You made me cry thinking of him growing up. His little body is pressed against mine as I type this. I wasn’t so happy this morning waking up at 6:30 with him but now I’m thinking I should cherish these moments (even early, early in the morning).

heidi @ wonder woman wannabe - I’ve got two boys born in May – one just before Mothers Day, the other just after…gonna make me a sentimental wreck every year because of that, I’m sure! 😉 One just turned 3, the other will be 6 in a few days – you’ve gone and got me all sappy thinking about the day they’ll be man-boys! Just getting started with the sports thang and I LOVE it!

Shannon - Happy 13th Birthday to your 1st boy! I think your cake looks very impressive 🙂

Molly Pearce - Oh Happy Birthday! My brother just turned 15 and has finished drivers ed. accckkk!!! I miss when he was little but we have so much fun now hanging out and talking and laughing! I love my baby brother so so much!!! Again Happy Birthday! Enjoy being 13!!
~Molly P

Holly - I can’t even imagine! My son is turning 4 in August and 13 seems light years away but so did 4 when he was turning 1! I have tears welling up in my eyes thinking about my babies turning into boys and girls and then on to men and women! boo…
your cake is beautiful.
waffle has to be the cutest damn dog ever!!

Southern Gal - Happy birthday to your man boy.

Chaos-Jamie - Ack!Another 13yo! You’ll have to tell me how boys compare to girls. 🙂

jill - okay, you just made me a little teary. 🙂 my oldest boy just turned five and i thought that was huge. hard to imagine that some day he will be 13! so proud of you for getting your boy this far!

Tiffany - Handsome Guy! Great memories you shared. Ur doing just fine, give yourself a hug Mom.

Holly - I know how ya feel! Gosh they grow up fast!

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