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dear santa,

all i want for christmas is a pet owl.

i have been good.





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Kelli - I have wanted a pet owl ever since Harry Potter came out! Thanks for sharing such a sweet video – my boys and I loved it!

Sarah - Awww! Who knew owls were so cute! 🙂 Love it!

amy - for real though. the kids and i have watched this about 5 times.

karen - sooo cute!! the power of music eh!

Dina Marie - I love that owl video! So sweet and relaxing! It makes me feel like I want to have that baby owl as my pet. : )

Kristin S - Ack, color… is your computer back to life???

lauren - they are so precious!! that little one?! ahh! be still my heart!! 🙂 *

Kimberly Dial - Such striking creatures … I loved the expression on Mr. Horned Owl’s face & of course the one receiving the massage had a look of total relaxation! Thanks for sharing!

Tracey - The white faced one is too beautiful—looks like the ones from the Gaurdians of Gahool

Jeannette in Plant City, Fl - Now I want one too…….that first one was sooo adorable just sitting there getting the head rub and loving it!!!,

SaraG - my girls have just torn up their christmas lists!
so cute – we didn’t believe it was real!!

Ali - Now our whole house want one too!

Lisa - I love that owl!!

Vonda - That is the stinkin cutest thing I have seen in a while!!! I want one too :)!

Kimberlee Jost - I still don’t trust birds.
Even ones that are cute.

shannon - Oh my gosh! I want one, so adorable!

heather - um…that little round owl is the cutest thing i’ve seen in a very long time.

Cathy - How darn cute is that.. I have been asking for a hedge hog for years..

april - be still my heart…why did i almost cry? lol

Holly - how stinkin cute is that!?

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