Masthead header

i am happy today.

this was the sunrise yesterday at the bus stop.


i have been on the hunt for a new purse for a month.
i knew i would know it when i saw it.

who knew it would be a ginormous bubble gum pink one?  
i can fit my big camera in it and that is important.
and everything else i might need.

i got it locally too!
there is not a brand on it…. made in china is all it says.

i got some HAPPY MAIL today!!


hawthorne threads is a great fabric site.
and this makes me giddy to get sewing for etsy in the winter.

this fabric makes me want to get out a pen and start doodling all over my high school notebook during class.

i went to Talby's school and had lunch with her today.
i have never done that with any of my kids…. do you?
it was so sweet.
i am hooked.
i promised to switch off once a month with both girls. 

annie came in the lunch room & gave me a huge hug with her cheeks bright pink from the cold air at recess
and a big kiss in front of all of talby's friends.

melts your heart kind of stuff. 



i have had three cups of YUMMY coffee today.


i love the Bob's sweet stripe peppermint sticks they sell at christmas.
i drop one in my coffee as it's brewing. (actually half is enough….)


i use my frother from my friend in my sweet little frothing cup.

and have the loveliest cup of peppermint coffee with foam.
it's so good! 

lauren got a job!!
she starts tonight…food service.
i am so happy for her to be getting a paycheck and learning about all that goes with "work"

what was your first high school job?
mine was pizza hut.
good times.



this was sent to me this morning and it fits with my happy post.

edith - Very nice purse, lots of room. I have that exact hat the black one with side buckles, my sister got it for me and then she got her self one, it’s cute!

Retro Jordan Shoes - love Bob’s peppermint sticks. I hoard them in December. 🙂
I”m on the hunt for a new purse too. I”m hoping for Kelly Green or Mustard. I’ll know it when i see it. 🙂
I so regret not having lunch with my kids at school when they were little. Such a simple thing with great lasting memories. It probably would have made a difference with my #1. 🙂

Karen - Babysitting. Then cleaning an office. Then A & W. (I learned the most there. Not all of it was good though.) 😉

Daniele Valois - That coffee, and fabric, look devine. I think I should go make a peppermint coffee now before I go run this evening! …my first non babysitting job was…AHHHh at KFC. I was 14 and lied and said I was 15 so I could work! I worked there for a whole year!

crystalbeutler - You are such a kindred spirit — love Bob’s peppermint sticks. I hoard them in December. 🙂
I”m on the hunt for a new purse too. I”m hoping for Kelly Green or Mustard. I’ll know it when i see it. 🙂
I so regret not having lunch with my kids at school when they were little. Such a simple thing with great lasting memories. It probably would have made a difference with my #1. 🙂

Heidi Jo the Artist - Love the sunset photo. One of the many things I miss about living on a farm…
Pretty purse, but I’m probably the most anti-buying stuff made in China gal you’ll ever know. 😉
Love happy mail and that coffee looks sounds so good!!
Awesome video, will have to show the kids that one!

Alice H - I have eaten lunch and breakfast with my kids quite a few times. I need to go do it with my older daughter (7th grader!) but I fear she may be too embarrased. More reason to do it, I guess. Haha!
Love that purse.
And starting a job as a teenager is so fun and scary at the same time. My first job other than babysitting was at a restaurant and I was a hostess.

Deb Meyers - washing dishes and waiting tables in a combination Japanese restaurant and Bait Shop –no kidding 🙂 — in a midwestern small town.
deb meyers

Dena - My first job was at Target!

Anessa - I had a dream about you and your family last night. You were all in a Target commercial an Talby sang in it. It was adorable! Dreams are so strange. I only know you through blog world yet you are appearing in my dreams:)

pam - Please bring Bob with you when you visit. 🙂 Those our favorite and we are missing them! haha.
That sunrise is breathtaking.

Shannon - gorg sunrise. awesome purse. i want one just like it. i can’t wait to go to the lunchroom with my boys. and my first job was as a lifeguard in our teeny tiny town at the teeny tiny pool. thanks for the happy!

D. Jean - Beautiful sunrise. Great post.

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Love happy posts! My first job was working at a preschool and I LOVED it! My son works in the food industry. He says people sure get grumpy when it’s regarding their food 🙂 Good luck to Lauren. I’m sure she will be great! LOVE Hillsong and that video is the best. I might use it on my blog 🙂 Happy rest of your weekend.

Sara - That sunrise picture makes me miss Kansas…First job? KU cafeteria…hair net. Also good times.

Heather - My first job was carhop! At a driveIn in our very small town in TN. I LOVED it. And secretly wish I could do that again. It was so fun.
I love having lunch with my 1st grader! Lots of parents are always there eating with their kids too. Have fun.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Oh, that sunrise is so beautiful.
My first job was Wendy’s. They gave great college scholarships!

Tracy - I serve lunch at my kids’ school twice a month! So FUN! I love getting to see their smiling faces midday. Sometimes I don’t tell them it’s my day so I can see their faces light up in surprise when they see me 😉

melissa@joyineveryseason - the rainbow colors on your blog make me happy :o) and YAY i love the video!!

beth - I did lunch and recess duty at my dad’s school (He was an elementary principal). Have a great weekend, Meg!

Georgia - I work at pizza hut as an evening job now! haha

Southern Gal - I was a waitress at a seafood restaurant when I was of hire-able age. I cleaned the beauty shop my mom worked at once a week when I was 11 until 13.
Love that bag and that fabric.

Meredith@count it all joy - Love your handbag Meg….it’s a happy bag. Glad you enjoyed the song, you’ve gotta love some banjo action:) Congrats to Lauren on her first job. Thanks for the peppermint coffee tip too – wow…so much to love in this post. Did I mention the fabric? Meredith xo

Breeanna @ a brilliant melody - I just realized I have that same gray hat in the picture with your purse 🙂

Breeanna @ a brilliant melody - My first job in high school was at Wendy’s to pay for a trip to Europe. Learned a lot working there. I had a happy day too. Thanks for sharing that video, it’s o beautiful!

Jessica - Tonight was her first night?! I would of never known!!! She was all smiles and really friendly! The only reason I recognized her was from your blog. Way to go Lauren! Keep up the good work! 🙂

Kayleigh - hi megan! i just wanted to start by saying that i came across your blog a few months ago and read the entire thing! i love all the stuff you do! you are an amazing person for the charity things you do and it makes me want to be a better person. also, you have the most beautiful kids! thanks for sharing all the wonderful things in your life! also, i saw this on pinterest and had to show you because i know how much you love rainbows!

Lindsey@ Piecefully Home - my first job was chick-fil-a 🙂
i love to have lunch with my kids at school! i feel like such a rock star! the little kids in the classes are always like “look there’s your mom,!” pointing me out, everybody is scrambling to sit with us. it doesn’t matter that i don’t know them, they just seem to love seeing moms visit. 🙂 i actually blogged recently about visiting my kids school.

Sarah - Meg, I just wanted to comment that Fat Free Half and Half isn’t what you think. It may be “fat free” but the composition of its ingredients make it so it turns to pure sugar in your body. You are better of getting the regular kind or believe it or not… cream. It is higher in fat yes, but it is also lower in sugar and carbs and atleast a little goes a very long way. Just wanted to share 🙂

Kim - I love happy days!
My first job (besides babysitting) was working at a rest home taking care of elderly people.

happygirl - First job, McDonalds. “may I help you?” LOVE the youtube. Thanks for sharing.

Kori - Gorgeous sunrise…kinda jealous you’re up early enough to see it. Kinda.
LOVED going to have lunch with my son…he asked often and I loved it!
My first job was Jack in the Box…HA! One of my first paychecks went toward a Michael Jackson concert ticket…so awesome!!
Good luck to Lauren on her new venture!!

Shann - Mine was Dairy Queen. I can still put a curly-que on top of a cone to this day! My paycheck went for gas for my car. We burned thru a lot of gas cruising around our very small town. I believe gas was like $1.25 a gallon. Five bucks and we were good for the night! 🙂
Can’t wait to see what you put in your Etsy shop with all that loveliness!

Wendy - My 1st job in high school & all though college was at a drug store … I loved it! I can still remember what I bought with my first pay check … photo albums for pictures!

Kristy - WOW! That is one gorgeous sunrise!
My first job was babysitting but my first official where I had to punch a timeclock and learn about Gross Pay and Net, was at a little girl’s boutique called Bishops For Girls. It was in our mall. The best part was decorating the many different sizes of acrylic boxes we sold with names and our signature flowers and polka dots…they were very popular for gifts.
You and your family are just adorable 🙂

shannon - I have gone to lunch once with my little one….but the smallest one started daycare twice a week today so I think maybe once a week or at least twice a month I will go have lunch with my oldest….she loves it! 😀 My first high school job was Baskin Robbins…totally loved it! Ummmm I ADORE that big pink bag!!!!! I want one! And…..where do you get one of those froth makers? more details on that coffee please!

Jen Brandt - school lunch with kiddos – my 1st grader has a severe peanut allergy and sits at a special peanut free table at school, so I went and had lunch with her on her birthday in September. Couldn’t bear the thought of her eating by herself on her special day!
1st job – softball and baseball umpire and babysitter. Great jobs with great pay!

molly - I try to go and eat lunch with my 2nd grader as often as I can….it’s as good for me as it is for her:) I teach (at a different building) so it can be kind of tough to get there but luckily our lunches are the same this year!

Darcie L. - Cashier at a car wash. Followed in the footsteps of my older brother, and got to work with him for a while. Great first job. Can’t wait to teach our kids about hard work too! Starting now (age 3) and officially in about 12 years!

Jen T. - My 16 year old daughter started her first job (also food service) last night! It’s so exciting to see them growing up and start earning some of their own money, but it’s also kind of scary too. My little girl is growing up and earning her own money! *gulp*
My first job was sweeping up hair at a salon.

Suzette - That coffee looks delicious. Thanks for the idea 😉

MaryLea @ pink and green mama - Love the sunrise and the pink purse! It’s perfect.
We have the same frother from Ikea but we call it the “fruffer” because that’s what the girls call it! : )
Lunch at school is the best, I drop in a couple of times a year to eat with E in the big cafeteria and visit C’s preschool class to do art with her friends and I always stick around for snack – so fun.
High school job was actually unpaid – I was a candy striper on the maternity ward at our local hospital for a few years – still have my awesome uniform! College was my first paycheck job – actually had three jobs, campus tour guide, art gallery docent and resident assistant.

Jodi - OH! thanks for the heads up on the song! I just downloaded it to my iphone. :o)

Jodi - my first job was at Roses. I don’t think they are around anymore!
I used to go eat with my daughter every Thanksgiving at school! loved it.
I <3 hawthornes threads. :o)

Lindsey Jo - good for lauren! my first job was sonic. i love sonic but working there was awful. i was the fountain girl and without fail i was sticky by the end of my shift. i quit as soon as i could!

Nikki - So glad I’ve stumbled upon your blog.That purse alone makes me smile!
My very first job was at Wendy’s. I even remember my boss’s name because it was kind of weird and she was pretty awful (making minors clock out before 11 but keep us working)Glad I didn’t stay there long!

Tricia - My first job was at Taco Gringo in Joplin, MO! I “got” to wear a dark brown polyester uniform that zipped up the front and a jaunty little tan bandana. I was always thrilled when my friends came by to see me in that particular outfit! 🙁

tiffany gardner - That sunrise would make anyone happy! I got to eat with my kids for the first time a couple of weeks ago…my son loved made my daughter sad when I had to go back home 🙁 My first job….Ken’s pizza!

Tracy H - Besides babysitting, my first job was at Nancy’s Fashion….I even got to work with your mom once in a while!!! I have to say, I really loved my first job….I worked there all through high school.
I love going to lunch with Reese….need to do it again…soon!

seriously sassy mama - My first job was a pharmacy tech at Kroger. Good times.

Leah - Dairy Queen. I can still dip a cone like the best of ’em!

Jill Jones - Meg, you’re just delightful. You make ME happy! I love having lunch with my son at school. It’s fun to pick up a burger first and let him eat GOOD lunch in front of his friends and I look like best mom ever! First job was at Shopko. My heart will always belong to that silly store. :o)

Shelly Werth - I love going to lunch with my boys! They love it to and all the kids think it is sooooo cool that thier mom is there…well they are only in 2nd and Kindergaten so I am still cool to them! haha My first job was wonderful McDonalds! 4 years of my life spent there…ahhh to be young again!

Chelsea in MO - My first job (which actually got me through high school and college) was a hostess at the local Steak and Ale restaurant. I worked there till the Wednesday of the week before I started my first full-time job out of college. Which I still have today. Guess I am not one for much change! : ) I did meet and marry my husband while I worked at that restaurant!! He was a server ; ) ahhh, the memories. Have a good day!

Holly - mine was at a grocery store! Have a great weekend meg!

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