Masthead header

the conversation went like this…..

in my defense….
i had been sick and up all night the night before….literally ALL night.
and i had a headache and it was 100 degrees.
AND i was in the car with ALL my kids who were talking non stop.

so this is what went down:

ME:   So i was watching Jon Daily and Chris Rock was on and Jon said "You sent me that email and it was full of all this computer talk and i thought HE'S A NERD ROCKSTAR!"

CRAIG: nothing.

ME: and then Jon asked Chris  "if you could just have one part of the music what would it be….the soundboard and computers?  the stage?"  and chris says "a guitar and a camp fire"  and then Jon said "SO YOU"RE A HIPPY?!!!"

CRAIG: what? 

ME:  what? you don't think it's funny?  OH WAIT…..not CHRIS Rock….KID ROCK!!!  ha ha ha

CRAIG: Kid Rock was talking to Jon Daily?  the golfer?

ME: what? NO?! Jon Daily! the Daily Show!!!  

Craig: that's Jon Stewart!

ME:  oh….well…..whatever…..never mind!!!!!


i think it's time for me to get the mom translator………….


today is the last day for the Degree Get Into the Move $100 Visa Card giveaway.  
you have until 5:00 PM PST…..go enter to win.


AND my friend Kerry....with the dairy farm….remember her?
she entered her daughter in the cutest baby contest with a photo i took…..



if you would take 10 seconds and CLICK HERE and vote for BABY 147 my friend Kerry could win $1000!
it's today only (july 18th)   

Kyler is pretty darn cute!

go vote for that sweet pea.
it only takes 10 seconds….i promise.

happy monday.
i hope i don't embarrass myself much more this week…..

joe geronimo.




Jennifer S. - Lol. This post had me ROTFL!! Oh the tears of laughter. I know it was funny, but for some reason it brought about pure, tear producing, laughter! I guess I can just relate to it so much. Thank you very much for sharing that. Still giggling….:)

the whyte house - i knew exactly what you were talking about cause i flipped the channel as stewart was talking to him and caught the whole hippy part. kid rock definitely made himself sound smarter than i’d ever peg him to be. lol.

tori nelson - Haha! The funny part is that I totally understood what you were trying to say. Ah! The glories of Mom Speak!

Sarah - The whole time you were calling him Jon Daily I picture Jon Stewart. Hilarious!

Laura Phelps - the amazing thing is that I knew exactly who you meant 🙂

Catherine - it’s sad that I knew what you were saying to Craig! It’s not a new problem, when the movie Jungle Fever came out my mom kept talking abut Skip Lee…WHO??? Oh, Spike Lee! Mom, how many black guys do you know named Skip? Then when Magic Johnson announced he was HIV positive…she asked if I had heard about Magic JORDAN…what?? It’s what happens to us, we lose cool points as we age

May - I related your story to my hubs yesterday and he thought *I* was the one who was telling the story wrong (mixing up Jon Stewart and John Daly). And then when I finished, he tells me “That sounds like a May-joke, getting everything wrong.”

danielle - Nice. I do not think my husband would have been able to follow that if I got all the names right! He does not really know who those people are. I never get to talk about celebs…so deprived.

Beth - Love the video!

Jen - I voted. And just so you know, as I was reading the conversation with your husband, I was following along, understanding exactly what you were saying, and thought your husband and mine,MUST be related somehow. Too much funny!

Beth - Not sure if this is a good thing for me to admit or not, but I knew exactly who you were talking about from your first sentence!

Elizabeth Ann - That is so funny! I need the mom translator too :). Love your blog btw! I am a new reader/ blogger and am so inspired and encouraged by you.

Diana - What?

Julie - That is hilarious!!!

Amy Slavik@ Little For A Little While - Oh my goodness, hilarious! Sounds like something I would do! Ha, love it! As long as we can laugh at ourselves its all good, right? Thought of you today as I splurged (at Target!) and bought myself two new dresses and 3 cardigans! What would we do without Target? Happy Monday!

Kimberly Dial - Sounds like many conversations here in The Dial Home between the hubs & myself … too funny! I sure could’ve used a mom-translator when my boys were teenagers 😉 I voted for your friend’s cutie-pa-tootie. Hope she wins!

Kimberly Dial - Sounds like many conversations here in The Dial Home between the hubs & myself … too funny! I sure could’ve used a mom-translator when my boys were teenagers 😉 I voted for your friend’s cutie-pa-tootie. Hope she wins!

Joanna - So hilarious!

Whitni - So this is completely and utterly off topic, but Michael’s craft store is carrying a line of French Bull party supplies. I saw them and instantly thought of the time you posted about them because I LOVED all the colorful dinnerware. If you have a Michael’s you should go check it out. I don’t remember it being too expensive and you could stock up 🙂

Victoria - I voted…she really was the cutest baby!
Love your dress and shoes you wore out the other night.
You and your blog are always a breath of fresh air and a pick me up. 🙂

Amanda - Right there with you. Awesome!

Cyndi Hamilton - So funny!! I do that too and my teenagers correct me all the time. They just roll their eyes and say “Mom, really?”

tara - glad I’m not the only one that needs a mom translator.
i voted for sweet pea….it took less than 10 seconds….and she really is the cutest in that bunch and the picture really is the most eye-catching!
just saying 🙂

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - HA HA HAhahahaha…I could use a mom translator too. Very funny and I voted for your friend’s cutie pie!

shelly - Ha! So glad that I’m not the only one (and joe geronimo is a hottie!) I just asked my husband if he needed me to take the check to the bank’s house today….yes..I..did…but it’s hot, I have headache and I was thinking about swinging past my parents’ house in the same trip….

Holly - Ha,ha… I know Craig was workin hard to keep up with you, girl 🙂
I found this boy on You Tube that plays all kinds of theme songs and oldies music and he is fabulous! He has a U2 song and I thought of you. Don’t just listen to it, find another one you like and listen… he is an amazing Korean guitarist.

ashley jensen - Hahaha! I knew you were talking about Jon Stewart and I have even called him Jon Daily while talking to my husband. He politely corrects me, and then laughs at me.

kathy b - The sad fact is because most of my interactions with my spouse and now like that. The older I get the more names I get mixed up. I kept calling my father-in-law’s mini stroke a T M I, when I should have said a T I A. Oh well to much information.
Kathy b

Kerri - Oh LAWD – sadly, I was following that convo right along with you…I need the translator< too!

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - Hahaha! The conversation between you and Craig was priceless! 🙂
I voted for that sweet, sweet baby. Hope she wins!!

Penny - I laughed so hard at this, it is exactly like something I would say. I read it to my daughter, Ryann, and she laughed and said, “yeah, you would say that!” And add me to all the others who knew exactly who you were talking about! Thanks Meg.

Kristin Hayne - That is how I roll 6 out of 7 days a week girl… no worries.
And voted…. was easy because I think she IS the cutest baby ever!! (aside from mine) 😉

Angel/TaDa!Creations - Hilrious!!! Love the “mom-translater” too. 🙂 Just voted! Let us know if she wins.

happygirl - Jon Daily. hahaha. I can’t stand that guy, so I LOVE this. Thank you so much.

georgia - I had one of them moments the other day at work. I’m 24 and like to think I’m quite up to date with music current affairs etc..
I said ‘I really like that song with JLO and bulldog’
Que the laughter and mickey taking.
Its apparently JLO and pitbull. I knew it was somekind of dog! Haha

emily horton - okay, I was automatically picturing the Jon Stewart Daily show when I read the first line… probably b/c I’ve never heard of Jon Daily, the golfer! Pretty funny!

Secret Mom Thoughts - Love the conversation. LOL. I voted for your friend. She is a cutie.

Jen - I knew right away you were talking about Jon Stewart. I’m a mom too!

kat - Okay, that is totally hiliarious!!! I voted for your friend’s pic!

Angie - Seriously laughed until I had tears streaming down my face! Funniest thing ever…because it’s soooo true.

Tracie - I was the same way, I knew exactly what you meant before the translation. You have a lot of kindred spirits. So funny.

meghan - i just have to comment because this made me laugh out loud. i knew EXACTLY what you meant even before the translation. crack up!

Christi Hoffman - I knew who you were talking about. lmbo! I LOVE to watch The Daily Show. I voted for the cutie! Hope she wins. 🙂

mary - I knew what you meant. Ha ha.

danielle burkleo - you make me laugh. i don’t know anyone’s real name either.

Lisa - Oh my goodness, this made me laugh!! I’ve had those moments too 🙂 And i voted for your friend. That’d be cool if she won!

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