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wednesday for me.

last night was annie's kindergarten recogniton.
pretty cute.

they performed "the very hungry caterpillar" and sang "what a wonderful world"

annie has thrived in mrs. claassen's class this year.
has loved going to school every day.
has made art projects, gifts and cards for her everyday all school year.
that is a good sign of love to me.

ezra is her best buddy in the class.
at bedtime we were talking and she shared that everybody says "why do you always play with boys?!" 
i told her it was ok to play with WHOever she wants.
she said the girls always say "annie…come play princesses with us!"
and i laughed and said "you should say…..DO I LOOK LIKE I WANT TO PLAY PRINCESS WITH YOU?"
talby said "don't say that annie….you'll get in trouble"
we all laughed.

she likes some girly things like babies and house and littlest pet shops
but boys have more energy and action
and they are louder. 
just like annie. 

she has friends that are girls too.

the magnificent chef 
ANNIE will prepare  KAK for your meal

i cannot believe this year is almost over.
it's crazy.
i feel like i am in some weird time warp sucker.
making everything go at super speed.
everyone is growing up and changing so fast.
i want to shout "just stop already!"
for the good moments.
the hard stuff….the tough stuff….it can go away as quick as possible.
move along angry hormones of teenagers….

get going feelings of entitlement and greed or laziness…..
please move faster self centeredness…..
but this good awesome wonderful stuff…like hungry caterpillars & teacher hugs….they can stay forever. 


Lin - It’s not fair that first grade is just a few weeks from over, that my baby is just a few weeks away from turning seven. It’s not fair that it’s already May. I want time to slow down. I want it to stop, just for a little while.

Sarah Wolfe - adorable pictures!

Staci - I hear ya 🙁 My little kindergartener graduates next Friday….seems like I have wished for them both to be in “all day” school” for a long time…and now that it is rapidly approaching…I’m sad! HOW CRAZY IS THAT?????? I guess I’m a little scared of having alllll that time to read blogs and get nothing else done 🙁 EEEEEK!!!!!! Need a hobby….NEED TO LEARN TO SEW!!!!!!! Anyway…congrats to your sweet and precious Annie 😉

gina - I am so glad Annie likes playing with boys because Ezra sure loves playing with her! And I agree, this year flew by. Pretty sure it was just yesterday that we were bringing them into the classroom for their first day of school.

Kelle - I once said something about watching my kids grow is like trying to hold water in my hands. It just trickles through no matter how hard I try to keep it cupped, and it makes me sad. My cousin (who has older kids) said “yes, but the puddle the water makes below is just as beautiful.”
So true.
Catching up and always, always loving your words, your color, your zest. xo

Jen@thecottagenest - I feel the time passing much too quickly too. This year we have so many endings, one girl graduating and one moving on to middle school next year for 5th grade. Lots of tears here, mostly for the little one. I completely understand the need for time to pass a little quicker for the older ones.

emily - You are the best at documenting your life in such a sweet and sentimental way. I am right there with you not wanting the good things to go so quickly.

happygirl - I love Annie’s haircut. So cute. Yep, they grow up fast. But, sometimes, they move out slow.

Jaime - I keep looking at Mrs.Claassen and I think I might have gone to college with her. Do you happen to know if she went to a small Christian college in Oklahoma? If so…she was the sweetest girl around. She wasn’t married then so she had a different name, but she looks so familiar. Anyway, I would love to say “hello” to her if it is her. Haha! I love blogs, such a small world.

Carol S - I hear the grandkids stage is fun too…..SLOW DOWN PEOPLE!!

Kait - I’m echoing everyone else who said PLEASE spill on where to get that adorable dress! Annie is always so cute and her clothing is so vibrant. I love it!

Charlotte - annie is precious!
i too love the look of your photos!
i am curious how you tweaked them to make them colored like they are…and also can’t help but wonder if it was a trick to cover up the yellow lighting that always seems to come out in gymnasiums! please…tell us how you did it! 🙂

the.mrs - So cute! LOVE her dress. Need it for me! Spill the beans laday! - I so relate. So many emotions raising kids.

Rach - Oh such a sweet post. I hope my daughter enjoys school as much as Annie seems to have.

Nicole Q. - man i relate . . . twins almost done with kindergarten and I can’t even believe it. C R A Z Y !!!

Janelle - Check this article out…I keep rereading it and remembering the saying….”don’t cry because it is over, smile because it happened.” My youngest of four is starting school in the fall and I am having a difficult time thinking about this change :\

Danyelle - I know EXACTLY what you mean. These days, the ones where our children are little + happy + sweet as can be pass far too quickly. The good news is, summer’s just around the corner and I absolutely adore summers with all my children home.

Jessie - Had to share this kak with you 🙂 LOVE your blog.

elissa - oh my gosh. that little boy with his little open tie. good heavens, i suddenly feel all sappy

Molly - my 6 year old (soon to be 7!) plays with boys alot too! I think it is just fine!

Sarah@this farm family's life - i feel for ya. our oldest will start kindergarten next year. not looking forward to that!

Sarah - LOL, the KAK for for your meal is cracking me up!
I totally understand, I have an 18 month old and I just can’t believe how fast she’s growing up. When I saw that her next Dr. appointment will be her 2yr checkup, I almost broke into tears…no joke! 🙂

Jess - Yeah Annie! Kindergarten is definitely the best. 🙂 Glad she had such a wonderful year.

Shannon - She is so stinkin cute! My older daughter tends to play with boys more as well for the same reasons. She is not much of a girly girl and I’m fine with it but daddy does not like the boys as friends at all! 🙂

sam - I love your blog! Thank you for all that you share. I have 4 boys and feel some kinship with the things you write about. Hope you are having a great day!

julia - I’m currently in the throes of being sad about the last day of pre-school coming up. I can’t even let my mind dwell on kinder for next year.
Pls dish on the dress….must know…

Janine - So adorable. I love that her buddy is a boy. I got teased for having a boy as my friend in 2nd grade. 25 yrs later I married him!

merlin - To me this is the perfect stage/age of life, capable, innocent, sweet, carefree, full of possibility….if only we could all keep that part of us forever in the forefront of life.

Maria - sigh…our kindergarten play/celebration is next Wed…these end of year plays always get me…last year was the worst…the preschool graduation…I am always a mess.
Such cute pics…our littlest has girls for friends too…but they are NOT his girlfriends…lol
Our oldest goes off to Jr High (they are actually touring the school today) next year…so.not.ready.
I am ready for a non-homework, sleeping-in filled summer though…

Southern Gal - Love the profile shot. And I’ll take kak anyday.

Cathy - I’d love Chef Annie to prepare kak for me (or even some cake would be fine)! She’s adorable!

Danielle - Hahaha! What did Annie say Kak meant? She is a little spitfire:)

Alisha - I’m right there with you! My son is graduating from preschool next week and he is the sweetest little guy.
Our 13 year old is EXACTLY how you describe your teens. It’s frustrating and will be wonderful when that stage has passed.
Guess we all have to go through it though. Good with the bad, right?

Kerry - Too sweet Meg 🙂 I had to Laugh… I’m from South-Africa and in Afrikaans, ‘Kak’ means poop 🙂 hee hee – Have a fab day, kerry x

Terrie - Isn’t that the truth?! I was going through a mini album that I made for my son when he was in grade school…some days, I just want to go back in time! To the good parts…only the good parts! Well, no maybe some of the bad parts too…then I can have a do-over! I could use a lot of do-overs! sigh….oh well, I think my kids still love me! 🙂
I saw a commercial about crayola glow-in-the-dark sidewalk chalk…I think you need to put it on your summer ‘to-do’ list! I think I will….maybe when my nephews come in a few weeks! Even if they don’t stay the night…I think I need some for me!
HaPpY WeDnEsDaY Meg!

Cara Kapp - Hi, just like to say I really LOVE reading your blog, have to wait till late afternoon with the time difference!! It’s so funny I’m from South Africa and speak Afrikaans – KAK is a really bad swear word in Afrikaans – it’s a “another” word for pooh.

Katy - that is the cutest little hair cut!

Jessica Johnson - that cut is too, too cute on her! and can mrs. claassen be the cutest name ever for a K teacher? you almost have to teach with that name.

Kristi Barrett - Amen. Very well written!

Jessi - What a sweetie pie.
I’m getting nervous about my babies growing up. My oldest is 3 going on 13.

Cindy - very sweet! i have tears in my eyes now. my firstborn has her preschool promotion celebration next week and then is moving on to kindergarten. and my second starts preschool in the fall. i am just going to be one teary emotional mess 😉 we’re really gonna live it up this summer!!

Georgia - Hahahaha – KAK! im sorry but this is so funny, im cracking up at my desk. I dont ever want her to cook me KAK for dinner..haha

erica - love this post:) and i love that your annie likes to play with the boys…my oldest – doesn’t play with the girls – she loves to be in the action with the boys:) i hope they can all continue to accept her in their little circle (and i haven’t dealt with drama, yet!) she’s going into 2nd grade and it brings tears to my eyes when i think about it. aren’t kids wonderfully awesome?!?

Leslie - I KNOW EXACTLY HOW YOU FEEL!!! Great post…thanks for sharing!

Mandy - Meg – I love the color of your pictures in this post. How do you get them this way?!

Holly - oh Meg! We have kindergarten graduation next friday. It makes me sad that my baby is getting so big so fast! I am ready for summer though!

Heather R. - I love teachers who love on the kids. Sweet. The pic of Annie and her Dad are great. Kak is yummy…especially rainbow ones. 😉

tara pollard pakosta - awwwww I am with you on the good stuff can stay,
tween girl (age 11) outbursts of tears lately, can GO!
cute cute cute annie!

Melissa - It all happens so fast, huh!?!?
I got my box of goodies!!! Thank you so much, Meg! You’re a doll!

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Hi Meg!
I know what you mean about time flying waaaay to fast…it doesn’t seem that long ago you were posting about feeling sad that Annie was moving up to Kindergarten!
Gemma x

Routhie - I want Annie’s hair and her dress. For me. She is so cute!

Niki - I feel you! My oldest son’s last day of Kindergarten is tomorrow! I can’t believe how fast it has gone! Just think…we have a summer full of fun to look forward to. At least that’s what I’m trying to tell myself. It will last one day until the “I’m bored” starts!

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